💖💙 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 3 💙💖
1 Hour Later...
Poppy looked around her surroundings in such a confused way. They were supposed to be back to Branch's Bunker thirty minutes ago, but they were still in Troll Forest.
"Branch...are you sure that this is the way to your bunker?" Poppy asked.
"My bunker? Well, do you remember when I told you to pack before we leave for the wedding?" Branch asked.
"Yes. I thought I was going to stay at your Bunker. Are we going camping or something?"
Maybe? What could Branch mean about that? Poppy pondered for a bit. She looked at the window to find that the trees cleared and a beautiful hotel appeared right in front. A sign that said "Cupcake Suites". And there were cupcakes everywhere.
Poppy gasped. "Oh Branch!"
Branch chuckled. "Surprise!"
"This is soo beautiful!" Poppy said. "Oooo, there's a rainbow!"
Branch looked through his window and hummed in agreement. Then multiple rainbows appeared in the evening sky.
"Hm. I guess there's a place where there's cupcakes and rainbows," Poppy said.
"Definitely. This part of life is," Branch said.
Poppy chuckled, remembering the time when Branch was gray, grumpy Troll and he told her that life wasn't always cupcakes and rainbows. So when she saw this, she agreed with Branch about this part of life, and the place itself is always cupcakes and rainbows.
- - -
Once they booked their hotel room, Branch carried Poppy and their belongings into their hotel room. He watched his beautiful wife smile and giggle, telling him that she loved it when he carried her in bridal style, even when the fact was that she just got married. They took the time to unpack, put on pajamas, and laid in bed.
Branch made some popcorn and turned on the TV. Poppy snuggled and cuddled right next to him.
"So, are you ready for our lovely honeymoon?" Branch said.
"Oh, I sure am. I can't believe that we'll be spending a week here," Poppy said. "But what about your brothers? Viva? The village? My queen duties? And your duties as king...."
Branch put his finger near her lips. "Ssshhh...this is you and me time. And besides, I told them that we'll be going on our honeymoon for a week. Viva volunteered to help with your Queen duties."
Poppy sighed in relief. "Oh, good. But what about your bunker?"
"My brothers volunteered to take care of my bunker, and besides, Floyd, Clay and John Dory lived there now. And Bruce stays over whenever he comes over, so everything should be fine."
~ ~ ~
🎶 Aaaaaahhh, freak out! 🎶
At Branch's Bunker, John Dory, Clay, Bruce, Viva, and along with Branch's buddies Boom, Trickee, Ablaze, and Hype were having a party. In fact, they also invited Tiny Diamond to this Bunker party, and he invited a lot of Trolls too.
While everyone was dancing and having a lot of fun, Floyd was in the living room, staring at them all, trying to be the voice of awareness.
"Guys, I know that Branch said that we can have a party here as long as we don't make too much of a mess," Floyd reminded them.
"Pfft, don't worry, they'll only be back in a week," John Dory said. "This place will be clean before they come back."
Floyd frowned. Clay, who was carrying fruit punch drinks, faced Floyd, giving him a reassuring smile.
"I'll make sure that this place will be clean by then, bro," Clay said.
"Well, at least you understand," Floyd said, "because I don't want him to see this mess."
"I understand," Clay said.
Bruce came over and hugged Floyd. "Come on, bro, we're about to have another dance off! Come join us!"
Floyd hesitated. "Me!?! Dance!?!"
"YEAH!!!!" Viva said. "This party is so FANTASAMAZING!! Come dance with us, Floyd!"
Again, Floyd hesitated, but then once everyone chanted for Floyd to dance with them, he sighed and let out a small smile, agreeing to join.
🎶 Aaaaaahhh, freak out! 🎶
Floyd danced along with his brothers, Viva and Kismet. Tiny Diamond cranked up the volume as everyone let out a "whoop whoop" multiple times.
🎶 Freak out! 🎶
~ ~ ~
Meanwhile, back at the Hotel room...
"I wouldn't worry about those things right now, babe," Branch held onto Poppy's hand that had her wedding ring on her finger. "We're married now. And we need to take these days to relax and not stress. You're here with me. Okay?"
"Okay. You're right," Poppy said. "I love you, sweetie!"
"I love you too, sweetie. My queen. My Popifur," Branch nuzzled her, making her giggle. "Now...let's get it on with this honeymoon..."
"Definitely," Poppy agreed.
Branch changed the channel to where they played some romantic songs in the background. He quickly lite up some candles, put the popcorn on the nightstand table, and crawled next to Poppy. He couldn't stop gazing at her to where she was now wearing her gown.
"Ooo, la, la, la," Poppy said, purring like a cat.
Branch's eyes widened for a moment. And to his surprise, he did it back to her. The two of them took turns purring like a cat as they leaned forward for a kiss.
💖💙 Montage 💙💖
The next day, it was Day One of their honeymoon, and Branch and Poppy were enjoying their lovely breakfast at the cafe, which was downstairs inside the hotel. Branch fed Poppy a strawberry, popping one into her mouth. She giggled.
🎶 So, she said, "What's the problem, baby?" 🎶
Poppy popped a blueberry into Branch's mouth, who chuckled.
🎶 What's the problem? I don't know 🎶
🎶 Well, maybe I'm in love 🎶
🎶 (Love) 🎶
Broppy ate their pancakes together.
🎶 Think about it 🎶
🎶 Every time I think about it 🎶
🎶 Can't stop thinking 'bout it 🎶
~ ~ ~
An hour later, Branch and Poppy got to a relaxing spa, where they were both getting a massage.
"Aaaahhhh...this feels good," Branch said.
"MmMmmMmm....I love this," Poppy said, holding onto Branch's hand.
Branch smiled at Poppy, squeezing her hand.
🎶 How much longer will it take to cure this? 🎶
🎶 Just to cure it, 'cause I can't ignore it if it's love 🎶
Branch kissed her hand.
Poppy giggled.
🎶 (Love) 🎶
🎶 Makes me wanna turn around and face me 🎶
🎶 But I don't know nothing 'bout love, no 🎶
~ ~ ~
In the afternoon, Branch and Poppy were having a picnic together near the lake. Branch faced his wife who was wearing a beautiful blue bathing suit.
🎶 Come on, come on 🎶
🎶 Turn a little faster 🎶
Poppy smiled at Branch, complimenting him on how handsome he looked in his dark-blue swim shorts.
🎶 Come on, come on 🎶
🎶 The world will follow after 🎶
Branch awwed and grabbed her hand, kissing it, complimenting on how beautiful she looked in her bathing suit.
🎶 Come on, come on 🎶
🎶 Because everybody's after love 🎶
Poppy squealed and jumped on top of Branch. The two of them rolled across the sand and kissed. A huge wave splashed on top of them...
When Branch opened his eyes, he stopped kissing to find out that he was kissing....a glitterfish.
🎶 So I said, I'm a snowball running 🎶
🎶 Running down into the spring that's coming 🎶
🎶 All this love 🎶
Poppy removed the glitterfish from Branch's lips and gently placed it into the water. She then faced Branch with a smirk on her face.
He smiled at her in an awkward way.
~ ~ ~
Day Two of their honeymoon came around as Branch and Poppy were getting their wedding hug-time bracelets made.
🎶 Melting under blue skies 🎶
🎶 Belting out sunlight, shimmering love 🎶
🎶 Well, baby, I surrender 🎶
"Oh my gosh, I can't wait to see our new hug-time bracelets," Poppy said.
"Totally. It will also represent our marriage," Branch said.
Once the bracelets were done, they each tossed their bracelets in the air.
They spun around as their bracelets landed on their wrist.
🎶 To this strawberry ice cream 🎶
🎶 Never-ever-ender 🎶
Poppy gasped. "Oh, Branch, they're beautiful!"
"Yes, just like you."
Poppy squealed, thanked him, and kissed him.
🎶 All this love 🎶
🎶 Well, I didn't mean to do it 🎶
🎶 But there's no escaping your love 🎶
🎶 Oh 🎶
~ ~ ~
It was Day 3 of their honeymoon, to where Branch took Poppy to a lovely marshmallow meadow. They ran through the meadow together, laughing and eating marshmallows at the same time.
🎶 These lines of lightning mean we're never alone 🎶
🎶 Never alone 🎶
Branch ran one side.
Poppy ran to the other side.
They held hands as they were getting chased by giant spiders.
🎶 No, no 🎶
~ ~ ~
In Troll Forest, Broppy were skipping through the path, gazing at each other and not paying any attention to where they were going.
🎶 Come on, come on 🎶
🎶Jump a little higher 🎶
As they were going through the path, giant spiders surrounded them.
Broppy smiled at one another and they each fought against the spiders, using Hair-Jitsu.
🎶 Come on, come on 🎶
🎶 If you feel a little lighter 🎶
🎶 Come on, come on 🎶
Branch hair whipped them. "YA!"
Poppy did a karate hair-kick. "HIYA!!"
🎶 We were once upon a time in love 🎶
Once the spiders left, Branch and Poppy came towards one another.
"Here, you got something in your hair," Branch said, removing the sticks in Poppy's hair.
"Thanks. And you got something in your hair, sweetie," Poppy brushed off the spiderwebs from Branch's hair.
Branch thanked her.
They leaned forward to kiss for the 10th time in a row of Day 3 so far.
🎶 We're accidentally in love, accidentally in love 🎶
~ ~ ~
On Day 4 of their honeymoon, Broppy decided to go relax in a sauna.
🎶 Accidentally in love, accidentally in love 🎶
Branch sighed in relief.
Poppy looked at him, brushing her hand across Branch's damp hair.
Branch brushed his hand through Poppy's damp hair too.
She giggled and touched his nose. "Boop."
Branch looked in shock for a moment. He smiled and did it back.
🎶 Accidentally in love, accidentally in love 🎶
"The two of them laughed together.
🎶 Accidentally in love, accidentally in love 🎶
~ ~ ~
On Day 5, they went to go see a movie in Troll Forest.
During the movie, Branch and Poppy shared a loving kiss.
🎶 Accidentally, I'm in love, I'm in love 🎶
🎶 I'm in love, I'm in love 🎶
🎶 I'm in love, I'm in love 🎶
~ ~ ~
Branch and Poppy swam in the lake as they couldn't believe that they were doing a such dare that they thought that they'll never do in their lives together: Skinny-dipping.
Afterwards, they each wrapped themselves in a towel, watching the view of the lake with the moon shining too.
🎶 Accidentally, I'm in love, I'm in love 🎶
🎶 I'm in love, I'm in love 🎶
They faced each other in such affection.
"I can't believe that we did that," Poppy said.
"Yeah, we sure did," Branch said. "It was....fun."
Poppy giggled. "It was...fun. We should do it again sometime."
Branch chuckled, brushing Poppy's wet, but silky hair.
Poppy held onto Branch's right cheek, which was moist, but soft.
They kissed.
🎶 I'm in love, I'm in love 🎶
~ ~ ~
On Day 6, they kissed under the moonlight near the hotel room door, not caring in the world if Trolls were staring at them. Besides, this wasn't the first time they have done this.
🎶 Accidentally in love 🎶
🎶 I'm in love 🎶
After the kiss, they faced the hotel and walked inside their hotel room, closing the door behind them.
🎶 I'm in love 🎶
~ ~ ~
Later that night....
Branch and Poppy were in bed together, listening to some romantic music. They turned towards each other.
"You ready for this?" Branch asked.
"I...I think so," Poppy said nervously.
Branch held onto her right cheek. "We'll take it one step at a time, okay?"
Poppy nodded as they cuddled in bed together, getting comfortable with one another. Branch turned off the lights....
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