~Chapter 5~
My head hurts very badly. The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was something green, a beautiful green. Where was I? Am I in a forest? Did someone kidnap? Then I saw it, it was someone’s eyes. Someone was near to me. Someone I did not knew. OH My God! What is this person doing? Suddenly I got up, hit his face, by mistake. He winced.
Wow, he had beautiful green eyes and dirty blonde hair.
“What are you doing here? Where am I? What am I doing here?” I bombarded him with questions.
“Don’t I geta thanks for saving you?” he asked pouting. What the hell is wrong with this guy. When did he save me? Moreover, what was I even doing here with him? Alone? NO!
“You looked like a girl with manners; I thought you would at least apologize.” STFU. “By the way, you are at a party at Kennedy’s home. No idea what you are doing here.”
I am in a party? What the hell? At Kennedy’s home. Oh yeah…I remember everything. I came here to pick Emma and Ethan. Oh, Shit! Where were they? I need to get to them. I was in girl’s room, as it was painted all pink with Barbie stuffs. I dashed out of that room.
The music was blasting very loudly. I took out my phone to call Ethan. Then I saw him resting on a couch with Emma. I ran up to them.
“Oh My God! Where the hell were you? What happened?” Ethan looked concerned.
“Nope” nothing. I acted casual. “I…there was an accident and road, umm…there was a traffic jam”
Thank Gods! He was drunk. Or else he would notice, that I was not exactly telling the truth.
“Let’s Go” he said, picking up Emma. She was giggling. She could not even stand.
“That idiot was with some other chick.” He sort of explained. The anger was obvious in his voice.
“Where’s Julie?” I asked him, we were walking to my car.
“She didn’t come” he answered still anger lingering in his voice.
I looked at Emma and both Ethan. Both were sleeping peacefully. I reached their home, and I was about to wake them, then I thought leaving them there here will not be a good idea. I had better take them home with me.
When I reached home, I woke Ethan. He woke up and walked straight to the house. I tried waking Emma, but could not. Then I saw Noah walking to my car.
“What happened?” he asked me looking at Emma.
“She is drunk. Can you help me to take her to my room?” I asked him.
He carried her to my room. I parked my car properly and went to my room. Ethan was sleeping on the couch and Emma on my bed.So I had to sleep down, thanks to my friends, but I love them. Aah, then it is okay.
However, I could not sleep. What happened at the party? What happened to me? How did I faint? How did I get there with that boy? MOSTLY who was that hot guy? His green eyes was not going from my mind. He had such a beautiful eyes. I should have asked his name, I was such a stupid. By the way, what was that guy from my works name? Why was he being this rude?
Music always helped me. Music is my life, and the lyrics are my story. I took my phone and played the song, How to save a life, by The Fray, one of my favorites. I listen to this song when I cannot sleep. This song always helped me.
Step one, you say, "We need to talk."
He walks, you say, "Sit down. It's just a talk."
He smiles politely back at you
You stare politely right on through
Some sort of window to your right
As he goes left and you stay right
Between the lines of fear and blame
You begin to wonder why you came
Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life
Oh, Yeah. Sarah is coming today! Oh Yeah!
I got up, and saw Ethan in my room. What was he doing in my room in the early morning?
“Hi, Good morning” I greeted him. “Wachudoin here?”
“Good Morning my lil’ princess” Ethan smiled at me tiredly. “How awesome of ya to greet your best friend”
OH YEAH! Such a slow poke I am. Now I remember everything. Everything about yesterday. That mysterious guy, who was he? What was his name? Why does it matters to me? He was just some random guy from the party.
“Sup’ lil’ princess?” Ethan asked concern on his face.
“Umm….nthn” I shrugged my shoulders, and acted cool.
“Are you sure bout that nthn thing?” he asked, not believing me.
“Yup” I smiled sweetly at him.
Ethan looked at me with a mischievous smile.
“What?” I asked him. He had something in his mind and it is not going to be good, because it is he, of course.
“Emma is sleepin” his smile was wider. I looked at Emma sleeping. I cannot say that she was sleeping peacefully. She was snoring and her mouth was wide open.
“Yeah, Emma is sleeping, so what?” I did not get what he was pointing. Emma is sleeping. So? What was my idiot friend up to?
“Hey bring salt and a glass of water” he smiled wickedly. Oh My. Now I understand. I ran downstairs.
“Whoa, there there, slowdown” It was Noah.
“Ooops, sorry” I apologized, grinning sheepishly.
“What are you up to now?” he asked narrowing his eyes.
“Nothing” I tried to smile as sweetly as I can.
“One, Two, and Three….” Ethan was counting, and I was on the floor trying to control my laughter. I stood up to see her reaction. Ethan poured some water into her mouth then some salt. Proud of you my friend.
She coughed and got up soo fast like a shooting star. “YOU IDIOTS. I HATE YOU GUYS. FUCK OFF, ASSHOLES!”
Ethan and I was laughing, soo hard, rolling on the floor. She also stated to laugh, seeing us laugh. We both looked like the most retarded people on the earth.
“Oh My God, Look at her face! Oh My God, Look at her face!” Ethan and I stated to sing. Our Anaconda version.
Suddenly Emma ran to bathroom. Ethan and I looked at each other. He gave me the look like WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED.
Emma returned catching her stomach. “Hangover” she said looking at us.
“Oh Yeah, lets watch Hangover” Ethan joked. His stupid lame joke.
“Shut Up you idiot!” she tried to punch him, but he was fast.
“Come on, that movie is actually awesome. You gotta watch it” Ethan was surely in the mood to piss Emma.
“I am hungry” Emma turned to me.
“Hi Hungry! I am Ethan.” Lame silly stupid Ethan.
“Fast Idiots! I don’t wanna be late.” I shouted to my friends. My friend Sarah was coming to today. Emma, Ethan and I were going to pick Sarah and her family from the airport. I was happy; I have not seen her in ages. OH MY GOD! But I was scared at the same time. She thinks I am leaving the perfect life with my parents and my bro, because that is what I told her. I did not want her to know. It is not that I do not trust her. I really do trust her, but I do not want to tell her. She will be bothered. Now what am I going to tell her? She should not know, she should think I have the perfect life as she imagined. What am I going to do? God, Help me!
“What happened lil’ princess?” Ethan asked, putting his hand around my shoulder.
Only Ethan and Emma knew about everything. They are the only ones who knew it, and who always helped me. I told him, he just hugged me.
“Let’s get going.” He climbed in to my cars passenger seat and Emma was sitting in the back seat.
“What will I do?” I asked Ethan.
“Just tell them your father had to go to somewhere for business, so your mom and bro also went with him, and you just stayed here.” He replied.
“That’s a good one” Emma commented from back.
Yeah, I guess that was a good one. I smiled to myself. My smart-ass friend.
~ @mZrOkZz!! ~
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