Chapter 43
*Tom's PoV*
"Oh so you wanna fight," Dianite snarled.
"If that means Jordan's God is safe then I'll kill you," I swing my sword around in his face.
"Don't do something you might regret," he smirked, I soon felt my feet lift off the ground. I squawk in shock as I drop to the ground. I scramble to my feet and ready my sword.
"Leave the rest of them out of it, this is you and me," I growl at him, we circle each other. He charges at me, I block his sword from entering my skull. I push him away.
"Tom be safe," oh how much I wish jordan didn't say that. I shoot him a look telling him to get the fuck out of here. Dianite runs over to him. I run up behind him and strike him in the back. He doesn't seemed fazed by it. Jordan runs around until Dianite stop chasing him.
"Shit think Tom how the hell are you going to kill a god," I whisper under my breath as I chase him. He suddenly stops in his tracks making me almost run into him. I skid to a stop. Dianite spun around.
He backed away as I pulled out my bow, "don't use a bow," he stated.
I put the bow away and brought my sword out. He brought his out as well. We began to fight. My arms becoming weaker. Dianite becoming stronger. I felt a strong pain slice threw my arm. I look down to see that my arm was bleeding heavily, I ignore the pain and continue to fight him. I swing I slice his side, my arm began to throb horribly. I back away far enough that a bow could do a huge amount of damage. I pull out one arrow and my bow. I ready my bow, aim and fire. The arrow entered the area of his heart. His eyes widen as I walk over to him exhausted, he starts to fall. As he hits the ground he disinterested, smoke or something raised into the air and enter my lungs. I cough a few times as a wobble over to a tree. I slide down resting. I hold my sliced arm as I fall asleep.
I wake up to a feeling in my arm burning. I roll up my sleeve. 'Mecha Dainie'. I hop up staring at my arm.
"What the hell does this mean," I stumble backwards into the pile of ash on the ground. My arm still bleeding like crazy, I rip off my shirt and tie it around my a cut arm. I hear faint yelling in the distance. Footsteps becoming louder.
"Oh my god," I hear jordan yell. My eyes still locked on the words imprinted on my arm. I slowly start to fall from blood loss. I feel arms wrap around me as I was about to topple over, the shirt that covered my arm red with blood.
"I'm so tired," I say as I close my eyes.
"No keep your eyes open," the voice yelled I can't tell who's it is anymore.
"Please let me sleep," I say turning in whomever arms I'm in.
"No please don't go to sleep," the person said, "someone get something to stop the bleeding," the voice pleaded. My eyes start to close, I try to keep them open, "Tom keep them open your going to be fine."
"Where are you," I whisper.
"I'm right here," the voice becoming more and more distant.
"I can't see you," my vision becoming darker and darker.
"Someone help him," the voice getting louder and louder, "stay with me."
"I'm trying," I say. I don't feel the blood rushing down my arm anymore.
"Ianite can you heal him," I hear a male voice say becoming more recognizable.
"Yes just give him hear," I woman said. I here the lady say things in a different language. I feel the slash on my arm close. My eyes open up to see ianite with her eyes closed.
"Tom oh thank gods your ok," I here jordan cry.
"Yeah I'm fine," I smile I move off of ianite, I sit up and look at where the cut once was, only a little white scare was left behind. I stand up, surprised I could stand, "how I lost so much blood."
"You welcome Tom," Ianite said. I run over to her and give her a hug.
"Thank you for saving my life," I cry with pure happiness in my voice.
"Tom," I hear jordan say. I turn around and run to him, "I love you I love you I love you."
"I love you too," we both cry we both are perfectly ok, well except for the fact that I almost died for like the 100 time. We both sob into each other's arms
"You all must jump," Ianite said.
"What do you mean," Sonja said walking up behind us.
"You need to leave this place," Ianite said. I look at jordan, "go to the edge and jump."
We do what she said we walk up to the edge, I look down, all I see is black. I look over at jordan. I pick up his face and place a passionate kiss on his lips. I pull away, I look down to the obis again. We all are lined up, I turn around to walk away bit jordan barbed my arm. I sigh and stand next to him.
"Guys I love you all," I cry looking at the other three.
"We love you guys too," Sonja said, "group hug," we all hug each other.
"On three," Tucker said.
"1," sonja said.
"2," jordan said as he griped my hand tighter, I let go of his hand turn around so I'm facing away from the obis, I rejoin my hand with Jordan's.
"3," we all jump. I lose Jordan's grip, I frantically search for him but fail.
The darkness consumed me.
So do you guys want smut *wink wink*
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