Chapter 1: washed up
Tom's PoV
"TUCKER" I screamed as I see something floating out by the modstep's island.
"God damn it Tom what the hell man I'm right here no need to blow your tits off" he said with an annoyed tone.
"Look look look look LOOK" I continue to scream not caring about his ear drums.
"Shit ma... WHAT THE FUCK" he yelled as he ran past me to the beach were I was headed, "Tom you're a better swimmer then me go see if you can pull that thing onto land I'm thinking its a person god I hope they're ok if it is."
As soon as he said swim i was off I heard muffled sounds above the water I think tucker was trying to talk to me he said something about a person. I'm just happy to be in the water it feels like forever since I've been swimming Dianite has been keeping me busy. I soon reached the floating object only to see tucker was right it was a person. I grabbed the person's arm and swam as fast as humanly possible.
"TOM IS HE DEAD? HE IS ALIVE? ARE YOU OK? WHERES DEC.?" He bombarded me with questions why i don't know he's a bit crazy when it comes to this type of stuff.
"Umm, I'm not sure, not sure, why wouldn't I be fine, yeah where the fuck is dec and his bitch?" I say and ask as tucker checks the human's pulse. (is that how you spell it)"He's alive but knock as hell out" ( a saying my family says when someone's asleep I'm sorry if you don't get it) "I think he should be ok can you carry him to decs?" He asks.
"Yep sure he doesn't look to heavy" I reply.
Tucker pulls out his phone a call Sonja, he said that she should meet us by decs.
We walk as fast as we can towards his house, I had to carry him bridle style he kept slipping any other way I carried him. He started to squirm in my arms and say something about a jerry person... what.
"DEC HELP" tucker screams at the top of his lungs and out runs dec with his bitch right by his side.
"Champ help Tom, Tucker help me get the room clean" dec orders as his bitch runs over to me and grabs his legs.
We walk into the bright ass white room with a bed that I could jump into a sleep like a baby in seconds, but no before I could have had seconds thoughts we put the limp body onto the bed.
"Leave" dec commands, tucker and I run out if the room dec is in the soon, so we know not to fuck with him.
Sonja walks up to us and hugs tucker "um guys the hell is going on why did dec yell leave what's wrong did something happen when you two fuckboys were creating trouble" looking at me I'm particular.
"Wanna go I know you weakness" I sass looking over to Tucker.
"Hmp" she sighs as I burst into laughter looking at my horse in a tree.
"Tu tu Tucker loo look" I laugh as I fall to the ground I can't take this all the tears I've been trying to hold back erupted into tears as I laugh my ass off. I think Tucker and Sonja finally realized what I was laughing at and bursts into laughter falling on top of each other. Witch only made us laugh harder.
"Guys come meet our new guest" dec comes up while we roll on the ground laughing still, "now" he commanded.
We got up and dusted the dirt off of us. We walked in still giggling a little. We walked into the white room lying on the bed was a male around 23 24 so a little older then me I'm 21 about to turn 22. Tucker is 24 and same with Sonj, dec and champ I don't know I don't think anyone knows.
"Hi" we all said in unison. And laugh after we realized what had happened,
Jordan's PoV
"Hi" they said in unison then laughing straight after.
I look at them stare at them the girl is a fox with a orange hoodie, the guy with his arm around her waist looks kinda normal he has a ball cap and a t'shirt, and the very last on scared me ALOT he was a zombie but with electric blue hair strange very strange.
"Ummm can I help you" the zombie asks.
"Oh s s so sorry" I stammer God damn it Jordan why you do this.
"Ph whatever" he states cold heartedly as he walked out of the room.
"Tom get your sorry ass back here, if you don't I'll get mainite on your ass" the person to my side said.
"Ugh fine whatever" the blued haired freak said as he came back into the room.
"Ok so this is Jordan" the same person that is to my side said as I smile and stand up from the bed I had been lying on.
"I'm tom" the blue hair thing said.
"I'm Sonja" the fox said is caring tone.
"I'm Tucker" the on is a hat said
"Nice to meet you all" I say trying not to tip over as I stand.
Yep so first chapter took me an hour eh I don't even care
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