Chapter 17
Poppy and Mia spend the day working together and getting to know each other better.
The next morning Branch rolled on his side to wrap his arms around Poppy, but he felt her side of the bed empty and woke up looking around. ''Poppy?'' He called and saw the time as his eyes widen as he jumped out of bed and grabbed his clothes putting them on as he went into the kitchen and saw Poppy at the counter all dressed and ready. He had his pants on and working on his shirt.
''Morning Branch.'' She said looking up.
''Morning beautiful, Poppy do you know what time it is?'' He asked trying not to freak out.
''Yeah, time for you to relax and take it easy.'' She said going over and stopping him.
He looked at her. ''What?''
''You are taking the day off to recover, you traveled all yesterday and are exhausted, I'm going in to take over for the day.'' She answered going over and sealing up an envelope.
Branch then noticed the piles of cards and went over. ''As sweet as it is. I need to go in and give the report to the others.'' He said.
''I went over them last night and I got it.'' Poppy said smiling.
''If you're sure.'' Branch smiled and wrapped his arms around her.
''I am.'' She smiles and turns her head to kiss him on the lips.
He kisses her back deeply as his hands rub her back and they pull out of it. ''So, what exactly are these?'' He asked looking at the cards.
''Invites to the wedding, I got most of my family and our friends. These are the invites that I finished, and I will drop them off at the post office before work and if you can work on about 15 of those invites and mail them later if you can.'' Poppy said going over to the kitchen bar and showing him a piece of paper. ''These are the ones that still need to be sealed and the addresses are right here for those trolls so that is all, coffee is brewing and yeah that's it honey.'' She smiles and kisses his cheek as she grabbed a bagel and his brief bag and took off. ''Have a great day!'' She called.
Branch watched and smiled shaking his head. ''He really did get lucky with having Poppy.''
Poppy stopped at the post office and dropped off the invites and drove to work singing 'Perfect.' She was excited to meet Branch's brothers that she had discovered and found when Delta was around, and she drove to work.
''So, Poppy I found this pop band and they are pretty good you should listen to them.'' Delta said the second night of staying there.
Poppy looks at it. ''BroZone?''
''Yeah, very popular back in the day, me and the leader John Dory are the same age.'' Delta gushed.
They listened to the song perfect, and Poppy loved it.
''So, who are these guys?'' She asked.
''Well, that boy is known as John Dory the leader, Spruce the heartthrob, Clay the fun one, Floyd the sensitive one, and Bitty B.'' Delta said.
Poppy stared at them. ''Bitty B looks familiar.''
Delta looked up. ''Oh? Someone you know?''
''Maybe give me a minute.'' Poppy said getting up and bringing up old photos of baby Branch and sure enough he looked like the baby.
''No way! Branch is Bitty B!'' Shouted the girls together laughing.
''You were dating and are now engaged to Bitty B from BroZone himself!'' Delta squealed.
Both girls started jumping around and hugging each other.
Flashback over...
Poppy smiles as she made it to the building.
Branch then got himself some coffee and looked at the invites. He smiled at the fond and the way Poppy took care to make it look beautiful. He started working on the rest of the invites and after working on a couple of them he saw one that was addressed to her dad.
Branch froze and sat back sighing and ran his hands through his hair. He knew Peppy hadn't spoken to Poppy since she and him got together, sure their relationship wasn't strong when he forced Poppy to marry Creek, but him getting with Poppy broke what was left of the father and daughter relationship. He felt bad but not sorry.
He decided to handle this situation and he was going for a small drive after he finished the invites. It was a talk that should have been done some time ago.
Meanwhile at the office Poppy went inside and up to her and Branch's office setting her stuff down and saw Mia come over.
''Ok Branch, so I was thinking I'd help give the reports.'' Mia said walking into the office and stopped when she saw Poppy.
''Hey Poppy.'' Mia said with a smile.
''Hey Mia! Great to see you. I thought you'd taken the day off?'' Asked Poppy looking at her.
''No, I wasn't aware I could.'' She shrugged as she went sat on the chair.
''Well, isn't Ryan here?'' Asked Poppy looking around.
''No, he's busy packing and said if I need help call.'' She rolls her eyes.
''Sounds like Ryan.'' Poppy joked.
''So, what Branch took the day off?'' Asked Mia a bit disappointed Branch wasn't there but this meant she could get to know Poppy and maybe mess with her a bit.
''Yeah, well I made him take the day off I mean, you guys traveled all day and are probably exhausted. Call Ryan and tell him to get here and then you can go home and rest.'' Poppy said as she pulls out the reports.
''Are you kidding me? If you can do I can, besides it's nice to spend time together.'' Mia said.
Poppy nodded. ''Ok then, I went over the reports last night, so I'm caught up and here as you request, I'll let you take the reins on this one.'' Poppy smiled at Mia giving her the reports.
''Thanks, we got to meet with the others in 5 minutes.'' Mia said.
''Got it.'' Poppy looked at the schedule to see what they had going on.
''Nice hickie I take it Branch gave it to you?'' Asked Mia teasingly grabbing a paper.
''Yeah, he was so happy to see me he couldn't keep his hands off of me.'' Poppy replied seeing that Mia looked a bit sad.
While they were going over the schedule Mia looks up and sighed.
''I don't see why we don't have a receptionist to do all of this.'' Mia said sitting in the guest chair in the office.
''Well I fill in as a receptionist sometimes as well.'' Poppy replied.
Later they went into a meeting and sat down, and Poppy watched Mia give an account and report to the founders of the banks. Poppy watched and nodded. She was impressed by the way Mia handled it and later they left the conference room.
''You did great!'' Poppy said praising as she placed her arm around Mia's neck.
''Thanks, not that hard.'' Mia grins wrapping her arm around Poppy.
They went into Mia's office and Poppy looks around. ''Dang nice office.''
''Thanks, not done just yet but it's getting there.'' Mia said sitting in her office chair.
Poppy looked around and saw pictures of Mia and a couple of older trolls who she assumed was Mia's parents. One of her and Trollex back in college, another one on her desk of her, Branch, and Rosie puff. But what got Poppy was the picture of Mia and Branch arms around each other as they were sharing a deep kiss and it was sitting on Mia's desk in the back.
Poppy gulps and felt jealous again, trying to fight back the urge to fire Mia. Poppy didn't like the way she was turning out to be, she never got jealous of anybody but why was Ma pushing it by doing nothing.
''This still looks nice in here. Oh well hey you hungry? I got some menus for takeout.'' Poppy pulled out some menus.
Mia grins and placed a couple herself on her desk. ''Same.'' She grins and she noticed Poppy looked flustered and a bit sad and Mia smirked on the inside knowing Poppy saw the picture.
They look over the menu and end up ordering burgers, fries, and a cola as they sit in Mia's office.
''So, Branch told me you and Trollex were a thing back in the day.'' Poppy wanted to know more as she saw the picture.
''Yeah, we were in college, and it was the best time of my life.'' She smiles.
''So, what happened between you two?'' Asked Poppy.
''Well, I graduated from College as a Home Heath aid and Trollex convinced me to take up banking and well I moved away, and we broke up.'' She said.
''Woah, that's got to be hard. Also, you took care of Rosiepuff which is how you met Branch right?'' Asked Poppy.
Mia looks at Poppy and was pretty tempted to be honest, but she did promise Branch. ''Well, yes, I did. My main thing was taking care of Rosiepuff but it was Branch who hired me. Why what did Branch say?'' Asked a curious Mia.
''Oh, he said you guys went out for a couple dates but nothing serious came of you two, you were just the troll he needed when Rosiepuff passed away.'' Poppy said trying not to be bitter thinking of Mia and Branch in bed together feeling hurt it was more serious then Branch let on.
Mia was a bit hurt by the fact Branch said they weren't serious. ''Well, he's right we went on a couple of dates and slept together a few times but yeah, I was mostly there for support and then I met Martin my now ex but was still there for Branch.'' Mia said not liking the lie but didn't want Branch to hate her in case things went south with Poppy.
Poppy nodded. ''And Martin was ok with you hanging out with Branch?''
''Yeah, well he was away overseas, so yeah but I was so happy when he got back.'' Mia said.
''So, can I ask why you and Martin broke up?'' Asked Poppy.
''He found out months later that I had an affair with another troll, and he was upset about it and so he deployed to go overseas again, and I moved out and in with the troll I had the affair with.'' She said.
Poppy was thinking and was very curious and wondered if there was more to Mia and Branch then neither went on, even though the story was the same, but she ignored it.
''And before you get any ideas no it wasn't Branch it was someone completely different besides Branch had already moved away.'' Mia said as she finished her food.
Poppy finished her and stood up. ''I got paperwork to do so I'll be in the other room.'' Poppy smiled leaving and sat at the desk thinking about the story Mia told her.
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