Chapter 24
Poppy meets BroZone and enjoys a night there.
Poppy drove for a few hours and came to a city called Paradise and drove through the city looking around and was impressed. She placed the address of where Spruce lived in her phone, and it took her to a parking area, and she stopped and got out and was blown away by the island beach and the big looking sandcastle.
''Woah.'' She was impressed as she got out of her car locking it and took off to the beach island.
She looked and saw a lot of trolls and tall muppet characters and she walks around looking to see kids playing in the sand, trolls and Muppets singing, and she saw a lot of small stall shops she went over to one muppet who was serving drinks.
''Hey um do you know where I can find Spruce?'' Asked Poppy.
''Oh sure, I'm his wife Brandy.'' The female muppet said.
Poppy's eyes widened and smiled. ''Oh, I heard he was married. I'm Poppy soon to be an in-law to the BroZone.'' Poppy said.
''Oh, Poppy Branch's girl yes, so you see that bar over there?'' She asked.
''Yeah.'' Poppy replied.
''You'll see the brothers there and they are excited to meet you. Actually, I'll come with you'' Brandy smiled.
''I can't wait, and yes please, Brandy.'' Poppy smiled as she went to the bar lounge.
She saw a restaurant/bar and they went through a doorway and saw a private lounge area where trolls could go, and Poppy looked around and saw 4 blue trolls and she knew who they were.
''Hey guys.'' She called.
An older looking troll with goggles on his head looked over and smiles widely and goes over.
''Well, well we finally get to meet Bitty B's girl!'' He shouted going over and picking her up in a hug.
Poppy giggles and hugs back as John Dory picks her up carrying her over to the others.
''LOOK IT'S POPPYSEED!'' John shouted placing Poppy on the ground as the other bros came over.
Poppy saw a tall blue troll with green hair, a big round troll with purple handsome hair, and a cute blue troll with pink hair who looked shy.
''Let me guess. Clay the fun boy, Floyd the sensitive one, Spruce the heartthrob, and John Dory the old leader!'' Poppy gushed at them.
John Dory had a seriously face, the others laughed and went over.
''So, your who our baby brother picked, it's a pleasure to meet you.'' Spruce said kissing her hand as he sat on the couch with Brandy next to him.
''Thank you.'' She giggles.
''We were surprised to get your message.'' Floyd said patting a spot next to him on the couch.
''Yeah, well I just though I have a lot of friends coming to the wedding and hardly anyone of Branch's friends or family is going so I found out about you guys and knew you had to come. Poor Rosiepuff died so that leaves you guys.'' Poppy said.
The brothers looked sad. ''I didn't know.'' John Dory said.
''Didn't any of you keep up with Branch and your grandma?'' Asked Poppy looking at them.
''No, we left a long time ago and went our separate ways leaving Branch with grandma.'' Spruce said.
''I see.'' She said.
''So, let's hear more about you, I'm interested in how you and Branch met.'' John Dory said sitting on one of the chairs as the brothers were around her.
''Well, me and Branch were friends since we were little in elementary school, and we always were hanging out and we were close in middle school then when we were freshmen in high school, he asked me out. We were inseparable always doing things together and we were known as the cutest couple.'' She pulled out a picture of them by their tree with his arm around her kissing her cheek.
The brother passed it around. John Dory and Spruce had a smirk on their face, Clay grins, Floyd looked ready to cry.
''Then Rosiepuff got sick, and Branch was working a small local job a the skating rink and then I found out my dad had talked to Creek Peacemaker a troll who was jealous of me, and Branch and he suddenly told me I was going to marry Creek and they kept me away from Branch... It was sad because Branch was going to propose to me, and I guess it was my dad who told Branch I was getting married, and he left with his grandma... I never got to see him if I had I would have run away with Branch.'' Poppy sighed.
Spruce rubs her back. ''But your together now so it worked out in the end, right?''
''Wait is this the same Creek Peacemaker I've seen on the news who is being charged for sexually assaulting woman at his Yoga thing?'' Asked Clay.
''Yes, and me and Creek were married, and it was a nightmare... then a couple years ago me and Branch met at a coffee shop after he moved to Troll Boston, and we felt the spark that had been there for years, and we started a love affair.'' Poppy replied blushing.
John Dory spit out his drink, as Clay turned red, Floyd was wide eyed, and Spruce looked shocked Brandy looked a bit sad for Poppy.
''What?'' Asked Poppy feeling worried.
''It's just... it's not like Branch to do something like that.'' Floyd said.
''You must have been someone very special for him to do that.'' John Dory said.
''Well, Creek was sleeping with other girls while me and him were married. We'd be in the middle of sex, and he would get a call and leave just like that. And he always left me, and thanks to a couple of Branch's friends they got proof Creek was cheating on me. I went to get the papers for divorce, and he was in the kitchen with a female troll and he was going to pay her to go away with their child.'' Poppy said feeling anger inside of her.
Brandy gulps and looked sad.
''I mean Branch got a job offer as a CEO of the Bank Branch's and wanted me to go with. He was going to turn it down since I couldn't go but it worked out in the end and now, we are living together running a company and are getting married.'' Poppy replied.
''Well, I for one think you deserve a hug.'' Brandy said hugging Poppy.
''Thanks, and all of you are going to be at the wedding.'' She nodded.
''Of course, it's not every day our little brother gets married.'' Clay said.
John Dory was studying Poppy and had a feeling something was missing.
''Anyway, welcome and please stay for a bit.'' Spruce said.
''If you don't mind only today and tomorrow then I'll be off. I'm on my way to a bachelorette party to the troll who helped me proof Creek was cheating.'' Poppy said.
''Ahh yes Delta Dawn, I know of her.'' John Dory said.
''Well now that you are here enjoy relax. I will make you something to eat.'' Brandy replied.
Poppy smiles feeling happy, but she did miss Branch and hoped that he was ok.
Part 2 coming...
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