About a week pasted before I couldn't take it anymore, I had to ask her out. I didn't know how just yet, but I knew I had to, or else I'd go nuts. After long nights thinking how to ask her out, I finally decided to use something she loves, animated drawings, particularly food. Her favorite was a taco. So, I made a paper taco, animated looking, and on the inside, it asked, "Will you go out with me?" I worked on it for so long, I thought she'd love it. After I finished it I brought it to school and when I saw her in the halls I smiled, and waved at her, with the taco behind my back.
"Hey," I said trying to keep things cool. "I've got something for you."
"You do?" Shocked that I would get her something for no reason.
"Yeah." I gave it to her, watching her eyes light up.
"Aw, you shouldn't have." She said and then gave me a hug saying. "Thank you, Kevin, thank you so much!"
I hugged her back and said. "Look on the inside." She did, and what she said next shocked me, but I did my best to play it off causal.
"Thank you, Kevin for the taco, but...I'm sorry, no. You're like a brother to me, I can't except."
Devastated, but hiding it, I told her. "Okay good, I did it on a dare, you know I'm not one to back out of a dare."
"So, no hard feelings?" She asked concerned.
"None, it would have been harder if you said yes." I lied again. "So, thank you."
"Yeah, of course." She replied a little dazed looking.
"Hey, Lucy, you're not looking too hot, do you want to sit down." I said, now seriously concerned.
"N-no, I'm fine." Clearly, she was not.
"Lucy, I'm taking you over to the nurse's office, whether you like it or not." I told her definitively.
"O-okay." Lucy said, a bit reluctant to leave.
Lucy tried to walk forward, she almost fell over. I swore, I'm not one to swear, but I didn't care right then and there. I caught her, and lifted her up, half fireman's carry, half bridal style. I carried her slowly to the nurse's office, sitting her down on one of the beds rather then the waiting chairs.
"Um...hi again, she isn't well, she was having some serious problems even walking over here." I told her.
"I can see that." The nurse replied, hurrying over to Lucy.
"Please let me know how she's doing, I have to get to class but,..." My voice trailed off.
"Okay sonny," She said with a knowing look in her eyes. "Will do."
"Thank you." I said.
I had to go back to class. I didn't want to go, I wanted to sit right next to her and hold her tight until she was feeling better, but I know what I had to do.
I came back to the nurse's office immediately after Algebra II. I don't think I've ever ran so fast through those halls. I loved her too much not to, it physically hurt to see her in pain and sick. The office was closed saying she was out of the office come back in 15. I ignored the sign and walked right in. Lucy was still there, she was sleeping, she must have been having a good dream because she was smiling. God that smile, it just knocks the wind out of me, it's just perfection. I quietly walked over to the bed next to hers, and sat down waiting for the nurse to come back in. When she finally came in she was surprised to see me, but then understood why I had ignored the sign.
"She's okay sonny boy," The nurse informed me. "She's just a little dehydrated."
"Okay, good." I said only half listening to what she was saying. "How long has she been asleep?"
"Um...I'd have to say about 20-30 minutes," She said looking up at the clock on the wall. "Why ya asking son?"
"No reason." I replied.
"You can wake her in like 30 minutes, go to class son, I'll make a call down when you can wake her." She said.
"Thank you." I told her truly grateful.
"You're welcome, now what is your next class, and who's the teacher?" She inquired.
"Biology, Mrs. Wilson." I said.
"Mrs. W-I-L-S-O-N, okay you're good to go." She told me. Not wanting to leave, I lingered by Lucy's bedside.
"Thank you." I told her as I walked out the door.
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