Chapter 24
Sonja's PoV
I wake up, I feel like something is wrong, very wrong. Tucker wasn't over last night so we didn't do the dance with no pants. I didn't drink at all last night so it's not a hangover. I get out of bed not bothering to change from my sweat suit. (BRUH *throws hand back and fall over*). I walk into the living room, I didn't see any snow from Boris on the floor. I run over a pool of water in the corner. I see his carrot nose lying on the floor. I know Tucker wouldn't kill him, Tom.
"YOU SON OF A FUCKING BITCH WHEN I FIND YOU I WILL KILL YOU," I scream at the top of my lungs. I run out of the door fury in my eyes. I run towards Tom's house. I bust the door down, I heard someone fall upstairs.
Tom's PoV
I woke up with a loud thud, Jordan was still by my side, so he didn't fall off the bed.
"TOM YOU SON OF A BITCH WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!" Sonja yelled from downstairs Jordan shot up from the bed he fell to the ground with a thud.
"Jordan are you ok," I whisper. He groaned, I shove my finger on his lips to shut him up. He looks at me confused.
"TOM I KNOW YOU ARE HERE," she yelled again. I tip toe to the door and lock it silently.
"See," I say and point to the door.
"Oh well good morning to you too," he whispered.
"Yeah I know, best why to start a hangover whoa," I whisper sarcastically.
"Yeah I know right," he said as we here stumps coming up the stairs. Pounds on the door erupt threw the house.
"Shhh," I laugh and whisper.
"TOM I WILL KNOCK THIS FUCKING DOOR DOWN IF YOU DONT OPEN IT," I try and hold in laughs me and Jordan are huddled in the corner. Jordan's hand over over my mouth trying to stop me from laughing. I don't even know what I did.
"Tom what did we do last night," he whispers.
"I don't know," my sound muffled.
"TOM I WILL COME IN," she yells I can't help it I laugh, "TOM THATS IT." the door bust open. I let lose of my laughter. Jordan was holding me trying not to laugh as well. Sonja came up to my and grabbed me, she had God strength as she lifted me up. Jordan sped up to his feet. Sonja had her fist clenched and punched me in the face.
"Ow fuck," she punched me again. And again, and again. Jordan tackled her to the ground I fell with down and clenched my face.
"SONJA WHAT THE HELL," Jordan yelled as he pinned her to the ground. I whimper in pain as I scramble to my feet and grab my communicator and call Tucker.
"Hey bud what's up," he says.
"Come get your crazed girlfriend before she kills us."
"Ok I'm on my way."
Jordan picks up Sonja and ties her to a chair downstairs, he went full on tied, he used 3 of my roped, and we put tape on her mouth. Jordan walks over to me and looks at my nose.
"Oh god your nose is broken," he said and placed a light touch on my nose a flinch and whimper in pain, "I'm sorry."
Tucker runs in and looks over at us Jordan was sitting on lap. He looks over at a pissed off Sonja.
"Sonja are you ok," he runs over to her and slowly takes off the tape she continues to yell.
"YOU SON OF A BITCH I WILL KILL YOU AND REVENGE HIM," she yelled I roll my eyes as Jordan patches up a cut I got when I fell.
"Owwww could you be any rougher there Jordan," I moan.
"Sorry I'm not the one who killed her snowman," he snapped putting more pressure on my face.
"We were drunk," I moan.
"Yeah I know," he said back.
"Why are you mad at me," I ask pushing him away.
"I'm not just annoyed," he grabbed a bandage from the kit he was using.
"Then prove it," I push him away again and make me look in the eye.
"Not right now," he said," let me fix you up then I will ok."
"Eh don't give me attitude tum," he laughed.
"I'm sorry jordy," I smirk.
"Stop with the damn smirks," he sighed. I look over to Tucker and Sonja who were kissing.
"Jordan look," I point to Tucker and Sonja who were full on making out.
"Hey at least she isn't screaming anymore," he laugh I pick up his face so he was looking at me I pull his face to mine and kiss him he kisses back.
"Hey love birds no time for PDA," Tucker yelled.
"Says the one who was sucking his girlfriend face 20 seconds ago," I say as Jordan moves his position on my lap so he can work on my face again.
"Yeah I was trying to calm her down other ways but it would work so I kissed her and that worked," he snapped.
"I'm sorry I was drunk I don't know I was doing it," I say.
"Yeah well you better have good apologies because she isn't going to buy a lot of this shit," he said uniting her. Jordan points to the door, Tucker picks up Sonja and walks out of the door.
"Now where were we," he grabbed my face and pulled me into a kiss, we pulled away for air.
"Cuddle day?" I wiggle my eyebrows.
"Yeah I see why not," he got off my lap and pulled me up the stairs. We plop down on the bed, Jordan slides next to me and puts his arms around my neck. I wrap my arms around his waist. I pull him as physical close as we could get. Almost every part of our body's touching.
bBsds_need_to_stahp yes she is my cousin no need to flip shit even though I know you wouldn't.
I will answer the question later.
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