Fight For The Future
~Jake's P.O.V.~
Heading back to Sam's I find Sue sitting in a chair by Addy with Emily, and it looks like they are cleaning the blood out of her hair and it makes my blood chill.
"How is she?" I manage meekly, coming to stand behind them.
"She's alright, steady. We won't know much until she wakes up. So for now, we must wait for her to do most of the healing." Sue says softly as I look at Addy, so pale and lifeless...
I search for any feeling from her, any sign that could show me our bond is still there, but I feel nothing. And that frightens me. I turn, almost tripping over my feet as I head out back, unable to stay in that too small room any longer.
Why does this always happen to me? And it's always a damn bloodsucker... First Bella loses her damn mind and kisses me, which will no doubt cause more drama than I ever want to deal with. Not only that, but it could affect my relationship with Addy. I know a little of her last relationship, but I know he cheated on her, and so this won't help...
My legs suddenly can no longer hold my weight and I drop to the ground, not realizing I've gone so far into the forest. I feel.. broken? Lost? It's such a strange that I've never felt before, and I don't know how to react really...
I just hope she wakes up soon....
~Addy's P.O.V.~
"Adelaide? Love is that you?" My eyes flash open at the familiar voice and I'm overwhelmed with emotions.
"Da?" I ask quietly, turning to see a cloud of white mist shifting into a familiar shape.
"Addy Kat." He replies with a wide smile, his arms opening widely as I run into his embrace.
"Oh Dad. I didn't expect to see you again." His bear hugs still feel the same, and the sense of home overwhelms me.
"Well, your recent run-in with this vampire has made it a bit easier to communicate with you." He says with a sad smile and realization floods over me.
"I'm not dead am I?" I choke out around the lump in my throat, feeling the tears begin to build.
"No Darling. Not dead, but she did leave you with a pretty gnarly mark." I subconsciously reach for the back of my head, which doesn't hurt wherever I am.
"Your family is taking good care of you. Not to mention Sam, and Jacob? Is that his name? They're terribly worried for you."
"I feel terrible. I hate to make Sam and Jake worry." I rub my arms in nervousness, before my father grabs my hands again.
"Don't worry, you'll return to them, you've just got to heal a little longer." He smiles lightly before raising a brow, becoming mischievous.
"This Jake.. Is he, being good to you?" He glares slightly, and my mind flashes to what Bella had said before, but in my gut I feel it isn't true.
"Yes. I believe he has the best intentions, but it's his friend that poses a problem. She's...quite obsessed with him..." I trail off knowing that's the easiest way to describe Bella to him.
"Hmm...well, if Sam hasn't killed him yet, I guess that's a good indicator that he has a good heart." My Dad chuckles and it warms my heart to hear the sound and his accent once again.
"I'm sorry my Love, but it seems our time is being cut short again. You've got to get some rest if you're going to wake up anytime soon." He places a loving hand on my cheek and I lean into the embrace.
"I understand Dad. Can't leave those boys alone too long, they might make a mess of things." We both laugh together before I feel his form dissipate around me, and my heart longs for him to stay longer.
"I love you, my beautiful Adelaide."
"I love you too Da. Thank you." I say with a smile before everything turns dark again.
"Ads? Darling, are you in here?"
It's Jake's voice, and I try to answer back, but I can't. I don't exactly recognize the house I'm now standing in, but I can tell I'm still on the Rez. Same kind of structure, the dense green forests surrounding the house.
"Upstairs Jake!"
I pause slightly hearing my own accent ring out from somewhere else in the house, and I follow Jake's lumbering form up the wooden stairs.
"How are Seth and Leah?" My other self asks from a small room, painted in a soft yellow color, my back facing the door.
"Oh you know, they're Seth and Leah."
He chuckles as he wraps his arms around my waist, and I follow him into the room, quickly realizing it looks like a nursery and I smile slightly.
"That is true. At least they're preparing you for dealing with children."
This causes the both of us to laugh, and Jake kisses my cheek before leaning down and kissing my belly, which I now can see is very swollen.
"No, I don't think our children will fight as much as Seth and Leah do. Our kids will actually like each other."
The scene dissolved in laughter, leaving a lightness in my heart, but also confusion. Was this our future? Or was this just an option of the future depending on our choices?
Either way it seemed beautiful, and I hope whatever is in store for us, makes it through all this vampire business.
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