Chapter 33
Tom's PoV
"Jordan you want my lungs to collapse again," I say in between his kisses.
"No," he put his head down. I move my head so I can see him.
"I never said I didn't like it," I place my lips on his. I pull back, "you ok now, or do I need to that again," he didn't reply, but he has a smirk on his face. I push him slightly.
"Hey what was that for," he laughed.
"Not answering me," I laugh.
"Is that going to happen every time I put my head down and not reply back to you," he asked.
"Maybe," I smirk. He laughs and puts arms around me.
"Ahem," we shot up to look at dec standing at the doorway pointing to the TV.
"Oh shit how long have you been here," I ask.
"Since Sparklez here bombarded you with kisses," I look over to Jordan he is blushing madly. It's cute.
"Oh Jordan," I rub his back.
"S shut up," he shuttered.
"Make me," he looked up at me with his amazing blue eyes.
"Later," he whispered.
"Oh," I say back he winks at me.
"No not later you need to heal your damn throat and if you don't you'll fucking die," dec snapped. Shit I can already tell Jordan feels bad.
"Sorry," he whispered.
"It's not your fault I'm provoked you," I whisper back to him, he smiles and nods.
"We are going to give you medicine so your windpipe won't tighten up anymore," dec said.
"Yeah ok," I really didn't care all I wanted was to get the fuck out.
"Well here take some, oh and you can use the TV," he said and handed me the pills to take.
I grab the water on the table by the bed, I take the pills. Dec walks out, I grab the bottle of pills and read, " throat should heal with 2 pills, affective after 30 minutes," great in 30 minutes Jordan could make me shut up.
"30 minutes," I look over to him.
"What," he is so confused.
"30 minutes till you can make me shut up," I wink he gets very excited From this.
"YES," he shouts.
"Shhh," I laugh don't let dec know.
"GUYS ME AND CHAMP ARE HEADING OUT FOR THE DAY," I here dec shout from downstairs.
"Thank god," Jordan moaned.
We finally get some privacy. Long awaited privacy. Now all we need to do is wait.
"Let's watch How I Met Your Mother," Jordan said. I turn on the TV, I go onto on demand and look it up.
"Jordan have us met ted," I laugh so does he.
"They have that episode YES," I shout.
"Oh god," Jordan moaned.
"Shut it and watch tv with me," I demand.
30 minutes later
"Jordan," I turn around to look at him.
"Yeah," he says picking the next episode.
"It's been a half an hour," his eyes become huge.
"Shut up," he says and clicks the next episode.
"Make me," I smirk.
He pins me down on the bed, he moves himself so he is straddling me. He slammed his lips on mine. Shoving his tongue in my mouth.
"Mhm," I moan.
"Oh, your moaning now," he said as he was kissing my neck.
"I'm still talking your not doing you job," I moan as he goes straight to my spot.
"Balls," he moved back up to my lips. I laugh at his actions. Our lips moved in sync. Like they always do. The kiss began to get sloppy. Our first sloppy kiss, that happens to be on a bed while he is straddling me. I think this is an achievement.
He pulled away. I was completely speechless.
"I did that good," he questions. I nod unable to speak. He did make me shut up. "That's what you get for teasing me," he laughed.
"I I," I can't manage words that was the best kiss ever.
"Aww poor Thomas can't manage words," he laughed. He was still straddling me.
"N n," I can only sound out letters fuck.
"Aww it's ok let's just watch tv," he laid down on me. He is so light this is feels like Sonja sitting on me.
I nuzzle my head on his neck. i want to sleep like this. It doesn't bother me that he is on me.
Sleep gradually took me under.
Jordan's PoV
Tom's little snores filled my ear. I slightly kiss his lips and move off of him. Only to have him pull me close to him. I laugh silently.
Sleep take me over.
*time skip*
"Jordan wake up," Tom moaned.
"No," I say and inch closer to him.
"Yes," he shakes me.
"Nooooooo," I moan shoving my hand on his face to shut him up.
"I liked how you shut me up yesterday," he mumbled.
"No sleep," I moan bringing my hand down on his chest.
"It's almost noon," he laughed.
"No I don't give a crap I'm sleeping and so are you," I put my legs on his.
"Sparklez," he moaned.
"Syndi," I say back.
"Would you get off of me," he said trying to push me. Ha that's not happening.
"No what are you going to do about it," as soon as I said that he started tickling me. I'm not getting off of him. I wrap my arms around him and cling on for dear life.
"Get off," he moaned.
"NEVER!" I yell still clinging on him.
"Fine," he rolled on top of me. I'm not complaining I like this.
"Yeaaaa" I yell as he moved around on my body.
"You like," he says.
"Yeah," he moved around on my lap.
"Oh so your that type of guy," he said I nod, "we are going to have fun some night."
That's if you celebrate it.
If not its any other day.
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