This Is Me
AN: Surprise update! I'm surprise: this story has almost as many reviews as "The Duchess" with roughly 40 reviews more (on! It's gonna be my second most reviewed story and I'm speechless! Thanks for the support!
Oh, have it ready to play "This is me" by Keala Settle from the amazing movie: "The Greatest Showman". 💙
Love In The Ice
"Why are we meeting your father here?" Juvia asked when she and Gray were going up on an elevator. Earlier that day Gray had told her his father was in town and had to see them so they drove to an apartment complex a few blocks from Gray's apartment.
"I don't know." Gray shrugged and the blunette took his hand and he squeezed it reassuringly. It had been a week since her attack and she was still a little shaken up, but her bruises looked much better than before. The elevator's doors opened and they took the left and Gray pointed to a door. "Apartment 13B, that's the place he's waiting for us."
He knocked on the door and heard his father's voice telling them to come inside.
It was a small, but nice empty apartment and Silver stood, in his suit – it was the first time Juvia had seen him in one – talking on the phone and he raised a finger to tell them he's be done in a moment.
Juvia looked around, but didn't stray from her boyfriend's side. Gray also didn't know what his father wanted, so they waited.
"Sorry about that. Business." Silver told them and then smiled at them. "Hello, my dear." The older Fullbuster took a few steps in Juvia's direction and the blunette let go of her boyfriend to receive his hug and a kiss on the cheek. "You look much better."
"Hello, Silver-sama. And thank you, Juvia feels better as well."
"That's good." Silver nodded and then turned to his son and gave him a fatherly hug, patting him on the back. "Hey there, kiddo."
"Hi, dad." Gray answered and received a kiss on the top of the head from his father. "Alright, alright, that's enough." Gray rolled his eyes.
"Do you see how he treats me, Juvia-chan?" Silver pretended to be hurt and she giggled. "I thought he'd be better at this after he got himself a good girlfriend, but I guess things some things never change." He sighed in fake disappointment.
"Well, Silver-sama, Juvia can guarantee you she's doing everything she can to make him open up more."
"And I thank you for it."
"Okay, enough about me." Gray interrupted the both of them, slightly annoyed. "I know we are going to lunch after this, but why did you want to meet us here?"
"Well..." Silver cleared his throat and became serious. "I understand you are still at Gray's since last week, isn't it right, Juvia-chan?"
Not expecting the question, it took Juvia a moment to answer. "Uh... yes. Juvia has been there to get some things she needed, but we both decided" she glanced at Gray "that a few more days away from there would be best."
"I told you, I don't think she feels safe in there." Gray said and Juvia frowned at him – did he tell his father about that? "Sorry, they call to check in on me and you and I said once how I thought you were still a little scared to stay there."
Juvia knew he didn't do it to make her sound weak, he was just reporting to his parents, whom liked Juvia very much, so she just nodded in agreement.
Seeing his son and girlfriend had figured things out, Silver spoke. "Before we left last week, Ur and I stopped by your apartment and, my dear, you live in a very dangerous neighborhood. The locks were a disaster and not even a doorman. We didn't like it at all."
Feeling a little defensive, Juvia said: "That's what Juvia can afford."
"Oh, my dear, I didn't mean to offend you." Silver frowned and put a hand on her shoulder. "I know you are doing things on your own and I couldn't be prouder my son found such a fighter to be with – like I told you, Fullbuster men need strong women." He chuckled. "Ur also had a very hard life and it made her even tougher. And you are a very strong woman, Juvia-chan. What I meant to say is that we didn't like where you lived because we care for you."
"I don't like it either." Gray mumbled and Juvia looked at him is disbelief so he raised his hands in surrender. "Why do you think I'd rather you spent the night my apartment more times than nor or I wait to take you home after your shift? I worry, but I say nothing because it's what you can afford, you told me that."
"Ur gave me an idea when we were at the train going home." Silver said and both Gray and Juvia's attention were back on him. "I own a lot of buildings and as it happens, this one we are in, I purchased a couple of the apartments and this one" he waved around "is vacant and I think it would be perfect for you." Both Gray and Juvia opened their mouths in surprise. The apartment, although small, was larger than Juvia's current one, had a balcony and beautiful high windows. They didn't see the kitchen, bathroom or bedroom yet, but it looked like it would be as beautiful as the living room. "Gray's apartment is just four blocks away, you could even walk there, it's close to both the University and your work... It would work very well, I'd say."
Juvia shook her head. "There's no way Juvia would be able to pay this place. The rent probably costs the double of my current apartment and it's already hard to keep up with it."
"Yes, that's why you would be paying the exact same amount you do now." Silver shrugged.
"No. Juvia is grateful for your kindness, but she can't accept charity."
Silver raised an eyebrow. "This isn't charity, otherwise I'd be letting you stay here for free. This is just someone who really likes you, trying to help you the way he can. Sweetheart, you are terrified of going to your apartment but one day you will have to return it. Do you know how many people would love the opportunity to leave the place they were traumatized, but can't? You have that opportunity, I am giving it to you." Silver took her hand. "You remind me of Ur when we met: thinking you had to make it on your own otherwise you would be made as weak or not tough enough to make it on your own." Juvia looked away. "No one will ever think that because look at you, my dear. You have it all figured out, you have a control of your life most people your age can only dream of.
"And I know, since early on in your life, you put in your head that you had to do everything on your own, and you did. Now, you have more people in your life and we want to help, just a bit. Even though you could totally still be the amazing woman we know we are. Accepting help when you need it, isn't shameful; strength isn't measured by not asking or accepting help, but when to be humble enough to admit you need it and take it when it's offered. It's a small step towards your inner healing."
Gray took a step closer to his girlfriend and put a hand on her lower back, seeing her eyes water. "Juvia, this is your call, but I think you should take it. This is a good neighborhood, there's a doorman, it's close to everything and it would make all of us feel better knowing you have a little more protection. We all know Bora's in jail, but even so." Gray told her and Juvia looked at him. "You still have nightmares, of course you do, and I only imagine going back to your old place will make them even worse." He kissed her temple, since it was only them and his father there. "The nightmares won't go away because you moved, but it will make it easier."
"I..." Juvia tried.
"The contract will have nothing to do with your relationship with Gray, or the Fullbusters in general." Silver told her. "You will be able to stay for as long as you want even it – gods forbid, please no – something happens between you two." He offered her a small smile. "I told you: we like you, Juvia-chan and you are one of ours now. Come one, let us help you so you can help yourself."
Juvia stepped away from the two Fullbusters and went to stand by the glass doors that led to the balcony, thinking. She didn't see it, but Silver was going to say something but Gray stopped him, knowing his girlfriend had enough to ponder.
Gray and Silver were talking in whispers when Juvia finally turned around, expression set in a obstinate matter. Both men stopped talking to hear her answer.
"It is a very kind offer, Silver-sama and Juvia is grateful you offered. You are right, strength isn't about doing things on your own, but also about when accept help. Juvia likes to help people the best way she can and it would be very hypocritical of her to turn your offer down for this reason." She took a breath. "Juvia will accept your offer, but the contract with that price will only last two years." She was very business-like and Silver was grinning while Gray tried to hide a relieved smile. "Juvia will be finishing school in one year and, well, even though getting jobs are tough, she hopes another year to put her life together will be enough and then we will renegotiate. How does that sound?" She wouldn't be a burden to someone she respected as much as Silver.
Silver laughed. "Like you took a page of Ur's book." He offered her his hand and she shook it. "It appears you have a new place to live, dear."
"Thank you, Silver-sama, for this opportunity." Juvia hugged him.
"My pleasure." He nodded. "I'll have Gray give you the paperwork when it's done but you can move in any day you want." He took some keys from inside his pocket and gave it to her.
"How did you know she was going to say 'yes'?" Gray wondered.
"I hoped." Silver winked at the young couple. "Now, let's get some lunch, I'm starving, and I need to oversee another building before I take the train home. How about some sushi?"
The new apartment was still a mess of boxes and suitcases – their friends had been very helpful but where the hell did she get so much stuff? – but it was late and she would start to put everything in place early the next day.
Seeing they were alone and the bed was already assembled, Juvia had pushed Gray to sit onto the bed and climbed on top of him, knees on each side of his hips and kissing him as if he would disappear at any second.
"Juvia?" Gray asked, breathless, between kisses.
"Hm?" The blunette seemed very interested in kissing her way down to his jaw and neck.
Gray moaned, but managed to squeal, when she bit a sensitive spot on his neck. "You are still hurt."
Juvia answered. "No, I'm not."
"You are." Gray put his hands on her hips.
"No, I'm not." Juvia looked into his eyes. "The doctor said Juvia is fine and she could resume her normal activities. This is a normal activity."
"It-it is, but..." Juvia kissed him again, but Gray pushed her away by the shoulders. "Wait, stop, stop. Juvia, stop it." He said in a firm voice when she tried to move her hips to create some friction between them.
"What's wrong now?" She asked, impatient.
"I want this, trust me, but... I don't want you to push yourself. I know you still hurt sometimes and..." He said and her eyes softened.
"Juvia is sore at some places, yes." She nodded. "If it still hurt too much, she wouldn't risk it, but it doesn't." Juvia put a hand on his cheek. "Gray-sama... Juvia wants to feel connected to you."
"We are connected." He frowned.
"I know we are." Juvia said and she had been seeing a therapist the University recommended and he had actually said something that made sense. "Doctor Johnson said Juvia feels as if she has lost control and it is true. It happened in my apartment, where I was supposed to be safe and it honestly feels as if Juvia has no control of her life anymore."
"Juvia." He caressed her back in a soothing manner.
"Maybe... maybe like this," she pointed to their positions "she will feel more like herself."
Gray chuckled. "As much as I am glad to be of service, are you sure? I don't care if you want to boss me around a bit or be on top if it makes you feel more like yourself, but are your body ready for it?"
Juvia smiled and took his right hand, leading it under her shorts and panties to show him how ready her body was and Gray groaned with the wetness he found there. "Good enough for you?"
"If you feel pain at any moment, tell me." Gray said and Juvia nodded.
She squealed when he spun them around and started to pull her shorts and pants making her giggle. While he got rid of his own clothes, she worked on taking off her shirt and bra and the moment he was naked, he got on top of her, stealing a few kisses before he spun them around again so she was on top.
Juvia's blue curls fell over her shoulders, she looked like a vision, even with the bruises over her body – it angered to see her beautiful skin marked like that, but also made him proud she was a survivor.
"I'm yours." He grinned at her, completely surrendering. "Do what you want with me."
She laughed out loud at his words. "Are you sure you won't regret giving Juvia such power?"
Gray chuckled. "I think we are both about to enjoy very much whatever is going to happen and it will be even better if it helps you get back a part of you that you think is missing."
Juvia leaned and kissed him, eyes watering. "I love you."
Unable to say the words back, Gray pulled her for a hot kiss, and Juvia understood him. There was no rush.
"You really moved up in life." Said Gajeel while in Juvia's new apartment. He had helped with the move a few days before, but only then he was seeing it organized. Her things were still kind of old and didn't match the 'vibe' of the apartment, but she swore to herself to, bit by bit, get new stuff. She deserved it.
She rolled her blue eyes and motioned him to follow her to the balcony to get some fresh air while she held a beer for him and a soda for her. "Juvia was only able to come and live here because Silver-sama and Ur-sama are very nice people." She clarified and gave one beer to him. "The old apartment... Even when we were just packing, Juvia felt very uneased." She shuddered. "Many people do not have the opportunity to leave the place where they were attacked, Juvia did and decided to take it for her sanity." She repeated what Silver had told her.
"Good for you." Gajeel shrugged.
"It's going to be weird, sleeping here alone for the first time, though." Juvia said.
Gajeel frowned. "I thought you asked Gray not to come over so you can try it and do it on your own."
"Yes." The blunette nodded. "The first few days Gray-sama stayed for moral support, but Juvia needs to get used to sleeping on her own as well." She sighed. "It's a necessary step."
"I agree, but it's a step you should only take when you are ready..." He reminded her.
"Juvia feels like she is. Besides, Gray-sama said Juvia should call him if she get a nightmare." She shrugged. "I will be fine."
They stayed in silence for a few moments, drinking their beverages. "So... did the doctor say you are okay?"
"Yes." Juvia agreed. "She even began to practice again. "There's a small competition in a few days and the song Juvia chose, before it was because she really liked it, but now it hold much more meaning."
"Are you sure you should compete?" Gajeel asked, worried. "Your wounds are not fully healed, even though the doctor said you are okay. You still look like someone beat you up."
"Yes." Juvia nodded. "Juvia could've chose not to go, but she wants to. Right after it happened, Juvia was terrified. She still is, actually. Every time someone knocks on the door, I freeze. There are people, though, who gets it even worse than I did and even though this is not a competition of who had suffered more; it's something Juvia thinks she should do. I'm still scared and I was ashamed of my appearance, of the reds and purples, but I realized I'm not the one who should be ashamed. Bora did this and this" she pointed to a greenish wound on her cheekbone "is his shame, not mine. Juvia wants to do it for all the women out there who are in this situation."
Gajeel chuckled. "You always need to try and help, don't you?"
"Whomever I can." She grinned.
"Well, I'm sure it will have people talking."
"Good." She nodded with purpose. "They should."
Gray felt very guilty – his Hockey game was at the same night and in a different city as Juvia's first performance since Bora and it made him feel as a crappy boyfriend to not be there to support her even if she had told him a million times it was alright, she understood.
The moment he arrived at the locker room after his game – they had won – Gray went straight to his locker and got his phone and there were some messages there.
The first was from Juvia.
From: Juvia
21:01: 7th place. :D Not so bad for someone who's still recovering. Juvia is very glad she performed today!
Gray smiled at the text – if she was fine with her place, so was he. Everyone knew she wouldn't be at her best game just yet, she needed time.
The other texts were from his friends, saying that they had been there for her and she had been amazing. One text, though, caught his attention.
From: Lyon
21:10: She's got 7th place but trust me, in people's hearts, she was first.
Gray frowned at that.
21:10: [Lyon sent you an attachment]
It was a picture of Lyon and Juvia, she had clearly just exited the locker room and she was smiling brightly, holding flowers Lyon probably gave it to her and both of them looked happy – Gray felt jealousy overcome him for a moment: he wanted to be there.
21:21: Here, see what I am talking about.
21:21: [Lyon sent you a link]
Seeing it was a video, Gray got his headphones to drown out the noisy locker room and he started to listen to the broadcast of Juvia's performance.
"Now, we have Juvia Lockser from Magnolia University and... wait, is she wearing no make-up at all?" The commentator said, in disbelief.
"I believe she isn't, Dahlia!" Another one agreed. "We can clearly see the bruises on her face and torso."
The image cut to a close-up of Juvia's face and indeed, there were still marks of her attacks – she had chosen not to cover them up. Her dress also showed her bigger bruises on her back. The front of her dress was bright red and so was her lipstick, and of course, her hair was in a tight bun.
"We were informed Miss Lockser was attacked by an old boyfriend a couple of weeks ago and he is in jail now for an even worse crime!"
"Apparently, she helped put him away."
"Oh, dear." Dahlia said. "Well, it seems Miss Lockser is here to make a point and we will gladly let her. For all the women who were ever assaulted, I think this performance is for you."
The image cut back to Juvia in her position, as curled up as she was until the song start and everyone recognized at the same time: it was a beloved from a beloved movie and Gray's heart started to beat faster when he heard the first lines and she started to move.
I'm not a stranger to the dark
Hide away, they say'Cause we don't want your broken partsI've learned to be ashamed of all my scarsRun away, they sayNo one will love you as you are
She moved slowly across the rink, and then she jumped, making Dahlia gasp in surprise
But I won't let them break me down to dust
I know that there's a place for usFor we are glorious
Juvia spun around and the land wasn't perfect, knocked down points from her, but it didn't seem to bother her too much.
When the sharpest words wanna cut me down
I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown them outI am brave, I am bruisedI am who I'm meant to be, this is me
During her performance, Gray could hear people singing along and Juvia too, while she skated and danced. She spun and again, didn't land right.
Look out 'cause here I come
And I'm marching on to the beat I drumI'm not scared to be seenI make no apologies, this is me
Juvia did the Layback spin almost to perfection, then the camel spin, while still clearly singing the song from the heart.
And I know that I deserve your love
There's nothing I'm not worthy of
The camera focused on Juvia's face the moment she stopped to dance, skating a little and she cleared sang along and the whole gym was silent while she mouthed the words:
When the sharpest words wanna cut me down
I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown them outThis is brave, this is bruisedThis is who I'm meant to be, this is me
The moment the song picked up, she jumped and started to skate again as brilliant as ever and Gray grinned the whole time. She had loved the song form the moment she had watched the movie, but she found a new meaning for it and he was so very proud of her.
She finished her presentation with her arms up, chin raised and defying looks, as is she dared anyone to tell her she went too far, no one did. The audience gave her a standing ovation.
"That was... a very powerful performance." Gray heard the commentator say and he grinned. "She committed many errors, as it was to be expected given her clear injuries, but she touched everyone in here tonight!"
Gray ended the video, still smiling and typed an answer to his girlfriend.
To: Juvia
22:29: I'm so very proud of you.
From: Juvia
22:30: It was only 7th place.
To: Juvia
22:30: I'm proud of what you did. You showed your power and strength and hopefully it will affect other people.
22:31: You are amazing.
From: Juvia
22:31: Thank you. And congratulations on winning your game!
22:31: See you tomorrow?
To: Juvia
22:32: Thanks! And absolutely. See you tomorrow.
There was no way he wouldn't hold her in her arms the sooner he could.
AN: Yay, a chapter! I hope you liked it and I've been dying to use that song and it finally arrived! Tell me if you liked it or not! ;D
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