You Still Care
It's the day of Bella's wedding, and I'm trying to keep myself positive and not think too much about what Bella has done recently. I'm excited to get to spend the evening with Jake and Billy, and some extra time with Seth who I haven't really seen a lot since he's usually on patrol. I've spent most of the day hanging out with Emily, but it's time to get ready and mentally prepare for the evening.
"You still goin' with that red dress you tried on yesterday?" Leah comes in, plopping herself on my bed, like normal, making me laugh.
"Yeah, I think I like how it looks, and I like how you said it'll grab Jake's attention." I say with a wink in her direction, and she just laughs.
"Want help with your hair?" Leah asks as she sits up, and smiles at me.
"Sure? I didn't think that was something that interested you..?" I say confused, not knowing Leah was the kind of girl to care about getting all dressed up.
"Usually not for me, but if it's others that I get to help show their natural beauty, than I am all for it." She shrugs as she comes over to plug in my curling wand, and I sit at my vanity, prepping to do my make up at the same time.
"Do you want it up or down?"
"Can you do half and half?" She just smiles and nods, as she gently brushes through my natural curls, and then begins to separate the sections.
"Ya know, as much as Jake drives me nuts sometimes, I'm really happy he's found you. You guys are really gonna be happy together."
"You think so? I never thought my life would be this happy after losing my dad and moving so far away, and of course everything with my mum.. I'm really lucky to have found you as well." I smile back at her through the mirror, to see a genuine smile on her face as well.
"Well, I'm lucky Sam had a niece who is accepting of all our craziness and wanted to stay with us. It's nice having someone to talk to that isn't going to look at me in pity or just ignore me like the boys." A smile back at her, grabbing her hand and squeezing it in comfort.
"There all finished!" Leah pins the last curl to the top of my head, while leaving some to frame my face and fall down to the center of my back, and I smile at her handy work.
"Thank you Leah! It's so beautiful!" I say, grabbing a couple of the bouncing curls, wishing my natural curls could always look like this.
"I just enhanced your natural beauty girl. I wish I had curls like you do, you look stunning." She winks, as I look at myself, with my make-up and hair done, knowing all I need to do is just get changed and I'll be ready to go for the evening.
"Thank you for all your help Leah, I couldn't have done it without you."
She tells me she'll meet me downstairs before we have to leave, and so I decide to get the red dress on from the other night, pairing it with a pair of plain black heels and my small black clutch. Admiring the ring on my finger, I decide against any other jewelry for the night, and with a little perfume I head downstairs.
Coming down the stairs, I look up to find a very dapper Jake rounding the corner and he looks up, only to stop in his tracks when he makes eye contact with me.
"Woah." He says breathlessly, his eyebrows raising into his hairline, making me giggle. "Adelaide... Addy, wow. Y-you look absolutely stunning Love." He breaths out while giving me his hand as I make it to the bottom stair.
"Thank you my love, you look very handsome yourself." I comment as he brings my hand to his lips, kissing it softly, making my heart flutter.
"You ready to go? Dad wants to get there a little early because of maneuvering the wheelchair and whatnot." I nod understanding, saying a quick goodbye to Emily, sense the rest of the pack is already in place for the evening.
"Are the Clearwater's driving with us?" I ask Jake as we make it to the truck, only to see them pull up in front of Sam's house, with Billy in the passenger seat.
"We'll see you guys at the Cullen's!" Billy says from the truck, waving to the two of us, making me laugh and Jake just shakes his head at his father.
"Apparently they are not." Jake says with a laugh, and he opens the truck door for me, closing it as I get in. He gets in the drivers side, pausing to look over at me with a warm smile-with something different floating in his chestnut eyes.
"What?" I ask suddenly feeling shy, not being able to help the smile that crosses my lips.
"You're just so beautiful." My stomach flutters as my face heats up, this boy manages to make me have all the feels.
"You're quite handsome yourself." I respond and he kisses my hand again, lingering on the ring he placed there.
"Let's enjoy the night, yeah? And just think, this'll be the two of us in the future." He smiles widely, his russet face lighting up at the thought making my heart beat like crazy as he hits the forest line in Forks.
Not recognizing any of the forest on this side of the treaty was such a weird feeling to have, and it made me sad I couldn't really explore this side because of the threat of the vampires around here. Just the thought of it makes my skin crawl and my anxiety begins to raise as we get deeper in the woods. Jake must have sensed it, because he squeezes my hand again, placing a kiss on it, before he pulls us into the parking area with a massive modern styled house to the left.
"Holy crap." I mutter looking up at the house and not exactly knowing how many people or vampires will be here.."
"Hey, it's gonna be alright, okay?" He tilts my face to look at him, and it seems the calm in his eyes calms my nerves, and I take a deep breath and nod.
He gets out of the truck, coming around the cab to open my door and takes my hand, helping me down onto the gravel. I smooth my dress, smiling up at Jake as he reaches for my hand, grasping it confidently in his. Looking ahead on the gravel path, I have to give to Bella and her bloodsuckers..they sure know how to decorate, and it's beautiful. Jake and I quickly spot Billy, Sue, and Seth and make our way in their direction. Feeling the stares of the vampires around me sends an involuntary shiver down my spine, and Jake pulls me closer.
"Hey Jake. This must be the lovely Adelaide I've been hearing about." The older man with a goatee states with a small smile, reaching around Billy to extend his hand to me. "I'm Charlie Swan, been friends with Billy for ages." He chuckles as I shake his hand, smiling at his warm presence, wondering how Bella could be so different from her sweet father..
"It's nice to meet you Charlie. I hate to admit, I don't know a lot of people off the Reservation." I laugh and he just waves me off.
"Forks isn't all that exciting hun, so don't you worry." This makes the entire group laugh, and my anxiety goes down a bit. I get a hug from Seth, thankful that there is more than just one person here that I know, and Seth is just naturally calming, so I'm glad he came.
"Hello Addy dear." Billy cuts in, and I squat down in order to receive a bear hug, and he places a kiss on my temple, giving me a slight flashback to how my father used to ease my anxiousness back in Australia.
"Hi Billy, hi Sue." I smile at them both, and before we could say much more they begin to shuffle people to their seats, and thankfully we all get to sit together. Once everyone is seated light tinkling music begins to play as the wedding party comes down the aisle, and I can't believe how "otherworldly" these people look. Knowing that they're vampires, it makes sense, but they even look different from the red-headed vampire that attacked me months ago. The music changes and I'm broken away from my mental trail, and that's when I see Bella and Charlie making their way down the flower-lined aisle. She looks beautiful and very happy to be at this stage of her relationship, but I can't help the negative thoughts that flood my mind, just knowing everything that Bella has done recently, especially to Jake and I.
Jake places a warm hand on my knee, making me look at him and see him already looking at me and this makes me smile, and glad that everything we've been through lately hasn't truly hindered our relationship, if anything it has made us stronger. She finally makes it to the alter and the area becomes insanely quiet, before the bigger vampire starts the ceremony. I hate to admit I zone out, thinking of the possibility of this being Jake and I's future, and that lifts my gloom and I keep that thought in my mind for the rest of the time.
"I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cullen."
At this we all stand and clap politely, and the anxious part of me wants to go home now, but I'm just gonna enjoy the evening with Jake. The logs and chairs are easily moved, and replaced with the reception area, and I noticed that not only did we get the tense side-looks from the other vampires, the put us all in our own separate table...away from the others. I roll my eyes at the pettiness of these bloodsuckers, and place a kiss on Jake's cheek. Which makes him smile and face me, returning the gesture as the first round of food is set on our table.
We enjoy the food, laughing and talking about life and the over-the-top extravagance of this wedding, although nodding to the beauty of the flowers and everything. Charlie seemed to be insanely happy, therefore Billy was happy for him, although he knew the truth about the Cullens and worried for Bella's well-being. As things get cleaned up, people begin to get up and mingle, and Billy and Sue go find Charlie and congratulate him and Bella.
"Hey." Jake whispers making me jump out of my thoughts, smiling though when I realize it's him. "You okay?"
"Yeah, just people watching honestly." I saw with a giggle which makes him laugh, grasping my hand in his.
"Dance with me." He says standing suddenly, and I hadn't even realized that they had a dance floor going, but looking around I see the couples now, dancing to the music.
"Jake, I can't—"
"Neither can I, but we can do it together." He says with a wide smile, pulling me from my chair making me grin at his loving gestures.
We begin just swaying back and forth to the music, both of us grinning like idiots, when suddenly he smirks before spinning me out and back into his arms making me laugh out loud in surprise. He pulls me close for a kiss, and we dance for a while longer.
"I thought you said you didn't know how to dance?" I say with a breathy laugh.
"I don't. That was just something I've see , and hoped I didn't let go of your hand." This makes us both laugh before we were interrupted by Bella's naive bloodsucker.
"Jacob. As much as this pains me to say, would you mind dancing with Bella? She.. doesn't know you're here..." He grits out after flinching, and Jake sighs.
"It's okay Love. Go congratulate your friend." I head back to the table, to find Seth sitting there alone and decide to join him.
"Where's Jake?" Seth asks awesome he turns to me with a smile.
"Off dancing with Bella." I say with an eye roll, but Seth sits a little straighter.
"By himself?" I've never seen Seth tense before, but lemme tell you, it is making my anxiety so much worse.
"Yes? Why? Seth, what's wrong?"
"It's just, Sam said not to leave Jake alone with Bella, especially after what has happened before.." So we quickly get up, walking in the direction I saw Jake leave, and we suddenly hear a commotion.
"What? While you're still human? You can't be serious, Bella. Tell me you're not that stupid." Uh oh.. Jake is super not happy..what did she say?
"I mean, it's really none of your business." She scoffs and Jake takes her arms harshly in his hands, like he's trying to make her see sense about something.
"No! You can't do this!"
"Jake, let me go!"
"Jake!" I call as we finally go to break it up, Edward appearing out of nowhere at Bella's side.
"Jacob, calm down alright?" Edward tries to diffuse the tension, but Jake just turns his anger to him.
"Are you out of your mind? Huh? You'll kill her!" He squares up to Edward, and I'm really worried they're gonna cause a scene.
"Jake, c'mon, let's just go." I plead as I see Sam walk into the area, ready to intervene at a moments notice. Jake slightly relaxs at my intervention, but is still tense as I try to get him away from the scene.
"Time to go." Sam commands, so Jake has to follow, Seth trailing behind us.
"I'm sorry Addy." He gruffs still upset about the whole ordeal.
"No, I'm sorry Jake. We shouldn't have come. I didn't realize just how much you still care for her."
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