Chapter 30
Branch takes the boys out for a night of fun.
Branch, Hickory, Gust, and Trollex went back to the condo as they went in.
''So, Branch what do you have planned for tonight?'' Asked Gust smirking.
''Honestly, I thought maybe going out to a couple of clubs dancing, drinking, and then coming back here and playing games or a drink contest.'' Branch listed off.
Hickory looked thoughtful. ''Ok let's go out. It will be fun. And you're talking about a strip club right Branch?''
''Yeah, let's do that.'' He said as he went to the bedroom and took off his clothes getting dressed into something suitable.
They all got into the truck as Branch drove and they arrived ata club and was the bouncer. ''Hey Xander.'' Branch nodded.
''Branch, where's that cutie girl of yours?'' Asked the yellow buff troll.
''She at a batchlorette party so I'm here with the boys.'' Branch replied.
''Alright come in.'' Xander let them in.
''You know him huh?'' Trollex asked.
''Yeah, me and Poppy sometimes come here.'' Branch replied.
They went in and saw strobe lights and Branch looked at them. ''Find a seat while I get us drinks.''
The boys found a booth to sit as they looked around. ''So, much for a strip club.'' Gust replied.
Branch came back with the drinks and looks at them. ''This isn't the end, follow me.''
They followed Branch and came to the back area for V.I.P.S and they saw girls dancing and giving lap dances.
They came to a spot and Branch looked at them. ''Alright I got this booked for a couple hours, drinks and girls are endless.'' Branch winked as he grabbed his drink.
Hickory was dressed in a western dress shirt with his buttons undone, Gust was in his vest and tight pants, Trollex was just himself. Branch was wearing his favorite blue button up shirt only about 4 of his buttons were undone showing off his chest and he was wearing black pants and he saw the guys sitting and Hickory watched a couple girls dance.
One was showing off her body and Trollex was on a couch with 3 girls around him kissing him and stroking his chest. Gust was getting a lap dance.
Branch was pushed into a chair as a couple of female trolls were rubbing his shoulders and one was in front of him and started dancing on his lap and he gulps, not sure how to feel he got another drink.
''Take it easy, you're a bit tense.'' One whispered in the blue troll's ear.
The lights went off and then a stage light was on as 4 different female trolls came on the stage and started dancing and taking off their clothes.
One had a mask on and only a thong and bra and a section slid up blocking the boys view of each other making it intense.
Branch gulps as he sees his mysterious troll dancing and moves down as she walks around the chair the song Trouble was playing.
The female troll slowly climbs in his lap and starts grinding on him as she undoes more of his buttons, and she leans in.
Branch gulps as he feels the troll grind on his crotch, and he liked it thinking he should try to get Poppy to do this bus since she wasn't here, he was getting uncomfortable and was about to say something when a voice stopped him.
''Are you enjoying this?'' The troll leans in and was about to kiss his cheek.
His eyes snapped opened and he shoved then troll off of him and backed up shocked as he ripped the mask off to see that's right Mia who grins.
''What the hell? Go away! I'm done.'' Branch said getting up.
''Come on Branch, you paid for it besides you were enjoying yourself and I'm not going to kiss you, or anything just dance on you.'' She replied grabbing his hand.
''How did you know we'd be here and how the hell did you get in here?'' He asked upset.
''Because I heard you and I wanted to see you, come on one night please I need this and you.'' She replied.
''What about Trollex?'' Asked Branch.
''I'll see him tonight. Please, one dance you owe me that.'' She replies.
''I don't own you anything, get the hell away from me. If I catch you trying something like this again to me, I will fire you.'' He warned.
''And tell Poppy? Yeah, I'm not sure how happy she'll be to find out you've been lying to her.'' Mia shot back.
He grabbed Mia by the arm and looked at her sighing. ''We can't. My mind and body is pushing every hot girl that is here. You don't want to mess up again right, go to Trollex, he loves you and is taken.'' Branch replies.
He got up and lightly shoves her to Trollex's area and walks out of the area as he pants and leans against the wall.
An hour later the guys came out and Branch looked at them with a grin.
''How was that?'' He asked.
''The best!'' Gust smiled.
''Hey guy look who I found!'' Trollex replied as he had Mia in his arms.
The boys minus Branch looked surprised.
''Hot dog!'' Hickory grins.
''I'm gonna head back to her place have a good night's boys.'' Trollex replied.
Mia looked back at Branch who didn't even look her way. She was hurt and felt unloved, she was pretty much naked, and Branch turned her down, she felt like a failure and was upset but happy that she had Trollex.
Later Branch drove them to his place and once inside he shuts the door.
''What should we do now?'' He asked.
''You got more to drink?'' Asked Gust.
''Yeah, help yourself.'' Branch replied as he went over to Hickory.
''How was that?'' He asked grinning.
''Fun, Delta does better but it was fun.'' Hickory winked as Gust came back with bottles.
The boys all sat on the ground as Branch turned on the tv.
''Boy out of all of us Trollex is going to get laid tonight.'' Hickory laughed.
Gust laughed and Branch gave a half smile.
''Breaking news, apparently Creek Peacemaker was causing trouble at the Country Club Tavern earlier tonight. Sources say a pink troll known as his ex-wife Poppy bumped into him and she shoved him as he tried to kiss her, and a brave country troll grabs him by the shirt which we found out is Delta Dawn one of the girls who were his victim, and she gave him a beat down before he was escorted out.'' The reporter said.
''Yeah, this is not a good look for Mr. Peacemaker.'' The female reporter replied as they showed the clip.
The boys were shocked, and Branch felt his blood boil at the sight of Creek holding Poppy close to him and she seemed scared and uncomfortable.
''I'LL KILL HIM FOR THAT!'' Branch shouted standing up and almost falling over.
''Dang look at my mom!'' Gust smirked.
''Yep, that's my girl, Branch get a grip. Nothing happened. Delta and Holly were there, and they are probably back home.'' Hickory replied.
Branch pulls out his phone and turned on the find my phone and saw Poppy's was at Delta's place and he sighed.
''I'm gonna track him down. How dare he touch her!'' Branch shouted hating that it wasn't his night.
''Tomorrow bud, we'll go take a ride back to where he lives and mess with him.'' Hickory replied.
Sometime later around 2 the boys passed out. Branch couldn't sleep as he finally woke up a couple hours later and he grabbed a bat and his pocketknife as he left getting into his car and driving to pay a little visit to a certain purple troll.
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