First off, I am so, so incredibly sorry it has been so long for this story. It is one of my favorite brain childs I have had, and I feel terrible that I've gotten so busy and dealt with such bad writers block (which I think was coupled with depression) that it has taken me so long to update. I can't thank you all enough for staying with me even though it took me ages to get back to Addy and Jake. I really hope you guys like the next couple of chapters, I'm really excited to start Breaking Dawn! You all are the best!
Sitting in the living room of Sam's house, enjoying the warmth that is streaming in through the windows, I'm reflecting what has happened over the last couple of days.. I'm engaged! Which is exciting and terrifying all at the same time, I'm just glad that I get to spend the rest of my life with someone would loves me unconditionally no matter what happens, and is just absolutely incredible. It makes me a little sad as I remember my Da won't be there in person, but I know he's always with me, and I've got Sam and the rest of my pack and that makes it alright.
Speaking of, Embry is the only wolf so far to notice the ring and has agreed with me to keep it a secret. I was handing him one of Em and I's muffins, and he recognized it from Jake's things from when they grew up together, and instead of making a big scene like I thought the boys would when they found out, he simply winked and sent me a warm smile. He congratulated me quickly as he left that night, placing a brotherly kiss on my forehead, before wrapping me in a hug. I look at my ring again, reveling in its beauty and I get giddy just thinking about it all, until an intrusive thought decides to ruin my bliss.
The invite.
I huff as I remember the audacity of Bella Swan, and shake my head in disbelief at this child. She just can't let it go. But I agree with Leah, and I think Jake was honestly surprised when I told him it was alright if we went, since she was or is his longest friend and everything.. I'll be nice ish, but if she tries anything, I'm not gonna hold back any longer. It'll be decent, Jake and I get the chance to dress up, which I'm kind of excited for, but I'll be able to spend some quality time with Billy and the Clearwater's which is going to be so nice.
I still haven't figured out what I'm going to wear there, but I also don't know what to expect. The last time I came in contact with a vampire, she threw me into a tree and I didn't wake up for days. I know the Cullen's are different, and they would never hurt me, but I have a right to be wary. I just have to remember Jake won't let anything or anyone for that matter, hurt me and that helps lessen my anxiety about the whole thing.
With that thought, I get up and head upstairs, might as well go and see what kind of clothes I have for this wedding. Remembering when I lived in Australia and how often I would dress up to look cute or just because I wanted to, I realized I hadn't really had those opportunities here like I did years ago, and I can just imagine how shocked Jake will be, and it makes me smirk slightly. Finding my collection of dresses in the back of my closet, seeing as it rains too much here for dresses, I begin to shuffle through the different styles and colors when I hear my name being called downstairs.
"I'm up here." I say at a normal tone, knowing it's Leah and she can hear me just fine with her wolf ears. The door opens and I smile back at Leah as she walks in and plops herself on my bed.
"Hello to you too." I snigger as she releases a tired sigh.
"I just got done with patrol, cut me some slack." She peeks an eye open at me before closing her eyes again, and I just laugh at my best friend.
"He gave you the early morning shift? That's terrible." I feel my face contort into disgust at having to get up that early.
"He didn't give it to me, I asked for it. It's peaceful when I don't have to listen to the others, and I get to see the sunrise—"
"Who would've thought Leah Clearwater would be a softy for sunrises." She blindly chucks one of the pillows off my bed at me, making me laugh aloud as I attempt to dodge the surprisingly good throw.
"You've been spending too much time with Jake." She mumbles.
"Well I'd hope so.. I've agreed to marry him." This causes her to sit up and smile cheekily at me.
"Speaking of, has anyone noticed?"
"I mean, Sam knew of Jake's intentions so he didn't say a whole lot. Not yet anyways. I'm waiting for him to say something and "threaten" Jake." Leah snorts at the word threaten and makes me laugh, knowing Sam wouldn't hurt Jake without hurting me too. "But Embry did notice the other night, and he's promised to keep it a secret until the other boys find out. I think he's happy to finally see his best friend happy." I shrug and she nods in agreement, knowing them a little longer than I have.
"Yeah, we'll see if that actually happens." She laughs, watching as I pull out a red lace dress that I had forgotten about. "Ooo, are you going to wear that to the wedding?"
"I hadn't thought about it.. I actually had forgotten about this dress until just now." I say as I look at it from every angle. It was actually one of my favorite dresses, I wore it for my last birthday with my dad, and I love how I look in it, so I think I will wear it, it's at least gonna be warm enough for it finally.
"Well you'll be sure to keep Jake's attention in that dress." I throw the pillow back at her as we laugh and enjoy the moment together.
"I'm surprised you've even paid attention this long..Last I knew dresses weren't really your thing?" I question her with an eyebrow raise, and she simply rolls her eyes.
"Just 'cuz I don't wear them, doesn't mean I don't like to see my best friend get all dressed up." She says sarcastically causing me to mumble a whatever before we dissolve into laughter again.
"You're a jerk, you know that?" I get out between giggles.
"And yet you still choose to hang out with me." I shake my head, not giving her the satisfaction of telling her she's right, because I honestly don't know what I would do without Leah and am so thankful to have her as my best friend.
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