Chapter 25
Poppy spends the evening with BroZone and has a heart to heart with a couple of the brothers.
Poppy was enjoying herself as she looked at baby pictures of Branch. She smiles and laughs and listens to stories his brothers were telling her.
''Aww he is so cute and Bitty B?" She giggles.
''Yep! The baby and the sweetest one out of all of us.'' Clay said.
Bruce and Brandy came over with food for them.
''Here we go we got nachos, fries, burgers, got squid fish jelly sliders, and I can make you drinks over here.'' Bruce called out giving them the food.
Poppy was impressed looking at it. ''Woah it looks amazing!'' She giggles.
''It's the best try some.'' Floyd replied giving her a fry as she ate it.
''That is amazing!'' She smiles enjoying it.
The trolls' brothers were eating along with Brandy and later they finished.
''Oh, um I got something to ask you guys.'' Poppy replied.
They looked at her.
''Ask away Poppyseed.'' John Dory smiled.
''Can you sing a song please? I would love to hear it in troll.'' She asked blushing.
''Hear that boys, our sister-in-law wants a song.'' Clay smiles as he did the rusty robot.
Poppy blushes at that and felt her heart soar at that and she sat as the BroZone went up on stage and started singing Perfect.
Poppy giggles and jumps up and down joining the other muppets as they danced and had fun as John Dory and Bruce pulled Poppy up as she was singing not aware she was being recorded.
'The sky was the limit, now the stars where we livin'
Its the vibe when we're in it, It'll blow your mind!
She started singing loudly and with a beautiful voice causing BroZone to smile as she danced getting into it.
'ITS SO PERFECT, PERFECT, PERFECT!' They all sang and danced and posed!
The brothers gathered around Poppy.
''You got the voice!'' Bruce cheered.
''Yeah! Woah that's a beautiful voice.'' Floyd praised.
''Branch is one lucky troll!'' John Dory smiled.
Poppy and the others had drinks as they drank and clinked glasses.
They were all talking and enjoying themselves. Later that night Poppy was outside sitting on the sand looking out at the water as she had her passionfruit smoothie as she was thinking of Branch.
''So, how are you enjoying yourself?'' Asked John Dory who came over and sat next to Poppy.
''It's great here! I haven't had this much fun in I don't know how long.'' Poppy smiles sitting back.
''Hey guys.'' Bruce came over and sat next to them.
''Hey Spruce!'' Poppy greeted.
''So, what are you two talking about?'' Asked Spruce.
''I was just asking her why she is out here?'' Asked John Dory looking at her.
''I'm enjoying all of this. It's been a while since I've gotten out.'' She replied.
The older troll laid back and looked at his brother who was on the other side of her. ''I hear that, but you seem down.'' John Dory pointed out as Spruce nodded.
''I'm no expert but for a girl who is getting married you sure haven't talked about the wedding or about Branch. You look down and sigh quietly when Branch's name is mentioned.'' Bruce mentioned.
Poppy sighed. ''I'm just thinking is all. So recently me and Branch got a new CEO partner and it's a girl named Mia Clark. She great but the big problem is she is Branch's ex-girlfriend, and I don't think they are being truthful about how and why they broke up.'' She replied sighing.
''So, the ex is back huh? Are you worried Branch is going to cheat on you?'' Asked John Dory looking concerned.
''No, I mean not him. I'm worried that Mia will try something that will make Branch realize he still has feelings for her, and they are leaving something big out about their past relationship I can feel it.'' Poppy sighed feeling horrible she was even thinking of this.
She loved Branch and she trusted him, but thinks can and will happen.
''Hey take it easy. We heard the story you told us. You were lovers and you were forced to get married and when you and Branch met up again the feeling was still there, and he went after you never giving up.'' John Dory said.
''Poppy, take it from me, I've been married for 12 years, and whenever I look at Brandy, I get that warm feeling that I felt all those years when we first met, and it feels like I'm falling in love all over again.'' Bruce smiled.
Poppy smiles. ''How sweet.''
''Poppy, Branch loves you and when he loves something he never let's go, I promised Clay I'd play chess with him.'' John Dory got up leaving them alone.
It was quiet between Spruce and Poppy. ''You know... nobody knows this but, sometime ago maybe a year of dating me and Brandy got into a big fight, and we decided to take a break from dating, so we were broken up for about a month...'' Bruce replied with a somber face.
Poppy was quiet and looked at him. ''And you know what, being apart from her, it made me feel like I was missing something, and I tried to move on you know forgetting about Brandy but everything I did I was always thinking of her, but I was stubborn and didn't want to apologize to her. But as the days went on, I missed her a lot, more then I thought I would. So finally, I call her, and we sit down and talk, and we realized we were stupid for fighting about our size difference. See guys were hitting on her and it made me feel insecure and when we met back up, I felt my heart leap for joy, and I fell in love with her all over again. Sure, we still fight but its natural in a relationship and getting jealous is another part of a relationship. But what matters is working through it.'' He said.
Poppy smiled. ''Sounds similar to me and Branch, he's always looking at me like he's in love and treats me for me and not because of anything else.'' Poppy admitted.
''You two were apart for years and when you met back up the spark was still there. That right there proves you are soulmates and meant to be. I doubt Branch would go back to this Mia girl. He had every chance in the world to fix whatever happened between them but he went for you means he loves you. But the point is even though we were apart we never stopped loving each other.'' Bruce replied.
''It's not Branch I'm worried about, I'm worried about Mia and her trying to take him back. I've been married and got cheated on, I think the only reason I didn't care was because I had Branch and it helped me out a lot but if something happens between Branch and Mia I-I don't think I can take it.'' She said trying not to cry.
Spruce sighed and pulled her in for a side hug as she hugs back holding back tears. ''There, there its ok.''
''Why, am I not attractive for guys! My ex-husband cheated on me because some girl was more fun and adventurous and made eyes at him.
''Poppy listen to me. I'm a guy and not all guys are like that. If Branch is anything like me and our brothers, he will never leave you or cheat on you. If anything happens you let me know and I'll go beat up Branch myself so will John Dory and Clay and probably Floyd.'' Bruce smiled.
''Thanks, and Brandy is very lucky.'' Poppy says resting her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder pulling her close.
''Yeah, we are. And the same for you and Branch and I can't wait for the wedding.'' Spruce replied.
''I might need someone to walk me down the aisle... not sure my dad will show up but that is something different.'' She shrugged.
''Well, I won't ask but if you need to, I'd be more then happy to give my sister-in-law away.'' He smiled.
She giggles and stands up. ''I'm going to go to bed.'' She replied.
''Yeah, it is getting late, I'll take you to your room.'' He replied as he turned on his knee. ''Hop on.'' Spruce winked.
Poppy jumped on his back as he took her to her room.
Once in bed Poppy was looking up at the ceiling thinking about Branch.
It transitioned to Branch laying in the recliner looking up at the ceiling thinking of Poppy and missing her.
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