Chapter 29
Tom's PoV
Jordan's lips brushed against my ear. I shivered, I could feel the smirk on his face.
"Well well well look who finally got up," wag laughed as a hungover Sonja and Jordan came down the stairs.
"Haha shut the fuck up," Sonja sassed. Me and Jordan chuckle, "oh go fuck Jordan," she snapped Jordan hide behind me.
"Yo bitch calm the fuck down," I turn around and hug Jordan.
"Tom," Tucker yells.
"What," I snap.
"Stop she isn't in the mood," he said rubbing Sonja.
"And does it look like I'm in the mood ether," Jordan had his face on my chest.
"Ok everyone get a glass of water and two pill," wag said. Jordan pull out of my grasp, he instantly grabbed my hand. We take what he said to take. I downed the pills and half the water. Jordan took on pill at a time.
"Wanna go home you look horrible," I rub Jordan's back, he nods ever so slightly.
As we walk back home, Jordan wasn't talking. At all. It scared me.
"Jordan love are you ok," I stop walking, "Jordan."
"Hu what," he asked his eyes focused on me.
"You zoned out there for a second just making sure you were ok," I said rubbing his back.
"Yeah yeah I'm..." he was staring at something in the distance. I look to where he was looking. Nothing I saw nothing.
"Hey what's wrong," I ask.
"Look," he pointed towards the hill. There stands a zombie skeleton hybrid.
"Jordan what the fuck," I whisper trying not to gain its attention.
"I I don't know it's just there," he latched onto my arm.
"Let's go home you need to rest your hungover as fuck right now," he nodded and we quickly and quietly ran to our house.
"I'll call dec and ask him if he knows anything about it," I pat the stool by the kitchen island. I grab my communicator and ring dec he answer with 5 rings. (Well damn)
"Hello tom," he snaps. Someone is in a pissy mood.
"Hey just to let you know there is a zombie skeleton hybrid on the loos, me and Jordan are to hungover to kill it have fun," I hang up the call laughing.
"Well your nice," Jordan yawns and laughs at the same time.
"Only to you," I walk up to him and kiss his cheek. The little thing matter right.
"Hmp yeah yeah," he huffs walking into the living room, "Tom?"
"Yeah," I reply walking into the room.
"Cuddle and movie day," he asked he looked like he really wanted a day just to ourselves. We have had a lot of those lately but hey I'm not complaining. (And I don't think any of you are ether).
"Yeah I see why not," I walk over to the tv and put in the movie 'Happy Feet'.
"A Penguin movie really," Jordan sighed.
"What's wrong with penguin," I fake pout crossing my arms.
"Nothing but remember I'm not going to be bottom all the time,"he winked.
"Oh really," I say, "are you sure about that."
"Yeah positive," he plainly states, "now come and cuddle your hungover boyfriend."
I walk over to him he stand so I can lie down first. I guess he wants me to be behind him. Haha.
We watched the movie, I fell asleep with my head on his neck. He woke me up as he got up.
"Where are you going," I said with a hoarse voice.
"Oh your awake tommy," he laughed I nodded.
"Well I was going to get a bucket of water and dump it on you" that ass crack.
"You fuckboy," I moan and turn over.
"Yeah ok I'm the Virgin in the relationship here," he laughed.
"Who said I wasn't," I lied I've banged some many girls it's not even funny.
"Sonja," I knew it she can't keep a secret.
"Damnit, well at least you know I will treat you right," I wink.
"Oh so you've banged a guy before," he questioned.
"Noooo what kind of guy do you think I am," I laughed.
"I think your a cute, loving guys who LOVES to cuddle," why do I feel like he will use cuddling against me one day.
"Only to you," I smirk. After that my communicator rang. "Hey what's up."
"Tom you and Jordan need to get to town NOW," dec yells.
"Ok we are on our way," I hand up and shot over to where my armor and weapons are.
"Tom what's going on," Jordan walks over to me I hand him a set of diamond armor and a sword with some enactments on it.
"We need to get to town I feel like that thing we saw today," I push past him and head towards the door.
"O ok," we run to town and I was right. There was this huge zombie skeleton thing beating the shit out of Tucker.
We run over to the thing and start attacking it.
"Jordan get tucker I will hold it off," I yell over to Jordan.
"If you get hurt I'm not helping you," he yells back.
"Yeah love you too," I continue to fight the thing.
It seems to be gaining power. Shit. I lost my footing and fell down. The monster came up to me and pulled out a hidden sword. I'm fucked. It placed the sword on my neck almost to the point of cutting my neck. Air is getting cut off, from the sword being pressed so hard on it.
Jordan's PoV
I see Tom on the ground with a sword placed on his neck. He seems to be loosing air. He is gasping.
"NOO," I scream and run over to him. Sonja and Tucker not far behind me. I lung at the monster. I hear toms faint cries. As he knows it's likely he is going to die.
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