A Love Like This
* This song is beautiful and I just think it really fits Jake and Addy's growing relationship! So give it a listen! And hope you enjoy the chapter!!
I wake the next morning to find myself still sitting on Jake's floor, but I can feel him run his good hand through my hair making me smile as I look at him through my lashes.
"Good morning." I hum quietly, attempting to sit up against the soreness.
"Mornin'. I can't believe you slept on the floor." He laughs slightly, and I notice he already looks better than he did last night.
"Yeah, well.. You were crashed out, and there's no way in hell the both of us could fight on your bed." I say with a laugh and he raises a cheeky brow.
"I bet I could find a way for the both of us could fit." He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, and I flick his ear since I don't want to hurt him farther.
"Oh, Jake you're awake." Billy rolls to the room cutting me off, and I smile shyly and he returns a soft grin.
"Mornin' Dad. Weren't you supposed to go fishing this weekend?" Jake comments as he sits up in bed, and I quickly join him, my bum hurting from the hard floor.
"That was the plan, but someone has to take care of you." He replies snarkily, but it gives me an idea.
"I can stay here with him Billy. Go spend the weekend with Sue and Charlie." I smile lightly as his face turns thoughtful.
"Are you sure Adelaide? He can be a handful." I laugh as Billy smirks, Jake pouting at my side.
"Uh, right here--"
"I can handle him Billy. Go enjoy a weekend away." I smile meeting Billy in the doorway and he gasps my hand gently.
"You are an angel Addy. Thank you dear."
"It isn't a problem." I say with a smile as he rolls down the hall no doubt to call Charlie quickly with the change in plans. Billy calls out to us that he's leaving as Sue comes to pick him up, and I see him out waving to Sue before shutting the door.
"What?" I ask with a raised brow as I see Jake standing behind me with a sly smile.
"You realize he has left us home...alone?" He wiggles his brows and I place a hand on my hip, my own brow raised at my hormonal boyfriend.
"Yeah, so I can take care of the wolf with the broken bones..." I laugh slightly, shaking my head when he tries to shrug it off, grimacing when the movement causes him pain.
"Doesn't mean we can't enjoy the house to ourselves." He smiles bringing me closer, and I return the smile, just glad to have the day alone together.
"Let's just enjoy the day Jake." I kiss his cheek lightly before hearing his stomach growl, and laughing aloud. "You hungry?" He smiles sheepishly before I grasp his larger hand in my own, pulling him with me to the small kitchen.
I begin pulling out the necessary things for pancakes to busy myself from Jake's not-so-subtle suggestion.. Don't get me wrong, I too have thought the same, but with all this vampire business seeming like it won't go away anytime soon.. I just don't feel ready and thankfully Jake understands. The smell of pancakes quickly fill the house and I feel my wolf come up behind me, wrapping his good arm around my waist, placing a kiss on my cheek.
"Mmmm, they smell delicious." I smack his hand lightly with the spatula as he reaches for the stack of pancakes. "Ow!" He pulls his hand back with a pout as I playfully glare at him, only barely noticing the mischievous glint in his eyes seconds before his hand finds the ticklish spot on my side causing me to jump.
"Don't you dare!" I attempt to be serious, my laughter cutting through slightly as I smack his hand again, turning in his arms to see an innocent look on his russet face.
"I was just trying to eat a pancake." He says innocently like he did nothing wrong and I glare at him again, humphing in disbelief. Before I'm able to turn around completely, Jake again attacks my side, more fervently this time, causing me to jump and drop my weapon bursting into giggles.
"Ja-Jake! S-Stop!" I attempt to wiggle free, but he's surprisingly strong with just one arm.
"I don't know... I'm kind of enjoying this." He chuckles, and I can't help but laugh, yet still managing to land a gentle smack on his chest remembering to avoid his right side.
"Well, since you asked so nicely.."
His fingers stop their torture and I take a deep breath looking up into the molten chocolate eyes I've fallen in love with, seeing them alight with a smile, something I haven't seen in awhile. He smiles widely before bringing me into a passionate kiss, and I realize I've missed this and hope that maybe, just maybe we can stay like this forever. The moment is ruined when I suddenly smell something burning and break apart with a gasp, realizing I had completely forgotten about the cake in the pan. Jake chuckles heartily behind me as I turn off the heat and take the pan off the heat in hopes to not set it on fire.
"Oops." Jake say sheepishly making me laugh loudly at the silliness of what just happened before kissing him again quickly.
"Let's just eat before we actually burn down the house."
We divvy up the pancakes, and head into the living room deciding to also watch a movie as we enjoy breakfast. I rifle through Jake's small collection deciding on the second Avengers, snuggling into his good side we enjoy the day, just the two of us and I am completely content in doing this everyday for the rest of my life.
**HELLO!! I am so so sorry I haven't updated recently! I head to go home for a couple weeks cuz my grandpa passed and so I didn't have a lot of time to update, but I'm back so hopefully I can get back into it, the next chapter is gonna be intense guys! And I'm sorry this chapter is on the shorter side, but next chappy will be hella long!
*Also prayers and thoughts to Stan Lee's family, I thought it fitting for Jake and Addy to watch a Marvel movie in his honor, thank you sir for giving me a universe I could find my own strength in. Excelsior!
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