Run-ins With The Devil Herself.
By the time Jake and Bella came back, there was a very tense air between the two, and it was palpable in the house.
We don't know what was talked about, but I could feel that Jake was not happy, and I was worried when he didn't come into the kitchen to "help" me.
"Adelaide? Anything I can do to help?"
Somehow Bella, calling me by my full name, thinks it's a good idea to ask me such a stupid question as the boys go into the living room.
"I'm pretty much finished, but thanks." I say not turning and finishing cleaning up.
"I just wanted to say your very lucky." I look at her confused on where this is coming from. She's never said more than two words to me.
"Jake's a good guy, you're truly lucky. And he's not too bad a kisser either.."
She simply smiles turning and leaving the kitchen as my blood runs cold. What? H-How would she know that Jake's a good kisser? She hasn't even been here—when they left. That's why it was so tense.
Oh my god.
"Bloody hell..not again." I mumble feeling my anger replace my hurt almost instantly.
I quickly leave the kitchen, feeling as though the walls are closing in by the second and ignoring the questions from the boys, I make my way outside.
When I finally stop to take a deep breath, I'm far enough in the woods that the boys won't bug me if they come outside, and my thoughts begin to race.
How could I have been so stupid to believe this imprint thing would keep me from getting my heart broke again?
Everything Jake ever said was just a big lie.
But he seemed to really love you. Maybe this was her plan all along...
Oh, don't be silly. He probably still has feelings for—
I suddenly stop my inner monologue as I hear leaves rustle behind me, and I cautiously look around, not finding anything out of place. That is until my heightened senses pick up something moving around in the forest.
I quickly stand to my feet, completely on alert in case I need to defend myself, and I listen. The forest is completely silent around me, no noise from the birds, no rustle in the leaves, that is until I hear something crunch behind me.
Spinning around I let out a gasp in surprise as I come face to face with someone or something, I never thought I'd see.
Dressed in all black, it makes her hair seem even more like wildfire which seemingly dances without a breeze. I try to slow my racing heart as I meet her eyes, which contain more fire, as deep as their color, and more hatred than I have ever seen.
"Now aren't you just a precious little thing." She sneers with a hiss-like sound, making my blood turn to ice. I attempt to keep the fear off my face, hoping she can't tell just how unsettled I am.
"What's a tasty thing like you doing all alone in such a big forest?" She begins to stalk closer as I can't help but take a subconscious step back, making her smirk widen.
"Oh. I'm sorry, am I scaring you? I don't mean to. You don't taste as good when you're scared..."
"Why are you here? You're not allowed on this land." I say finally finding my voice, ignoring her earlier statement, as she begins to pace in front of me.
"Oh I know. Your damned wolves keep reminding me that I don't belong. But let me tell you something. I've been getting real sick and tired of them interfering with my plans!" I jump as she's suddenly in front of my, roughly holding my jaw in her icy grip, and it's almost like I can feel the bones strain under the pressure.
"But, I think you'll provide just the right amount of distraction. So thank you, for your help."
She says before her grin turns deadly, and I don't remember much as my head collides with the base of a tree, and it all turns to darkness.
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