Chapter 8
A little lengthy chapter to make up for my absence 💕
Zachary POV
We both had taken some time off from work to recover, the only problem is Nichelle wasn't handling this well.
Nichelle was grieving real bad, and I could tell she was beating herself up about the whole thing. She never once brought it up.
My father of course offered his support. My mother, on the other hand, well, you already know how she is.
We were having a very rough patch. Nichelle was like a robot. She was trying not to feel any emotion. It was just work with her.
"Nichelle" i said
"Not now Zach i have to go" she wasn't going nowhere.
"You cant keep pretending like it didn't happen" she shook her head.
"Zach, please don't do this to me right now" she said, continuing to pack her bags and zip them up.
"Nichelle, you have to feel this in order to heal" she shook her head. She pecked me "Bye baby, i'll text you when I land" she said walking away.
I followed behind her and grabbed her elbow. "Nichelle!"
"Baby, I will text you when I get there" she said in a warning tone before pulling her elbow out my grip.
She opened the door and was met by my father, Chantel and her parents.
She turned around and looked at me "Zach, what's going on?"
"We're worried about you Nichelle" her mother said stepping forward. She looked at me again before looking at her mother.
"Nichelle, our son died." She started shaking her head. "Stop it Zachary" she warned me.
"It happened, Nichelle"
Starting to get emotional myself "He was my son too"
"Can you please stop reminding me!" She finally cried out.
"Stop reminding me that I lost my son! Stop reminding me that I miscarried! Stop reminding me that I'm a failure!" She broke down crying.
This was all she needed, a release.
"I couldn't save him!"
"It's not your fault, baby" I held her as she cried. Everyone came in and did the best they could to comfort her.
"I'm sorry, Zach" I affirmed her as she cried. "You have nothing to be sorry for"
"Maybe your mother was right... maybe I am a cursed woman." She cried out in my arms.
"Since when do you care about what my mother says. She's definitely wrong. These things happen Nichelle" I say kissing her forehead.
Several months later...
We had started therapy to help us grieve with the loss of our son.
Honestly, this was the best thing for us because we started healing and it wasn't going back to normal, it was more like we were creating a new way of life with each other.
That was both good and bad. Bad as in as healthy as our relationship was there were still moments or days that I feel disconnected from Nichelle.
Good because the hard part was over, we'd come to accept what happened and find some kind of peace in it. It's still hard but not like it once was.
Our precious Amira was growing up before our eyes. She was 5 now, and she was growing beautifully. Every day she looked more and more like Nichelle.
I think this whole situation made Nichelle insecure about herself as a woman and sometimes as a mother and she was struggling with that.
On the business side...things had changed up a little. There were a lot of claims that I wasn't worthy of becoming the CEO because well the shareholders and others thought that my father was handing it over to me because I was his son.
While my father didn't care, I did. I wanted to work my way up.
So I went to another branch within the state of Chicago and I told my father I'd work my way up with whoever he had in charge over here.
I walked into my office and realized there was an extra desk in here.
I was so confused then this lady walked in. She was a beautiful woman, I couldn't lie to myself.
I was confused why was she here?
"Umm can I help you with something?" She stood still and looked a little scared.
"Mr. Anderson hired me. He said you'll be needing a lot of help here since there's not as much staff as his" I nodded.
"And your name?"
"Vanessa" she said before resting her things on the table. I nodded and went to my desk. My father was going to hear it from me.
"Uh can you excuse me for a second?" She nodded and walked out. I dialed his number.
"Dad I don't need no assistant"
"Yes you do son, since X passed you've been at work. I need you to pace yourself. You still have Amira and Nichelle. That's why I hired her"
"Dad, what will Nichelle think when she sees her?"
"Nichelle isn't insecure. Nichelle shouldn't have anything to worry about. However if it does become a problem, fire her and hire someone else" oh sure, he hired her and now he wants me to fire her.
"Son, I only hired her because she does this job very well. She's highly recommended, if she's a problem I'll take her but give her a chance to prove what she can do"
"Alright dad, we'll see"
"Alright son, I love you "
"I love you too dad" I hung up and sighed.
Let's see what she can do assistant wise. I called the front desk to let her in.
She walked in and I locked eyes with her, I motioned for her to have a seat in one of my chairs.
"Vanessa, you come highly recommended by my father. How long have you been an assistant?"
"I've been working as an assistant for 5 years actually. I worked in the government before but it was all too messy so I left it and decided to work elsewhere" I nodded.
"All too messy how?"
"There was a lot of miscommunication and that alone annoys me but also a lot of wives had problems with me." She seemed annoyed.
"They were all insecure and did a lot to get me fired because they thought I was messing around with their husband" shocker.
No surprise there, she is a beautiful woman. That might be the same reason I'd have to let her go too.
"Here's the thing though Mr. Anderson, I can do my job and I can do my job very well. I'm a professional and if it makes you feel better I'm also a fiancé" I was very impressed by her stance.
I kept my face neutral. "Good to know and we'll see about that."
"I like to work alone and I like my privacy, so I'm going to have my men put your things in the office next door as soon as by the ending of today."
"I can respect that. This was making me uncomfortable anyway" I nodded.
I dived into my work and as I said I called my men to have her desk moved into the office next door.
They had to clean it out before so it was going to take all day but it would be done by tomorrow morning.
By lunch time, someone came in with a buffet of food that I like and It came with a note.
I might be far away but I know you haven't been eating lunch. I got you your favorites that you can't resist so you could eat... Although I'd rather be the one on your plate...
I love you xoxo
~ Nichelle
I smiled. This woman was still able to make me smile so hard sometimes.
I'd rather her be on my plate too. Anytime.
"Thank you" I nodded to the people who brought the people in and they exited.
I FaceTimed her on my phone. She answered and was in bed still.
"Hi baby" she said smiling.
"Heyy" I smiled back.
"You tryna feed the nation or something?" I joked.
"Well I was tryna give you enough food to eat for the week"
"Now if all I wanted was you..?" I said teasing.
"Stop it, cause you know I'll fly out" she warned.
"I ain't worried about that... I'm only thinking about what you gone look like when you reach your peak" her eyes were hooded.
"Zachary" she warned. She shook her head. Once she locked her eyes with me I can tell she wanted me.
"Bye Zach!" She said annoyed and I chuckled. I got her all hot and bothered. She probably had flashbacks.
"Thank you for the food baby, I appreciate you thinking about my wellbeing. I will eat right now okay?" I said changing the topic.
"Alright. You're welcome. I love you" she blew me a kiss.
"I love you too baby" we hung up and in came Vanessa. I was still getting accustomed to her being here.
"This smells delicious" Vanessa looked like she was ready to devour this food. Luckily there was enough to feed the entire office.
It felt like Nichelle was tryna feed me for 2 weeks.
"Go ahead and have some if you want" she shook her head.
"I already ate some food" she shied away to her desk.
"Take some to go" we had more than enough.
"Don't mind if I do" she started taking food in to go bowls. She said she ate already but still ate some food. I shook my head and smiled.
I guess she caught that "what?" She said with food in her mouth.
I chuckled "nothing"
Nichelle POV
"Nichelle, there's this bakery that love to have you in their commercial" I sat in my managers office.
"Lisa's bakery" I sat up in surprise "oh I know that one! That's in Chicago right?"
"Yea, Mr. Avery said that he personally knew you and knows that you loved his pastries so he'd want it to be you"
"Oh wow, I feel like there's so much people that could do it for him but I guess"
"Well he favors you and is willing to pay 2 million to have you in it. He added that you could have pastries from there on the house for up to 6 months" I almost choked on nothing.
2 million?!
That's really crazy!
"Are we accepting?" I mean how can you turn that down.
"I mean I get to be home with my family. So yes. When do I start?"
"Early as this weekend. The shoot starts on Monday" Great! I was going home to my baby and my baby!
Guess I'm gone be on his plate Friday.
Zachary POV
Thank God it's Friday is what I really been saying all morning.
I been trying to finish up my paperwork when I got a phone call from Amira's school.
"Hello, Mr. Anderson?"
"Yes sir, is everything alright?"
"Well, it is unfortunate for me to share that your daughter isn't feeling well but I would like to share the details of it in person" I started packing up as she said that.
"Alright no problem I'll be there shortly" I rush out with my things in my hands.
"I'll be out early today Chastity" I told the front desk lady and rushed out.
I ain't never rushed over to her school in my entire life. I texted my Nichelle to let her know what was going on.
I rushed over and made it there in less than 20 minutes.
I went in the school and headed straight for the principals office. I walked in and was welcomed by the principal.
"Daddy!" I turned and was met with Amira running towards me.
I stooped low to pick her up and hug her. "Hi baby, what's the wrong?" I start inspecting he immediately.
"Mr. Anderson, please have a seat" she motioned to the chair and I did as told.
"It has been brought to my attention that Amira hasn't been feeling well. She makes this report but isn't able to describe exactly what she's feeling. Whenever we ask if she wants to go, she says she wants her mother" I sigh and rubbed Amira's back.
I knew this was going to be a problem at some point. This is because Nichelle doesn't prioritize spending time with her like she used to. She needs her mother.
"I don't know what can be done on your end, but this seems to be affecting Amira in a way where she doesn't want to participate in class" I nodded.
"Thank you for letting me know. I will be sure to have this conversation with my wife so that this doesn't have to happen again" he nodded.
"Great, we just want to make sure Amira is feeling better and that her mental health is just fine" he smiled at Amira who turned her head over my shoulder.
"Alright, thank you sir"
"Have a great day Principle Smith"
We dismissed ourselves and I walked out. I began playing with Amira by tickling her. "You just didn't want to stay in school huh?" I joked as she laughed.
"Daddy stoop!" She continued laughing. "What are we gonna do for the rest of the day?"
She started thinking "I know! Let's get ice cream" of course she would suggest that but because she was having a day, I was definitely going to give it to her.
As I was heading to the car, an suv pulled up in front of us.
The door opened and Nichelle stepped out.
I hear Amira suck in her breath "mama!"
She hopped out of my arms and ran into her mother's.
I couldn't help but be shocked that she was here. She flew over here in 20 minutes or sumn?
"Hi my baby!" She kissed all over her face. "You okay?" She did like me and searched her for injuries.
"Somebody didn't hurt you right?" Amira shook her head.
She was just happy her mom was her. The other door open and my dad stepped out.
"Son" he hugged me. "How are you dad?"
"I'm good, how are you?" I looked at Amira with her mother. "I'm good now"
"Hey Pop pops little ladybug" he cooed at her.
"Grandpa!" She leaned over in her mother's arms to hug him too.
He took her and their conversation as Nichelle made her way over to me.
"Hi baby" she pecked me but I already was in a little bit of a mood because of what the principal said about Amira.
"Hey" she looked at me weirdly "what's wrong?"
I shook my head "we'll talk about it later"
"Alright Amira, you rolling with daddy or what?"
"Nope, I'm going with mommy" she said. Traitor.
I faked hurt. "I thought we were going to get ice cream?"
"Oh yea"
She looked at her grandfather, then her mother and then me "let's all get ice cream together" she suggested.
"Alright Mir" I chuckled. She could be silly sometimes.
But me and Nichelle are going to have a serious conversation tonight.
Nichelle POV
Zach was upset, he was definitely not acting like himself.
This only meant an argument was about to occur.
"Amira, it's time for bed baby" she frowned. "Can we play tomorrow too?"
"We can do whatever you want tomorrow" she smiled "will you pick me up from school?" I nodded "I will pick you up after school" she smiled even wider.
"Alright, now close them eyes" she giggled "I can't"
"Because I'm happy you're home" making my heart melt.
I got under her covers and hugged her. "Mommy loves you so much" I kiss her forehead. " I love you too"
"Alright let's see who can falls asleep the fastest"
"Okay" she said excitedly. She closed her eyes and I did too.
She started fake snoring and I could help but laugh and she joined me.
"Stop being silly. This is the real deal okay?" She nodded and we both closed our eyes.
Within 5 minutes she was out. I tried to sneak out the bed because once she feels I'm not there she usually wakes right up.
I successfully remove myself and walked out before I could cross over into my room I hear Amira say "goodnight mama" then chuckled "girl, if you don't go to sleep.."
I went into my own room because I already know it's about to be something.
"Alright, what's wrong now?"
He was in the bathroom and he had just gotten out the shower.
He scoffed "did you ask Amira that?"
"Nothing is wrong with her. What are you saying? She's just fine" she seemed pretty good to me. Happy even!
"Nichelle, the school is saying that Amira always says she doesn't feel good because she wants her mother" I scrunched my eyebrows up in confusion.
"What? Zach you saw her for yourself-"
"I did see her! I saw her in the principals office. I saw her sad! She been hiding it pretty good but now the principal and me both got wind of it"
I said nothing as spoke. "So what's it gone be Nichelle?"
"I have shoot this weekend and then I can come home in the next 2 weeks for 2 weeks. That's the most I can do for now-"
"Do you hear yourself?"
"I just told you that your daughter been trying to call out sick from school because she missed her mother and you're talking about in the next two weeks you can stay for two weeks?!" He raised his voice.
"Lower your voice! Amira is sleeping" I said trying to calm him down. He just shook his head and went into the closet to look for clothes. I followed behind him.
"Zach I can't just drop everything! I am in the peak of my career! I am twisting and bending my schedules all sorts of ways to spend time with my family!" I really was. I just couldn't understand why he couldn't see that.
"Clearly that ain't enough Nichelle!"
"You're so busy now, you barely spend time with me and much less your daughter and I'm almost starting to believe you like it that way!"
"What?! What are you saying Zachary?! I love spending time with you guys" at this point he was just saying stuff because what?
"You like evading the truth of what occurred here too." I know exactly what he was referring to. He was bringing back up unwanted memories.
"Yea, X died you grieved and you went to work your ass off. Like I didn't lose a son neither. Like I didn't need support either." I started to tear up. He was right.
"All we do is cover up and act like that didn't happen. We don't talk about it, we don't go on dates, we don't do anything together anymore. It's all over the phone and virtual. I don't want to live a life like that" he said shaking his head.
Not finding the words I shut up.
"But anyway, the problem right now is that Amira needs her mother. That's all. I figured out the rest on my own."
"Zach-" I tried to say but I didn't really know what to say.
"I'm sleeping in the guest bedroom tonight. I just need a moment"
I watched him side step me and walked out of the room.
I sighed and dropped my head into my hands.
This was a mess.
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