Chapter 10
"Hello, My name is Vanessa" she shook my hand.
"It's nice to formally meet you" she was beautiful I couldn't lie.
But why was she here? "you work here?"
"Yeah I just started working as Mr. Anderson's assistant. I knew his father very well and he recommended me for the job" I nodded.
"If pop pop approves how can we reject you" I half joked.
"It's nice to meet you. Thank you for helping my husband by helping him with his millions of tasks"
"It's no problem" I went over and I kissed Zach on the lip.
"Hey baby"
"Hey babe" I sat on his lap and before we knew it pop pop came in.
"Hello hello!"
"Hey pop pop" we greeted him. "Glad to see everyone is here!"
"Vanessa come with me, I want to catch up with you on something"
"Why didn't you tell me you had an assistant?"
I immediately ask.
"My dad hired her without consulting me. I was actually contemplating firing her this whole week"
"I just don't need one. I've been doing this by myself. I can handle this"
"Nothing is wrong with receiving some help baby. If pop pop recommended her then she can really do the job" and it was true. He never played about the people he hires.
"I guess. She's just not necessary to me"
"Well, see how it goes over the course of the next week" I suggested. "I don't want to be unfair and say fire her cause she's too pretty. I trust you as my husband." He looked up at me with eyes of admiration.
"But if she tries anything, echarla" (throw her out) he chuckled "oh you Spanish now?"
"Maybe but I'm serious" he nodded. "Yes ma'am"
"Hold on, aren't you supposed to be on a flight?" He rubbed my thighs as a means of comfort.
"Well guess what? My flight totally got canceled because of the weather so I came here to be with you" I said wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Hmmm, sounds like an extra day for me" he said smiling. "Maybe now I can show you all the things I want to do to ya"
"Zachary, don't start nothing now" I warned him. He shrugged "sorry"
"I got to work though and you're distracting me"
"Okay I won't distract you anymore" I said and hid my face in the crook of his neck.
He chuckled "what are you doing?"
"I know I'm quite the view so I hid my face so you won't be distracted"
His laughter ringed through the office "that's not how it works baby"
"Just having you here makes me excited. Feeling you.. hearing you breathe, all that makes me think about everything but work"
"Aww man" I got up off of him and made my way over to his couch until I found something to do.
A couple minutes later, I was scrolling on my phone and I heard Zach sigh and throw his pen.
"What's wrong baby?"
"I can't concentrate because you look good sitting on my couch" I feigned shock.
"Me? I'm not even doing nothing"
"I know. Crazy ain't it?" He chuckled making me blush.
There was a knock on the door and after Zach yelled open, pop pop walked in.
"Heyy, I stopped by because I haven't been seeing my son as much AND my lovely daughter in law" he said approaching me for a hug. Which I gladly gave him.
"Hey dad" he went to hug his son.
"And I want to invite you guys to charity gala tonight at 8 PM sharp"
Zach looked at me for confirmation "Sure, I'd love to.. it gives me a reason to dress up" I joked.
"Great, so I'll see you both tonight" he left the office.
"What we gon do about Amira?"
I shrugged "she got school tomorrow, her bedtime is 8 PM. We might be a lil late but we can make it"
"Baby, just so you know my flight is cleared for first thing in the morning"
"Aight cool" he said pulling up to the valet.
My baby opened the door and we were met with the red carpet. As we were walking in, the paparazzi started taking pictures of us.
"Damn it's a lot of people in here"
"Yeah, well pops know how to network"
We walked in and I was mesmerized by the decor of the place. This place was beautiful.
Zachary hugged me from behind and said "How it feel to be the most beautiful woman standing right now in this building"
"The only thing that matters to me is that in the midst of all these people I am your wife " I turned to him to look him in the eyes.
He smiled at me and pecked me.
"Alright alright lovebirds, save it for the bedroom"
"Hi Jeffrey" I gave him a hug and let him greet Zach.
"What up wodie"
Behind him I see one of my Marionela, my good ole Spanish friend. So I went to greet her.
"Hey baby, how are you?" She hugged me and smelled. "I'm doing pretty good, you look so gorgeous" I blushed. "Thanks babe"
"But you look even better, no offense" Danny said looking at me "none taken"
"She's here?" He whispered more to himself. He was looking passed me so I followed his gaze to see him looking at Zach's new secretary.
"Who's she? Ah?" Marionela asked irritated. Making me turn to look at Danny. "Babe that's uh, um Za-"
"Uh um que?" She made him visibly nervous and I looked at him a little confused because now I had questions. "She got you tongue tied?"
"Dime" (tell me) deciding to help him out I said
"Mari, that's my husband's new secretary" she looked at me and calmed down.
"You better than me" she said shaking her head.
"I trust my husband. That man loves me too much to ever do something crazy." We both looked at her as her date walked with her.
"I do too but these little fast girls is who gotta keep an eye on." as she said that my gaze fell on Zach and Jeffrey who was also staring at her.
Just then he turned around and looked at me and I smiled at him.
Why was Danny moving weird when he saw her? First of all how'd he even know about her before me?
Zachary POV
"Man, you ain't fire this girl?"
"When I was about to Nichelle walked in and introduced herself"
"Ahh shit, what'd she say?"
"They introduced each other and then once she heard pop recommended her, she was cool with it"
"And she didn't tell you nothing?"
"She asked why I didn't tell her about her and I was honest with her. I told her I wasn't planning on keeping her anyway and that it was my dad who hired her"
"Hmm that's new. I'd still fire her if it was me though" he held his hands up in defense.
"But that's me. I'm just saying"
I looked back at Nichelle and I could tell she was a lil uncomfortable or was it upset?
Before I knew it Vanessa came over. "Hey boss" she greeted me and Jeffrey.
"This is my fiancé Gregory"
"Wazzam homie" he dapped us up.
"Nice to meet you man. The name's Zach"
Not knowing what to do .. I try to think of a topic to engage in but she already decided to go to the bar with her fiancé.
"That's what women like, a good gangsta" Jeffrey said shaking his head.
"I'm sorry in advance man" Danny said as he passed me by with Mari who waved at us.
Confused.. I turned around and looked for Nichelle. She was over at the bar getting a drink.
"Give me a minute man" I walked over to Nichelle.
"Baby" she turned around at me and smiled "hey, you okay?"
She nodded "let's talk when we get home, yea?"
She caressed my cheek. I leaned in to peck her on the lips "cool"
"But for now come on with me to the dance floor" I pulled her over. One thing I loved to do was dance and sing with my baby.
"Zachary" she playfully whined. I don't care tho.
Brown eyes by destiny child came on.
"Oohh this a good one" she shook her head blushing.
And though I'm usually the one to sing to her, she started singing to me, which surprised me. But I loved it.
Remember the first day that you took me out.
We had butterflies although we tried to hide it.
The way we held each others hand.
The way we talked the way we laughed.
It felt so good to find true love.
I knew right there and then you were the one.
Nichelle pov
I know that he loves me cause he told me so.
I know that he loves me cause his feelings show.
When he stares at me you see he cares for me.
You see how he's so deep in love.
As I sing the lyrics out to him... the memories start flooding back to me.
Our first date. The prom and after prom. His marriage proposal and all the beautiful moments we shared.
It was then I remembered why I trusted this man in the first place. He never leaves room for me to doubt him.
It's me that keeps messing up by putting my dream ahead of everything. My baby was right.
I'm going to put my whole album on hold and take the whole year off to be with my family because my family needs me.
"Why you so deep in thought? What's got your beautiful mind?"
"I'm just remembering our first date"
"Oh you mean when I surprised you" I nodded.
"You wasn't expecting a nigga to show out" I laughed "I was not"
"Yea, now look at you. A whole wife"
"Zachary, you could've barely kept a girl for more than 2 weeks, so please"
"Now look at me I kept a woman for more than 6 years. Say something now" I kept quiet.
Cause when a man loves woman
"Oooh! I know God on my side. This song came on right on time"
Can't keep his mind on nothing else
He'll trade the world for the good thing he's found.
Interrupting our loving moment, we hear yelling come from the other side of the building.
"Are you serious right now?!" We turned to where the yelling was coming from and realized it was Vanessa and her date.
Then we both looked at pop pop, his look told us to deal with it immediately.
"Cmon baby"
"How could you do this to me?"
Vanessa on the brink of tears. "Vanessa, time and place. You need to take this yelling outside, in the car or when you reach home" I said firmly.
"I'm going to have to ask you guys to leave" Zachary said firmly before nodding at the security to escort them out.
She looked at me with her eyes full of tears.
"Come on man, making a scene" her boyfriend mumbled grabbing her upper arm and walking out with her.
She eventually forcefully pulled her arm out of his grip.
"Don't touch me"
This was so awkward, I looked at Zach to know what to do next. Who also didn't know what to do.
"Uh, Everything is alright everyone. You can go back to your conversations" Zach yelled.
After the charity event ended and we made it home. I don't know if Zach realized but I wanted to treat him good tonight.
So while we ahead and showered I got into one of his favorite corsets and waited for him to come out.
I heard the water stop so I got in place. Once the door opened I started the music and started dancing.
He came out the bathroom with just a towel covering his lower parts.
I just wanna show you how much I appreciate you
Wanna show you how much I'm dedicated to you
He looked at me surprised and once he caught on. He dropped his towel. "Alright now"
Making me break character. "I mean if we getting into it" he was so stupid I just had to laugh.
I wanna show you how much I really about your heart.
Wanna show you how much I hate being apart.
Tonight I was reminded of so much.
I was going to prove to my baby that I am committed to this family and to him most importantly.
We spent the night doing rounds after rounds.
Zachary POV
I'm more than sure that after last night Nichelle will be soon be seeing two red lines on a pregnancy test.
Last night was one of the most beautiful nights we shared together, and man I was ready to continue sharing more moments like these with her.
I went to work with every intention of working hard, Nichelle was already on her flight back to Atlanta.
Remember our encounter before she left.
"Kiss my ass Zachary" she said jokingly
"Alright then, bend over" she stuck her middle finger up.
"Again?" She laughed before coming to peck me "I love you and I'll be back soon enough"
"I can't wait"
I smiled at the memory. I am happy man right now.
A knock interrupted my thoughts. "Come in"
"You wanted to see me?" Vanessa stepped in and closed the door behind her. Yeah we were gonna have to talk about what happened last night.
It was inappropriate for the event we were having. I also wanted to make sure she was okay.
"Have a seat" which she gladly took.
She looked like she had a long night. She was very soft spoken.
"Are you okay? What happened last night?"
Her eyes filled up with water.
"He was talking to another woman while I went to use the restroom."
Damn. I didn't even know what to say.
"I tried to work it out with him but he didn't want to be with me anymore" she started crying.
I got up and offered her a tissue to wipe her tears.
"Why work it out when you could leave him. If his eyes ain't only on you then it makes no sense to stay with him"
"It's because I'm pregnant" she looked up at me and I could tell how hurt she was by this.
"He don't want nothing to do with me or the baby"
"I didn't want my baby to be without a father you know? But it looks like my baby going to be another one in the statistics"
I stooped down low to her level. "Look with or without him you and this baby are going to be fine"
"And it sucks that he couldn't see the beauty before him and the joy of having a baby. His loss" I said sincerely. She gave me a small smile before crying again. I just placed my hand on her shoulder, continued handing her tissues and reassurance.
As long as she knows she's not alone.
Nichelle POV
I walked into my boss's office and took a deep breath.
"Amanda" I greeted her "Heyy Nichelle, what's up"
I stepped in and took a seat.
"Are you coming to ask about the tour?" Before I could answer she interjected "well, they added 6 more concerts and these are in Brazil and Africa! Crazy ain't it?!" She was excited but this wasn't apart of my plans.
"Wait wait I thought it was these 3 and then I'm done and then I'm laying low"
"Yeah, well the opportunity presented itself and this could boost your career"
"Amanda, I've literally been touring the past 6 months. How much longer will this make it?"
"Another month and a half, it's not that big of a deal Nichelle"
"It is because I'm trying to go home and be with my family"
"You should know how this works Nichelle" I easily become irritated. They've been prolonging this thing all in the name of a contract.
This was my last tour before my sophomore album and they keep spreading me thin.
"Amanda, after these new spots I'm done with the tours and pop ups. I need a break and time to work on my sophomore album"
"Unfortunately, in this you don't have a say but I will take this into consideration."
I rolled my eyes and walked out.
"Zach is going to kill me" I mumbled more to myself.
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