I'm Literally Right Here...
We arrive back to the house in time to see Em working on a lunch for everyone, Sam heads into the kitchen to give her a sweet kiss, and I smile at the cuteness of it all.
"Hey Em, " Sam groans out loud making me laugh. "How long did it take for Sam to convince you he wasn't crazy when he explained everything?" She laughs and looks toward her husband who is playfully glaring at me.
"Well if I'm being honest, a while. At first I thought he was using the legends as some sort of pick up line to get me." At this the both of us laugh, while Sam buries his head in the fridge.
"It wasn't because of his "charming good looks"?" I say doing my best to imitate his voice, and again she laughs.
"Oh my god Adelaide! You're the worst!" He says with a small smile, and I just smirk, trying to contain my laughter.
"You know you love me." I say smugly.
"Well, I will admit, that helped a little bit..."
"Ha! Told you!" He exclaims and points a finger at me while sticking his tongue out at me.
"Okay children. Help me get this food outside will you?" We all laugh, but we do as told as the rest of the boys are setting up the table outside.
I sit next to Embry and Sam, to see that Jake is here with his friend–I'm guessing she knows then. And Jared picks up the conversation we missed.
"Well that makes it easier. If the redhead is after Bella, we've got bait."
Suddenly, I would have missed it had I not been looking in Jake's direction, he picks up a fork and throws it at Jared's face.
With lightening quick reflexes he grabs it midair and my eyes widen in surprise. Of course he catches this and winks in my direction. Jake's glare hardens at his friend, while Bella sits confused in her seat.
"She is not bait."
"I should just leave town." She says meekly, and part of me wouldn't oppose to the idea..
"She'll just follow you and make it harder for us to catch her." Sam says quickly becoming the serious alpha wolf.
There's an actual vampire here? And she's after this Bella girl? She's putting us all in danger being here...
"She's still protecting them." Paul scoffs as I tune back into the conversation.
I look toward Jake and Bella to see her ringing her hands in nervousness. I feel bad, I don't even know this girl, but her immense helplessness kinda rubs me the wrong way.
It lapses into an awkward silence, so I jump from my spot grabbing the empty pitcher off the table.
"I'm gonna go get more lemonade." I say with a smile heading back into the house, glad to have an excuse to get out the awkwardness.
As I stand at the sink, filling the pitcher I can't help but wonder why my emotions are going haywire. I've only known Jake for a short time, I couldn't have possibly developed some sort of feelings. I'm not that kind of girl...
And there's a real vampire running around the Rez! And this Bella girl could be leading her straight to us! She's putting everyone in danger!
"Ads? Where–?" I hear my name and it slightly snaps me out of my concerns, and I turn to see Jake looking around the kitchen.
"So you're girlfriend is friends with vampires?" I say not thinking.
"She–wait, Adelaide where are you?"
This confuses me and I turn toward him, looking at him like he's truly lost his mind, to see him next to me to shut off the water.
"Are you mad Jake? I'm right here." I place the pitcher on the counter and he stares at it wide eyed.
My frustration keeps building with this boy. First he fails to mention a girlfriend and now he's really treating me like I'm not here...
"What the–?" He inspects the pitcher and looks around, making me groan.
Seriously? I take a deep breath and try to calm myself, waiting for him to stop being stupid... He turns back around and jumps, yelping in surprise.
"Oh, so now you see me?" I say crossing my arms across my chest, raising an eyebrow.
"What do you mean? I've been looking for you for the past like five minutes!"
"I've been here the whole time Jake! You saw me set down the pitcher!" I didn't mean to yell, but I mean is he that blind?
"Wait that was you?" A look of pure confusion sets into his face and I can't help but scoff.
"No it was Embry. Yes it was me, I'm the only one in the room." I sigh running my hands through my hair.
"Wait. That smell." His head tilts to side and I just raise an eyebrow. "It was at the cliffs when we were looking for you.."
"I'm afraid I don't follow Jake.." I say rolling my eyes, pushing my self away from the counter ready to leave.
"You just did it again! Sam, get in here!" Narrowing my gaze, I'm almost positive this kid has lost his damn mind.
"Okay, you're still here—"
"Jake, I'm literally right in front of you!" I don't know why he can't figure this out.
"What Jake–where's Addy?" Sam says as he comes to the doorway of the kitchen.
"Oh my goodness! Are you all blind or something?!" My voice raising as they both look in my direction, but still seem to not see me..
"No, but Addy—wait, that's the smell from the cliffs..?"
"Oh well at least we know you can at least smell half decent..." I mutter as I watch the two of them step closer, and Jake timidly reaches out toward me.
"Ads, can you put your hand in front of you?"
"Why so I can slap you easier? What is the matter with you two?"
"Can you please?"
I scoff out raising my hand towards Jake lightly touching the side of his hand, making him jump and look at his hand.
He gently takes my hand, and suddenly his eyes snap up to meet mine, the awe and confusion covering his face.
"Woah." He breathes out and I'm even more confused, and still pissed. "Sam, place your hand with mine." Jake says not breaking eye contact with me.
Sam does as asked and he has the same expression as Jake. I look between the two of them, completely lost.
"Can one of you explain what the hell is going on with the two of you?"
"You...you don't know?" Sam asks and I simply raise an eyebrow, slightly afraid I'm going to snap at him.
"Obviously not. Unless it's knowing the two of you are crazy—"
"You're invisible right now Ads.."
Jake says quietly and I look towards him, nothing but truth in his eyes. I look to Sam and he just nods.
"That's not possible. I–I know that there's been weird things...but me, being invisible—"
I look towards the mirror by the door, they aren't lying... I don't have a reflection. I look back at them with wide eyes, then back to the mirror only to jump. Now I can see the three of us in it.
What in the bloody hell just happened....?
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