As Aragorn, Arwen, and Legolas entered the city of Minas Tirith in Gondor, they were met with hundreds of cheering citizens. Legolas smiled at the people, but he knew they weren't really cheering for the three of them; they were cheering for their King and Queen. They knew of the Prince Consort, but why pay attention to him when you had you King and Queen; your primary rulers. Legolas followed them up to the citadel. The three were led into the palace and to their chambers. Their things had been taken from them by servants and were now properly placed around the suite.
The first room they walked into was a large commons room with two red, velvet sofas, three chairs of the same cushioning, and a table on either side of the room. Candles were set here and there along with incense if one should want something sweeter smelling. There were large, red drapes covering a huge glass-paned window on one side of the room.
The next rooms were two bedchambers. The first was a master bedchamber with a huge bed in the centre of the back wall that had red and gold blankets with matching pillows. On either side of the bed was a small table with a drawer and a candle on top. There was another large window with red drapes on the left wall. By the right wall was a table with three chairs, and on the left wall was a writing desk. There was a washroom attached, the entrance also on the right wall. If you were to go through the washroom, you would come to the second bedchamber. The second bedchamber was almost a mirror image of the master bedchamber, except that everything was slightly smaller. The bed was smaller with one bedside table, the window and drapes were smaller, there was one table with two chairs, and the writing desk was slightly smaller.
Aragorn, Arwen, and Legolas had looked through all the rooms and were currently standing in the second bedchamber. Legolas moved to set down his bag on a chair, but Aragorn stopped him.
"What are you doing, Legolas?" Aragorn inquired. "This room is for visiting family."
"Oh. My apologies," Legolas replied blushing, embarrassed that he would think that he would not share a room with his mates.
Arwen laughed lightly and pulled her husbands into their bedroom. They each dropped their personal bags on a chair and collapsed on the bed together. Arwen kissed both men on their cheeks. As they lay, each began to fall asleep. Aragorn was the first to snap out of his reverie. He stood up from the bed and looked down on his sleeping spouses. The two Elves looked lovely together. Aragorn knew they would be good partners for each other once he passed. Arwen was the next to wake. She joined Aragorn and they watched Legolas, who was sleeping soundly. Arwen sighed.
"I feel bad for him," Arwen said softly, but sadly.
"Why?" Aragorn asked her with equal softness.
"He loves you so much. He has for quite some time," Arwen revealed. "I have seen it in his eyes for many years now. I know he wished for you. He told me, just the other night."
"What else did he tell you? If I may ask?" Aragorn pressed.
"He wished you would ask his hand in marriage. He wanted to bear you a child."
"But he is a male."
Arwen laughed, quietly, "You were raised by Elves. I thought you knew that male Elves could bear children."
Now that she mentioned it, Aragorn remembered Elrond telling him that. He'd learned when Elrond was teaching him the art of healing. He had learned all there was to know of the anatomy and such of Men, Elves, Dwarves, Hobbits, and even Wizards and Orcs. He smiled to himself. He couldn't believe that someone he'd thought a friend for so long could want to give him children. The thought was amusing. Both Arwen and Aragorn were smiling until Legolas' eyes closed as he continued to sleep. Aragorn was quickly by the Elf's side, placing a hand on his forehead. But Legolas was neither hot nor cold.
"Elves do not sleep with their eyes closed, yet he is not sick," Aragorn observed.
"It has been a long few days for him. His body and mind need rest. And I fear his heart is in need of it as well."
Aragorn sighed. Why had Legolas agreed to this? If Legolas knew of what would happen; knew that there were things he could not do or have, why had he agreed to this? Aragorn sighed again. He laid Legolas properly on the bed and covered him with a light blanket.
"Stay with him, Arwen? I want someone to be with him when he wakes."
"Of course," Arwen agreed.
She kissed her husband on his cheek as he left their chambers. Then she lay in the bed with her other husband as he slept. She snuggled up next to him and held his hand. Arwen kissed Legolas' knuckles and then his forehead, sorry that he had to endure such heartache.
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