Chapter 21
Authors Note :/: ok so another random thing. So I walk out of my room to get lunch, I'm at the end of the hall way and my dad, this random guy and my dad's girlfriend are in the living room, so me being antisocial I stood there looking at the person and he saw me so I turned around and walked back into my room I just noped out of there:/:
Jordan PoV
NO NO NO this is not good I'm not ready for people to know about me and Tom I'm not ready. How would the Gods react, no no no this won't be good.
"Jordan Jordan calm down we will be fine" Tom says putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Tom I don't want people to know yet," Tom pulls me into a hug.
"If anyone says anything I'll shove my crutches so far up their ass the dentist will be removing it," he says I laugh.
"Eh screw it I'm not letting this ruin our camping trip to the beach" I grab ahold of toms hand and pull him to shore. Out of the corner of my eye, I see dec and champ eyeing us up, I pull Tom close and kiss him. Tom was shocked he didn't kiss back right away but then he did. We pulled away for air, I turn to see champ's mouth open, and dec with 'THAT A BOI' type of smirk.
"Oh hey dec hey champ" I say and wave to them Tom latched onto my hip. This is going to be one great camping trip. We walk over to were the other two were Tom still had his wrap around me and his hand on my waist.
"THAT A BOI" dec said pumping a fist in the air.
"You you two are dating" champ said. I pulled Tom a bit away from the other two.
"Are we?" I ask, Tom pulls me close and kisses me.
"Does that answer your question?" He said, i smile. We walk back over to where they stand.
"Yes" we say in unison we laugh at each other.
"Awww wait Tom what are you doing, I said be careful" dec scolded.
"It's my fault I wanted him to swim with me" I nudge Tom to nod.
"Yeah" Tom said trying not to laugh.
"Well you two have fun" they both left, when we couldn't see them anymore Tom burst out laugh, soon I did too.
"The way he scolded me" he laughed.
"His face" I laugh.
"Oh my god that was hilarious" he laughed.
"Wanna go sit?" I ask him. He nods no, "then what do you want to do?"
"Swim" he said, "Jordan pick me up, and carry me into the water."
"Ok your pain is the assness" I pick him up. (I don't even know)
I walk into the water with Tom in my hands, I throw him once I reach the part were I can't touch anymore.
"Eh" Tom said as he came up from the water. Where he was at he could stand, where I am I'm treading water.
"How are you still standing," I throw my arms up.
"Haha advantage of being taller" he laugh.
"Shut up" I swim up to him.
"Aww little Jordan salty" I laugh
"I heard that" someone said.
"What the fuck was that tucker" he looks at me.
"Yes it was me you dick" we burst out laughing.
"Where the fuck are you!" He laughs.
"On the beach with Sonja" why is everyone at the beach today.
"Oh well I'm here with sparklz" he grabs ahold of me, picks me up and hugs me.
"Yeah I know me and Sonja are getting in the water I want you guys to kiss when we get there!" He said and walked I the water.
"I'll take that offer any day" he whispered to me and kissed me I wrapped my legs around his waist. My whole body was out of the warm ocean water. I clung onto Tom like my life depended on it. "Aww someone is a little clingy aren't they"
"IM A MONKEY" I yell Tom drops me in the water laughing.
Tom's PoV
"IM A MONKEY!" He yells I drop him from laughing it was so random but it made person sense. He surfaced and looked at me I was still laughing my ass off, he pouted.
"Aww I'm sorry baby Jordan was dropped in the water" he swam past me, "nope get back here." I grabbed his legs and pulled him back to me.
"Hey girls are you swimming out to us or no" I didn't even notice both Sonja and Tucker where treading water about 75 yards away from us.
"Yeah" I yell, "Jordan race me."
"Fine 1...2...3 GO" he yells i dolphin dive back into the water, I streamline till I need air then, I start to freestyle. (omg I'm sorry if you got none of that I'm a competitive swimmer so yeah I love to swim, and kick people's asses while am at it). I beat him by a second. "Damn it Tom"
"Ha yes I beat you" i splashed him.
"Tom it's not nice to splash people" Sonja said and splashed me.
"Bitch" I splash her back.
"Um no she isn't" Tucker splashed me.
"Eh don't splash him that's my job" Jordan splashed Tucker then me.
"Oh that's it" I ducked under the water and swan under Jordan, I pulled on his feet and he came down with me. He wrapped his arms around my neck I swam up with him still acting like a 'monkey'.
"Aww you guys are cute" Sonja said I stared treading water. It's hard to do when you have someone latched on you.
"Jordan I'm going to go under again" I say and go under the water leaving Jordan behind. I surfaced.
"I brought a frisbee" Tucker said, me and Tucker were boss at frisbee.
"What the hell are we waiting for lets go" we swim towards shore, dec and champ making out on their blanket.
"Dec champ you guys up for frisbee" Sonja yells they look back at us and nod no.
"TOM BE CAREFUL" dec yell we all laugh.
"When am I not" we laugh again I reached my hand out behind me for Jordan to grab, but he didn't. I suddenly felt something on my back.
"Onwards my trusty steed" I heard Jordan yell and I ran to Tucker and Sonja's blanket. My side didn't hurt at all but the bandage fell off in the water, I think I'm fully healed. (remember he heals 10 times faster). Jordan jumps off my back, Tucker grabs the frisbee at me while running farther away. I throw it back at him, Sonja and Jordan are watching us.
"Eh throw it back" I yell at Tucker who was just holding it, he throws it back, I have to jump to catch it, "fuuuuck" I say as I jump and catch it "HA SUCK MY SACK". We play this till the sun starts to go down.
"Tom Tucker come watch the sunset with us" Sonja said. I had the frisbee Tucker wasn't paying attention, i threw at his head and it hit him. I start to laugh when Jordan looks back.
"What is it this time" he says.
"Owwww Tom that hurt" the way he said it was hilarious.
I go sit by Jordan I put my arm around his shoulder, and kiss his cheek. "Well it's nice to see you two joining us" he said and looked at me and Tucker.
"Wouldn't miss it sunsets on the beach with my best friends and BEERS" I pulled out 4 beers from the cooler behind Jordan.
"Yes Thomas, beer, sunset,and 4 awesome people sitting togther" Sonja said. I open each bottle and pass them out, I sit back down by Jordan, I wrap my arm around his waist and pull him close to me. He puts his head on my shoulder. After the sun went down Sonja and Tucker left, it was just me and Jordan. We walk over to where our stuff is.
"Tom you now I want to take it slow" he said.
"Yes Jordan I know can't I watch the stars with my man" I ask lying down.
"Yes you can" he said sitting next to me, I pull him down so he is lying on my chest. He didn't move, his eyes closed slowly.
"Goodnight love" I kiss his lips softly and let sleep take over me.
Yeah woah another update
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