Chapter 11
Poppy and Delta try on wedding dress, Branch and Mia go out drinking, and Poppy sees a familiar unwelcoming face.
''Say Poppy what about this one?'' Asked Delta coming out in an off the shoulder beaded dress.
''Hm, not bad, try the next one.'' Poppy said watching.
Delta put on the next one that was modest yet simple. ''I feel like this is the dress.'' The country troll said.
''You think?'' She smiled blushing.
''Yep, Hickory is going to be stunned.'' Poppy said.
Delta admired herself and nodded. ''This is the keeper.''
She took it off and she paid for it.
''Alright Poppy, it's your turn to find a dress.'' Delta giggles.
''You know it!'' Poppy went to an area where she had been looking at dresses that she wanted.
Poppy tried on 5 dresses and frowned. ''What's wrong sugar?'' Asked Delta.
''None of these dresses work.'' She sighed.
''What type of dress are you looking for?'' Asked Delta.
''A unique one.'' She said sadly.
''Any type or a certain one?'' Asked Delta.
''One that stands out, that screams beautiful.'' Poppy said.
''Darling you are beautiful.'' Delta said.
Poppy nodded but gulped she saw Mia with only a towel on and she was pretty good looking. ''I know.''
''Don't worry you'll have plenty of time to find a dress. Say let's go back and get dressed up and go get some drinks.'' Delta suggested.
''Perfect idea, you read my mind.'' Poppy said as she and Delta left and went back home.
Once at home they got dressed as Poppy took a quick shower and when she got out, she looked at herself and sighed but went to get her clothes. She was wearing a blue and white button up flannel and a blue knee length skirt as she puts her hair up in a messy bun.
Delta was wearing a yellow and white flannel shirt and blue jeans as Poppy came out.
''You look adorable.'' Delta cooed.
''Thanks, you look good too.'' Poppy complimented.
''Why thank you Hehe.'' Delta said.
''Selfie time!'' Shouted Poppy happily as she snapped a picture of her, and Delta and she sent it to Delta and to Branch as they left.
Branch and Mia were at a bar a block away from the hotel and Mia was flirting with guys getting free drinks and Branch was drinking a beer and was sitting at a table in the corner watching everyone and Mia.
He heard his phone go off and he looked to see it was a photo from Poppy he was about to open it when Mia plopped in the seat across from him.
He looked up and chuckled. ''Drunk yet?''
''Nope, just a bit tipsy, these guys won't let up on the drinks.'' She giggles finishing off a drink.
''Well, the way you flirt and throw yourself at guys is it any wonder.'' Branch pointed out.
''I can't help it they are cute, and some are single.'' She looked at one handsome troll and winked as he grins.
''I think you better stop Mia. We have work in the morning and a hangover is not a good idea.'' Branch suggested.
''Oh, come on the night is young besides I want you to get tipsy as well. We used to get drunk, and it was a lot of fun.'' She giggles as her foot rubs against his leg and he gulps feeling goosebumps as she leaned over the table and swiped Branch's phone.
''Hey give it back.'' He frowned.
Mia opened it and saw the picture of Poppy and Delta. ''Aww little miss pink is going out with her girl how cute.'' Mia squealed.
Branch yanked it away and looked at the picture smiling but he was annoyed. ''Don't take my phone without asking ever! That could have been a private picture.'' He snapped.
''Gee cool it Branch. Besides I'm a woman as well it's not like she doesn't have anything I don't have except the boobs her are a bit small.'' She giggles insulting Poppy.
Branch was fuming at this and glared at her. ''Don't you dare insult Poppy like that!'' He snapped slamming his hands on the table glaring hard at her.
''I'm sorry I was just joking Branch. Poppy is a sweet girl, and you are both lucky better then me and Martin were.'' She sighed and ruffled his hair.
''We are going before anything else happens.'' Branch said standing up.
''Alright but first I have to use the bathroom.'' She nodded giggling as she left to the room.
Branch sighed and looked at the picture of Poppy and hoped she was having a good time with Delta.
Delta and Poppy were at a bar sitting at the counter as they laugh and drink a couple of shots.
''So, how's Branch doing?'' Asked Delta looking at Poppy.
''Not bad, of course while I'm talking to him Mia comes out of her room from a hole in the wall with a towel around her body and she looked hot.'' Poppy did another strong shot.
''Hot? Hmm I need to meet this Mia girl; she sounds like trouble in a box.'' Delta said.
''Yeah, she seems like it but I'm trying to give her the benefit of a doubt and it wouldn't bother me, but I know her, and Branch were a thing at one-point ahh it rubs me the wrong way. Like what if they do something romantic or they realize they still have feelings for each other.'' Poppy grabbed a wine bottle and started drinking.
''Poppy if that was the case Branch wouldn't be here with you. If anything, it's one sided, Mia probably still has feelings for Branch but everyone who looks at you two knows you were meant to be.'' Delta said drinking her beer.
20 minutes later Poppy was drunk after drinking and having some Jello shots. She was at the counter and looking around the room and she saw someone who looked familiar and as she looked, she gulped and dropped her drink. It was Creek at the music box flirting with a girl.
''Poppy, you, ok?'' Asked Delta who was boarder line drunk.
''T-That Creek.'' She trembled.
Delta turned around fast and looked to where Poppy pointed, and she squinted and looked closer and sure enough it was Creek.
''The hell is that creep doing here.'' Delta growled.
She was wanted to beat up Creek for not only hurting Poppy but for sexual harassment on her. She got up and walked over with fury in her eyes.
''Hey buddy!'' She shouted going over and grabbing the troll by the shirt to turn him around as Poppy came over and to their surprise it wasn't Creek but a purple male troll who looked worried.
''Um can I help you?'' He asked.
Delta and Poppy stared and shook their heads.
''Sorry sir I thought you were someone else.'' Delta apologized as they went back to their seats.
Both were laughing. ''I think we need to go home.'' Delta replied.
''Yeah.'' Poppy smiles drunk and she felt better knowing it wasn't Creek, but she had a feeling she was being watched all evening.
''How are we getting back?'' Asked Delta.
''Easy.'' Poppy called Ryan who in 15 minutes showed up with his girlfriend.
''Need a ride?'' He smiled.
''Hey Ryan!'' Poppy smiles as her and Delta got into Poppy's car as Ryan drove it to Poppy and Branch's place.
''Here you ladies are.'' He said as he helped Poppy and his girl Tiffany helped Delta in and they left.
''I'm going to lay down.'' Delta giggled.
Poppy made sure the door was locked and she nodded. ''Same night.''
She went to her and Branch's room as she plopped on his side of the bed taking in his smell and falling asleep.
Branch was at the door waiting for Mia when he looked over to see a guy pressing himself against Mia and she was trying to get free.
Branch went over and grabbed his shoulder. ''She said leave her alone.'' Branch said in a firm voice standing in front of Mia.
''Buzz off punk.'' The bigger troll said.
Branch punched him in the face as he went down and grabbed Mia's hand pulling her with him as they got in his car.
''That was amazing Branch!'' She shouted happily.
''You're welcome.'' He was annoyed and smiled a bit.
''I've never seen a guy go down that easy.'' She laughed.
Branch laughed as well. I've only punched another guy once and it was fun.'' He smiled.
''Who?'' She asked feeling all giddy that he protected her.
''Creek, and he went down Hehe.'' Branch said proud of it as he drove to the hotel.
He made it to the hotel and saw that Mia had fallen asleep as her head on his shoulder and he nudged her, and she woke up.
''We are here, let's go.'' He said getting out.
She got out and stumbled as Branch grabbed her arm and places it around his shoulder and walked her inside and up to her room as she stumbles giggling. ''Mm I forgot how strong you were Branchie~''
He walks her to the bed as she falls on it and was sleeping.
Branch places the blankets on her. ''Thanks, Branch you're the best.'' She mumbled.
He nodded and left going to his room and laid in bed tired he looked at the picture of him and Poppy and fell asleep cuddling it.
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