It's been a few weeks since we all stood out in the frigid wilderness, and what I thought was just a cold turned out to be a baby... That was one wild ride...
"You alright Addy?" Emily asks concerned while we stand in her kitchen and I had to stop what I was doing. I nod slowly finally being able to swallow after a nasty wave of nausea. "Like actually?"
"Yeah...I think being out in the snow gave me a nasty cold. I've been exhausted and nauseous all week, but I don't think it's contagious." I explain, clearing my throat and grabbing some water to wash the feeling down.
"Hmm." I hear her hum in reply, looking at me suspiciously.
"Addy, when was your last period?"
"Don't be silly Em." I scoff lightly. "It was before the whole evil vampire thing—"
"Which was already a few weeks ago..." My eyes widen at the revelation, and I begin to go back mentally trying to remember exactly when it was. Emily was indeed right...my period is late, by three weeks.
Emily and I run to a convenience store in Forks, because we didn't need it getting out on the Rez that I was shopping for pregnancy tests, and take our find back to my house for some added privacy. Reading the instructions on a box, has never been so nerve-wracking and I know we eventually wanted children but this was unplanned and I just hope Jake won't be upset..
After the longest three minutes of my life, two pink plus symbols, and my entire world shifts.
Jake comes home shortly after for lunch, and strategically placing the tests, I simply wait to see if Jake will find them. My anxiety and excitement begin to mix as I greet him in the kitchen with a kiss, and I watch with baited breath as he makes his way to the coffee table where I've set the tests with an "Excited to Meet You" card.
"What's this?" He grabs the card, flipping it open and I can see him read it twice before he turns to look at me quizzically.
"Addy?" I just gesture back towards the table as I walk slowly to his side.
"Baby, what—?" He looks at me again, and I can see the excitement blossoming in his eyes as he looks back to the tests.
"Are you serious??"
All I can do is smile and nod, my worries melting away as he scoops me into his warm embrace, kissing me deeply. We laugh together before dissolving into what's next and just overall excitement for our growing family.
A quick nine months pass and before we know it, Sue and Emily are in my bedroom helping me through labor and the birth of our beautiful baby girl.
"You're doing great sweetie, just focus on your breathing and relax. The more relaxed you are, the easier this last part will be." Sue reminds me as I feel my body prepare to bring our baby into this world, and Jake grabs my hand giving me the strength I need. Working alongside my body, there's a sense of relief with the final push and Sue smiles as she guides my baby into this world.
"Congrats on a beautiful little girl." She exclaims while placing our little girl on my chest. Jake kisses the two of us, both of us with tears in our eyes and there's never been a happier moment in my life.
"She's so beautiful." Jake murmurs as he strokes a finger along her chubby cheek, completely enamored with our daughter.
"Our little Emmalynn Mae." I smile down at the small russet face in my arms, full of love.
After a few hours, Sam comes over to meet her and it makes me giggle slightly at how apprehensive my uncle is, afraid he might break the baby when I offer him to hold her. Yet I've never seen the amount of adoration on Sam's face until that moment, and I just cant wait until he and Em have their own kids and watch him blossom into such an incredible father.
Finally, since all the drama in Forks has ceased, Sam and Emily were married with little Emmalynn as a beautiful flower girl.
It was an incredible day, and made me reflect on where my life is now compared to where it was when I moved to La Push. It was so incredibly different, and I'm so thankful for where it is and that I fought for myself and my happiness through every trial and set back I had. When I first moved here, I never expected to find love and an entirely new family and that helped me heal from so much pain and loss. They all helped make me into the woman I am, and I'll always be thankful for that. This beautiful family showed me love when I thought I'd never have it again, and I can't wait to watch my children blossom here.
** There it is lovelies. That's the end 🥰 I hope you all enjoyed this story as much I loved writing it! I love this story and how the characters progressed, it's just been so good!
Check out some of my other stories (most are Twilight...cuz I'm obsessed apparently...) Thank you all for reading!! ❤️
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