Chapter 22 Ianite
Jordan's PoV
I was in a dark purple room, enderman everywhere.
"H-hello" I say looking around.
"Hello dear follower" a woman's voice said.
"Dear follow- IANITE" I say realizing who it is.
"Yes follower, I need to talk to you about something," she says.
"Anything m'lady" I bow.
"I'm growing weaker, dianite is taking my power, while he is growing stronger I am growing weaker" she says pained.
"Oh my m'lady what do you wish me to do" I panic.
"You need to save everyone from dianite, you will come to my home, and destroy dianite, well someone you love dearly" she said 'someone I love dearly' Tom.
"Yes my follower Tom, I must go now, I am running low on power, if dianite finds out he will double my torture," when she said that tears entered my eyes my boyfriend's God is torturing my god and I have to save us from his God this is so much to take in, the tears pricked my eyes I let them fall.
"Jordan Jordan Jordan wake up" Tom shook me my eyes opened I felt something wet on my face. Tears. "Jordan why are you crying" Tom sounded panicked we are still on the beach.
"I-Ianite" I try to stop the tears.
"Wha she was talking to you threw a dream" he said I nodded.
"She said dianite was torturing her" Tom wraps me into a hug.
"What does she want you to do" he said not letting his grasp on me loosen.
"She said we will find her and save her but we have to destroy Dianite" when I said that he looked pained.
"Tom I'm scared" I say and ball up.
"Shh it's ok let's just enjoy our time on the beach" he pulled me onto his lap, "Jordan look at me" I looked up at him he brought his face time mine but didn't kiss me we just stared into each other's eyes. I lean in to give him kiss, he bits my bottom lip, I didn't open my mouth, I bit down on his lip, he opened his mouth and I explored. He moved himself so he was lying down, our lips still connected. He put his hands on my hips, he picked me up and sat me down so I was straddling him. I trail my kisses down to that one spot on his neck. I heard him moan a bit more, Tom must have put a shirt on last night, he didn't have one on when I went to bed, I tug at his shirt, he broke the kiss, he took off his shirt. I started to kiss down his bare chest, I think we should leave him hanging I get close to the hem line. I stop kissing his torso, and kiss his lips again. I pull back.
"Jordan why you do this" Tom moaned.
"Teaser for when we actually do it" I smirk and get off of him.
"Can't wait it will be fun" he had that smirk on again.
"I hate that smirk" I say rolling away from him.
"Oh yeah what are you going to do about it" he rolled over to where I was and put an arm over me.
"I don't know what do you want me to do" I ask.
"Bite it off of me" he smirked that stupid smirk.
"Ok you wished this" I roll over and bite down on his face.
"Ow that actually hurt" he frowned and rubbed his face.
"Aww I'm sorry NOT!" I run away, knowing Tom he is running after me.
Tom's PoV
"Aww I'm sorry NOT!" Jordan yells as he gets up and runs around on the beach. I get up a run after him he looks back and screams.
"YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO CATCH ME FIRST" he yelled back I don't think he knows how fast I am. I ran even faster catching up to him pretty fast. "What the hell tom" Jordan runs even faster.
"I'm a human zombie I have strange abilities" I say as I'm right behind him.
"That's no far" he said still running away laughing.
"Just using my body to my advantage" I smirk and pick Jordan up off the ground, I throw him up and he spins so that he is facing me.
"Ahh Tom what was that for" he said trying to get out of my loving grasp.
"You said you would love me when I caught you" I laugh.
"I will if you let me down" he struggles.
"Just one kiss that's it" I laugh.
"Tuuuum please" he whines.
"What the hell type of name is tum," I laugh dropping Jordan on the ground.
"One I'll call you when you've been a bad boy" he laughs.
"And when am I a bad boy?" I ask.
"All the time tum" he laughs getting off the ground.
"I want to go home" I moan.
"Ok we will go home" we start walking up to the grass my crutches lying on the ground, Jordan was holding my hand with my other hand I flip them off, Jordan just laughs. When we reach our house Jordan runs upstairs and locks the bedroom door.
"Jordan what's wrong?"
Jordan PoV
No no no not one of those nightmares again. I need to get away from Tom, I run upstairs as soon as we got home. Ok Jordan what to do. LOCK THE DOOR. I run up to the door to the bedroom and lock it.
"Jordan what's wrong" I heard Tom ask from downstairs.
"N-nothing I'm fine" I sit on the bed. My eyes close with force I can't keep them open.
I'm in a dark, humid room, I feel like I'm in the nether.
"Ianite" a deep, dark, scary voice say.
"Y-yes" I would know that voice anywhere Ianite.
"You know what time it is" he laughed.
"I- I know," her voice hurt.
"I heard about you talking to your 'dear follower'" he said.
"H-how" she spat.
"Oh you think I can't see what your doing at every moment in time" he laughed.
"What have I done to deserve this Dianite" I a actually seeing what is happening to her.
"Oh u see you brought Jordan here to witness this" he turned around to look at me. I stumble backwards into the wall, "oh you stupid child you and your God will be tormented"
I vanish, I'm by the Tucker's house, I looked behind me, Tom was walking towards me with his lay grin on his face.
"Hey babe" he smirked as he came up to me and kissed me.
"Hey" I say after the kiss.
"Ha live a happy life Jordan" that same raspy voice who was with ianite and I said as he smited Tom. the clear blue sky's now a dark gray color, I look down to tom's know every so limp body on the ground. I cry at the sight, my first love, my boyfriend, my best friend, on the ground dead. All the life sucked out of him. He did nothing at all.
"Why did you do that" I cry, Sonja came running out of Tucker's house. She saw toms limp body, then looked at me. I sod hysterical, I can't live without him.
"Jordan what happened" she said crying. She wraps her arms around me as I go limp, my whole body numb. I fall to the ground Sonja coming down with me, I saw Tucker run down his steps.
"Tom wake up man come on Tom wake up" he shook toms body tears streaming down his face, "Jordan what happened?"
I didn't trust my voice, the sobs becoming heaver, the screams from my lips grow louder, dec and champ run over to us. Sonja was rubbing circles on my back. She leaves me alone and goes over to where Tucker was standing. Champ and dec walk over to me, dec pulls me into a hug.
Tom's PoV
"N-nothing I'm fine," he says I don't believe him.
I go up the stair, I try to open the door he really did lock it, why did he need to lock the door. I him turning on the bed, what the fuck is he doing. He starts to sob hysterically, oh my fucking God, he is having another nightmare. I run downstairs looking for the key.
"Where did I put that damn key" I run around searching everything. I hear him scream, oh my god what is happening to him. "Fuck it" I yell as I run up the stairs and run into the door busting it down. Jordan was curled up in a ball sobbing on the bed. I run over to him, ok remember what dec said when he has these, make sure he is comfortable, make sure he doesn't claw himself. Ok he isn't clawing himself but he doesn't look comfortable. I sit on the bed and pull the sobbing Jordan into my arms, he starts to scream even more. I run circles on his back, he starts calling out my name while sobbing. He opens his eyes, when his gaze focuses on me he runs to his feet.
"No no this is a lie you aren't here, your dead," he falls to the ground.
"Jordan what are you talking about I'm not dead am as alive as I can be" I put a hand in his shoulder but shakes it off.
"No no this a trick Dianite is playing a trick on me" he cries.
"Jordan look into my eyes" I pick up his face so he is looking at me, "I'm alive I'm not dead, well yes I am but I'm not dead fully."
"Yes you are your dead Dianite smited you" he cried.
"Jordan he didn't smite me, we just got back from the beach and you locked yourself in our room," I pick him up off the floor and put him on the bed.
"Dianite why are you doing this to me, why are you tormenting me" he cried out.
Aww poor Jordan.
Jordan is such a tease my god.
I think I messed up I put laundry in the washer and I think I put it in the wrong setting. Oops
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