Chapter 7
Aphin's POV
The Chase, The Girl, and The Knife
I wandered through the streets, lost in thought. I wasn't quite sure where I was going, I simply followed my feet. Not that I had much choice. I turned the past month or so over in my mind. I'd been hiding my wings, praying they wouldn't show up in public. I had worked my entire life to get a job in a hospital. I couldn't loose it now. Cass had been covering up every instance of the wings, for which I owed her dearly.
I turned a corner, and I understood where my wandering legs had brought me. I was standing at an entrance to the market. I stepped forward, deciding I was going to get something for Cass. I stepped into the market square, joining the chaos.
People bustled ever which way. It was like watching salmon in a stream. Most people flowed East-West, but a few Rebellious people went the opposite way. Perched in the center of the Plaza was a pillar with a locked chest on top. It caught my eye, and wasn't usually there. I moved forward to investigate. At the base of the pillar, a plaque was resting. It read
"This pillar is part of a class project. The HTS, a school that produces heroes and adventurers. Please do not disturb this object, or you will suffer the consequences."
I looked around. I was aware of the school HTS, and was now re-considering my choice to be here right now. They did adventure "drills" all around the city all the time. The drills were notoriously disruptive, and occasionally even violent. I turned, and walked at a quick pace away from the pillar. I reached a booth selling really nice coats, and began to finger through them.
Several of them were very nice, and they were all made of sheep's wool. Real wool was getting rarer and rarer the longer Tu'la occupied O'hkasis, so I thought it would be a nice gift, with winter approaching and all. I turned to the shop keeper.
"How did you manage to get so much wool?" I asked. I'm no member of the rebellion, but I don't want anything that the Tu'lans imported from Tu'la.
"Well... I have my ways. I was in the right place at the right time. All funds from sales go to helping others show up at the right time, if you know what I mean."
"I believe so." I responded, still a little unsure. The salesman then opened up his wallet, and showed me a yellow disk. In the center of the circle was an image of Lady Irene's Relic. I was looking at the symbol of the rebellion. I gave a nod.
"I'll take this sweater. The red on with a tiny blue whale on it." I decided, handing over a few golden coins. The shop keeper didn't look happy about it, but accepted them. From the look on his face, I guessed that he was hoping for Ru'anian currency. Diamonds. However, ever since Tu'la had arrived, only their golden coins were acceptable currency.
"Thank you for your support. I don't believe I caught your name. I'm Liam." The shopkeeper introduced himself, while handing me a bag with my sweater in it.
"Nice to meet Liam. I'm Aphin!" I smiled. "Oh! I really just get going. I have to get to work." I apologized, glancing at the giant clock at the center of the market.
"Bye Aphin~" He waved.
"Bai Liam!" I turned, heading back the way I came. The pillar came into view, with one big difference. A girl with purple hair in a lavender jacket and mint skirt was scaling the pillar, a bronze key in hand. Pushing through the crowd was a brown haired girl with a pink dress. I stopped to watch the excitement.
As I watched, the girl with purple hair reached the top of the pillar, and the pink dress girl reached the bottom. She didn't stop to climb it, and handled something inside her purple coat. The purple haired girl reached the top, and unlocked the chest. She pulled a purple stone from within the trunk, and shimmied down the poll.
"Oh! Hai Kylie!" She smiled, as she moved to pass her. Kylie didn't respond, but instead pulled a knife from within her jacket. She brandished it in Dashie's direction. "Kylie... what are you doing?"
"Do you know how hard it is being at the bottom of the class Dashie? All of the disappointed looks from every instructor. This was my one chance to get back to the top. But NO. You had to take this chance two. Well.... I refuse to accept it this time." 'Kylie' advanced on this 'Dashie', knife in hand. Dashie backed up, until she hit the pole.
"Kylie... what happened to you?"
"YOU HAPPENED TO ME DASHIE!" Kylie said, and threw the knife. It sunk into Dashie's chest, just above her stomach. Dashie collapsed, gem rolling out of her hand. Kylie grabbed it, then stormed away. Dashie was on the ground, a blank look on her eyes. As Kylie ran away, the crowd converged around the girl who was lying on the ground.
"Is there a doctor here?" Someone called out.
"I'm here!" I called out, rushing forward. My time as a bystander was up. I knelt next to the girl's chest. Someone handed me a first aid kit. "Someone get an ambulance." I instructed, opening up the kit. From inside, I took out a cloth, and a bottle of cleaning alcohol. I dabbed the alcohol around the knife, getting a little reaction as Dashie winced in pain.
I grabbed her hand with one hand, and used the other one to pull up on the blade protruding from her chest. It came out clean. I quickly grabbed the cloth, and pressed it against the wound to stop the blood flow. I could feel my wings extend from my back. I could hear a few gasps, but I had other things on my mind.
As I applied the pressure, I found myself praying that everything turned out OK. The knife had missed the vital organs, but Dashie had still lost a lot of blood. If that was even her name. Suddenly, as I prayed that everything was okay, I felt a white aura envelope me, and form around my body at the same time. A small jet of white sparkles exited my palms, and rested on the wounds. I kept back in shock.
As I watched, as amazed as the rest of the crowd, the wound began to heal. It didn't close, but it did stop bleeding. After a moment of shock, I grabbed the small bottle of cleansing Alcohol and began to clean the injury of infection.
I had a lot of fun writing this chapter. Not sure y tho.
Word count - 1168 word
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