A/N: Hullo my brilliant Greekies! I hope you're doing well today! This chapter doesn't have an aesthetic because Wattpad on my laptop is still glitching so I have to upload and type on my iPad. Also because this is my iPad, it won't let me dedicate this to anyone, but let me tell you this is dedicated to ilikechez123
But oh my gods, you guys! We're are end! This is the last one! I'm about to cry just thinking about it. Oh, I'll be missing this series so much, thank you guys so much for reading every day, or even just a few days every once in a while, thank you!! It means so much!!! Thank you for loving this little series as much as I'd did and, oh, I'm crying. But thank you guys so much I can't say it enough! I don't want it to go back, but there are plot points I need to hit back in fall. No-one really wants to go back. But, this is technically my chance to rewrite the past, so I should take it. Oh, I'm getting emotional. Of course, there's so much more to come in this story! The rise of Voldy, the relationships that have death eaters in them are going to be strained, friends will become enemies, enemies friends, casualties of the war could jeopardize relationships, but on the bright side, we're going to have a beautiful wedding! I've already planned for basically the entire script to be quotes from our favourite, shows, books, movies, anything really! There'll be a reference in every corner because I think guys would love it! But, I want you guys to remember what Maelyn thinks at the end of this chapter (it'll make more sense as you read I swear) I think it's a message we all need to remember and cherish in our lives, without further ado, here's our crazy baby!
𝕸𝖆𝖊𝖑𝖞𝖓'𝖘 𝕻𝖔𝖎𝖓𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖁𝖎𝖊𝖜:
Maelyn yawned as she woke up, she looked over at her clock and groaned after seeing it was only twelve-thirty in the afternoon. She inched out of head ever so slowly, slower than a fat caterpillar, and just covered her head and body with her duvet. It wasn't really cold, it just felt cold because she hadn't adjusted to the outside world outside of her bed yet.
Maelyn just kept her little costume on as she waddled around her room, wondering what she was supposed to be doing. Well, she was probably supposed to be an active member of society, but that was too much work. She heard a knock on her door though, and she waddled over to get it.
"Quack quack, who's there?" Maelyn asked even though there was only one other person who would knock on her door.
"It's obviously Jaquline, someone's here to see you," her sister said, and Maelyn heard her walk off.
Maelyn yawned again as she headed to her bathroom, he then decked she just really didn't care how she looked and waddled out of her room, duvet and all. Maelyn waddled thriving in the halls, waiting for maybe a bit of life to come out so she could actually be more human than zombie (was that rude to Hel? Being half-dead and all? She'd have to ask later) as she went to answer the door.
Maelyn tasted her mouth before peeking open her door. After doing so, she saw a man with flaming red hair (that was actually on fire, unlike, Maelyn's red hair), and a trickers grin. He then shifted to be a tall man with slicked-back black hair and twinkling green eyes.
"Hullo Miss Winkle, I hope I made my impression on you while you were at Asgard," the man said with a smile and a small title of his head as if trying to see more of Maelyn through the very little space of the door she opened. Marley opened the door wider and saw he was wearing an all-black suit, tie, vest, tuxedo thing. All black. Maelyn liked the style.
"You're Hel's dad, right?" Maelyn asked yawning again. It was just a bit too early to have godly visits from her friend's dad. It was like eating dinner before snacks, much too early.
"Yes I am, one of my favourite titles I must admit," Loki said smiling, "But I'm here to tell you that you are invited to the Hel's birthday party. I do hope you remembered her birthday was today. As earliest as convenient for you, just come outside and yell into the air, 'Bifrost!' and Heimdall should see you. Of course, you could do that inside, but, from experience, don't," Loki said, "Oh, and, bringing a gift isn't mandatory. Hel would be flattered, but she's getting hundreds of gifts and I know she feels embarrassed."
Maelyn just rubbed her eyes, "So, you're, you're the card?" She asked.
"The invitation card? Precisely, hope you can come," Loki said before he disappeared in a green crack.
Maleny yawned again, not really sure if she imagined the whole Loki thing or not. She wouldn't be that surprised if she did though. She heard Jaquline say that it would be rude to say no to a god though, and it really was Hel's birthday, so she decided that Loki wasn't a fragment of her mind that went a little haywire.
Maelyn debated on going back to bed for another hour but then realized she was hungry so she decided off of more sleep for some nourishment she needed. Maelyn waddled into the kitchen, the duvet trailing behind her like a bridal train or something, as she asked the house-elves for breakfast. She then headed up to the dining room so that she could actually eat her breakfast.
Maelyn had her food served to her, and she threw her duvet over her and the portion of the dining table she was using. She made just a tiny peek of a hole so that she could actually breathe as she ate her very fluffy pancakes.
"You're going, right?" Jaquline asked from behind Maelyn.
"Thore, whop thont?" Maelyn said through a mouthful of food. She heard Jaquline groan from behind her and Maelyn did not care one little bit if she was talking with food in her mouth. But she did swallow and speak again because she wanted to, not because Jckaie wanted her to. "Sure, why not?"
If Maelyn weren't under her covers, she was sure she would see Jaqueline sigh and shrug before leaving the dining room. Maelyn just kept on eating, food was the most important thing in life after all.
An hour later, after Maelyn was feeling a little more like a human, she stepped outside.
Bad choice.
She went inside for a few seconds to prepare herself for the fucking cold that was December (she had stubbornly not worn a coat becuase Jaquline told her to wear one). She made sweater paws with her black cut-off hoodie and rubbed the insides of her legs together against her black sweatpants that aren't too baggy because she knew there were some really good chandeliers to hang off of at Asgard. For the record, she had worn some shoes that were perfect for climbing (also black), so she was sure someone would have to pry her off the walls.
Maelyn went back out after throwing the hood of the hoodie over her head and looked up to the sky. After a moment she became numb from the cold and decided it would be a good time to follow instructions.
"Bifrost," Maelyn said simply to the sky.
Did you really think she was going to put on a coat and cover up the lovely band name on her cropped hoodie? She thought not.
Just a few seconds later, a beam of multicoloured light came down from the sky. Maelyn yawned as the Bifrost basically took her in that weird backwards slide thing. Maelyn patted her pocket to make sure her crisps and gifts were still there since those were the most valuable thing on her at the moment, and a few seconds later she was at the hub thing for the Bifrost.
"Hello Lady Maelyn," Heimdall said in all of his golden glory, "Welcome to Asgard," he added in his low voice.
Maelyn tried what she thought was a smile (it probably looked more like a cringe) before she saw a girl in black robes notice her. Hel quickly came towards her, practically running. But then she slowed down when she saw people around and took Maelyn's hand, giving it a small squeeze. About a few seconds later, Maelyn felt the world go dark and cold and she knew she was shadow travelling. Well, there wasn't much a difference since the world was already dark and cold, but whatever.
Once Maelyn looked around and recognized the place as the royal stables near the Bifrost, she felt Hel give her a big hug.
"I haven't seen you in a week and a half haven't I?" Hel asked, and Maelyn felt her crown against her cheek. She wasn't really sure what to do, sure Lily had bene teaching her what to do in hugs since she seems to be receiving a few more than normal (by that she means that she usually got about two or three hugs a year, now she got two or three hugs every three months or so). Her arms were quite trapped though, so he just stood there, frozen, before realizing that maybe leaning on Hel would work.
Hel pulled away and Maelyn saw how happy she looked, she was actually smiling quite widely -- which kind of scared Maelyn because smiling was kind of weird but it looked nice on other people.
"Thank you for coming! How have you been?" Hel asked as she adjusted the crown (or was it a tiara? Was there a difference?) on her head.
"Eating?" Maelyn said, though, she was sure it sounded more like a question.
Hel chuckled, "I suppose that is quite a valid answer," she said. "Come on, I'll show you how they've decorated the ballroom," she said with her eyes twinkling. Well, Maelyn thought she had twinkling eyes.
Before she could forget, Maelyn spoke up. "Happy birthday Hel, you're an adult," She said. She had practised the words and hoped they didn't sound as mean as she thought they did.
Hel smiled halfway, "In your world, yes, technically I'm an adult. But here? I'm not an adult for another eight years. But thank you so much," Hel said in what Maelyn thought was an earnest tone.
Maelyn tried for a smile when she was thanked and tried to figure out when Asgardians came of age. She remembered Hel explaining it while they were researching abut the Dark Ones a while ago, but she probably was distracted by food or an animal. Maelyn decided she didn't want to do math, so she'd ask Hel later.
Maelyn followed Hel to where the horses were at and Hel helped her mount one of the pretty horses, and Hel mounted a horse with eight legs (the princess style. Maelyn sat the normal way). After realizing she wasn't hallucinating extra legs, Maelyn waved hi to the horse.
"Hi, Mister Sleipnir," Maelyn said with a hint of a smile. Sure, she couldn't remember about half (every) god and goddess' name she met — it had been a month! Don't judge her — but she remembered every single creature name. Why do you ask? Well, it was just the simple fact and basically, rule Maelyn kept above all things: animals were better than people. It was very simple and very easy to follow.
Sleipinr made weird horse noises, and Hel laughed as she petted his muzzle. Maelyn took that as a sign that Sleipnir was happy to see her.
Maelyn and Hel rode on the Rainbow Bridge (because everybody was not straight on Asgard, or any mythological place, Maelyn knew that good and well) and Maelyn saw how Sleipinr kept just in front of her horse. Show off. But he was the fastest steed in all the nine realms, so it made some sense.
After they got to the other stables, they put the horses in their rooms and Maelyn followed Hel after opening her bag of potato crisps and eating that as a snack. You could never have too many snacks. Maelyn just followed Hel around. Hel's heels clicked on the floor causing a lot of people to scurry away while Maelyn's shoes really made no noise, but they did gravitate toward potted plants and other stuff to accidentally kick down.
Maelyn stepped in the ballroom and looked around. Most everything was decorated in silvers and whites, with some green and black thrown in, Maelyn actually thought it didn't look too shabby. She heard some birthday parties were just multicoloured fiascos.
"Do I have to wear a dress?" Maelyn asked hoping not to sound too rude, but she probably did. Oh well.
Hel shrugged, "If you want to but you don't have to. I've asked for casual wear, which means all the gods are going to show up with their togas and robes and all," she explained, then took Maelyn's hand (the one covered in crisp dust but Maelyn saw Hel seemed to be able to avoid the crisp dust though) as she led Maelyn over or someplace else.
Hel smiled and showed Maelyn what Maelyn thought was the food table thing. What was the fancy word for it again? Food banquet? Oh well. But Maelyn was all the food and her eyes lit up. She gravitated toward the soup section where she found a big serving bowl full of creamy chicken noodle soup. She looked to the now-empty crisp bag in her hand and looked around for a rubbish bin.
"Here," Hel said as she took the empty bag, "Inga?" She called out, and Maelyn saw was a girl that looked maybe seven years older than Hel came in.
"Yes, your majesty?" The woman asked.
"Do you mind throwing this out?" Hel asked as she placed the empty bag in Inga's hands.
"Of course not, your majesty," Inga said as she went off with the bag.
Hel looked over to Maelyn, "So, there's the chicken noodle soup I know you adore, but there is a little make your own soup there. Of course, there's the not creamy sort and the spicy sort," Hel explained. Pointing at different things.
Maelyn just shrugged. Food was food. Food was good. Food made Maelyn happy. Maelyn just grabbed a bowl before pouring the soups in, intent on mixing everything together to create some crazy soup concoction. It would be good.
Then some, spirit? Girl? Servant? Maelyn didn't really know what she was, but it was something, came up to Hel and told her something in a different language that Maelyn just didn't understand. It sounded pretty old though, so maybe Old Norse or Ancient Norse? That's what they spoke around Maelyn and all the other "Midgardians'' last time. Maelyn was sure they just wanted to show off, like the Eagles Ravenclaw Group or the Richie Rich's Pureblood Slytherin group flaunting their brand new robes or lipstick or whatever fancy people liked to show off. Maelyn was good with her English and cropped sweaters.
Hel then got this happy look on her face as she motioned for Maelyn to follow her. Maelyn just shrugged before following Hel, who was talking really big and fast strides in her really tall heels. Maelyn didn't know how people could walk in normal heels, much less Hel come about one hair close for on running in not so normal heels.
Maelyn really didn't care, she was happy with her comfortable climbing shoes, and her soup. She followed Hel back over to where the stables were and they mounted their horses again, except Hel brought four other horses with them.
"Why?" Maelyn asked simply. She probably came off as mean or rude, she didn't really mean to. It was just simple question, and why over say things and sugarcoat stuff when you could just get straight to the point?
"I just have a feeling we'll be needing them," Hel said, "Plus I'm sure I saw the other horses napping in the other stables, and I wouldn't want to bother them."
Maelyn shrugged (she seemed to be doing that a lot, well, it was better than talking because that ruined your food) that made sense. Bothering animals when they were sleeping was bad, and very mean, even Maelyn wouldn't stoop that low. Maelyn mounted the horse she got on earlier, her bowl of soup in one hand and her spoon in the other. She used her arm to pet the horse's black coat to say hello before she grabbed the reins and they started riding.
They rode across the Rainbow bridge again, and when they got there Maelyn saw about eight people just waiting around.
Maelyn identified four idiots, a tired mother, a tired father/half an idiot, an exasperated potions master, and Lily.
Maelyn managed to smile a bit when she saw Lily and even put her food down to go say hi to her. Out of the corner of her eye, Maelyn could see Hel getting swept off her heels by Sirius, but Maelyn focused more on Lily.
"Maelyn!" Lily said with her signature bright smile as she hugged Maelyn. "How are you?" She asked Maelyn in a softer tone.
"Eating," Maelyn stated as she awkwardly tried to lean into Lily's hug. She could hear and feel Lily chuckle.
Lily let go just a bit, "Here, get your arms out." She said
Maelyn managed to get her arms out from in between her and Lily, and she tried wrapping her arms around Lily the way Lily was doing to her.
After a second or two Lily pulled away with a smile, "You're getting better!" She said smiling even further before going to Hel.
Maelyn got her food and looked to Elorie, who had a gift in her hand. Maelyn blinked rapidly. They were already giving joint gifts? Wow, they really were a couple. Maelyn looked to the other two couples and saw they had joint gifts too. Maelyn blinked a little faster as her eye caught in the shiny rock on Pandora's finger.
Maelyn decided that the direction of the shiny rock was the direction in which she should go, so she went up to Pandora and pointed at her ring.
"You got engaged?" Maelyn asked tilted her head ever so slightly.
Pandora smiled at Maelyn with one of the happiest smiles Maelyn had ever seen. "Yeah, Remus proposed on a Christmas Eve," Pandora said, her smile staying just as happy and maybe even excited, "It was perfect," she said a little breathlessly, and Maelyn was quite happy for her. The two were the most functional and probably the most romantic couple in the tower after all, they deserved to be happy.
Maelyn took a peek over to Remus, who was looking quite close to the colour of her hair. Maelyn tilted the corner of her lips up and didn't shove food in her mouth.
"Congratulations you two," Maelyn said. That's what you told couples who got engaged, right? You said congrats.
"Thank you," both of them said simultaneously, then Hel came over.
"Sorry to interrupt, but I'm sure we'd all be much more comfortable in the golden palace," Hel said. Maelyn wondered what lipstick she used to not make it smear. After living in the same tower Sirius, she was sure he kissed her when he swept her off her heels. Hel then looked to Pandora and Remus, "Thank you so much for coming! You really shouldn't have."
"Of course we'd come! We're your friends!" Panorama smiled as she went to hug Hel. Of course, the two weren't awkward like a Maelyn when they hugged. But Maelyn saw that Hel was a bit awed when Pandora had called herself Hel's friend.
Maelyn took that as her cue to get on her horse, so she mounted the cute thing and they rode off to Asgard.
Maelyn avoided most of the weird godly crowds as she sucked on her piece of candy she found at the banquet. Of course, she knew most of the godly dudes there weren't afraid to touchy-feely a girl up, especially a girl sucking on candy, but Maelyn knew they would get in trouble. So fuck it.
Maelyn hoped to find another human-like her (even though her being human was debatable), or, at least, not another god. Speaking of humans, a few minutes after the Marauders group came, so did Olivia and Evan. Which meant there were two more humans for Maleny to hopefully find, as long as she didn't see either half-naked god, she was good.
Maelyn saw a familiar goddess and went up to chat.
"Lady Artemis?" Maelyn asked slowly. From what she understood, Lady Artemis was a Demiromantic Asexual, which meant Maelyn already had high respects for the goddess. Plus she'd met her before the last time she rolled around to Asgard, and she very much liked her.
Lady Artemis turned around and Maelyn got just a tad bit startled by the fact that her eyes were glowing fucking bright white. But after Artemis probably saw how concerned Maelyn looked, her eyes became a normal silver colour. Yeah, silver was a normal eye colour.
"Maelyn Winkle," Lady Artemis said before smiling, "Ah, one of the more tolerable mortals, how are you?"
"Eating," Maelyn said, half confident, half not so confident.
"A valid response, one some of my huntresses love to respond with," Lady Artemis said with a smile as a passing platinum plate flew by; there were players just floating around. Hel told Maelyn the ones that were gold were safe for her to eat, while the ones that were platinum were foods of the gods and would kill her if she ate it. She also distinctly remembered Hel glaring at Eloire the whole time she was saying that. Lady Artemis took what looked like glowing milk and took a sip. "Care for a sip?" Lady Artemis asked as she put her hand near the platter as if to grab a drink for Maelyn, but before Maelyn could say she would combust on the spot, Lady Artemis seems to remember; "Ah yes, you're not immortal. I nearly forgot. Well, that's a shame," she said, then a gold platter passed by. Lady Artemis then took a glowing drink off of that and handed it to Maelyn, who took it because, hey, it was a free drink given to her by a trustworthy goddess that she liked. How could she refuse?
"Speaking of immortality and my huntresses," Lady Artemis said, taking a sip of her drink, "Have you ever considered joining my hunt?" She asked.
Maelyn just took a much less delicate sip of her drink, "Kind of," she replied.
"Well, my hunt is just a bunch of Aromantic, Asexual, or Lesbian women, sometimes a combination of the three. I think you'd fit right in. But, of course, it's your choice, after watching you for a bit, I see you like animals? More specifically, magical creatures?"
"Yeah. I'm going to make a career out of it."
Lady Artemis swished her drink I'm it's glass, "As the Greek goddess of wild animals. I wish you good fortune on your goal. If you don't wish to speak anymore, have a good night?" Lady Artemis asked.
"I will, you too," Maelyn said with a hint of a smile as she waved bye to Artemis, who turned a bit misty on the sides and blended back in with the crowd.
Maelyn just chugged the rest of her drink and then, finally, tasted alcohol. Oh, so it was an alcoholic beverage? Fantastic. Maelyn would remember to find more later. On her right hand, she saw a gold platter with cream puffs on it, so she shoved a few of those in her mouth and started chewing. Then some weird man with glowing eyes and some robes just materialized by her.
"Pick a number! Any number! Win a prize!" The man said and Maelyn just made a face that was one that hopefully conveyed a bit of disgust, a bit of surprise, and a lot of, "get the fuck away from me. Please and thank you."
Maelyn backed away slowly but then felt something behind her and decided maybe she shouldn't go that way. She then tried to go on all the other sides of her and found herself very much trapped. Right before she was going to resort to punching someone's in the face to get the bloody fuck out, she was saved by the death goddess.
"Hey, are you alright?" Hel asked. Right before the party, she had changed into more birthday girl robes and upgraded her crown, which meant she looked dazzling compared to everyone else. Which was cool by Maelyn since it meant the people would be focused on Hel while she was chugging a vodka bottle and eating crisps in the background.
Maelyn pointed to the dude, and hopefully, her face conveyed the message: "weird man, get me the fuck away from here."
Hel looked over, then pursed her lips, "Just give me a random number one through a thousand. He won't leave until you do."
"667," Maelyn said, just saying the first numbers that came in her brain. She was positive that Satan was at the party somewhere, and she was sure 666 was taken, so she went with the next best thing.
"Maelyn Winkle, guest and friend of Hel Lokidottir, 667," Hel said and then the man disappeared.
"What was that about?" Maelyn asked as she made a face at where the man was.
"Just some lottery thing. They do it at every birthday. I think this year is ten million galleons worth of gold," Hel said, then took Maelyn's hand, "I'll take you to where Pandora was trying to control Eloire, James, and Sirius. I'm sure you'd feel more comfortable there," she added as Maelyn felt the shadows creep around her. Moments later, she looked around to find a less rowdy spot in the ballroom and Pandora pushing a gold platter full of drinks (probably alcoholic) out from the idiots' reach.
"Absolutely not you three," Pandora said sternly, "You've had about fifty drinks already," she added.
Sirius, James, and Elorie pouted matching pouts. Maelyn nearly laughed at the sight of them begging Pandora with their matching faces.
"Cmon Pan! Just one more!" They all pleaded.
"You said that ten drinks ago," Pandora replied.
Maelyn just bounced on over to where the platter was and downed the three drinks there. She looked up to a slightly surprised Pandora and three very sad and quite shocked idiots' faces.
Maelyn just fake smiled before turning her attention to Lily and Declan (she was pretty sure Hel had gone somewhere else). Since Lily was one of the most tolerable people there she bounced on over there.
"Hi," Maelyn said as she came up behind Lily.
Lily turned around with a smile, "Oh hey! I thought you'd be up on one of the chandeliers," she said with a smile as she wrapped an arm around Maelyn.
Maelyn gently pulled away, she was happy Lily didn't look in the least offended. That was a good idea. Getting on a chandelier that is. Maelyn quickly (well, she tried her best, there were crowds, she also found a weird dude with grey hair, a toga, and a lightning bolt in his Han rambling out drink shit and causing a storm to brew around him) went to the staircase that led to the ballroom and whipped out her wand. Using a spell, she gave herself a quick boost onto the nearest chandelier. She happily stuck her feet in the chandelier and swung. She looked down at all the word gods and everyone, and nearly laughed as she felt the lovely power of hanging off a chandelier.
Then, Maelyn saw a stage appear out of nowhere near the giant windows (she was surprised she hadn't gotten used to random things just appearing out of nowhere on Asgard) and Maelyn heard the weird dude she escaped from start talking into a microphone.
"If the band could settle," he said before sending a wave of blue magic over to the floating instruments, which stopped playing. Maelyn elegantly got onto another chandelier since she was quite interested in what was going on.
"Well, we got a thousand numbers, and we're going to pick it from this lovely box here," the man said as he gestured to his side and a box full of little bingo ball things appeared. Maelyn could see it was filled with balls because she had a birds-eye view.
"Now, I'm calling for the birthday girl. The crowned Princess of Asgard, the future, and rightful, queen of Hel, the ruler of all things dead, the daughter of Loki, Hel Lokidottir!" The man said, and a bundle of shadows appeared next to him, revealing Hel.
Maelyn couldn't help but smile softly as she saw Hel with an excited face on the stage. Maelyn wondered how Hel kept that big crown on her head and still looked proper and pretty. Yes, she was aro-ace, but that didn't mean she couldn't find people pretty.
"Thank you," Hel said with a smile.
The man smiled right back, "Your welcome your royal highness. As most of you know, Hel studies mortal magic at the pristine school of witchcraft and wizardry, Hogwarts. This means she's in Midgard a load and is part of the wizarding community. In the wizarding community, I'm sure we all set the adult age to be seventeen, and Hel here turned seventeen today. Since she's an adult there, should we ask for just a little bit of a show of godly magic no?"
Maelyn made a face at the cheering crowds, but Hel just smirked. Maelyn watched as she saw dark green -- almost black -- magic flow slowly out of Hel's hands, almost like a mist. The mist dove into the box of balls and Maelyn watched as Hel moved her hands causing the where mist to rummage around the balls. Then Maelyn watched as the green mist carried one little ball, and the mist then disappeared in a puff of smoke in the shape of a skull. The ball gently laid itself on the palm of Hel's outstretched hand.
Maelyn just let the corners of her mouth curl up. Hel seemed very proud herself, despite the dead side looking just a bit more dead and her flesh side looking dangerously pale. Hel held her hand out and Maelyn watched as the weird dude made a blue microphone appear out of thin air and handed it to Hel. Maelyn just kept on swinging, just a tad bit faster though, since she was just a little bit curious about what the number was. Who is wouldn't be?
"The winning number is," Hel said, then paused for dramatic effect. "667," She said with a look of surprise on her face, then she held the microphone closer to her mouth, "Maelyn Winkle if you could jump off of whatever chandelier you're hanging off of to collect your prize," she announced.
Maelyn swung in shock for a moment, she didn't expect to be picked. She heard a lot of very grumpy gods beneath her and decided that was enough to get her down. She found it funny how the gods below her pouted like children. Maelyn got her wand out and leapt off of the chandelier, whispering, "Aristo Momentum," under her breath to not die. She had learned the hard way that she should work perfecting that spell.
Maelyn saw Hel look around for Maelyn, and Hel smiled when she spotted Maelyn gliding down. Maelyn quickly landed before bouncing up to the stage, going on the steps to get to Hel. Maelyn felt very awkward around the crowd but didn't really want to show it, so she kept a straight face.
"Prize?" Maelyn asked nonchalantly mostly to the weird dude, that was meant to be short for "where's my prize bitches?" But she was too lazy to actually say all of that, and she was not liking being in front of the crowd one little bit.
Hel looked to the weird man who waved his hand. Floating beside him a moment later was a bagful of what looked like bricks, one bottle, and a bag full of something.
Maelyn eyes the bottle, it looked like alcohol, so count her in. The weirdo hadn't said anything though, so Maelyn had to wait, not that she liked it.
"Now! This year's prize is!" He said, then waved his hand, causing the drums to do a drumroll, now cliche, "Eight million galleons worth of gold -- your wizarding currency -- a bottle full of drinkable alcohol that never dries, and a bag full of sweets that never empties!"
Maelyn was actually quite excited about her prize -- not as much the galleons as the food and alcohol. She nearly made gimme-gimme hands. The man tied what looked like a rope of magic to the prizes then motioned towards Maelyn's wand. In confusion, Maelyn just held her wand out, which prodded the weird man to attach the end of the magic rope to her wand. Maelyn then moved her wand around, which moved the prizes around. Neat. The man told her how to release it and she just shrugged. Nice.
Hel whispered in her ear that she could leave, and Maelyn nearly sighed in relief as she bounced off of the stage. Then the weirdo man told them it was ten minutes until New Years, and they'd better gather outside before Hel opened her presents. Maelyn first found the "Midgardian group" before they all headed outside.
When Maelyn got outside, she found Hel already having conversations with the group's guardians (she so saw that Sigyn kept on making her take a potion). This meant she was talking to Mr and Mrs Potter, Mr and Mrs Evans, Mr and Mrs McFellon, Mr and Mr Tucker-James, and so on and so on. Maelyn noticed that Evan's parents weren't there though, but guess who was?
Hel must've invited her so that they could spend the New Years with their kids, which meant inviting Maelyn's older sister. Maelyn pouted before bouncing over, mostly just to put the bag full of gold in Jaquline's arms.
"I won this. It goes in the vault," Maelyn said simply as Jaquline's eyes widened at the memos bag of gold. Maelyn dropped the big into Jackie's arms, but Jackie instead whipped out he wand since she'd probably get her hands trapped on the ground if she tried holding the bag.
"How much is this worth Mae?" She asked.
"Nine million galleons," Maelyn said, and she smiled at the sight of Jaquline's wide eyes. Maelyn just happily twirled her wand between her fingers before grabbing the bottle (which resembled a rather large beer bottle) and unscrewing the lid, she bouned away back over to the group as she tipped the contents to her mouth. Maelyn quite liked the taste, it wasn't bad, it was actually good.
Once she got to the group though, she immediately pulled into the little huddle they had (tallest in the back and shortest in the front) by Lily. Lily pulled Maelyn beside her and wrapped an arm around her. Strangely, Maelyn found the gesture comforting, she didn't really know what to do when she had an arm wrapped around her but it probably has the same rules as hugging, she gently leaned on Lily.
"They told us to watch the sky," Lily said, "What do you think is going to happen?"
"They'll throw glowing knives in the air?" Maelyn asked, saying the first thing that came to her mind.
Lily just giggled, "Maybe, we don't know," she said, then looked up above Maelyn.
Maelyn followed Lily's gaze and found the guardians were walking over to make the little huddle bigger. Maelyn found it just a little bit, strange? No, that wasn't the word for it. Uncomfortable? Not that either... weirdly comforting? Maybe that was it. When Lily had an arm around her, she felt a bit safer. Lily, her friend, was right beside her, protecting Maelyn from the crowds, and more importantly, her crazy girlfriend who Maelyn knew Lily called a gremlin. Maelyn agreed, Elorie was a gremlin.
Maelyn felt someone behind her and looked up to see Hel, who smiled and held her head up high, "thirty seconds now," she whispered down to Maelyn. Maelyn looked beside Hel and found exactly who she was looking for. idiot number ... she thought it was idiot number two. Maelyn smiled and she leaned back into both of them. She surprisingly liked Sirius, they had a lovely sinking relationship.
Maelyn looked up and saw that the stars seemed to be rearranging themselves into numbers. She then realized a few deities were hovering at the front, changing the stars. Show-offs.
Maelyn nearly bounced with excitement, though, it was probably the alcohol in her system. As she made sure sober thoughts ensued, she was a tad bit excited though. These were gods after all they had to be very special when it came to these things.
Maelyn managed to wrap her arm around Lily in excitement. She looked up and saw Lily smiling at her as she pulled both Maelyn closer to her, and Elorie, who was on her other side.
"Ten!" Everyone yelled, but Maelyn kept quiet, not really wanting to yell out.
"Nine!" Maelyn wondered if maybe she should start yelling too. Lily was, and Sirius, Elorie was, even Hel was and they seemed to be excited about it.
"Eight," Maelyn barely breathed everyone else yelled.
"Seven," Maelyn muttered under her breath. She could feel the alcohol doing its thing though.
"Six," Maelym whispered, Yup, the alcohol was taking effect.
"Five," Maelyn said, barely above a whisper.
"Four," Maelyn said a bit more confidently, almost at a normal speaking tone.
"Three," Maelyn said, the entry around her was just so happy. And so very excited, she couldn't help but flak sta bit louder than she intended.
"Two!" Maelyn yelled, not quite as loud as everyone else. But she did have a smile on her face as she shouted out. That was enough.
"ONE!" Maelyn screamed, matching the volume of everyone around her. Oh, it actually felt really good to yell that out. Heck, it felt amazing!
"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Everyone, including Maelyn, screamed out. As everyone started kissing their significant others, soulmates, and blah blah blah, Maelyn kissed her beer bottle before downing the contents. It refilled back up thought to Maelyn's delight.
Maelyn then heard thunder and looked up, seeing a gorgeous display of thunder and lighting different shapes, all of them resembling fireworks. She spotted some gods and goddess hovering at the front, and that they were basically putting on a show. Then, she saw that the moon and stars seemed to get brighter as a mom, it appeared less solid and more delicate, there were oohs and ahh around her. Suddenly, there was a lit-up water display in the sky, illuminating the sky and just beautiful blue shapes everywhere. Suddenly, an aurora borealis came out from nowhere, leaving most everyone silent with its beauty.
If you'd name it, there was a display for it, plants, animals, rain, sunlight, chariots, everything! Maelyn even saw some gigantic glowing knives and looked behind her to see Hel's face light up, yup, that was Loki. Then Maelyn watched as Hel shadow travelled away, and saw her at the front with the other death and underworld gods. Everyone cheered as they put on their show, completed with shadows, skulls, ravens, and ghosts.
Maelyn watched as Hel came back to her spot, she looked quite worn out, so Maelyn offered up her full beer bottle. Hel, however, declined, and just cuddled into Sirius. Maelyn shrugged before chugging the bottle, holding it to her chest as she watched the rest of the displays which was probably half an hour long. Every god and goddess had a little part in the show, and it all fit just perfectly together.
Later after, the adults left after saying bye to their kids, Maelyn said bye to Jaquline, and they all went inside for Hel to open gifts. Maelyn saw Hel looked a bit more ... alive? When they came in and remembered that Hel had snuck away to her mum, Sigyn, who was a healer at Asgard.
Hel had a million gifts, but Maelyn saw she opened the little groups' gifts first. Of course, she got cool things but Maelyn couldn't help but smile just a little bit when Hel opened her gift, which was a pair of golden duck earrings, and a pair of golden goat earrings. Maelyn remembered how Hel hugged her and thanked her after, so she thought Hel liked them.
Maelyn smiled as she looked around. The group had gotten front row seats and were allowed to do whatever they wanted with the gifts Hel had already opened, which was piling up. Maelyn looked around at the excited groups of people, more importantly, her friends. She smiled it herself, who need a soulmate or a lover when you were surrounded by your friends and people who cared about you? Maelyn surely didn't, and she was okay with it, she wasn't just okay with it, she loved it.
Maelyn then remembered technically she could break the fourth wall. Hey, readers! She thought, Happy New year to you guys! I had a great year, I hope you did too! If you didn't, well, the next years gotta be better right? Anyways, I just thought I'd say hello, and that nobody needs a boyfriend, or girlfriend, or a lover to be happy. All you need is food, animals, friends, and people who care about you. That's enough, it's always enough. Bye! She finished right before excitedly taking the bottle of some fancy looking drink from Hel and reading the label. Oh yes, this was going to be a fun first day of the new year.
Question For You: Are you okay with your OC dying
Well... Hel can't die ... so ...
Characters Used In this Chapter
Declan Lacey
Elorie McFellon
Hel Lokidottir
James Potter
Lily Evans
Maelyn Winkle
Olivia Tucker-James
Pandora Potter
Peter Pettigrew
Evan Rosier
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Tom Hiddleston as Loki Odinson
Blake Lively as Sigyn Iwaldidottir
Kaya Scodelario as Lady Artemis
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