Life Without You
After the whole ordeal with my mother, a couple weeks ago, Jake has been interesting..I guess would be a good word? He's been hovering..always at my side throughout the day, and if he's gotta run patrols, one of the other boys is tasked with the job. Now, normally I wouldn't mind it, but he also has seemed distant or always lost in thought and I'm not so sure what could be harboring all his attention like this. I'm afraid that after what my mother did, it might be triggering some sort of doubt in his mind about my love for him...and that worries me.
Knowing I need an outsiders opinion, I decide to walk the short distance to the Clearwater's place and ask Leah for help. After her father died, I was surprised when she reached out to me, needing someone to talk to, who would understand without giving her pity, and that's what I did. Since then we've become really good friends bonding over that loss, and anyways, I needed an opinion other than Emily's.
Don't get me wrong, I love Emily and she's done more for me and my uncle than I could ever thank her for, I just need to talk to someone who's known Jake longer, and won't be afraid to be honest about what's on her mind. Knocking on the front door, I ring my hands together in nervousness as I wait for someone to answer the door, and thankfully I don't have to wait long.
"Hey Addy!" Seth greets me, pulling me into a tight hug, his strength rivaling that of my boyfriend's.
"How are you Seth?" I smile as he lets me go. My love for this kid just seems to grow every time I'm around him.
"Oh, I'm good! Just glad, that school is finally over, ya know? How are you, Ads?" His excitement over the summer time is tangible as it rolls off of him in waves, easily contagious.
"I'm alright, Seth. Is Leah home--?"
"Seth, who-- Addy!" Leah smiles from the small staircase in their small house, quickly coming to embrace me in another hug, pulling back with a knowing look, no doubt feeling my tension.
"Leah, can we talk?" I say, chewing on the inside of my cheek, my nerves getting the best of me. She nods instantly, grasping my hand in her much warmer one, pulling me up the stairs.
"I'll talk to you later Seth, sorry!" I throw a smile back in his direction and he just waves me off with a smile, so I know he isn't too upset by our short encounter.
"Alright Ads." She begins, shutting the door to her bedroom and I'm enveloped in the feeling of home her room gives off. Between the neutral colors and her own pictures of the forest surrounding our houses, with random pictures of her family and even a couple of photos with the two of us together, I know I made the right choice to bring this to Leah. "What's going on?"
"It's Jake.. I don't know what's going on, but he's been acting weird ever since we came back from Vancouver... He's been hovering, which I could understand, but whenever it's just the two of us, he gets weird, weirder than Jake usually is." I add with a small laugh as she raises an eyebrow, telling me just how weird she thinks my boyfriend really is.
"And I can't tell if he's trying to distance himself from me because he doubts my love for him after I had to leave? O-Or he's upset that I left so easily, and didn't fight to stay..but I had to go! My mother is crazy enough, and she threatened to have Sam arrested.. I just..." Everything I've bottled up for the last couple of weeks just comes tumbling out, my anxiety gaining its control as I run my hands through my hair so many times, Leah has to grab them in fear of me pulling my own hair out, and even then my hands strain against each other, attempting to squeeze some sort of feeling into them.
"Adelaide, stop. You're going to break your hands if you squeeze any harder." Leah comforts, gently releasing my hands from each other and keeping them gently in hers. "I think, you're looking way too far into this. Jake loves you, imprint or not, but he isn't one to get upset over silly things, otherwise the boy wouldn't have very many friends. That's one of Jake's best qualities, but also one that gets him into trouble often. His heart is too big and most people take advantage of it." We both knew she was talking about Bella, and I nod in agreement, that was the one thing that made me love Jake even more was his heart.
"If anything, he's beating himself up for letting his imprint down and not protecting you from your mother. You know as well as I do, that is something Jake would do." She makes a good point, and she's right, Jake is one for self-punishment.
"But, why wouldn't he tell me..." I trail off when Leah gives me a deadpan look.
"I never said he was smart, Addy. Anyways, all men believe they can't show weakness, so he's going to fight with himself, and just hope that you won't notice." She rolls her eyes and I laugh slightly at how true that statement is, thankful she's got so much more insight than I do when it comes to guys.
"Thank you, Leah. I'm sorry to have laid all this drama on you." She just smiles and shakes her head.
"That's what I'm here for Addy. I might be terrible at my own relationships, but if I can help my sister be happy, then I'll be happy." I smile widely at her, reaching across and pulling her into a tight hug which she quickly returns.
"Thank you. I don't know what I ever did to deserve a sister like you." I mumble with a smile, truly thankful for Leah and how close we've become in the last year.
"Thank you, Addy. For helping me and not treating me like everyone else does, it..really means a lot." She squeezes a bit tighter as we both enjoy the embrace, truly thankful for one another.
We spend a little more time just hanging out in her room, eventually making our way downstairs to raid the crisps and debate on what movie we want to watch. Seth quickly joins us tossing out the idea that we could have a Supernatural marathon until dinner, as we laugh at the irony of most of the show being real for us. Deciding that's the best idea, we settle in with all the necessary snacks and beverages and spend some time with the Winchester boys.
I've had the idea swirling in my head for awhile now, and only Sam knows, because well.. I had to ask him if it was alright. The original plan was for before I had an entire side of my body crushed by a rouge bloodsucker, and before her mother took her away, but seeing as things have finally calmed down a bit, I'm hoping now might be a good time. To say I'm nervous would be an understatement, and unfortunately I'm not very good at hiding that and so I think Addy has noticed my sudden change.. I just want this all to be perfect, and I just hope she likes it. I got a couple of ideas from Sam, of what she would enjoy the most, but I think it's gotta come from me, and I think she'd enjoy that the most.
I got lucky today when Addy headed to the Clearwater's giving me enough time to think of some things, and bribe Emily into helping me make some food. I simply told her I'm taking Ads on a picnic to the beach, because I know that's her favorite spot that also reminds her a bit of her old home too, I want to keep this as secret as possible, in hopes to really surprise Addy.
After everything with her mother and dealing with Bella, I think we both deserve this, but not only that, I want Addy to know that nothing will ever change how I feel about her, and that I'll truly love her forever. I am worried though, since I don't have a lot of money, I can't get her a proper ring, but I found my mother's old ring and with my father's permission, that is the ring I will give to Addy. Anyways, I think she'd love this more than a "modern" ring... I hope anyways. With the final touches at the beach, I check my phone seeing a text from Emily telling me Addy hasn't come home, so I know to head to the Clearwater's to pick up my girlfriend for dinner. With a quick pat of my jean pocket, and a nervous wipe of my palms on the denim, I knock on the door and wait for it to open.
"Hey, Jake! What's going on man?" Seth greets excitedly, giving me a quick high-five as he opens the door a bit more, making me smile at his mood.
"Not much, Seth." I smile before looking behind him, to see just who I was looking for. "Do you mind if I steal Addy from you guys?" I see her poke her head around the back of the couch, with a small smile, before I see Leah's head follow with a roll of her eyes in my direction which I respond with a sarcastic wave of my hand.
"Sure, sure Romeo. We've stolen her for most of the day anyways." Leah responds waving a hand in my direction and I see Ads shake her head before getting up from the couch, and walking in my direction.
"We'll see you guys later, yeah?" She calls back, smiling at me as I reach out a hand for her with a smile of my own. With a mumbled response from the two inside, she giggles at their ridiculousness, and we make our way out the door hand-in-hand.
"What have you been up to today, Jake?" She asks me as we walk, our hands swinging between us, nonchalantly towards our destination.
"Oh, I've just been here and there." I shrug, my nerves slowly returning, and I give her hand a comforting squeeze. "I actually have something for you, but we gotta get there first." She gives me a look of shock, before smiling slightly.
"Okay?" She questions quietly, before laughing slightly. "Lead the way." She squeezes my hand back and we make our way down to First Beach.
She looks at me once she realizes where we are headed, and gives me a confused look, to which I just smile not knowing if my words would come out, with all my nerves. As we cross the car park, the anticipation is building and my excitement returns and I hear her gasp when the picnic comes into view.
"Jake? Wha—" I smile down at her shocked and speechless face, feeling proud of myself for surprising her.
"I thought we deserved some time to ourselves." The giant smile that crosses her face, combated my nerves and I know this was a good idea.
We make our way to the blanket I had laid out, and she sits looking out over the water as I get the food out of the basket and place it between us. I gaze at my beautiful imprint, still not sure how I got so lucky and why the ancestors decided to bring her to a guy who was way too obsessed with his best friend, but I'll be eternally thankful that they did. She's been the absolute best thing to have ever happened to me, and to think I thought I'd never be in this spot about to do what I've been planning for a while now.
"I love this beach." She mutters softly, and I smile at her. "I never thought I'd have a sense of home after leaving Australia, you know Washington isn't exactly where you think of for beaches, but with Sam and the help of you all, I've definitely found my home again." She grabs my hand and I feel the recognizable feeling of our bond and it makes me smile, as she returns it softly.
"I'm so glad you think so Ads, because if you didn't...well, things could get a little awkward..." I trail off with a chuckle as she looks at me strangely with a raised brow. This isn't how I originally planned this, but hey, is life ever really planned?
"I've had this planned in my head for a while, but the biggest thing I wanted was for you to feel like you had a bit of home with you. That's why I chose the beach, and of course, Emily made us all the comfort food she could think of. But I think, that'll have to wait so I don't loose my nerve..." I mumbled, getting nervous because I wasn't going to jump right in, but I guess that's how life is... She looks at me strangely and I know I'm not making any sense, so I quickly stand up, wiping my hands nervously on the denim again, and extend a hand to her. She grabs it timidly, standing as well, confusion still clear on her face.
"Adelaide, I can't begin to tell you what the last year has been like for me, and even through all the drama we had to deal with," I watch as she rolls her eyes a little with a smile, making me laugh slightly. "I wouldn't change any of it. To be honest, my life kinda sucked before you moved here and I didn't really know what I was doing or where my life was going. I was just stuck in this little town, a kid obsessing over his best friend who never batted an eye, but then you came to town and my life literally turned upside down. I wasn't sure I was ever going to imprint on anyone, and I can't say how insanely blessed I am to have you as my imprint." She smiles widely at my words, even though I feel a little silly, not really good at expressing my feelings out loud.. I know she understands and feels the same way, and so I take a deep breath before dropping one knee into the sand and hearing her gasp.
"After everything that has happened, I realized that I can't live my life without you. Ever. And so, I know it isn't much, but," I reach down into my pocket for my mother's ring, and present it to her as her eyes begin to tear up at the sight of the unique ring. "Will you, Adelaide Katia Turner, do me the upmost honor in becoming my wife?"
**Ooof, sorry this is so late guys, but I wanted it to be perfect and not so cliche. I wanted it to be a bit special and sentimental for Jake and Addy. Lemme know what you guys think :) Breaking Dawn here we come! You guys are amazing!
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