Hi! I am dedicating this chapter to one of my wattpad mate, Trisha19022002 who is such an awesome friend. Guys, go read her story which is really amazing, and directioner’s it’s an Zayn Malik fanfic, you are really gonna love it. Thanks for the all-awesome comments, and your precious votes!
What the hell was he doing here? Why was he here in this party? Why am I this unlucky? Is it that necessary that someone should be there to annoy me and disturb me wherever I go?
“Ummm…..Hey pop star, did I interrupt you?” he asked me with his annoying smirk.
I felt like cutting him into pieces and keeping him under the Mount Everest and feeding it to dogs. No even dogs deserves much better.
“Hey, nah I was waiting for you sir!” I said sarcastically.
He might have understood the sarcasm in my voice. For a fraction of a second, his face showed a little hurt; again, it was back with his annoying smirk. Wait, did I say hurt him. No way, it is impossible, because it is Carson, my annoying neighbor.
“I knew it. I knew you were waiting for me, coz I am just too impossible to resist.”
Face palm!
Impossible to resist, it is a 1D fanfic from quotev.
What an idiot. “What are you doing here?” I asked him, seriously why is he here? Is there a reason for him to be here, well yeah to annoy me, what else?
“I would like to ask you the same?” he asked leaning on the balcony stills. “Mr. Peterson is my uncle, my mom’s brother.”
“Mr. Peterson is my uncle’s boss,” I said, “he invited me.”
“You mean your step uncle’s boss?” he asked, smirking, giving stress on ‘step uncle’.
Did he have to be this rude? I could literally feel my face growing red, because of my anger. I clenched my fists in anger. I felt like punching him, as I once punched Jake, schools popular jerk. However, if I punch him from here, it would become a scene, Noah and Lauren would be disappointed, and this jerk being Mr. Peterson’s nephew, it would become worst. I walked, near to him, he stood there, firm like a tree. Of course he would not move, because it was just me. When I was close to him, I said,
“Not everyone is as lucky as you are to have both the parents.”
My voice sounded soo creepy, do not know where it came from. I just turned and walked away from him. I wanted to walk away, away from everything, everywhere. Walk out of everyone’s life, walk out of the whole world. Why do people always want to make me remember about my parents directly or indirectly? I already have a huge pain in my chest always thinking about them. On above of that when others say, it becomes more horrible. I walked down stairs. Not knowing where to go, cannot go home right now. If Lauren comes to know about it she would be disappointed, I want to make her happy at least once in my whole lifetime. I walked out of the house, for heaven’s sake no one noticed.
Some people where here and there talking, other than that no one was here.
It was cold outside. I hugged myself. The red Grand Tourer was still parked there. I eyed the car with jealousy. I went near it. I patted the car. Why is she so beautiful? Suddenly the cars glass opened. A mini heart attack. Who might be it? I just turned and ran away from there. Everything was soo fast.
I walked to my car, took out my keys, and then decided against it. What am I supposed to do now? I do not want to go inside. I do not want to see Carson nor Jessi. I went and sat under a tree. I took my iPhone. Maybe I will text Ethan.
Me: Hey… :)
I waited for him to text me back. Almost every time he texts me back fast, his replies are fast.
Ethan: Hey lil’ princess’… what happnd? Nythin wrong? Ny1 messing wid u…tell me nd I will dot dem in one….
Sitting there, I was grinning like a fool. I do not need a boyfriend as long as he is there. Why did he have to be this awesome? He is the best friend anyone could get. Why is not he my brother?
Me: nah…I jst saw Carson…
Ethan: did he do anything? If ys…thn he is dead….
Why did he have to be this sweet?
Me: its too boring….dats it….
Ethan: then why don’t u go nd talk wid Jessi, ur bff? ;)
Shut up, idiot. He knows that I hate her soo much, soo just annoying me.
Me: oh please! -,-
Ethan: come ‘on u looooove her ryt? ;P
Can I punch him so hard that his nose will go inside and his face will be like Voldemort, without no nose? This is how Ethan is, trust me, he can be sweet and can become soo annoying in 0.00001 second. What a pity.
Me: shut up…dude… -_- K btw were’s Emma?
Ethan: hahaha…she is taking a bath... :D :_D
Me: I do not find anythin to laugh…. K
Ethan: oh yeah… she broke my xbox….I poured paint on her…nw u shud c…her hair is white in color… :D
Lol. I imagined Emma with white hair. I laughed out loudly, forgetting where I was. If anyone were to see me laughing like this, they would really think I was pyscho. Laughing soo hard, tears rolled down my eyes.
Oh Gosh. Now who is it? Lord. Please not Carson nor Jessie. I turned around to see… I saw someone whom I never expected to see here. Is it like I am gonna see everyone I hate from here?
The guy from work. My co-worker. What was he doing here? That means no one will be there at work. Poor Mrs. J. Why didn’t this idiot go?
“Ahem, you like what you see here?” he smirked at him. “Take a pic, it will last longer.” He used the same sentence, which I used against him last time.
Oh, shit. Was I staring at him?
“Hi.” What else was I supposed to say? I do not even know his name.
He silently sat there ignoring me. Did he interrupt me for this? I looked at my phone and there was many messages from Ethan. He even sent a photo of Emma looking soo pissed, white paint on her hair. I could not control myself, I laughed loudly. He stared at me like; I was someone who has escaped from some mental asylum. Yeah, surely I would have looked like that.
There was such an awkward silence. I usually like silence. However, here, he was sitting silently, and I thinking what to talk. It was soo awkward and I wanted to yell awkward which would make everything more awkward, such an awkwardness.
“What’s your name?” I asked this guy, irritated. What the hell is wrong with this guy, can’t even give his name. Silly old goat. Such a nincompoop.
He just laughed.
“I ASKED WHAT IS YOUR NAME?” I asked him a bit loudly.
“You look really cute when you are angry.” He replied.
This guy really need to get punched by Muhammad Ali, the World Boxing Champion.
He stood up; I looked at him, what he was going to do now. Where was he going? Well none of my business. He turned to look at me and asked,
“Aren’t you coming?”
“What? Me? With you? No Way!” I replied. But what was he thinking? I would go out with him. No Way!
“I am Offended!” he said, keeping his hand on his heart.
I showed my tongue at him.
“Silly girl”
“Nah, Imma boy.”
“I am not a girl, Imma boy!”
He just laughed loudly. Idiot!
“Come with me.” He said and started walking towards the house. I got up and followed him. He walked upstairs. There I saw Carson and Jessi talking. Match made in Hell!
“HEY! EVANA’s GOT A BOYFRIEND!” Jessi squealed so loudly the whole house would have heard her. Some people even turned to look at us. Carson smirked at him. Lord! Can I punch him? I could feel my blood boiling, literally.
“Gotta problem with that?” he asked. “We have been in relation for the past two months”
We both in a relation? For the past two months? I do not even know his name. I looked at him. He must be kidding. He just winked at me. What the hell? Well even, I decided to play with him. He put his arm around my shoulder. Well there, that was too damn awkward, only Ethan did this.
“Is it?” Jessi asked shocked.
“Seriously?” Carson asked. “Her?”
Seriously, I could kill this guy.
"What? Cant I be in a relation?"
“MOM DAD!” yelled Jessi, with that she ran down stairs to her parents. God! She is too damn stupid. Everyone was looking at her.
“Come! It will be fun!” I dragged him down stairs.
“Giirl, I can walk!”
“Happy realization day!” When we both got down, I saw Noah, Lauren, two of Noah’s friends Jack and Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Peterson laughing and Jessi looking so red faced.
Lauren looked at me with a twinkle in her eyes. Lord! Did she actually believe what Jessi told? She could not have.
“So this is your boyfriend?” Noah asked, winking at me. Thank God! At least he understood that we were making fun of Jessie. Phew!
“Yeah, she is mine” he replied for me. LOL, LOL. I was dying of laughter inside. LOL, LOL.
“Aww, you guys make a cute couple,” said Mrs. Peterson. “Tall guy and short girl, this just sooo cute.”
Can she be any more dumber? I looked at him. He gave me look, like ‘I have never seen anyone dumber than this girl’.
I was standing on a cliff. The cold wind made me shiver. I looked around; there was no one around, to be seen. What brought me here? Why am I here? However, I loved this place. Calm and quite. Such a peaceful atmosphere.
Fog surrounded me. I could not see anything. However, there was a figure standing in front of me. A black figure, could not even understand it was a man or a women.
It was a woman’s voice. The familiar voice, which had been there for me, always by my side, no matter what. The Person I loved the most in the whole world, the person I would have died for, was standing in front of me.
I tried to hug her, tears streaming down my face. However, she just stepped back. It broke my heart. My mother did not want to hug me. What happened? What did I do? Was my mother ashamed of me?
“No sweetie, no, I am not, in fact I am proud of you,” she answered me as she had read my mind.
Then why? Well maybe then, she does not want to.
“Evan, my dear,”
She said, the soft voice which I always had found comfort. Whatever might be the situation; she spoke so softly and was soo humble. “It’s not that I don’t want to, but just not now, it’s not the right time. When the time comes I would be there for you.”
It’s not the right time? What time?
“You wouldn’t understand, my dear” she answered my question.
Can she read mind? I did not ask her anything but she answered me. She answered my thoughts.
She smiled, “maybe, I can”
The fog cleared, I could see her, and I saw my mother properly after two years. I took her appearance properly. She looked younger, and prettier. I smiled at her. She did not return it; it felt like someone has stabbed me in the heart with a knife.
With that she took some steps back, as we were standing on a cliff, I tried to catch her hand but I was late, she fell backward.
I looked down. I felt dizzy. MOM…..MOM….
With that, I started crying like a small child. Sobbing. Tears streaming down my face. Having no one to comfort me. Mom, mom.
A/N: - Sorry Guys, am sorry…... I haven’t updated for one and half months, coz I had my effing examz…..
Vote ~ Comment….
Hope you all like it…..
With Love,
~@mZ rOkZz!!...~
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