These Lads Are My Family
Over the next couple days I bond with the boys, beating them at their favorites video games, betting on the daily wrestling matches, the normal stuff for this family haha.
That's what I've noticed these boys with Sam and Emily are like one big giant family, I remember always wanting a big family and now I got one.
Right now all the boys are out doing something and I'm helping Emily makes cookies and her delicious muffins when the phone rings.
"I got it." I tell Emily as she nods and continues to mix the batter.
"Uley residence." I say Emily laughs at my formality but whatever it's what I was taught.
"Hello you must be Sam's niece?" Uh...creepy...
"Yes?" Not too sure how to respond to that.
"Sorry my names Billy Black, I'm a friend of your uncle and he's hasn't stopped talking about you. Is he home by chance?" Oh okay a little less creepy..
"He isn't. He's out with the boys. Would you like me to take a message for him?" I ask grabbing pen and paper just in case.
"Sure...uh. Just let him know that Jacob isn't feeling well and will be on the job in a couple of days." Interesting message? And I haven't met this 'Jacob' yet, I'll just have to ask Sam.
"Okay I'll let him know. Have a nice day."
"You too Miss Turner." And with that the line goes dead.
"Who was that Ad?" Emily asks as she puts the last of the cookie dough into the oven and turns to face me.
"Uh Billy Black? He was looking for Sam, so he just left a message."
I say starting to clean up our mess, she just nods and helps me and soon enough it's all clean and now we're just waiting for the boys.
"How are you adjusting to living here?" Emily asks as we sit in the living room with warm muffins in our grasps.
"Oh It's been absolutely brill! You and Sam have been so incredible and taking me in. I don't know how to thank you for everything." Since my own mother disappeared...
"Oh Addy it was nothing! Sam was more than excited to have family living with us. You know he thinks of you as his little sister. It's quite cute how protective he can be."
At least someone cares, and I pop a bite of amazing muffin into my mouth, dispelling the bitterness which is my mother and I instantly feel a bit better.
"MUFFINS!!" I hear Jared yell and I laugh jumping from my seat to see the four boys wrestling over the platter of muffins.
"Hey Aussy! How was you're day? Boring without me?"
"Oh yes. I wasn't sure I would make it through today." I say cheekily and the boys laugh.
"Hey no need for your smart ass." He says while pulling me into a bear hug and I can't help but notice he smells like the forest.
I see Sam and pull him into a quick hug whispering a thank you in his ear suddenly remembering the phone call.
"Oh you friend, Billy Black, called looking for you earlier." I suddenly felt awkward seeing as once I said his name the boys have all snapped to attention.
"What did he have to say?"
"Uh that Jacob is ill and he won't be to work for a couple days. I don't know what job he's talking—"
I cut myself off seeing that when I mentioned the lad was sick Sam started to tensely pacing with the boys watching him closely. Almost like they're awaiting orders...?
"Jared and Paul come with me. Embry stay here with Addy and Emily."
"What?! No! He's my friend, he hates you guys—!" Embry tries to argue but Sam cuts him off.
"That's exactly why you're staying here. We're just going over to see how he's feeling, talk with Billy and be back."
Geez never knew he could be so demanding.. Embry angrily rips a piece of muffin off before throwing it in his mouth and it's dead silent in the kitchen.
"If it makes you feel better, Billy didn't sound too worried about whatever he's sick with." I say after the other three have left the house and Embry's eyes meet mine from under his long lashes giving me a small smile.
"Thanks Addy. Do you wanna watch a movie or something until they come back?"
"Sure as long as it's one of the Fast and Furious movies!" I say with a grin, I mean c'mon I love my racing movies!
He simply laughs at me and decides to put Fast 5 in the player and he brings some extra muffins with him.
"So you know this Jacob kid then?" I ask as he sits down and I see him stiffen a bit, but relax into the couch.
"Yeah Jake and I have been friends, well forever, I just haven't been able to see him. Busy with work ya know." I just nod eating my muffin and enjoying the rumble of the cars on the tele.
A little while later, I think I dosed off or something, but the boys came back with no news on this kid. Apparently its a flu that's going around. As long as I don't get sick I don't care. But I went to bed being absolutely exhausted for some reason.
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