Chapter: 2
Brandon's P.O.V.
I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I checked my insta, and I was tagged everywhere. I shot out of my bed and ran to Leo. I showed him the phone. He just smiled and said, "You did great bro!" "I did not do this!" I said. "Oh yes, you did," he said and stuffed a waffle in his face and went out. I too got ready and ate a waffle and went to school.
I got inside my physics classroom and sat down in my place. Andre sat down next to me. He is a total goon of my brother, and also happens to be the closest I ever got to have a friend. He started rambling about me beating up Brian. When I got fed up, I said something like, "Yeah, I did that, now can we please concentrate on what is being taught?" He shut up and stared at the blackboard. But I wasn't able to concentrate; who beat up Brian, and why did that person frame me? I vaguely heard the bell ring and I went to my next class. The next three classes flew by. Then came Lunch.
I entered the cafeteria and ran into Brian; literally. He turned around. Saying that Brian had been beaten up was an understatement. Somebody had completely rocked his sh*t. "So, I know you hate gay people, go ahead, call me a faggot, it doesn't matter, seriously," I muttered, backing up the wall. He came closer and I don't know what would have happened if Jane had not come. She looked him dead in the eye and then smiled, "You had something to say to Brandon, didn't you?" Brian rolled his eyes and said like a machine, "I am sorry for whatever I said last night. It was wrong. You deserve respect, just like everybody else in this world."
I nodded and mumbled something and ran. Ran like I never ran before. I literally ran to my house without stopping. All that time, only Jane was on my mind. 'Why did she do that?'
I went straight to my bed and went to sleep. When I woke up, an hour had passed and somebody was knocking on my door, probably Leo. "What?" No answer. I got out and opened the door, only to see Jane standing there. "I can explain," she said entering my room.
She sat on my bed and threw a key-chain with a key dangling to it to me. It was Leo's. "Now, I am your brother's girlfriend," she said. "You got yourself the worst boyfriend possible," I said. "I have three other guys to pamper me," Jane said. "I am telling Leo," I said, folding my arms. "He knows," she said. I rolled my eyes in response. Her purple eyes stared me down.
"You are just like my brother," she said, after a while. "He also had an interest in guys; people shamed him for it. I... wasn't able to help him. He...killed himself for it. I was not a good sister to him, but I can be one to you." Now her voice decided to crack, so she shut her mouth. A few minutes of awkward silence followed. Then I said, "Thanks, but I already have a brother who is a pain in the a**. I don't think that I could handle one more." She smiled and then got up, "I'll try not to be a pain, but if anybody dares even lay a finger on you, I would need only the name." Then she walked out.
'What just happened?' I thought while writing the summary of A Mid-Summer's Night Dream.
A/N: I am sorry. I promise things will get better.
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