Fight Song
AN: After some drama last chapter, let's have something lighter. :3
The song's Juvia performs to is called Fight Song by Rachel Platten
"Oh, there he is! Gray!" He heard from behind him and he looked over his shoulder and saw his mother alongside with his father coming his way.
"Hey." Gray turned around and welcomed his parents. "You are right on time."
"I've never been to a Figure Skating competition before." Silver informed his son and patted him on the back and his wife stepped in and hugged their son. "Does your girl know we are here?"
"Yes, I wouldn't trap her like that." Gray said. "Just don't be two weirdoes this weekend, okay?"
Once he knew Juvia's next performance would be a town next to his parents', he asked Juvia what she thought about inviting them to watch it and meet them. He was careful while talking to her, knowing she was still a bit freaked out about telling him about her past.
"Are you sure they would want to go?" Juvia asked while she was packing. "And that they would want Juvia to stay at their house?"
"Yes." Gray snorted. "They insisted on it, actually. I told them I would ask you about it. If you'd rather not, just say the word and I'll tell them we are leaving after your performance."
Juvia had hesitated but shook her head. "No. Juvia wants to meet them and if they say it's alright..."
"They do." He put his arms around her from behind and kissed her neck. "By the way, I already apologize for whatever they say to embarrass me. Or you. But mostly me."
The blunette giggled and stopped packing for a moment to put her hand on his hair. "Juvia accepts your apologies already."
"We are never weird, son." Silver pretended to be very offended.
"I take offense at that." Ur followed her husband's cue. "I intend to be the best version of myself this weekend – we need to keep this one, right, Silver? I fear you won't find another one, you are too picky."
"He is, isn't he?" Silver looked down to her. "I wonder how he got her in the first place."
"Oh, remember what he told us? She was the one who asked him out." Ur told him and he laughed. "Otherwise he'd still be his frowny self." She did and impression of him that made Gray roll his eyes.
"Alright, I need you two to tone all this" he waved their way "down. Don't embarrass me."
"Don't worry, kid." Silver chuckled and put his hand on his son's shoulder. "We like to tease you, but we won't actually do anything." Gray looked at him in mistrust. "Now, shall we go?"
"This place is rather crowded." Silver commented while applauding the contestant as she left the rink.
"It's the finals." Gray told him, also applauding. "She's one of the favorites to win, according to Juvia."
"Oh. It was quite good, right?" The older man guessed.
"It was." Gray agreed begrudgingly. "Juvia is next, she has to, at least, be just as good. She is also a favorite to win and I've seen what she had prepared and if she does everything like she's supposed to, she will."
"This is exciting. I can see it now why people enjoy it." Ur told them. "Did you know your brother quite enjoys Figure Skating? And he knew Juvia even before you two started dating? He told us when he said he had met her."
"Yeah, trust me, I know." Gray snorted.
"Did something happen between you two?" Ur looked his way with curiosity. "He was weird when he mentioned it."
"It's fine now." He answered. "We're fine."
Ur narrowed her dark eyes, but seemed to believe him. "Alright. As long as you two are alright."
He was prevented from answering when the narrator said: "Next contestant is Juvia Lockser from Magnolia University."
"Oh, is that her?" Silver started clapping as Juvia skated to the middle of the rink.
"Yeah, that's her." Gray clapped as well, smiling and he looked up to the screen where they had a close-up on her. She looked beautiful, her deep blue dress sparkled with the light, her hair in a tight bun and she struck a pose, arms up as she waited for her song to start.
"Damn it, even I am nervous now." Muttered Ur while she looked to the rink with curiosity and she was clearly eager for it to begin, making Gray snicker.
His heart was beating faster when the noted of the song started and he hoped she did exactly like in practice. She could win, he knew it.
Like a small boat on the ocean
Sending big waves into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion
Juvia started out slowly, skating and moving her arms and for a second Gray could easily see her as if she was a wave herself with her dark blue dress – perhaps it was why she chose it. She did her step sequence.
The music began to get faster and she started to skate at the same tune of it, getting speed for her sequence.
And all those things I didn't say
Wrecking balls inside my brainI will scream them loud tonightCan you hear my voice this time
She did her jump, then, the Double Axel, where she jumped, did two complete rotations and landed, perfectly and before Gray could contain himself, he was off his seat, clapping her. She was perfect, that much he knew.
This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My powers turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong
Juvia caught speed once again and spun going down and then up again in a sit spin as the chorus rang and Gray whispered to himself. "Yes!" She had been worried about the landing on that one.
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really careIf nobody else believes'Cause I've still gotA lot of fight left in me
She landed after doing a Loop jump and the music slowed down again, allowing her to do a few spins in sequence: Flying and Camel.
Like a small boat on the ocean
Sending big waves into motionLike how a single wordCan make a heart openI might only have one matchBut I can make an explosion
Gray held his breath and saw Juvia skate backwards, jump, spin around in the air three times and had another perfect landing in a Lutz spin. That time, he was loud with his cheer. "Yes! Yes!"
This is my fight songTake back my life songProve I'm alright songMy powers turned onStarting right now I'll be strongI'll play my fight songAnd I don't really careIf nobody else believes'Cause I've still gotA lot of fight left in me
She finalized with a flip jump, turning it to an upright spin, stopping exactly with the song and Gray could see that she was breathing fast, but by her expression, she knew her performance had been amazing, almost perfect if not for some silly mistakes.
The crows started clapping and Gray saw his parents get up to cheer alongside with him. His father looked to the man next to him and said, proudly: "That's my son's girlfriend!"
"Oh, that was great. It was beautiful." Ur told him with a smile on her lips.
"That was Juvia." Gray said to his mother, nor caring at all if he sounded cheesy and she didn't tease him, just sat back when he did while the next contestant was introduced.
She was talking on the phone when Gray saw her and she worn a pair of jeans and a dark shirt, her hair was loose in her usual curls, the gold medal hanging from her neck, her bag on one shoulder. Juvia looked up and saw Gray, a smile appearing on her face and he immediately smiled back, still excited with her win.
"...good night, Gajeel-kun." She said and put her cellphone in her jeans' pocket, took a few steps and put her arms around Gray's neck bringing him down for a kiss; his hands went to her hips, pulling her closer.
"Congratulations." He told her when their lips unlocked and she was beaming in excitement when he touched the gold medal.
"Thank you." Juvia said. "Oh, Juvia was so nervous!"
"I couldn't tell, you were really good." Gray told her honestly.
"Good." She nodded and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Now... where are your parents?" Juvia asked. "Did they enjoy tonight?"
Gray snorted. "Yeah. My dad was telling everyone you were my girlfriend while you were getting your medal. I think you just got another fanboy from my family."
Juvia giggled. "As long as you are one of them, Juvia is happy."
"Well..." Gray pretended to think and shrugged. "I guess you are alright." Juvia hit him on the shoulder while laughing as Gray smirked her way. "Now come on, let's meet my parents and get this over with."
He got her bag and they walked side by side to where his parents were. Silver and Ur were talking to each other and as soon as the younger couple was close enough, their attention went to them. Juvia was clearly nervous, but Gray put a hand on her lower back and she relaxed a bit.
"Mom, dad: this is Juvia." Gray introduced her. "Juvia, these are my mom and dad."
"Nice meeting you." The blunette offered a small wave, shy.
"At last we meet the famous Juvia." Silver chuckled. "Come here." He pulled her for a quick hug, unlike Gray, Silver liked to show his affection to the people he loved. He let her go and smiled her way. "Nice meeting you, I'm Silver, but you can call me Papa."
"Dad!" Gray exclaimed.
"Too soon?" Silver gasped in clear fake surprise, but offered Juvia a smile and a wink, to which she couldn't help but to chuckle. "Alright, I'll bring it up again in a few months."
"Don't listen to him, he's getting older and crazier so I have that to look forward for my golden years." Ur scoffed when her husband seemed insulted. She, then, offered a hand to Juvia and the blunette shook it. "I'm Ur."
"Nice meeting you." Juvia said again and Ur let go of her hand.
"Let me tell you, I was never into figure skating but seeing you tonight has really opened my eyes." Ur told the younger woman. "It was very good."
"It really was!" Silver got excited. "I think I would break my neck if I tried any of those things you did, so more respect to you."
Juvia smiled. "Thank you. If you want, Silver-sama, Juvia can teach you some moves that wouldn't make you break your neck."
"Don't encourage him, please." Ur said. "He's getting close to his middle-age life crisis and I can deal with most of the things I think he'll do, but not see him in some sort of spandex while dancing on ice. There's only so much a woman can take."
Silver snorted. "You are jealous because I would totally rock a spandex and you wouldn't."
"Sure, honey, that's the reason." Ur rolled her eyes and her attention returned to Juvia. "Now, shall we go have some dinner? I know a nice restaurant and I think it's better if we eat and hit the road afterwards, it's an hour drive to our town, you see. That way we get to talk a bit before going home."
Juvia glanced at Gray and he nodded. "Yeah, sure." Ur gave Gray the address as they started to walk towards the parking lot, saying quick 'see you soons' when they had to go different ways to get to their cars.
"Aw, look at them." Juvia said when she looked over her shoulder and when Gray did the same, he saw his parents holding hands as they walked towards their car. "They are so adorable."
"Wait until they start kissing in front of you." Gray made a disgusted face. "It's not fun for me at all."
Juvia smiled. "Juvia bets it isn't." She twined her arm on his and rested her head on his shoulder. "You know, you should learn from your father and hold your girlfriend's hand." She teased him.
Gray groaned. "Ew, please don't compare me with my dad. We already look a lot alike and that's something I can't change. We are very different people."
"Juvia knows." She said while giggling and they stopped in front of Gray's car so she gave him a peck on his lips before letting him go and walking to the passenger's side, opening the car door when Gray got his keys and pressed the alarm button. "Don't worry, Juvia's already used to your way of doing things."
He got in the car a moment after she did and put her bag on the backseat. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well," Juvia said "you are a very private person when it comes to relationships, you don't like people minding your business or offering unwanted advice. Juvia thinks that's why your PDA is very contained." She shrugged. "You get uncomfortable with even something as simple as hold-handing."
Gray cringed: he was really not the best at showing affection in public. "Sorry. That has always been a problem."
"That's fine, Juvia doesn't mind." She put a hand on his thigh and he looked her way. "You do all these little things that makes all the difference, you know? You are always next to me when we're at the same room and you often put your hand on my lower back just because – it's a small gesture to others, but Juvia knows better. Whenever we sit together you put your arm on my chair and you don't complain when Juvia touches or kiss you in public."
"There's really nothing to complain, trust me." Gray said and he stopped to think for a moment. "I guess I do that. I don't mind if you start it because that's just who you are, you like showing affection, it's more difficult for me to initiate it."
"And that's who you are." Juvia shrugged. "Besides, when we are alone, you don't mind displaying affection at all." She snickered. "Juvia remembers when she found out you liked to cuddle, she was very surprised."
He felt his cheeks get warmer as he blushed. "I don't."
"Oh, you do."
"I don't."
"Juvia sleeps next to you, Gray-sama. You cuddle."
"No, I-"
"Gray-sama." She gave him a knowing look.
"I don- You know what? Fine. No reason to deny it." Gray rolled his eyes. "I like it and since we're together, being the person I hug in my sleep is your burden to bear so suck it up."
Juvia giggled. "Oh, that's just awful. Juvia needs to review this brand-new information."
"Shut up." He muttered and she kissed his cheek. Gray was about to start the car when he remembered something. "Oh, I got you something." Juvia frowned in confusion and Gray reached to his backseat where he had put the bouquet of roses he had bought a few hours before. It was a bouquet with a dozen pink tulips, he had purchased them when he dropped Juvia off earlier that day so she could meet with her coach and he drove around town for a while to pass the time. "Congratulations on your win."
The moment Juvia saw the bouquet, her eyes widened in surprise. "For me?"
"Of course." Gray shrugged. "Winners get flowers, right? Here." He offered it to her and she took it.
"You didn't know Juvia would win." She said, looking down to the flowers in wonder.
"Yes, I did." He told her in a matter-of-fact tone and the blunette finally raised her gaze to him and stared at him for a few moments before she put the bouquet on the backseat once again and Gray frowned. "You didn't like it- oh" Juvia was exceptionally quick to go from her seat to go sit on his lap, her hands on his cheeks, their faces just a few centimeters away.
"See?" Juvia whispered. "You show affection when we are alone and in your own way."
"I try." He said, truthfully.
Gray wasn't too good on being a regular boyfriend, he didn't think they needed for everyone to know about them or to kiss all the time in public. He hated to have people gossiping about his particular life and tried not to give any ammo to them. His girlfriends, throughout the years, had labeled him as uncaring, when in reality sometimes he cared too much sometimes, he just didn't let them know how much so they didn't know how much power they could have over him.
Juvia could see right through him, though. It scared and thrilled him at the same time.
"Juvia knows you try and trust me, she appreciates it." The blunette kissed his lips, slowly at first and then she coaxed his mouth open to give him a hot, slow kiss. "Can we be a few minutes late to meet your parents?" She whispered when they needed air.
"Hell yes." Gray nodded and pulled her for another kiss as Juvia laughed with his enthusiasm.
"So, Juvia, tell us: what do marine biologists actually do?" Silver asked, his elbow on the table, hand supporting his head as he spoke to the blunette in front of him. "Gray mentioned you wanted to be one."
They had ordered a few minutes before and small talked for a while until Silver spoke. Gray and Juvia had arrived ten minutes after the older couple and by their knowing looks, what made them late was no secret at all, especially with how hard Juvia was blushing and god, her hair must've been a vision.
"Well... We study and analyze ocean ecology and aquatic life." Juvia told them. "It sounds boring, I know."
"No, no, that's very interesting!" Silver was quick to say. "I really like the sea and it scares the crap out of me that we know only about five per cent of it! Have you seen the freaky fish that's out there when they go deep enough? There are giant squids that can take on whales. Whales!" He was passionate about it, to Juvia's surprise. "It freaks me out."
"Shouldn't have showed you we had a Nat Geo channel." Ur sighed in defeat and looked apologetic to the blunette. "I'm sorry, he watched a lot of documentaries when we are home."
"That's where you get it from." Juvia told her boyfriend with a smile and Gray shrugged, putting his arm behind Juvia on top of her chair.
Silver was getting excited. "I saw one about the Submarine Shark... Let me tell you wow. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time."
Juvia blinked in surprise and for a moment she didn't know what to say. She must've showed in her expression because Gray frowned and asked: "What is it?"
"Uh... Silver-sama." Juvia was hesitant. "Sorry, but that documentary was fake."
The older man's smile slowly faded and a frown took over his expression. "What?"
"I know it appears great, but it's actually fake." Juvia said it again. "They made it sound as if it were real, didn't they?"
Silver blinked a few times and then turned to his wife. "They lied to me. I thought it was real."
"Poor husband." Ur pouted, clearly as a joke. "Does that mean you are going to stop with the documentaries all the time?"
As if not hearing Ur at all, Silver's attention returned to Juvia. "Are the other documentaries fake too? Did we really just explore five percent of the ocean or they lied about that fact too?" He was clearly taking it personally.
"Oh, that information is right." Juvia reassured him. "Most of the documentaries are true, but some are not."
"I'm never trusting a documentary again." Silver said. "I can't believe they lied to me. I've been telling everyone to watch it!"
"You can't trust everything you see on TV, dad." Gray rolled his eyes.
"It was a documentary, it was supposed to be educational!" Silver was clearly heartbroken. "I have it saved on my favorites so I can watch it anytime I want to." He mumbled the last sentence.
Not bearing to see him feeling so down, Juvia reached for his hand over the table. "Juvia has a list of some good truthful documentaries, Silver-sama. If you want, Juvia can tell you some names."
"Thank you, my dear." Silver patted the hand above his. "You are a good girl, unlike some other people." He glanced his wife's way and Ur snorted at the drama while all Gray could do was to roll his eyes.
"Let's change subjects before Silver starts to bawl here." Ur said and then asked Juvia: "Gray mentioned you have a scholarship because of Figure Skating."
"Juvia does." She nodded and let go of Silver's hand. "It's partial, but it's something."
"Absolutely." Ur nodded in agreement. "Your parents must be proud to see you make your way." Juvia was confused and she looked at her boyfriend: didn't they know she was an orphan? Seeing her reaction and by the way Gray cringed, Ur frowned in confusion. "What is it?"
"Erm, mom..." Gray was a bit awkward. "Juvia actually never met her parents."
With a deeper frown, Ur looked Juvia's way and the blunette said, gently: "Juvia is an orphan, Ur-sama."
First, Ur paled and then all color returned to her face in embarrassment. "Oh, I'm so sorry."
"It's alright, you didn't know." Juvia said, honestly.
"This was very indelicate of me." Ur was evidently distressed. "Gray never said anything." She gave her son a murderous look. "It's kind of an important detail and it prevents people to commit a gaffe like mine."
"I should've told you, sorry." Gray said, apologetically.
"Yes, you should have." Ur sighed and looked at Juvia. "You must think that I'm a total bitch now."
"Oh no, not at all." Juvia reassured the older woman. "You didn't know and it's fine, everyone knows Juvia is an orphan, she stopped being too bitter about it a long time ago. It's who I am, it's part of my history, but I won't let it define me. I don't want to be Juvia, the orphan my whole life, I want to be Juvia, the Figure Skater or the Marine Biologist. That's who I want people to remember me by and who I aim to be."
Silver and Ur were looking at her in surprise and a bit of respect as well while Gray looked rather proud of his girlfriend. The couple stayed in silence for a moment before Silver spoke.
"Well said, Juvia-chan." He told her. "Very well said."
"Indeed." Ur agreed. "Now let's change subjects, I've embarrassed myself too much this evening."
Gray parked his car inside the garage and he saw that Juvia was still trying to wrap her mind around the size of his parents' house. Being an architect with his own company, Silver had planned the house when he married Ur because they needed more space for their children and it ended up being one of his best works. The colonial house was slightly bigger, painted in light grey and with a beautiful garden in front of it.
"Nice, huh?" Gray asked while grabbing Juvia's bag on the backseat. "Dad's work."
"Wow." She said while nodding. "It's really good."
He hummed in agreement. "Yeah, now let's get inside; mom and dad made it home first so they are probably waiting for us."
Juvia agreed and followed Gray inside, noticing that the house was just as beautiful inside as was outside with the large rooms and a pattern of pastel colors.
"There you are." Ur said when she saw them come inside from the garage. "I was getting worried."
"We were just five minutes behind you two." Gray pointed out.
Ur snorted. "Wait until you have a kid and you'll see that minutes can be years."
"That is true." Silver chuckled as he closed the refrigerator and turned to the couple. "Now kids, I think it's time for us to go to bed. Juvia-chan must be tired after today's events."
"A little." Juvia agreed.
"Then let's go upstairs." Ur declared and the others followed her towards the stairs. "Ultear's already asleep, and so is Meredy. That's why neither was down here. Ultear was looking forward to meet you, but I guess it will have to wait until tomorrow."
Having heard the name a couple of times, Juvia knew Ultear was Ur's daughter, a few years older than Gray and Lyon while Meredy was Ultear's daughter.
"It's alright." Juvia told the short haired woman. "Juvia is looking forward to meet her."
Once they were upstairs, Ur led them the to a hall and she stopped in front of a closed door. "I prepared your room, Gray. I prepared the guest bedroom as well if you need it, Juvia."
"Thank you." Juvia said with a small smile.
"Now we'll leave you to it." Silver said, a couple of steps behind his wife. "Juvia-chan, if you need anything, our room is down the hall" he pointed to it "or ask Gray."
"We'll see you two in the morning." Ur told them. "Good night, kids."
The other three repeated the words and waved goodbye, Juvia got inside his room first and when Gray was about to follow her, he saw his father give him thumbs up with both hands while Ur shook her head in fake disapproval at her husband. Gray rolled his eyes and stepped inside the bedroom too, closing and locking the door behind him.
His room was spacious colored with pastel colors and blue details. It had a double bed, nightstands on both sides of it, a table with a chair and two doors that Juvia assumed led to the bathroom and the closet.
"Congratulations: you survived the first few hours with my parents." Gray said, putting her bag on top of the bed.
"They are nice." Juvia told him.
Gray scoffed. "We still have the rest of the weekend, give it time." The blunette giggled and opened her bag to get clothes for the evening. Seeing an opportunity, Gray stepped closer to her from behind and put his arms around her waist and stole a kiss when Juvia looked over her shoulder before her attention returned to her task. "You know, fifteen-years-old me would be very proud of himself if he knew back then that one day he'd bring a girl here."
"You never brought a girl here?" Juvia tried to concentrate but it was difficult when Gray's lips were kissing her neck with a clear purpose in mind – she knew his tricks to get laid.
"Not really. I've introduced them, but I was always afraid to bring one here and my mom finds her in the middle of something."
Juvia laughed softly. "That would've been traumatic."
"Absolutely." Gray agreed, his hands caressing her stomach and he slipped one of them under the fabric, touching her bare stomach and up. "Just so you know, there are condoms inside the nightstand's drawers."
Juvia immediately turned around in Gray's arms, a look of incredulity on her face. "Juvia is not having sex with you here."
"What?" Gray was surprised. "Why not?"
"Because your parents are down the hall! What if they hear us?" Juvia told him. "Tomorrow they will look at me and see we've had sex under their roof. No."
It was Gray's turn to be unbelieving. "Juvia, they are going to think we did it whether we want it or not." He pointed out. "Besides, that day when they learned about you, remember that you answered my phone? They know we've slept together already."
"I know, but if we don't have sex at least Juvia will be able to defend herself."
Gray rolled his eyes. "Alright, then. Tell me if you change your mind because I'm game if you are." He sighed. "Fifteen-years-old me would be disappointed."
Juvia smiled. "What if we go and share a shower together?" She wondered. "Will it be enough for fifteen-years-old Gray-sama feel better?
"Definitely." He was fast to reply. "It would be the best action this bathroom have ever seen." Gray said and Juvia laughed and told him to get them towels while she stepped inside the beautiful bathroom, happy with how her day turned out to be.
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