Chapter 12
Christmas without you
Zach pov
"Hey boss I'm leaving early for the Christmas party" Nessa said walking into my office.
"Alright, have a good night" I refused to look at her because ever since we shared that eye contact I felt like maybe she might've gotten the wrong idea.
I want to be professional with her.
"Zach" I hummed in response and finally looking at her.
"You're coming right?"
"I am" shifting my gaze back to my papers. She wouldn't just leave and that annoyed me.
"Okay, you just don't seem interested"
"And I'm more than likely not but I'll be there"
"Will your wife be there?"
"Why does that matter to you?" I look at her and she shrugged. "I'm just trying to understand why you don't seem interested in a lot lately"
I sighed and rested my hands on the table "Vanessa, let's keep this strictly professional. This is my personal business and seeing as I am your boss I don't want any lines to be crossed. What happens in my marriage is none of you business"
She scoffed "are you serious?"
I set my face like a flint. "I was just trying to understand why you've been so down lately. Excuse me for caring."
"I just wanted to pay you back kindness for kindness" she said before walking out and slamming my door shut.
I rolled my eyes before sighing.
"Women are so emotional" I muttered to myself.
I dragged my hand down my face and decided to call Nichelle.
To my dismay it went straight to voicemail.
I tried again and it went straight to voicemail again.
What was Nichelle so busy doing? I missed her.
I spent the next 2 hours finishing up work and then started packing up to go the party.
I called Amira to see how she was doing and she was having the time of her life with Chantel.
Silly baby.
1 hour later...
I was already pulling up to the venue.
Nichelle still hadn't gotten back to me which was so frustrating.
I walked in the venue and the party was going well. Everyone was already seated and chatting amongst themselves or they were eating.
"Hey son" my father said making me shift my gaze to him. He hugged me "good to see you"
"How you doing pops?"
"I'm doing pretty good, your mom's been acting up lately about wanting to spend time with Amira" I sighed.
"But I know Nichelle's not comfortable with her being alone with Amira"
"That's right, I don't want to upset her at all"
"Nichelle's in all her right. When I get a chance I'll call you to pick up my grand baby" I nodded.
"Alright pops"
"Good, enjoy the night son"
With that he turned off and went to start the night with the awards.
I looked for the table they had me placed at only to see Vanessa walking in my direction.
She looked good. Happy even. I was glad to see that, because after all she endured, she deserved some kind of happiness.
I took my seat and realized she was seated next to me.
From the corner of my eye I can see that she kept stealing glances at me.
I finally turn to face her "you wanna take a picture? It'll last longer" she kissed her teeth and rolled her eyes.
"Boy ain't nobody fascinated by you" she lied but okay.
"So why you keep looking at me?"
"Because you look upset and not happy to be here at all"
"I'm fine" I shifted my gaze back to my father who was still presenting the awards.
"I mean if that makes you sleep better at night, okay" I disregarded her comment.
"And you've been ducking me"
I shook my head. "I've been working Vanessa"
"Yeah right, okay. We work in the same place and you call me for things or send people to drop or pick up things I can do myself, your literally next door. Did I do something?"
I sighed. "Don't take it personal, I just don't want to be bothered by anyone"
"You ask a lot of questions" I continued listening to my father.
"Because you're not being clear or honest"
"Oh great, I probably fit in the category for great bosses then"
I left the conversation there as there was really nothing else to say.
After the awards were given out, the dj came out and started playing music making everyone run to the dance floor.
Me on the other hand I went to the bar and tried to call Nichelle.
"Hey baby"
"Hey baby?" I was confused
"Nichelle I haven't heard from you in 2 days. You didn't even call to see how Amira was doing!" I was heated.
"Baby I know I'm sorry! I'm just so busy. I'm so caught up with work that by the time I get home I'm so exhausted, I fall asleep in seconds"
"Nichelle, we've been having this problem for what feels like years"
"Yeah I know baby. I promise I'm working on it"
I sighed and pinch the bridge of my nose. I just decided to drop it "Alright, what time am I picking you up from the airport on Saturday"
I was met with silence.
"About that-"
"Nichelle don't bullshit me right now" I warned her.
"I'm sorry Zach, it's my manager. She extended the tour and I could only come home after new years"
"So when were you gonna tell me?!" Nichelle really was pissing me off.
"Zach I was trying to find the right time to tell-"
I chuckled bitterly "you're unbelievable"
"Nichelle just quit the job. You don't need it, I'll literally provide for you. I can't keep doing this. You're missing out on Amira growing up and our marriage is hanging by a thread because of this bullshit"
"Zach I have never asked you to quit your job to spend time with our family-"
"That's the point! You don't have to! I love my family enough to take the time out myself! Nobody has to tell me to take time off and spend it with my family"
"Is that what it is Nichelle?! You love your job more than you love your own family?!"
"Zach, lower your tone!"
"Nah Nichelle! I have a right to be upset! if you not home before New Years I'm moving out and that's that"
"Zach-" I hung up. Out of anger I threw my phone at the wall and watched it smash.
Everyone looked at me concerned and in fear.
I apologized and assured them that I was fine.
I turned around to head out and found Vanessa staring right at me.
"Come on, I know exactly how to make you feel better"
Nichelle POV
"Zach baby-" the line cut.
Did he just hang up on me?
I called him back and it went straight to voicemail. I tried 3 more times and it went to voicemail. In frustration I threw my phone and i didn't realize how much force I had threw it with.
It smashed once it made contact with the wall.
I couldn't help but cry. Tears running down my face. I was in my apartment here in Atlanta.
Why couldn't Zach understand that this was apart of the job?
Everyone else in the industry, their partners understand how their work schedules are.
He was asking me to give up my passion. I just couldn't bring myself to do it before but now I'm forced to reconsider.
The door bell rang and I ran down to see who it was. Only close people make it to the front door. Zach made sure the security was tight seeing as he wouldn't be here with me all the time.
I opened the door to come face to face with my mother.
Upon see my face her smile turned into a frown.
"What's wrong my baby?" She cupped my face before giving stepping in to give me a hug.
"What's wrong come tell me all about it" We went to the nearest couch and I told her everything.
"All I hear is a man who misses his wife" she stroked my hair as I laid my head in lap.
"I know mama but I work"
"You know what else I hear?"
I look up at her "what?"
"Fear" I looked at her a little confused and she nodded.
"You're scared of being with your family because it forces you to sit down and process everything that has happened"
"If you don't stop running Nichelle, you're going to lose your husband" tears start falling out my eyes again.
"He lost his son too, it is equally as painful to him but he's desiring to heal together as a family and you need to allow that bring your family back to what it should be"
I remained quiet and listened to her. "Your job isn't worth losing the man of your dreams. I can tell you now by the looks of it the dating pool right now..." she shook her head "it ain't it"
"And..As a wife and as a mother you have responsibilities"
"Remember the first time you fell in love with Zachary? Think about it"
Reflecting, I looked back at the times we had spent together.
I definitely fell in love at the gala even though it was ruined because Candace and that boy.
It was the time I knew that Zach was the one.
The fact that he stayed with me and took care of me. Beat up my ex and then went back to do it again the day after.
Periods are the worst.
Zachary came over to visit me not expecting me to be grumpy.
"What do you want Zachary?" I asked half annoyed.
"Well first of all good afternoon to you too" then walked over the bed and stooped low.
"How are you feeling?" He looked me dead in eye and seriously asked me that question but the look in his eyes really showed me something different.
His tender approach softened my heart and my response. "Terrible" my eyes got watery. These cramps were kicking my ass.
He caressed my cheek "Tell me what you want baby"
"Chocolate, a heating pad, pills maybe" I mentally ran down a list of things that I wanted. "Alright cool, ima be back" not expecting him to say that.
He pecked me and was out the door before I even got understanding of what he said.
A whole hour later....
I done showered, ate and ran out of things to do.
I hear footsteps coming near the door and I sat up, ready to curse him smooth out.
The door open "Zach-"
I stopped mid sentence when I realized he had a bouquet of roses. Pierre Marcolini Chocolates and a huge teddy bear.
He had a panicked look "now I know I took long but-"
"I was at the cvs store trying to decide what all I thought you'd need and I grabbed some extras on the way home" he ended with a smile.
Speechless I got out the bed and walked over to him. I couldn't help it, I kissed him.
He lowered the things to the floor and wrapped his hands around me, picking me up in the process.
One thing led to another and I was on the bed straddling him. I know I'm equally as surprised.
Blame the hormones.
He pulled apart from the kiss and smiled.
"I love you too and you're welcome"
I blushed when I realized what I was doing "don't get shy now" he teased
"Let me take care of you" he tapped my leg for me to get up which I did.
He got up and took all the things and brought it over to the bed.
I'm shook that he got me Pierre Marcolini chocolate. "You know a Milky Way would've sufficed?"
"You know I gotta go above and beyond for you" he winked at me making me shake my head.
"And I gotta these" he got spa related items, face masks, eye masks and even foot soap. I'm confused foot soap?
"Yeah I'm gonna give you a pedicure" I laughed "Zachary no you're not"
"Yes I am"
"I've never had a man do that for me before" I admit.
"That's because you were dating little boys" ooop-. Now sir..
"I'm not ashamed of the way I love you, I'll love you in private and in public."
"How'd I get so lucky to have a man like you?"
"Nah the real question is how'd I get so lucky to be with a woman as beautiful as you?"
What was cramps at this point? This sweet talking replaced those cramps with butterflies.
He did as he said he would. He washed and scrubbed my feet and massaged it. He took his time and painted them.
Once he was done, we spent the night cuddling and making out. Whenever I would be in pain he would rub my tummy and continuously kiss my forehead.
My mother called snapping me out of my trance.
"See how you zoned out?" She said smiling at me and I couldn't help but blush. "You were smiling the entire time"
"That's what your husband wants"
"Don't be selfish, grant your family the time necessary to experience you" she was right.
The memories flooded my brain and I couldn't help but truly fall in love with my man again.
I have to work something out.
Me and my mother caught up and she called it a night and went to bed.
I borrowed my mom's phone and tried calling Zach back but it wouldn't go through. He was definitely still mad .
Chantel POV
"Did you enjoy the movie Mira ?" She nodded.
"I sure did! I want to be Moana!"
Yeah alright buddy.
"That's great baby, you can be anything you want to be but I think the best thing you can be is your little cute self" I pinched her little cheeks.
Amira was like my own little daughter. The best thing they could've given me was Amira as my goddaughter.
She's the sweetest thing.
"Ouu! Can we go to Baskin Robbin's! I want ice cream!"
"Amira, I done bought you popcorn and soda and now you want ice cream?" She nodded and did the pouting thing.
"No that's don't work on me Amira" she kept pouting and I slowly gave in. "Alright fine"
"Thank you aunty!"
She ran to the door "Amira don't run"
She opened the door and once I caught up to her I found the last person I was expecting to see... and with company.
"Hi baby" he hugged her but the look on my face made him uncomfortable? I don't know I'm not a good face reader.
I look at the woman who seemed to have his blazer on.
Oh, Zachary had some explaining to do.
"Does your wife know you out here eating ice cream with another woman?"
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