Chpater 34
Tom's PoV
I move around on Jordan's lap. I can see the pleasure on his face. I slid my hands up his chest.
"Jordan," I try to hold back a moan as he puts his hands on my hips, "are you sure you want this."
"No I don't want to go all the way just keep doing what your doing," he moaned the last few words.
"You got it captain," I smirk still moving my hips in his.
"S shut up," he shuttered.
"Make me," I wink at him. He flips us so. He is on top of me.
"Not today sweet cheek," he kisses my cheeks.
"Hey tommy boy," I here Tucker say good thing the door was closed.
"Hey come in," I yell as Jordan lyes on top of me.
"Hey whoa is this," he points to Jordan, "normal."
"Yeah completely normal he's so light if feels like Sonja sitting on me," we both laugh.
*Flash Back*
"Tom get your ass back here," so hear Sonja scream at me as I run with her snowman in my arms.
"Nope!" I yell back.
"You fucker!!!!" She screamed at me.
"You got it," I laugh while running around.
"Ugh," she moaned.
Next thing I know an arrow is right by my foot. I scream like a girl, Sonja tackles me to the ground.
"This is what you get," she was about to punch me.
"Hit me with your best shot," I sing, "fire awaaay." I start to dance underneath her grip. "FIRE AWAAAAAY!"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP," she sang back. She sits on my stomach. She starts to sing the hole song.
"Well you're a real tough cookie with a long history of breaking little hearts like the one in me that's okay, let's see how you do it put up you dukes, let's get down to it" she sang still sitting in me.
"SONJA," I moan.
"Hit me with your best shot why don't you hit me with your best shot hit me with your best shot fire away," she sang more intensively.
"Got the fuck off me," i yell.
"You come on with it, come on you don't fight fair that's okay, see if I care knock me down, it's all in vain I get right back on my feet again," she sang looking at me.
"Im going to stab you!" I scream. She so light I could flick her and she fly off of me.
"Hit me with your best shot why don't you hit me with your best shot hit me with your best shot fire away," she was poking my side.
"TUCKER," I yell at her boyfriend who is just laughing.
"Well you're a real tough cookie with a long history of breaking little hearts like the one in me before I put another notch in my lipstick case you better make sure you put me in my place," she sang with all of her voice.
"I'm not helping you tom." Tucker said laughing.
"Hit me with your best shot c'mon, hit me with your best shot hit me with your best shot fire away," Tucker now joining in.
"Guys," I yell.
"Hit me with your best shot why don't you hit me with your best shot hit me with your best shot fire away," they finished the song.
"Fine," I say a pop Sonja in the jaw, "there I hit you with my shot, that's what you wanted righ."
I could see Sonja eyes fill with rage.
"Tom," I here Tucker yell, "I would run."
I pushed her off me and ran. I ran to decs house screaming bloody murder.
"Tom calm down," I look back and see the enraged Sonja coming at me like a bull.
"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUUUUUCK," I scream as she plowed me over,,"DEC GET HER OFF ME." I scream.
"Nope whatever you did you deserve it," he laughed I see champ walk to his side.
"NEVER," I here him laugh.
"GUYS COME ON," Sonja was slapping me, "fine if you won't help me I will help myself." I flip her over so I could run to Tucker. "This is what you get bitch." I pull out the dagger In my shirt, I run Ives to Tucker with her snowman.
"Tom don't do it" he said.
I stab the snowman in the head, snow goes all over my hand.
"NOOO," she cried falling to the ground.
"That's what you get," I pull out the dagger and let the snowman fall.
She ran up to me and tackled me to the ground. She sat on me.
"Sonja," I moan.
"Nope, I don't care if I'm light I will sit on you with bricks on your back," she laughed.
*flash back done*
"TOM ANSWER ME," Jordan yells.
"Huh what," I shake my head.
"Did you take your meds?" he asked.
"No," I say reaching over and taking them.
"Good boy Tom," he smiles at me.
"Do I get a prize," I say in a kids voice.
"Yeah," he said.
"What is it I want to see it," I say in the same voice. He leans over and kisses my lips gently, I kiss back.
"Guys get a room," Tucker moaned.
"We have a room and your in it," I smirk and pull back.
"Yeah, Jordan says.
"Smart asses," he laughs.
"You got that right," we both say together.
"Haha your so funny, but I came here to say that in a few days you can leave," he said. I smile at Jordan who looks ecstatic.
Yes," he mumbles his breath. I laugh at him, "you herd that balls."
Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I had two picnics, and I watched Tom CsGo stream.
Might be another update today not sure.
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