Chapter 19
Zach POV
I watched her drive off and I feel like this was just made worse. I really hadn't seen Vanessa since the day she found out.
I still don't even know how Vanessa knew I was still here.
I go back upstairs to my office, a lot more angrier than I was because she was making things worse for me.
"Why are you here?"
"I heard you've been here late nights so I decided to stop by" she said making me sigh.
"I think you know where we stand now Vanessa. I can't see have you around anymore not really for business because you work with my father now"
"I don't get why you're treating me like this. We had a good connection and friendship"
"Had. It went too far and now it's ruining my marriage"
"She doesn't deserve you anyway. All this time she spent away, you were all alone"
"Here's the things tho, that's none of your concern what happens between me and my wife. Your opinion to me doesn't matter because at the end of the day that's my wife and I love her and I want to be with her for the rest of my life"
Water started to fill her eyes "so that kiss meant nothing to you?"
"Vanessa, that kiss was a mistake. I missed my wife and I just desired to be in her company"
"But did you feel something when you kissed me?"
"I felt something for my wife, not you" she started sniffling
"You're lying" I shook my head "go ahead and go home Vanessa"
"No! Not until you tell me the truth"
"You love me and you know it!" She threw herself on me attempting to kiss me but I held her hands trying to hold her back.
Was she crazy or something?
"Zach, she's never going to make time for you!"she cried
"Just stop Vanessa, I'm not leaving my wife for you" I argued as I released her hands and took several steps back.
"And you need to stop because you're affecting the baby with all this craziness"
"You're the one that's hurting the baby because of what you're doing to me"
What did I really get myself into? This girl was crazy.
"Vanessa please go home"
"Zach-" my phone started ringing and I seen it was Mr. Avery. Why was he calling me late at night?
"Mr. Avery"
"Zach, it's Nichelle." As he said that it was like my world stopped.
"She's been in an accident"
Mr. Avery POV
"Oh my God, where? I'll come right now!" I was in Nichelle's condo waiting until she came back.
I was keeping an eye on Amira but this forced me to have to leave.
I asked them which hospital she was sent to and once I got that information I was ready to get out of here.
He proceeded to give me the address, I called my lawyer to deal with Police department but I needed to go see Nichelle.
I called my chauffeur and told him to get the car ready. I know it was late but I needed to see what was happening.
I gently took Amira out the bed without waking her and brought her to the car.
I anxiously sit in the backseat trying to keep my cool until we get to the hospital.
I just hoped that she was okay.
I called the only person I know she was related to. I called her husband and her father in law.
Both not receiving the news well.
We finally made it to the hospital. I gently grab Amira and hold her in my arms and walked in the hospital.
I reached the front desk "Nichelle Anderson"
She nodded before looking her up in the system "she's currently in surgery"
I sighed... surgery?
"How long will the surgery take?"
"I don't know sir, but she has been in surgery for 30 minutes " I nodded and thanked her before going over to the waiting room.
I sat there and admired how beautiful Amira was. She had her mother's feature but she definitely stole her father's face.
"Where's my wife?!" I hear Zach yelling. "Sir I need you to calm down"
I got up and start making my way over to him. "Nichelle Anderson!" He slammed his hand on the desk.
"Zach" I called him drawing his attention. He saw me and looked at Amira in my arms. "My baby" he came over gently and took her.
This time she stirred in her sleep and opened her eyes "hey baby"
"Hi daddy" she rested her head back on his shoulder and fell asleep.
"Where's Nichelle?"
"She's still in surgery" he sighed and his eyes became watery.
"This is all my fault" he mumbled to himself.
"Don't say that, it's not your fault man" I tried to offer him comfort. "I should've never let her leave like that"
"She was angry... I- I can't lose my wife"
"Not the mother to child" he shook his head and dried his eyes. I placed my hand on his shoulder for comfort
"She's a fighter, she's going to make it"
"Where is she?" Donovan came rushing in. He came over once he'd seen us. "She's in surgery" he held a hand on his head.
"How did this even happen?"
"The police said it was a drunk driver that ran a red light and they hit her" Zach continued to cry.
Amira lifted her head "daddy why are you crying?" She mumbled in her sleepy voice.
"Because I missed you baby" he kissed her forehead multiple times before she enclosed her arms around his neck, giving him a hug.
"Pop pop" immediately Donovan's face lit up.
"Is that my baby?" He questioned happily as she stretched her hands out to go by him who openly received her.
It was lovely to see that. I don't think Nichelle keep her away from the family because it clearly will impact Amira but also her father and her grandfather who both love her dearly.
"Family of Mrs. Anderson" we all turned our head to the doctor.
"That's me" Zach swiftly made it to the doctor.
"She's far from harm but she lost a good amount of blood"
"She's suffered a head injury, fractured elbow and a major gash on the upper left thigh. Lastly she was badly punctured in the rib area."
"Is there anyone here that would be willing to do a blood transfusion?"
"We'd have to ensure that your blood type is the same"
"We dont have the same blood type" Zach said becoming frustrated "what's her blood type?"
"Her blood type is O, very rare that we have patients with that blood type"
"That's okay because my blood type is O too" I said making Zach and Donovan look at me with hope.
"Alright come with me" I followed behind him.
We did the test and I waited until he came back in the room.
I sat there just thanking God that she was going to be fine. Nichelle was too precious and has endured enough, she didn't deserve this.
"Alright dad, we're set to go. We'll have your daughter back to you in a minute" whoa whoa whoa what? He already turned away to leave.
I sat up "Doc" he stopped and turned around.
"What do you mean daughter? What are you saying to me?" He looked confused "well- I mean.." he stuttered "the results came back and you both are 99.9 percent a match in everything that came back to us"
Nichelle was my daughter? Nichelle is my daughter... Nichelle.
"Are you sure? There wasn't a mistake?" He nodded
"I'm pretty sure sir"
After all these years of looking for her and hoping she was okay.
I know It all seemed too real.. the way she talks, the way she's firm, her features reminded me of Lisa.
"Sir, are you okay?" He snapped me out of my thoughts. Speechless I nodded "okay, I'm going to get this transfusion started"
"Doc, please don't make mentioned of this to no one about me being her father"
This means I had to tell Nichelle the truth of what happened with her mother. I'm sure she'd hate me after that, if she doesn't already now.
Who knows what Lisa told her...I didn't even get the opportunity to see her grow. I'm only seeing her now when she's already had her first child and is married. I missed all key moments in her life. When she graduated kindergarten, high school or even college. Her first boyfriend, all of those moments I've missed.
"She's my daughter"
"I found her" I mumbled to myself.
Nichelle POV
Stirring in my sleep, I opened my eyes and was met with bright lights. I immediately life my hand to block the light as I fluttered my eyes open again.
"Nichelle?" Mr. Avery said. I turned to look at him only to realize I was in a hospital.
"Oh thank goodness you're okay" he said and sighed in relief.
I tried to sit up but the pain in my side stopped me from doing so. "Sit back, you just got out of surgery"
"Why am I here? What happened?" I look at my side and realized I was stitched up.
"You got into an accident" my eyes widen at the news. Suddenly I remember driving off from the business before the accident.
"Mr. Avery I'm so sorry about your car" tears begin to fill the brim of my eyelids.
He shook his head and grabbed my hand "all that matters to me is that you're okay" he squeezed his hand in support and I couldn't help but cry.
This whole thing with Zach and now I was in the hospital.
"Wait, where's my child?"
"She's with-" Zach opened the door and in he came with Amira.
"Nichelle" he breathed out "baby are you okay?" He came to my side "Hi mommy" she climbed on the bed and I angled myself better because I know she wanted to hug me.
"Are you hurt mommy?" I nodded
"But I'll be okay baby" I tuck hair behind her ear.
"Nichelle, baby you scared us all" Zach said and I couldn't help but ignore him. He was doing as if I didn't just caught him with that girl.
"Zach please, leave me alone"
"Is she finally awake?" My father in law came in.
Once he made eye contact with me he sighed in relief.
"Honey, you scared us" he came closer and stuffed his hands in his pockets.
I offered a small smile in return. "I appreciate you all coming to check on me"
Zach frowned and silence filled the room. "Pop pop can we get ice cream for me and mommy" I see him chuckle at her request and I couldn't help but smile myself.
"Come let's get this ice cream" she hopped off the bed "mommy I will be right back" she pointed at me "don't leave without me" I chuckle
"I'm not going anywhere baby" she grabbed her grandfathers hand and stepped out.
"I'm gonna give you two a minute to talk" Mr. Avery stepped out.
"Honestly, Zach I don't even want to talk about it" I said looking in the opposite direction
"Okay, lets talk about something else then"
"Let me take care you and Amira" I looked at him "I can take care of myself very well"
"No you can't" i sighed. With the pain I was in I knew I couldn't.
I couldn't do anything and watch Amira at the same time.
"I'll get my mom to come over"
"That'll take a few days, let me stay with you until then" I looked at him contemplating if I should.
"Nichelle, I know you don't want to hear it but nothing happened baby"
"Stop calling me that" he sighed
"I'm telling you the truth, I would never lie to you"
"You right you just don't say nothing, which is always like lying, right?"
"Just let me take care of you until your mom gets home"
"It'll strictly be me helping you get where you need to, helping you shower, get dressed, bringing food, your medication, watching Amira, you name it and when your mom gets here I'm out" I closed my eyes thinking about it.
I didn't necessarily want Mr. Avery and his maids to be watching me naked when it came to showering or watching my kid.
"Call my mom and tell her she needs to come here and when she gets here you leave" he nodded and did as I asked him to.
I breathe out... this isn't exactly how I planned my night to go.
I rest myself back in the bed and listened to him explain to my mom that I was in an accident.
The door opened up again and in came Amira and Mr. Anderson.
"Here ya go mommy" I took my ice cream cup from her and placed it on the table near me.
"Nichelle, you know we need to talk right?"
If I wasn't laying in this hospital bed ... this much talking wouldn't be happening.
"About what?" He frowned and sighed "can I talk to your mom alone kiddo?" Zach looked at me as he got off the phone and I simply turned my head back to his father.
"Aww man" she got up and Zach took her out.
I folded my arms "I know this has been hard for you and trust me I didn't expect this from my son"
"However I don't feel like I should be punished for his actions"
"I love you like you were my own daughter and it hurts me to know that you want nothing to do with me" he frowned
"Mr. Anderson, your wife hates me. No matter how hard I tried, she just hates me. That's why I prefer her to not be alone with my child anywhere" he nodded "right that was our agreement. What does this have to do with us?"
"She took my child out without supervision. Nobody told me until I found out that day that Zach was cheating on me"
"And it hurt me because I thought you of all people understood where I came from. I set a boundary and expected everyone to respect it and keep. Not hide secrets from me" he looked at me confused.
"When did she take Amira out? I've never left Amira alone with Moira, I promise I've never done that and I never will" he argued
"Every time Amira was over, I was present or Zach was. But she never left that house with Amira, atleast not when I'm there" I could tell he was telling the truth.
Amira had no reason to lie.
"So when did she take my baby out?" He shrugged "maybe Zach might know" I roll my eyes.
"But it wasn't with me or under my supervision"
We let the silence linger for a bit "so we okay?"
"I don't know, did you know about Zach and Vanessa?" He shook his head
"I was just as surprised as you. I thought they maintained a professional relationship this entire time. I was very disappointed in him" he said and I sighed
"Alright, then we're cool grandpa" I smile a little only making his flash me a big smile.
"Can I hug you now or should I wait.." I nodded
"You can hug me now"
"You're still walking on thin ice pop pop. This is probation. You mess up and you going right back in" he nodded and did the sign of the cross.
"I promise, everything will be good now" he leaned in and hugged me. It felt good to be in his embrace.
"I don't even want to let you go. We could've lost you tonight" he mumbled before letting me go.
"I know but I'm here" I say softly.
I loved Mr. Anderson cutting him off wasn't gonna be easy so I'm glad we had this conversation.
"So your parents are coming?"
"Great, I haven't seen them in a minute" he smiled "does this also mean we can visit you, especially because of now" I nodded
The door opened and in came Zach with Amira and Mr. Avery.
"Your mom said she'll be here in less than 2 days, I sent her the address so she knows where to go"
"Great" Mr. Avery looked uncomfortable but smiled nonetheless.
"Oh I didn't even ask, I hope you don't mind my mom coming over Mr. Avery"
"No, not at all" he shook his head. "You're parents are welcome to stay if necessary"
"No, I wouldn't do that to you" I shook my head
"Seriously, it's okay. It's your condo and you have enough room for guests" he smiled.
"Thank you for everything Mr. Avery"
"You're more than welcome"
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