02|| The bell test, against all odds!
I sigh as I slammed my fist on top of the alarm clock, it was seven am and I knew I was late. Very late but knowing Kakashi, he would be there later. Wiping the sleep out of my eye as I stood up and slowly open my closet doors and my amber eyes glancing in it before grasping my usual ninja clothes. But this time pulled my forehead-protector around my forehead tightly this time. They couldn't see it unless I pulled my scarf down which was something I wasn't going to do. I closed the closet doors before walking to my door and down the hallway until I was met with the wonderful smell of food. I turn my head towards the dinning area and see food on the table.
I walked towards it and pulled the chair out and sit down. Ryuu probably left for a mission or more food. The omelet was still warm and he defiantly made it with more eggs this time, he knew I would be training with Kakashi so this would held me off until this afternoon. The word love printed on top with ketch up which my heart soar a bit as I slowly ate the omelet.
as a child in my old life, I was use to ramen cups, money for discount bread from corner stores or anything at all. My parent's were just too busy with their lives to take care of me, but I did wondered where all that money went, we lived in a small house that sometimes had light on or water on, some days I would pray to whoever listened for warm water for a bath. As I grew up, I began saving up money and more money for all of my adolescent years until I was married and that money went to a house I thought would've been my home with Izuku.
I felt tears begin to bubble up but I quickly wipe them away before finishing my breakfast. I placed the empty plate in the sink to wash later and as I turned to leave, I see a note on the fridge and scan my eyes over it before leaving out towards the front door.
On a mission until tomorrow morning, please eat and make sure that Kakashi eats too
- Love Ryou
P.S, Your bento is in your scroll, filled with so much yummy food.
I hummed quietly as I slide my ninja shoes on and tapped them lightly to make sure they were on correctly and grabbed my ninja pouches and my scroll's from the table by the doors and leave. I slowly hoped off the railing of the apartment and landed on the ground before running in the usual ninja running stance towards the training grounds. I ran by many shops, people and dodged people as I ran before skidding. I stood at the edge of the grounds before walking towards the first three colorful blob's.
One orange, one pink and one blue.
" Tsuya, you're late! But so is Kakashi-Sensei!" Naruto shouted as I arrived in front of them. My face neutral as he walked closer to me. " Wait, is that crumbs on you're face?" He leans in to inspect more but I covered my mouth with my sleeve. " You ate!?" He screeches but whines as a pale fist slams on his head.
" Of course he did, Naruto! I mean, how do you expect Tsuya to work on an empty stomach?" Sakura said as she placed her hands on her hips as she scolded Naruto, quickly I cleaned my mouth from the evidence as Naruto sat there listening to Sakura's lecture.
" You did know that we weren't suppose to eat right?" I glanced at Sasuke who stares at me, annoyed. Probably. " Or you're gonna puke." He added as I smirked over to him and turn my head to him. " What's with the face?"
" Oh, so you do care for me, Huh, Uchiha boy?" I asked in a cheeky tone as his pale skin turn a bit pink at the accusation. " I knew you secretly cared for me.~"
" No, I don't. Now stop making up lies, Kakashi-Sensei is here." I turn towards the direction he was looking at to see Kakashi lazily strolling up to us and stops.
" Good morning." He greeted us but Sakura and Naruto were screaming right after him. " YOU'RE LATE!!"
" Ah... A black cat crossed my path, so I took the long way.." Kakashi said with the half-assed excuse, he was probably reading porn again and gotten lost into the page when the female character was getting undressed. Ryuu tries to cut him off but he keeps on reading those books, books I have or haven't read by pure curiosity.
" Alright, you have until noon to get one of these bells. You can use any weapons, you can come at me with the intent to kill." Kakashi explains as he placed a small clock on a stump before holding up three bells.
Alright, all I need is to get one bell and the two others to my teammates...I've lived with Kakashi since I was born, listened to him complained about every team that tries to pass him..they never pass because they think as kids and not as ninja... I huffed while crossing my arms over my chest while glaring at the masked man.
" Why only three bells? There's four of us." Sakura observed as I nod my head, but then again, I knew what to do, might as well play dumb with them.
" Oh? Well it's because one of you will be sent back to the academy as a student again and try again next year." Kakashi explains as the atmosphere turn a bit tense from that statement. This part, it was true to the word. " Like I said, as long as you have intent to kill me, you may use any weapon of your choosing."
" But Sensei, that's too dangerous!" Sakura voiced her concerns.
" Sakura, he's a jounin, he wouldn't have said that if he thought he couldn't handle it. Plus, if we do end up killing him, I'm sure Lord Hokage will give us a sensei who would be on time." I stated as I see her form untensed from my words. She may be a bit... unhelpful? But she didn't deserved to be sent back, none of us did. She shouldn't hold herself back because she's scared of harming our sensei.
" I'm feeling the love, Tsuya.." I heard Kakashi commented annoyed, which made myself smirk a bit at the tone. I loved messing with him.
" Heh, piece of cake! Especially since you couldn't even dodge the eraser in class." Naruto laughed.
"Class clowns are usually the weakest links, you can safely ignore them. Losers." Kakashi replies to Naruto's mockery. " When I say start, you may begin." I hear growling and glanced at Naruto and saw the anger in his blue eyes and there I knew, he'll fuck up.
Before Kakashi could tell use to start, Naruto pulls out his Kunai and rushes at Kakashi with intent to harm but Kakashi flashes behind him, pulling Naruto's armed hand behind him with the Kunai pointed directly at his head. I had no words, I knew three genin vs a Jounin was bad. Especially if it was against Kakashi. " Don't be in such a hurry, I didn't say start yet." Kakashi stated coolly. Naruto grunts as he was held and myself with the others take a couple steps back.
Kakashi lets Naruto go, and I knew this is where the real stuff happens. I knew I would take refuge in the tree, on a branch. " But, you came at me with full intent to destroy me. What can I say? I'm starting to like you guys."
I began applying Chakra down to the soles of my feet as Kakashi began counting down, the others probably getting ready to start. " Get ready... get set.....GO!!!" And I did a back flip while in the air and landed on a wide tree branch. I squat down as Sasuke and Sakura were a few feet ahead of me, Sasuke in the tree and Sakura in the bushes below Sasuke.
'Wait, where was Naruto?' I thought as my eyes glanced around the field and deadpanned when my eyes narrowed upon the orange Uzumaki. ' Yikes. This can't be good. One's a hyperactive Genin and the other is a perverted jounin.'
" Come here and fight me! Fight me!" Naruto yells as he stood in the open, right in the center for Kakashi to see him. If I could, I would have dragged him with me and I certainty didn't know that he would be out in the open. He's gonna get killed. " You and me, one on one!"
" You're a little weird." Kakashi says, somewhat surprised and amused of the Uzumaki's antics.
" The only thing weird is your haircut!" Naruto replies back as I slammed my hand over my mouth from the comeback, his hair was really ridicules.
" Alrightly. Shinobi fighting lesson one, Taijutsu." Kakashi states as he goes moving his hand to his weapon pouch as Naruto stops his movement. I knew what he was gonna pull out his pouch, not a Kunai or Shuriken or paper bomb. I lean forwards a bit and sigh as Kakashi takes out an orange book, Icha Icha Paradise. That book has gotten Kakashi in a lot of trouble when he used to read it in front of me as a kid, I can still remember Ryou hitting him with his fist every time.
" uh.. what?"
" What are you waiting for? Make your move." Kakashi instructed while reading his book.
" Then why are you reading your book then?" Naruto asked, still very confused. I knew Kakashi was testing Naruto's patience like everyone else.
To find out what happens of course. I can read while beating you, so it doesn't matter." I hear Kakashi reply to Naruto's question and I knew that ticked him off. Naruto was always quick to anger. Naruto does a sequence of different attacks on Kakashi but Kakashi weaves through them with ease while reading his stupid book until he was right behind Naruto with his fingers connected like a tiger sign. 'Crap, he's going to burn Naruto.'
" Naruto, get out of the way!" I hear Sakura yell at the blonde while giving up her's and Sasuke's spot in the trees. It was too late.
" thousand years of death!" Kakashi exclaims as he literally poked Naruto's ass, so hard, Naruto went flying into the lake that was near us. Poor boy, I understand the feeling. He sunk as I stared at him from my spot,
' As I could gather, Kakashi was a member of the Anbu, class-S Jonin. He had failed many teams before us because they lack cooperation and were cocky. We, as a team are four Genin and have very different skills. Naruto excels at shadow clones and stamina, Sasuke with his taijutsu and speed while Sakura is good at Genjutsu and she can throw knives, and I am good with my hook swords and some Ninjutsu.' I tapped my chin while thinking as I hear Naruto come out the lake. ' Teamwork makes the dream work!' A smirk came upon my face as I get the whole test ordeal.
" - as the Hokage." I tune into the conversation between Kakashi and Naruto. " You told us not to eat breakfast! How can I fight when I'm starving to death?!" Naruto yells as I hear three stomach's grumble in hunger, not me, I ate food. Do I feel guilty? Nope.
" So, you caught me off guard earlier, so what!" Naruto exclaims as Kakashi walked away from him. " So hungry. But...But.. I gotta get a bell before noon...I am not going back to the academy when I pass this test, Believe it." Naruto stated confidently as I watched, despite being hungry, Naruto is more than willing to get the bell now. He was working hard. It's hard when I see him, I see Izuku, Deku when we were teens. He was so determined on being a Hero. I sigh at the thought, Naruto and Izuku are different people but they act the same way. " I will become a ninja." Suddenly figures came out the water and it was Naruto's Clones!
" Surprised Kakashi-Sensei?" One Naruto asked as they landed on the ground and heading to Kakashi, I lean forwards to take more view on the scene and mostly wanting to watch Kakashi getting his ass handed to him. " So cool." I whispered, wanting to learn now and hoped Naruto would teach me.
" Great Tecinque, but I think you can't maintain it for very long." Kakashi states as he watched the advancing clones come towards him. " Even if you talk trash Naruto, you are still the worst student here. You can't beat me." He says until a Naruto clone was latched onto his back and holding tight. I wanted to praise Naruto openly but that would just let Kakashi know where I am. Naruto is the best at this jutsu!
" Didn't you say not to let the enemy get behind you? Good advice, Sensei." Naruto says as the clones came closer. They gathered around Kakashi's legs to hold him down as Kakashi struggles to be freed, a Naruto jumped high and aiming towards Kakashi in full speed with a raised fist. " This is for poking me in the butt earlier!" Naruto shouted. I watched with glee for the punch until pain radiated from my own cheek.
-------------Third Person-----------
Instead of Kakashi getting punched in the face liked plan, it was Tsuya who groans, his right cheek bright pink as some blood was spilled on the because of the speed of the punch. Naruto stood there flabbergasted as he stared at his best friend who was punched.
" uh, Hey! YOU DID THE TRANSFORMATION JUTSU TO TURN INTO TSUYA! A CHEAP TRICK!" Naruto shouts at the so-called imposter who glared at him with his ember color eyes. " CHANGE BACK!" Naruto demanded as the clones rally around him, chanting for Kakashi to change back.
" Moron!" Tsuya barks hitting the one who punched him and he disappeared. " I am Tsuya, geez. and who are you calling a cheap trick, moron?" Tsuya howls in anger as he cracked his knuckles, he was indeed pissed for the punch and being called cheap. He was more angry as Kakashi who switched places with him, he was very pissed. " Gah, I'm going to kill him." Tsuya huffed as the clones disappeared. Naruto stood there, rubbing the nape of his neck, he was embrassed. Something glint beside him and Naruto turns towards it, a bell!
" Tsuya, Tsuya, look!" Naruto exclaims happily as he began walking towards it. " A bell!" Before Tsuya could tell him not to touch it, Naruto's ankle was yanked upwards and he bounced in the air while screaming in surprise. " Ahh! Tsuya, save me!"
" Ugh, fine, but you and me verses Kakashi." Tsuya says as he clenched his fist and a skinny pink orb surrounds around his hand like a disk, sharp enough to cut through metal's when he has enough stamina and energy. " Deal?" He called to the blonde who stood still in the ropes now, " Deal."
" I wouldn't if I were you, Tsuya." Kakashi says as he appears a few feet away from the boy, he picked the bell up and hangs it beside the others on his belt. " You might cut Naruto in half." Naruto panic's and shakes his head vigorously at the thought, " Never mind, put it away!" Naruto screeches as Tsuya let the mana disk go.
" Anyway, think before you use a jutsu or else your opponent might use it against you." Kakashi instructed Naruto making Naruto let out a dejected sigh and huff. " And also, if the bait is obvious. Don't take it, easy as that." Kakashi finishes cheerfully making Naruto growl loudly at the statement. " a ninja sees through deception!"
" I get it, I get it!" Naruto chants as he struggles in the rope even more making Tsuya sigh, he used his left hand to grab one of his Kunai knifes to at least let him down before he makes an even bigger mess. " I'm telling you this because you don't get it, you think you do but you don't."
Tsuya listened and watched both of them, he would fight Kakashi but he had a feeling Naruto wouldn't figure this lesson out. " Naruto, stop fighting him and get yourself down." Tsuya says's until he tensed when he felt something changed the air and turns towards Kakashi and sees kunai's and shurikens coming towards Kakashi at full speed. " Damn it Sasuke!" Tsuya growls as he crossed his arms in front of his face as a pink color protective shield covered him, like a dome but smaller. The target, Kakashi, is hit which surprised everyone except Tsuya.
" Sasuke you went too far!" Naruto exclaims as he watched Kakashi's body fling backwards as Tsuya let down his shield and flings the Kunai at Naruto's bound feet which cut the rope, as soon as Naruto's body hits the ground with a loud thump, Tsuya yanks Naruto into the bushes for cover. " What are you d-" Tsuya slaps his hand against Naruto mouth to quiet him and turn over to the body of Kakashi but there was a wooden log.
" Hiding us, did you really think Kakashi-sensei would die with that simple trick?" Tsuya asked sarcastically as the bushes away from them fluttered when someone ran through them, probably Sasuke and Sakura changing new hiding places as well. " Listen, I got a plan."
" Right! So do I."
" My plan will actually work." Tsuya counters which make Naruto huffed in anger. " Alright, alright, I was playing. But for this plan, all of us have to work together." Naruto shakes his head and stood up. " Naruto, come on!"
" No thanks, Sorry Tsuya but if I'm going to be Hokage one day then I need to get a bell by myself, maybe I can get you one too if you want!" Naruto decided on his own before leaving his white-haired friend and venture off else where only to be caught in another trap.
Tsuya growls before rubbing his face, Naruto didn't want to team up so Sakura would be next. He knew she liked him for his looks like Sasuke so if he adds a little charm, he can do it.
" Ahhhh!" Tsuya perks up hearing the female scream and rushes into the forest before skidding to a stop, she lays on the ground while whimpering in pain. " Genjutsu." Tsuya mutters as he crouches and pinched her nose shut making her whimper until she jolted up with wide eyes, they scan around in front of her before they landed on Tsuya. " Oh, Tsuya!" She hugs him hard and pulled back. " You're not dead!" Sakura cheers, " But Sasuke is-"
" Safe, I hope." Tsuya interrupts as he helps the female to her feet and ignored her flushed expression his hands held hers. " Listen Sakura, we don't have enough time but I need your help in order to get a bell." He says as she nods, stars in her eyes. " Alright, here's the pla-"
" Hold that thought, we need to get Sasuke! We can't do it without him." Sakura says as she hurried back into the forest and left Tsuya behind, again Tsuya groans loudly into his hands as he stared at her disappearing figure, again it had happened. They didn't get that they need to work together or were they that stupid? Either way, Tsuya walks towards the direction that Sakura went and heard her scream once more about a head.
" And that's my partner." Sasuke mutters as he stared at Sakura who fainted when she saw him, Tsuya walks out the forest clearing and stared down at Sasuke's head. " What, are you going to help me or stare at me? " Sasuke asks annoyed as Tsuya shrugs, " What do you mean, I don't know. Just help me." Tsuya shrugs once more as he moves his hand to his ninja pouch and pulled a small scroll out and unrolled it on the floor, Sasuke winced a bit as Tsuya bit his thumb and pressed it against the scroll.
" Heh, hold still." Tsuya says as he picked up the two hooked swords with his hands, using the sharp part on the top, he dugged them into the ground near Sasukes head and pulled hard and the ground open wider to make enough space for Sasuke to get out. He does and Tsuya looked at him and the burnt mess around the area. " Not bad, get a bell."
" No."
" Great, here's what were going to do, Kakashi is all ab-" Tsuya stops as Sasuke glared at him harshly, like he just insulted his mama. " What?"
" Who said I was going to help you? I grazed a bell and next time I will get one, by myself." Sasuke states coldy, he didn't need help, he doesn't if he ever wants to defeat him. " You'll slow me down, you and your weird power."
" Sasuke, turn your ego off and let me help you or at least I help you and you help me situation. " Tsuya says as Sasuke scoffed at the idea. " I mean it, stop being full of yourself for once and let others help you, you arrogant asshole. God, sometimes you remind me of Baku-" Tsuya shuts up and looked to the side. " Forget it."
Sasuke watched in curiosity as Tsuya walks back into the forest to ask Naruto for help or go battle Kakashi himself. Who did he remind him of? Who was this Baku? Sasuke turns towards the fainted female and slowly began to wake her up but those questions lingered in his mind, as jealousy course through him at the thought of someone else liking Tsuya. How many guys was he suppose to go through for Tsuya.
Tsuya slams his fist into the tree once he was a bit away from the two, he had never let on his anger when he was reborned here but he wanted to knock Sasuke's teeth out for sure, He even almost let out the name of someone he cared for. He looked at the hook swords and huffed, one in each hand as he felt the air shifted a bit around him, Kakashi was there.
" I can see that you tried over and over to help you but no takers?" He heard Kakashi ask as he poof in front of him with arms crossed, bells jingling as he stood there. " Wanna take me on? for old times sake?" Kakashi asked amused as he fixed himself in a fighting position, " I promise not to use the Sharingan on you, I know Ryou would murder me."
" Guess, and you better not." Tsuya says as he twirls his Hook swords and fixed them in a defense position as he ran at Kakashi, both raised. Kakashi dodged them, either to the left or right as Tsuya swings them at him in a fast motion until he used the left hook sword to grasp Kakashi's right ankle and yanked backwards as the right hook sword blocked Kakashi's right hook that was aimed at Tsuya's face, Kakashi falls forwards but used his left foot to catch himself and pushed backwards as Tsuya almost caught the bell with his left hand when he let go of the sword. " SO close."
" But not close enough, your weapon skills improved." Kakashi commented as he moved when Tsuya threw a Kunai at him, it emblemed into the tree behind him. " Love your enthusiasm to kill me, keep going." Kakashi says as Tsuya ran at him again but gasp as Kakashi sweeps him under and catches him by the collar of his shirt before throwing him against the tree with the Kunai in it. Tsuya let out a strangled cry of pain and surprise when his back met the tree. " Your taijutsu still needs improvement, just a little."
" Yeah, but my Ninjutsu is still spot on, thanks to you." Tsuya wheezes out before standing up and hooking the swords together behind him, inserting them into the holders that Ryou has sewed into his shirt months ago for them. Using the snake hand sign before slamming his palm on the ground and it began to like waves. " Earth style : Earth wave technique!" The ground shakes like waves which did make Kakashi unbalance a bit but steadies and looked up, using his right forearm to block Tsuya's kick he would have receive in the face. " I take that as a complement." Kakashi replies as he grabbed the boy's leg and throws him back behind him with ease.
Tsuya skids using his feet and right knee which made it bleed a bit but it didn't faze him. Tsuya began weaving his next hand signs; Ram - Bird - Snake. Tsuya slams his hand into the ground, " Earth Release : Rock Trail." Of course, the ground began shaking and Kakashi kicks off from where he was as a giant trail of rocks came up from the ground to hit Kakashi. Indeed, Tsuya learn a lot from Kakashi, earth style. " Hold still!" Tsuya says as he stood up and took out a couple Shuriken and aims at Kakashi who was still in the air, he spins in order to dodge them but two rip his green Jounin jacket. " Die!" Tsuya shouts out once more as he threw some Kunai's this time.
Confused, Kakashi takes one of the Kunai from his own weapon pouch and hits it against the incoming one's and they fling into the ground. " Tsuya it's not healthy to say die when throwing Kunai's, honestly who's teaching you this?" Kakashi chided until he heard a sizzling and in the corner of his eye, he noticed the Kunai had a explosive tag. It sizzles and a bright light shines.
As the explosion happened, Tsuya covered his face and let a Dome cover him as debris hit the pink color Dome. It was dusty as he could see a large hole in the ground, slowly he let the dome disappear, his ember orbs glanced around; up, down, left, right and below. " Where did he go?" Tsuya mutters until he stiffens when he felt a presence behind him and quickly turns his head but it was too late. Kakashi grabs his nape and right arm, he pushes him to the ground while adding pressure to the neck and had Tsuya's arm yanked backwards into a hold. " Ugh! Let go!"
" Now, now, you weren't going to get a bell today," Kakashi says just as the bell rings loudly and Kakashi let go of the genin. " Don't worry about a thing, come on, lets go break the news." Kakashi holds Tsuya's shoulder and did one hand sign, they poofed and appeared in front of the team. Sakura looking flustered, Sasuke looking bored and of course, Naruto tied to a pole. Tsuya grumbles as he sits beside Naruto's pole as Kakashi coughs into his fist.
" I've decided," Kakashi starts out cheerfully but tread filled Tsuya's stomach since Kakashi being actually happy and cheerful is unusual. " I won't be sending you back to the academy." Naruto starts laughing out of relief as Tsuya kept his eyes trained on Kakashi, trying to figure out what he had under his sleeve.
" What? I pass, all I did was faint and fall over." Sakura states confusingly. " Do you get points for that?" ' Love wins! Cha! Cha! Cha!'
" That.. That means.. all four of us are.." Naruto began to stutter his excitement as Sakura began cheering loudly, Tsuya on the other hand was trying to avoid Naruto's active kicks.
" That's right, all three of you are being drop from the program. Immediately!" Kakashi pressed on the last word harshly as the cheering has stopped and the two loudest were quieted down due to shock.
' Three? I don't want to be separated.' Tsuya thought heavy-heartedly as he shares a glance at his blonde friend.
" Dropped?! You said if we couldn't get the bells that we would be sent back to the academy! You can't just change your mind and kick us out!" Naruto exclaims as he moved around the bindings to either fight Kakashi or beg. " Tsuya! Let me out!"
" Tsuya, don't. First of all, you don't think like Ninjas, you think like little kids. Like brats." Kakashi matter-in-factly states while having his hands on his hips like a scolding Ryou. Sasuke on the other hand had different plans and didn't like being called brat. Tsuya reaches out to grasp Sasuke's shirt but he was too fast for him. Sasuke ran at Kakashi while reaching for a weapon but as expected, Sasuke was pinned down by Kakashi. " You think its all about you." Sasuke grunts as Kakashi sits on him.
" Let go of Sasuke! You can't step on him like some bug!" Sakura barks but Tsuya shakes his head her demand, it was silly and he kinda enjoyed Sasuke being squished by Kakashi. He would laugh but this wasn't the moment to.
" You kids don't know how hard it is being a ninja? You think it's a game, huh?" Kakashi questioned openly, " You guys don't think at all, why do you think we put you in squads? Did you even question the thought?" Sakura stutters as did Naruto, " Do any of you knew the meaning of this exercises?" Kakashi asked as his eyes narrow on Tsuya who sighs.
" Teamwork, ring-a-ding, if any of you listened to me early ago, we all could have finished this training exercise and be eating at a BBQ house. Kakashi's treat." Tsuya says as Kakashi sweat drops at the answer, it was right but the whole BBQ house was news to him. " Never listened to me, for nothing."
" Exactly, thank you Tsuya." ' I don't know about the BBQ house though..' " It's too late now, but if all four of you would've come at me, you could've taken them." Kakashi explains. " It's over."
" Wait, there's three bells but four people in the squad. If we worked together than three of us would've had three bells but someone would've been sent back for sure because the bells would've lead to group conflict and the group would break up." Sakura states the possibly conflict that would've happened.
" Yes, I purposely pitted you guys against each other, I just thought you all would've done teamwork to figure it out." Kakashi answered, it was correct, he had set them up for failure and a lesson. " I wanted to see you guys to overcome that, to put the squad ahead of yourselves but clearly I was wrong. I thought you guys learn this at the academy."
" Sakura! You only focused on Sasuke while Naruto and Tsuya were right in front of you the whole time, Tsuya offered to team up with you but you blew him off for Sasuke."
" Naruto! You did everything on your own, everything! If you were to become Hokage, you are to accept help and not excuse it like you did to Tsuya."
" Sasuke! You labeled the three as annoyances and put them far-beneath you. You mocked and sneer at Tsuya for even offering the idea of teamwork, shame." Kakashi puts a bit more pressure on Sasukes head making him grunt. " Ninja missions are carried out in squads, of course you need individual skills but teamwork is the necessary essential to carry the missions out. Shinobis know this if they put themselves ahead of the squad then death is likely to occur within the mission. " For example.."
" Tsuya! Kill Naruto now or Sakura and Sasuke dies!" Tsuya felt himself stiffen in shock and fear as Naruto and Sakura cries out in a panic. " See? This will happened on a mission, the enemy takes a hostage and you must make a decision." Kakashi states as he twirls the kunai that he held around Sasukes neck and placed it back in the holder. " Someone will end up dead because of selfish choices. Someone always on the line." He gets off Sasuke and turns towards the large stone.
" If you look at this stone, all the names on it are called Hero's of the village," Kakashi informed as his eyes danced around the stone.
" That's it, that's it! I've decided that I'll have my name engraved in that stone." Naruto proclaimed excitedly while Tsuya gave him a bored stare. " I'm going to be a hero! Not live and die like a dog." Tsuya stood up so he could smack some sense into the blonde as Kakashi turned around towards them. He knew Tsuya knew what it meant to be on that stone.
" They are a special kind of heros, Naruto.." Kakashi drifted off hoping the boy got what he meant.
" Huh? What kind of hero? Tell us." Naruto asked, Tsuya sighs heavily. " Naruto, Their K.I.A Naruto turns towards him with that cute confused look on his face. " What? That sounds cool." Tsuya made a soft grunt noise from the back of his throat. " They were killed in action Naruto, they died on a mission for the village." Naruto's face frozen a bit before looking down in shame and embarrassment, Tsuya shakes his head as he goes ruffling the blonde locks. " You didn't know."
" This is a memorial stone," Kakashi informs them, " The names of my closes friends are on here and some of Tsuya's family as well. " It was quiet for a few minutes as Tsuya's mind began to wonder once more, his eyes glancing away from the stone. He didn't know them but he knew that they wanted him dead too so why bothering evening knowing anything?
' Do they have a memorial stone for me? I was pretty popular as second hero, but they probably forgotten me, my tombstone wired with webs and dead flowers.' Tsuya thought sadly, it was probably true.
" Alright, I'm giving all of you a second chance." Kakashi states cooly while turing towards them. " But this time you guys have three hours to get a bell, so eat lunch now to build up strength to fight me. But this time, you guys are not to feed Naruto a single drop or grain of rice," Naruto growls when he steps closer. " It's your punishment for trying to eat early go without my permission."
" Naruto, you pig!" Tsuya scolded.
" And if that someone were to feed him, that person will fail, you question about it." Kakashi stated, " I make the rules here and you follow them, got it?!" He taunted before poofing away in a cloud of smoke. The three untied genin picked their boxes up and slowly began eating until Naruto's stomach began growling loudly and Tsuya kept glancing at him with concern. " You okay, buddy?"
" Pft! Yeah, I can go for weeks without eating!" Naruto states loudly as the next stomach grumble was very loud. " See?!" Naruto swings his leg and kicked Tsuya's box lunch out of his hands and on the ground. " Oops." Naruto chuckles as Sakura huffs, " Naruto! You dolt, what is poor Tsuya gonna eat?!"
" Sakura, its fine, Kakashi-sensei's boxes taste horrible." Tsuya assure the pink haired girl. " Ryou made me one for lunch." Tsuya once more pulled the scroll out on another marking and slammed his hand upon it with the blood that was on his thumb and a cute green bento box was there. Tsuya opens it and had two chopsticks out, he picked up a crab cake and stood up. " Here Naruto."
" Wait, Tsuya! You're gonna get expelled." Sakura uttered fearfully.
" Let him." Sasuke Interrupted her, " If Naruto doesn't eat or Tsuya then we as a team will fail behind." Tsuya nods agreeing as Naruto leans forwards and took the crab cake out from the chopsticks. " Plus, Kakashi-sensei isn't here now."
" Exactly, when did you get so smart, Sasuke?" Tsuya teased the Uchiha who huffed and offer him some Bento. " What? I can share with Naruto." Tsuya assured as he feeds Naruto some rice.
" That dumbass would probably eat everything in the box, just take some of my rice." Sasuke states coolly as Sakura sighs loudly and offer some food as well. " Take some of mine too, I-I'm on a diet." Naruto's eyes watered when Sakura offered some, " S..Sakura.." His mouth full and still said her name. Tsuya lips curled into a sneer before grasping a rice ball and shoving it harshly into Narutos mouth making him chock a bit. Naruto squirms as Tsuya kept his curled.
" How is it?" Tsuya asked until he hears lighting and thunder boom over the field, wind blowing around him, instantly, he turns forwards with his fist curled up into their position with a threating pink glow around them. He was protection Naruto who was screaming fearfully with Sakura. " What the hell!?"
" You four!" Kakashi growls loudly, " You defied the rules and you will all receive punishment!" He did hand signs and the thunder was louder than before. " Any last words?" He asked threathingly as the ground shake a bit.
" Y..you said the four of us...said..uh.." Naruto stutters fearfully.
" We're a four-man squad and we're all in it together." Sasuke finishes Naruto thought.
" Yeah! We gave our lunch to him because the four of us is one!" Sakura comments confidently.
" that's right! That's right!" Naruto states loudly, " Believe it!"
" If you kill me, Ryou will never sleep with you again!" Tsuya finally comes up with his final words and it throws off Kakashi and the others for a quick second. " I shared because I actually like this goofball!"
" Uh, so the four of you are one?" Kakashi asked as he walked closer before his eye shut, his masked tilts a bit meaning he was smiling. " Hm, You all pass!"
" What?"
" That's right, you all pass." Kakashi says as the sun popped out from the clouds and Tsuya let the pink orbs around his fist disperse. " You guys are the only team that passed my test, you guys stuck out with my rules until Naruto gotten hungry so all three of you began to offer your lunches. As a ninja, you must see through deception." Kakashi-sensei says.
" In the ninja world, those breaking the rules are scum but those who abandoned their friends are worst than scum." Kakashi recited, Tsuya let's a smile slip on his face as he looked at him. He knew he was going to say it, it was one of the lessons that Kakashi taught him as a kid.
' He's so cool, not All-might cool but cool.'
" H..He's kinda cool.." Naruto blubbers making Tsuya shake his head, his hand lit up and he sharpens it like a knife and cut upwards on the ropes that held Naruto, he falls to the floor making Tsuya chuckle.
" Everyone passes! Team seven's mission starts tomorrow!" Kakashi began walking away with Sasuke and Sakura in tow, Tsuya chuckles as he pulled Naruto up by his hand and began walking after them.
" Let's go celebrate! Kakashi's treat!" Tsuya announced once he was a few feet ahead of the members with Naruto who was laughing as he held Tsuya's hand. It felt nice, warm and welcoming. ' He feels...kinda nice..' Naruto thought warmly as he hears Kakashi-sensei call after them to slow down.
------------------------------ HOKAGE TOWER----------------------------------
Hiruzen Sarutobi was a man who followed rules and made sure everything was balanced In the hidden leaf village, he had to, he was the Hokage. This morning he had to reassign another genin to a team since the team just disbanded due to them not wanting to work with Tsuya. He enjoyed the boy, he was a free-spirited boy who liked to play with Naruto or watched Naruto do his pranks. He liked to laugh when he did.
" Lord Hokage, Lady Akari Ikioi is at the door." A anbu states from the shadows, " Let her in?"
" Yes, I was excepting her all day." The door opens to a women dressed in a long and mute color Kimono, her hair pulled up into a fancy bun but two dark purple bangs framed her heart shaped face beautifully as did the make up. Pale pink lipstick and dark eyeliner that made her eyes even more enchanting. " Ah, Lady Akari, how may I help you?"
" Lord Third, I've gotten word that you have allowed Iruka to expel my son and my lovely niece." Her voice kind and loving, " It wasn't their faults for stating their disliking to their teammate, as the Hokage, you should've arranged something else."
" As the Hokage, I should've and did, held them back." He says, she wasn't tempting him unlike some other men. " They are not fit to be Ninja."
" So is a lot of people, people with PTSD issues, mental health disorders or depresstion like the white fang." She states as her eyes narrow at the figure, " But parts of the Ikioi family takes care of them when simple medical ninja's cannot. We've been here since the beginning, Sarutobi, and please start another war with us. Tobirama has failed against us when he tried kicking us and the Uchiha out. All i'm asking is for you to reconsider or you'll lose us and our skills. Any village will take us."
" Is that a threat, Akari?" The hokage asked, his eyes narrow back at her. She was right for the main part, they as a clan worked in hospitals and medical wards to help many shinobi with medical issues or mental issues and with their chakra, they were closer to finding cures for most diseases that run through clans by bloodline like some aburame's and some Inuzuka's. They were close and if they were to leave then the work will be lost or gone. " I'll reconsider but you are to teach them or your husband as a two member squad. This is the last favor I am doing for you, since you've saved Tsunade and Jiraiyas life on the battlefield."
" Thank you Lord Hokage, they'll be fully trained by the Chunin exams." Akari grins at him as she turns her back towards him to leave, her long kimono flowing behind her.
" I need to smoke."Hiruzen mutters, he owed her a lot for saving two of his students at the same time on the battle field, and that was it. She tried to murder her first son and banished a lot of members who disagreed with her on the moment, many were dead now since the twelve year skip. A lot of MIA's. Now she was taunting him with the owe her his life. " And Saka."
Anyway, it took me a lot to write out but I hope you guys are happy. ANyway, next is the mission for the hidden mist!
Do you guys like Tsuya so far? Should I add more memories or nightmares? More Naruto x Tsuya?
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