More Complicated Than I Thought..
"Yeah Adelaide?" He asks turning around and giving me a smile.
"Can I ask you more about the legends? I only remember what my Mum told me for bedtime.. And well, now I know they're true–?" I ask nervously running my hand through my hair.
"Sure Addy." He says with a smile. "Would you like some coffee?" He asks walking towards the kitchen.
"Sure sure." I say with a smile and he raises his eyebrow at me.
"You've been hanging out with Jake a lot haven't you?"
"Why do you say that?"
"Jake's the only other person that says "sure sure"." My mouth forms an 'o' shape in realization.
"So that's why the other boys look at me weird when I say that?" He just simply nods and chuckles. "I've been saying it a lot longer than I've known Jake actually."
"Huh." Sam makes us two cups of coffee, before nodding his head toward the front porch and we head out to sit on the bench.
"So, do you want me to just start at the beginning?" I simply nod, taking a sip of the fresh brewed gloriousness.
"Right. So I'm guessing you know the basis, the background. Taha Aki and that story?" I nod and let him continue.
"Okay, well..not only is the wolf thing a part of us, in our genetics, but it comes with different responsibilities. As protectors of the tribe, it's our duty to make sure our brothers and the humans are safe."
"Now there's usually a big threat of some sort, in our case vampires, that triggers the shift. My job as the alpha, I develop patrols and runs to keep the rez safe from the outside. To make sure nothing gets in." Well that's nice to know. Makes me feel better staying here.
"Now–" he runs his hands briefly through his dark hair. "There's more to the wolves than just being protectors. There's something called, imprinting. It's something that's hard wired into our genetics–into our souls, that's how crazy strong this thing is." We chuckle at his choice of words.
"It's weird to explain, definitely when you're going to think I'm completely crazy. It's technically love at first sight, but a hell of a lot stronger."
I simply tilt my head in curiosity. What? I'm a hopeless romantic. By this time we've both finished our drinks and he takes my hand and we walk into the cover of trees.
"It happens when we make eye contact with her after we've made the change. It's almost disorienting for us because, we'll do you ever get the feeling that you're just floating through life, like there's not really a bigger purpose?" I nod slightly, I've been feeling that way ever since I lost my Dad.
"Well, when we finally find her and look into her eyes, our lives literally change into something completely different. No longer do we feel like we're simply wondering, doing our duty to the tribe, but now we have a new purpose. A new reason to protect, to fight, to stay alive. She becomes the anchor that holds us here, the one person that makes all the wolf-vampire bullshit worth it. She is our lifeline."
I smile at the idea of a love like this, too many broken hearts in the past, something like this would be welcomed in my case. Spending the last couple months here, I'd bet my money Sam imprinted on Em.
"So then you imprinted on Em, right? I can see it in the way you look at her." I say with a smile as I watch a blush creep across my uncles face, while he nods with a cheesy smile.
"But what happens if you imprint on someone not from the tribe? Who don't know the stories?"
"Well, things can get confusing and hard for both people, but we find ways around it. To make it easier for them."
"So then why imprint? If there's the option to imprint on someone who isn't part of the tribe, why be so particular?"
"Before, years ago, it was seen as our genes telling us who is the perfect woman to carry on the wolf gene. If you get what I'm saying." He chuckles slightly before continuing.
"We know how creepy that sounds so now, we view it as yes we're soulmates with this girl, but she can make the decision of what she wants us to be. A protector, a best friend, or if she feels the same way and wants to be soulmates."
"But wouldn't that suck? To be so in love with someone, to be tied to their soul and they can decide if they don't want you like that? I doubt you guys could move on from that?"
"We don't. And yeah it would suck. Majorly, but the main thing for us is that we want our imprint to be happy. Whether that's with us or not. We'd be okay with just being friends, as long as we can stay close with her."
"Why would you wanna stay close to her? That's like pouring salt in the wound."
"It's a connection between two souls. There's bound to be consequences of being apart. In this case, both wolf and his imprint become very sick, in some cases the longer they're can become fatal."
My eyebrows shoot into my hairline in simple shock that it could be that bad. We find a lone log to sit on and enjoy the silence of the forest.
"Holy shit. That's intense. So are we ever aware of when we're imprinted on?" He looks at me with an eyebrow raised.
"What? I'm curious! I am living in a house full of wolves!" I chuckle slightly and he just shakes his head.
"You've met all the boys already, and I would know if they had imprinted–our thoughts are a bit hard to control. But as far as I know, you guys don't really feel anything."
I'm slightly disappointed at his answer, but there's a nagging in my gut, that I felt something when I met Jake. But maybe it's just cuz I found him very attractive..he has a girlfriend anyways.
"So how long did it take for you to convince Emily you weren't crazy?" I say with a grin, making him push me off the log unexpectedly.
"Um rude! She didn't think I was crazy. Thank you very much. And anyways, who can resist my charming good looks?" He says pretending to flick his hair off his shoulder, as I bust out laughing.
"Oh yes, very charming. Whatever helps you sleep at night."
I smirk and he throws a pinecone which then starts a war between us, laughing all the way home.
*Oh my gosh guys!! I am so sorry this is so late!! UNI has been crazy, and I've just been busy. I promise it won't be as long for the next chapter! Thanks for sticking with me!!
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