Chapter 22
There is a party for Ryan, Mia flirts with Branch and Poppy confronts Mia.
Branch looked up and smiled when he saw Ryan and Mia.
''HEY RYAN!'' Shouted Branch as he went over to the troll.
''Hey Branch! Is this really all for me?'' Asked Ryan.
''Of course. We've been partners for 2 years; this is the least me and Poppy can do.'' Branch smiled.
''Ryan!'' Poppy smiles going over and hugging him.
He hugged her back. ''Hey PopSqueak.'' He joked at the nickname.
''We are going to miss you.'' Poppy gushed.
Mia came over standing next to Branch. ''Well, I hope I can live up to Ryan's standards?'' She joked she joked wrapping an arm around Branch's shoulder.
''Of course you can. He trained you and you got me and Poppy to help you.'' Branch smiled at her giving her a side hug.
Mia smiles happily and looked at the pink troll. Poppy saw this but said nothing, she wasn't too fond of Mia touching Branch, but it was just a side hug she had done that to Ryan plenty of times.
''You'll do just fine Mia besides Branch here is the best at what he does.'' Ryan complimented Branch.
''Well, I had help from Poppy.'' Branch smiles at her.
He then went to get some coffee and stopped when he saw they were out. ''I'm gonna go make more coffee.'' Branch said going to the breakroom.
Mia watched him go and saw Poppy was talking with others and she snuck out of the room and went to the breakroom and saw Branch with his back to her working on the coffee. He looked so handsome, and she bit her lip.
''Need any help?'' She asked smiling going in.
''No, it's just coffee.'' Branch said looking at her.
''You know I haven't told anyone this, but I feel nervous, and I know coming to talk to you always helped my nervousness.'' She answered moving closer playing with her fingers.
''What's there to be nervous about?'' Asked Branch turning around leaning on the counter looking at her.
''Well, I mean I know I had Ryan training me and you as well, but I don't know what if I mess up?'' She asked standing in front of him.
''Mia, we all mess up from here to there, want to know something? Poppy was pretty hesitant to be my partner, afraid she would mess up, but she hasn't. You got me and Poppy to help you and with big decisions we work together on it.'' Branch said looking at her placing a hand on her shoulder reassuringly.
Mia smiles and goes over and jumps in his arms hugging him. ''Thank you Branch! You're the best.'' She smiles hugging him.
Branch nods caught off guard by this but hugs her back. Poppy went to go to the bathroom and passed the breakroom and saw them hugging and she gulped and watched to see what would happen.
She loved and trusted Branch but she wasn't so sure about Mia. Branch pulled away and grabbed the coffee going back to the conference room.
''Are you coming Mia?''
''Yeah, but first using the bathroom.'' She said going to the restroom.
Inside Poppy was cleaning her face and sighing. She shouldn't be bothered by a hug, but the way Mia hung to Branch made her sad and worried.
Mia came in and saw Poppy. ''Hey Poppy.'' She went into one of the stalls.
''Hey Mia.'' Poppy sighed.
Poppy was debating whether or not to confront Mia about her intentions with Branch. She didn't want to come off as jealous if it was nothing.
Mia finished and came out to the sink.
''Mia, we need to talk.'' Poppy said.
The troll looked at Poppy nodding. ''Ok, what's up?''
''Mia, what are your intentions with Branch?'' Asked Poppy looking at the ex.
Mia looked at her. ''Intentions? Just working with him and you. Can I ask why?''
''Look, I know you and Branch had history back in the day, and I just want to make sure that I'm not being paranoid and you're not here to try to win Branch back.'' Poppy said staring at him.
''Of course, not Poppy, see yes me and Branch were together, but he left me and is with you. I like you Poppy and I like Branch as well, are you upset because I hug him or joke with him?'' She asked.
''No, I just want to make sure... most of my friends I thought were my friends were sleeping around with my ex while we were together and didn't tell me anything, so forgive my skepticism.'' Poppy explained.
Mia felt bad for Poppy and thought to what Creek said. ''I understand I would feel the same way Poppy, but there is nothing between me and Branch...'' She shrugged.
Poppy nodded as they left to go to the party, Mia smirks and knew it was working Poppy was starting to doubt and that is all Mia needed. Branch smiled when he saw Mia and Poppy talking, he was happy they were getting along and seemed to like each other.
That evening Broppy had gone home Branch was working on some reports at the table and Poppy was watching tv when her phone went off.
''Hey Delta!'' Poppy greeted happily.
''Hey Poppy.'' Delta greeted.
''What's up?'' Asked Poppy.
''Well, I'm planning on my bachelorette party here next Friday evening and I wanted to invite you.'' Delta said sitting back in the tub relaxing.
''Ok sounds great!'' Poppy said trying to be happy about it.
Her mind was racing her being gone means that Mia could come over and try to win Branch over.
''What's wrong sweetheart?'' Asked Delta sensing something was off.
''I would love to but um.'' She looked over at Branch deep into the reports. ''I'm not sure it's a good idea for me to leave.'' She sighed.
''Why is Creek back or something?'' Asked Delta concerned.
''No, it's not that.'' Poppy bit her lip.
''Oh, you're worried about Mia, right?'' Delta guessed.
Poppy stood up walking to the bedroom. ''Yes, I might be overacting but I saw Branch and Mia in the breakroom hugging... I mean I get it but the way she was hugging him seemed more then just a friendly hug.'' Poppy paced.
''Oh honey.'' Delta said wondering if Hickory knew of Branch and Mia. ''How about you invite her to my party as well? So that way we can both keep an eye on her, and you can be sure nothing happens.'' Delta suggested.
''Are you sure?'' Asked Poppy.
''Yes, invite her it will be fun, we can get to know her better.'' Delta replied as she saw Hickory come in naked.
''Alright I will, when should we be there?'' Asked Poppy.
''I'll come and get you, and drop Hickory off, since Branch is busy Hickory is going to do his there so Branch can be a part of it.'' Delta explained.
''Cool! Should I tell Branch?'' Asked Poppy.
''Um nah keep it a surprise.'' Delta breathed as she felt Hickory kiss her neck.
''But I got to go have a great night.'' Poppy replied.
''Yeah, good night.'' Delta hung up and wraps her arms around Hickory as he got in with her.
Poppy went out and over to Branch hugging him from behind.
''Hey Poppy. Who was that?'' He asked.
''Delta inviting me and Mia to her party next Friday.'' She replied.
''Bachelorette I take it?'' He guessed with a smirk.
''Yes.'' She kisses his cheek as one of his hand's rests on her arm.
Poppy smiles but was worried.
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