A Very Happy Birthday
AN: Get ready for some smut lol
Introductions were made and Gray couldn't be happier; he still couldn't believe Juvia was standing next to him after more than three months apart.
"It is a pleasure to meet you." Jerome told her and she smiled. "It's nice to see him" the blonde pointed at Gray "smile for a change."
"Shut up." Gray rolled his eyes but he couldn't stop smiling.
"Juvia has heard a lot about all of you." The blunette told them. "Juvia was really afraid her Gray-sama wouldn't make friends here."
"He tries to look tough, but he's a softie inside." Mary told her with a snort. "He didn't fool us."
"He's alright." Briar shrugged.
"I appreciate the honesty, really." Gray scoffed and then looked down to his watch. "Class is going to start in five minutes."
"Oh. Juvia can wait over there while you go to class." She pointed to a coffee shop across the street. "Juvia doesn't want to keep you."
"As if I'm letting you go wait in a coffee shop for two hours, especially when I know you took a six-hour flight to come and see me." Gray couldn't believe in what he was hearing. "We had mid terms last week, today the teacher will just review the test with the class and maybe start a new subject, but I'm fine on that class."
"Are you sure?" The blunette asked, not wanting for Gray to miss any classes because of her.
"Yes. Jerome, could you sign my name?" Gray asked the blonde man.
"Sure." He shrugged. "Go enjoy your girl."
"Thanks, man." Gray nodded.
"It was very nice to meet you." Juvia told them.
Gray took her suitcase and when she slid her hand into his, Gray didn't even hesitate to squeeze it. Screw it if everyone saw it, he didn't care.
"They are nice." Juvia told him – it was clear she was tired but tying to prevent him from seeing it.
"Yeah." Gray nodded. "I still can't believe you are here."
Juvia chuckled and rested her head on his shoulder. "You should call your parents. Your father made me promise to make you call him when I got here."
"I'll call when we get to my place, it's just a few blocks away." He said. "How's everyone?"
"They all miss you." She told him. "Juvia swears, Natsu-san misses you almost as much as Juvia does. He misses his buddy."
"Urgh, don't ever say that again." Gray rolled his eyes.
Juvia laughed. "Let's see, what else...? Oh, Cana-san is getting ready for an exhibition of her photographs next week, Erza-san is starting an internship next month, Lucy-san had an article published on Magnolia U's newspaper, Gajeel-kun and Levy-san are officially dating, Natsu-san betted with Gajeel-kun to run a 10k marathon and has been training." She chuckled. "You'll probably be home by then."
"That will be something to watch." He chuckled. "How about you?"
"We talk almost daily, Gray-sama." Juvia was amused.
"I know." He shrugged. "Just want to make sure I know everything that's going on."
"You know everything." She told him and stopped him for a moment so she could tip toe and kiss his lips lightly. She sighed. "Juvia missed kissing you."
"Me too." He gave her a peck on the lips and a moment later, Juvia tried to hide a yawn and he couldn't help but to chuckle at how embarrassed she was – she probably thought he'd think she was bored with him. "Alright, my apartment is just around the corner of the block, you'll rest then."
"I'm fine." She tried to hide yet another yawn.
"Sure you are." Gray snorted and spotted a pharmacy across the street and something popped in his mind. "Can you wait two minutes here?" Juvia frowned when Gray started to walk backwards towards the store. "Just... two minutes?"
"Okay?" She frowned and watched as he ran inside and, as he predicted, he was out in under two minutes.
Juvia was reading some flyer when he returned and she seemed very interested in what she was reading.
"Sorry, we can go now." He told her.
"There's a fair tonight!" Juvia said, excited when Gray got her suitcase again and they resumed their walk to his apartment. "We should go!"
Gray snorted. "I don't think so. I have it in mind to not leave the apartment for three days."
"We will not spend three days locked in your apartment, Gray-sama!" Juvia clarified. "You still have class tomorrow morning and this is Juvia's first time in Alvarez. She wants to see the town!"
"I thought you came here to see me." He pointed out.
"Of course I did." Juvia told him. "Which means Juvia wants to see the town with you."
"Aw, man." He groaned in annoyance.
"Don't worry, Juvia will give you plenty of attention when we return to your apartment."
"I'll hold you to that." He mumbled and pointed up ahead the street. "That's my building. Come on, you need to rest."
Even though Gray's apartment was smaller than the one back in Magnolia, it wasn't less impressive. He had rented it already furnished as he would only stay for a semester, and with only one bedroom, but it was quite spacious.
"My dad has a friend here who is a realtor." Gray explained to Juvia. "He found me this apartment for a good price."
"It's great." She said as she places her coat on the couch and then she turned to Gray. "Just don't get too comfortable: you are getting back home in two months." She stepped closer to him and wrapped her arms around his shoulder. "Otherwise, you'll get in trouble with Juvia."
"Wouldn't dream of that." He whispered, pulling her closer to him and then joining their lips.
Juvia's hands went to his jaw, cupping his face while Gray's traveled down from her waist down to her bottom, where he squeezed the muscle there, earning a low moan from Juvia that made Gray forget for a moment that she had just arrived from a long trip.
"Okay..." Gray unlocked their lips and rested his forehead on hers, breathing heavily. "You traveled for six hours after your shift so we need to stop. You need to rest and I'm just human."
"Right." Juvia agreed and kissed his lips lightly one last time. "How about Juvia gives you her gift and your parents'?"
"Good. That's good distraction." He mumbled and sat on the couch while his girlfriend went to get her purse before she returned and sat by his side.
"Your parents asked Juvia to give you this." She handed him an envelope which he took, a little curious. "Juvia's gift... well..." She took from her purse what Gray saw was some sort of knitting wool work. "It's not that great. Sorry, money was tight this month."
"I don't care about gifts, Juvia." Gray rolled his eyes.
"Juvia does." She handed the wool. "It's a scarf. It's going to get colder soon so Juvia thought... Juvia knitted it herself."
"You did?" He was surprised. "I didn't know you could knit."
"Juvia learned when she was young but stopped. With you gone, Juvia started again to pass the time and she ended up knitting you a scarf."
"Wow." Gray was clearly impressed. "It looks really good, Juvia."
"Did you really like it?" She asked.
"Of course I did." He nodded. "Thank you." Gray leaned and kissed her. "I'll start to wear it when it gets colder."
"Are you really sure you-?"
"Juvia." Gray glared at her. "Stop it, you know I wouldn't lie to you. I liked it a lot, stop doubting yourself."
"Sorry." She bit her lower lip. "It's just... we've been apart for more than three months. Juvia didn't want to disappoint with a bad gift."
Gray set the scarf aside carefully and pulled her to him until she was seated on his lap. "If you had arrived here with no gift whatsoever, this birthday would've still been one of the best I've ever had."
She kissed his cheek. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." Gray hummed in agreement when she kept kissing his cheek down to his jaw and neck. Her hand went from his shoulder to his chest. Perhaps... she wasn't as tired as he thought she was? "Juvia?"
"Aren't you tired?" He asked.
"Doesn't matter." It was her answer.
Gathering all his will power, Gray pushed her so he could face her. "Wait... you've been up for how long now?"
She seemed to think for a moment. "I don't know... twenty-six hours, maybe? Juvia had to work a double shift so she could get three days off."
"Twenty-si-?" Gray's eyes widened. "You didn't sleep on the plane?"
The blunette shook her head. "Juvia doesn't sleep when she's on planes, she gets too nervous."
"Juvia, you need to rest." He informed her.
"No! Juvia was supposed to be sexy right now!" She pouted.
Gray couldn't help it but to laugh. "What are you talking about?" Her face got red. "Juvia, come on. What are you talking about?" He asked again.
She sighed. "Juvia planned on arriving here and... seducing you." Gray raised an eyebrow. "Juvia has missed you so much. I just... I wanted to come here and be sexy so we could be together." She whispered.
"Oh, Juvia." Gray laughed and Juvia hid her face on the crook of his neck. "No, Juvia, come on." He chuckled. "Do you think I don't want you? Trust me, you don't need to seduce me at all, although I can't say I wouldn't enjoy it. If you hadn't been up for so long, trust me, I'd have you against the wall the moment we walked in."
"Gray-sama!" It was Juvia's muffled protest and he smiled; she was so cute when she was embarrassed.
"You are so weird." He said with affection. "You can talk about being sexy and seducing me, but the moment I say something, you get embarrassed." Gray pushed her away gently so he could look at her – as he predicted, her face was red. "How about we take a quick shower, we take a nap afterwards and then you can be sexy?"
She hesitated for a moment. "Are you sure? You'd be skipping class to just take a nap with me."
"Trust me: I've skipped classes for much less." He kissed her forehead, amused. "I would really enjoy taking a nap with you."
"Okay." She nodded and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.
Juvia woke up slowly, feeling refreshed and she frowned with the unfamiliar place until she processed the feeling of strong arms around her waist and soft breaths on the back of her neck.
She was at Gray's apartment in Alvarez, they had lied down to take a nap a couple of hours before.
Smiling, she gently turned into his arms to take a look at him and she couldn't help it but her heart to beat faster. She loved him so much those past three months had been terrible. Juvia had grown used to have him around all the time and to be apart from him hurt her.
Silver's call about a plane ticket he won but couldn't use had made her so happy. She would see her Gray-sama and stay with him for three days.
To be there, at that moment, in his arms, made her completely happy.
She touched the scar above his eyebrow as he slept. He was so handsome, Juvia couldn't believe he was her boyfriend, that somehow he chose her. Sure, she had to chase him for a bit, but in the end, he chose her.
Her eyes traveled down and she felt her body get hotter when she saw his naked chest – he didn't like to sleep with clothes on and it was more than okay with Juvia.
God, it had been more than three months since they had sex and Juvia had been literally dreaming of it. She knew she could've go much longer without sex and she had no problem with it when she was single, but she wasn't single anymore and she was literally in his arms and she could feel not all of him was asleep – the knowledge sending a rush of wetness between her legs.
'Time to be sexy', she thought and while she kissed his lips and down to his jaw, her hands caressed his body down to his chest, then his six pack, navel and to the front of his boxers where she could feel he was half-hard.
Unconsciously, Gray turned to lie on his back which made much easier for Juvia to push the blanket away and straddle him, her lips going to his neck and nibbling his ear, her hand going inside his underwear, curling it around him making Gray moan in his sleep.
"Wake up, Gray-sama." She whispered. "Wake up."
"Hm?" He hummed, still half-asleep as he opened his eyes, but closes it once again, making Juvia chuckle.
"Open your eyes." She told him, her hand steadily pumping him and then she started to kiss her way down, taking a moment or two on his nipples, then down to his stomach.
Juvia, then, took her hand out from his underwear so she could take her shirt and throw it away and then position herself lower on his body, her lips returning to his navel as she pulled his underwear down, freeing him.
"What...?" Gray had finally opened his eyes and looked down to his body just in time to see Juvia's lips engulf his length. She watched as his eyes widened and then rolled back at it – he closed his eyes for a few seconds, head falling back to his pillow, moaning. "Oh, fuck."
The blunette didn't waste any time, using every trick she knew drove him crazy to get him into full hardness – swirling her tongue around him, sucking the tip and using her hands to stroke him.
"Juvia." He breathed. One of his hands was on her hair and she could feel he was trying his best not to thrust up into her mouth and not push her head down and she appreciated that. To show how much she appreciated it, she sucked until Gray was pushing her away. "Fuck. Stop. Stop, stop, stop." He groaned and she did as asked, reluctantly.
Gray pulled her up and flipped them so he was on top of her, his lips on hers for a desperate kiss. "What the fuck, Juvia." His hand went to grab her breast, rolling a nipple between his fingers. "What...?"
"Juvia was being sexy." She told him between kisses and Gray groaned when she opened her legs to accommodate him better.
"Yes you were." He said and his mouth went to her breast, sucking on her nipple, scrapping his teeth on the hardening nub while he grinded against her, her sleeping shorts a barrier between them.
Gray slid his hand under her shorts and panties to touch her core, fingers slipping into her, his thumb caressing her clit and Juvia couldn't help it but to moan, hands going straight to his head, pulling his head so he could pay attention to her other breast.
"Gray-sama." Juvia moved her hips so he could slip his fingers deeper, grinding herself on his hand the best she could.
Groaning in annoyance when Gray was suddenly off of her, Juvia was about to tell him to come back when she saw he was pushing his boxers away and then going to fumble with the jacket he was wearing earlier that day.
The moment he got a box of condoms out of the pocket, Juvia was quick to push her shorts and underway away and threw it somewhere on the floor. Gray had just opened the box and was struggling to open one of the packets when Juvia's hand slid between her legs to touch herself.
Gray glanced her way when he managed to open the packet but he froze for a second when he saw what she was doing. For some reason, his eyes on her made Juvia's fingers slip easily inside of her and she started to grind on her palm, her other hand on her breast.
"Gray-sama." She moaned and pleaded and it seemed to pull Gray out of his haze and suddenly he was very efficiently rolling the condom on himself and on top of her again, pushing her hand away, kissing her desperately.
He got himself in his hand and lined with her before entering her in one single thrust and both of them moaned with it – they had been missing that so much.
"Oh." Gray breathed and started to move, Juvia's legs around his hips, her hands on his ass trying to bring him closer, deeper. He kissed her lips, swallowing her moans and mewls.
Juvia's mind was focused entirely on that moment, how Gray's hand cupped her ass and how his other one brought her leg up so it could rest on his shoulder and he could slip inside her even deeper, touching that amazing spot inside her.
She was being way too loud and god, his neighbors would complain to hear those noises at the end of the afternoon, but screw all that; Gray's mouth was on her breast, biting the soft skin there and the light pain sent a gush of wetness between her legs.
"Gray-sama." Juvia moaned, moving her hips to meet his, she was so close she could taste it. "Oh, god."
"God, I missed you." He groaned, hips snapping faster onto her. "Fucking perfect." Her sounds mixed with his – his little soft groans – both too caught up to care about keeping quiet. "So good."
"Don't stop." She breathed, pulling his face close to hers and pulling him for a deep kiss. "Don't stop."
Gray let go of her ass and slid a hand between them, rubbing her clit in circles a few times before Juvia's body tensed up, eyes rolled back and her nails dug into his skin as fireworks exploded behind her eyelids and her body lights up in pleasure.
He is right behind her, his own body tightening on top of hers, his hips grinding on hers and the low growl coming from his throat as he came.
She had missed that. She had missed the weight of him on top of her while he was still inside her, missed the way he'd kiss the side of her neck and up until he kissed her lips sweetly, missed how he'd caressed her body.
"Well, a very happy birthday to me." He said, breathless, against her lips and Juvia couldn't help it but to laugh and kiss him again, her mind still swimming in happy hormones.
After a few moments, Gray exited her and took off the condom, tying it up. He got up to dispose it before he returned to the bed, lying on his side and pulling Juvia to mirror his position. He had his arm on her waist, his hand caressing her back and pushing her for a kiss.
"You can wake me up like that anytime you want." He told her.
"Okay." Her cheeks felt warm and Gray chuckled – he was always more loosen up after sex, the hormones made him smile and laugh much more than usual. "I think we were a bit loud."
"If the neighbors complain, let them." Gray snorted. "I am not letting that ruin my good mood."
"Yeah?" Juvia smiled.
"Yeap." He nodded.
They stayed in silence for a few moments, just enjoying each other's company when Juvia asked: "Did you really stop by that pharmacy to get condoms?" Juvia was amused. "When we were coming here, you went in and you took the box from your coat... You don't have any here?"
Gray's cheeks pinked up a little but he cleared his throat to answer her. "You were in Magnolia while I was here and you arrived as a surprise. Why would I need them? I have one in my wallet because my dad drilled the need to since I was fifteen, but other than that? No need for them."
"Speaking of your father..." The blunette started but Gray interrupted her.
He groaned. "We really shouldn't speak of him while we are naked and after we've just had sex."
Juvia giggled. "You need to call him. He made-"
"He made you promise, yeah, yeah, yeah." Gray rolled his eyes. "I'll call him in a bit. Let's stay like this for a few minutes."
"Okay." Juvia snuggled closer to him, tucking her head under his chin.
"I could stay like this for three whole-"
"We are not staying inside for three days."
"-days- Aw, man."
It was amazing what seeing his girlfriend, taking a nap and then having amazing sex could do to a person. Gray was no longer pouting or grumpy, he actually thought it was a very nice day indeed as he picked his cellphone and called his father.
"Hey, kid!" Silver's voice was cheerful. "Happy birthday!"
"Thanks, dad." Gray couldn't help but to smile and his father probably sensed that.
"Sooooo... did you get my gift?" His tone was ridiculous and Gray could pretty much see his father's eyebrows wiggle.
"Do you mean the envelope?" Gray asked being purposely obtuse knowing Silver didn't mean that.
"No, I mean the delivery girl."
Gray snorted. "Yeah, she's here."
"Took you a while to call..." Silver commented. "She must've arrived what? Three, four hours ago?"
"I am not going to tell you anything." Gray rolled his eyes, his eyes on the hall that led to his bedroom, where Juvia was getting dressed so they could go out to have dinner. He was waiting at the living room and decided to call his father.
"Didn't ask you to." Silver scoffed. "Just saying... You could've called me sooner."
"Are you going to be pissed if I tell you it wasn't really on my priority list?" Gray asked, honestly.
"Not really, I get it. I wouldn't call me either for a couple of hours." His father chuckled. "Don't worry, son, I sent her there exactly with the purpose to cheer you up and it seems she accomplished just that."
Gray frowned, thinking about his words and, after making sure Juvia wasn't going to hear him, he asked: "Send her here? You didn't win those plane tickets, did you? You bought them and told her you won them."
Silver laughed. "Would she still go if she knew I had paid full price for them? She'd want to pay me back." He said. "You know I like to do what I can so you can have what you want on your birthday, Gray. Always had. This year that meant buying plane tickets so your girlfriend could visit you."
"Thanks, dad." Gray said, honest. Juvia being there was exactly what he needed. He didn't know he cared about his birthday until he had someone to celebrate with.
"Of course, son. Use the money on the envelope to have a good weekend and take Juvia-chan some place nice and show her the town."
"I will text your mom telling her you got out gift so she can call you. She wanted to call you sooner but she wouldn't have been able to keep the secret."
"That is true." Gray laughed.
"I should get going, I have a meeting in ten minutes." Silver said. "I love you, son. Happy birthday."
"Thanks, dad. I love you too."
"Call me tomorrow, okay? I told Juvia-chan to also get a lot of pictures!"
"Damn it." He sighed – Gray hated to take pictures.
"Bye, son!"
"Bye, dad." Gray ended the call and went to grab the forgotten envelope that rested on his couch.
It was a pretty sum, Gray raised his eyebrows at how much but he put the money on his wallet either way. Well, if his girlfriend wanted to see the town, he'd show her.
He was too glad she was there to be his grumpy self.
Damn it, she would ruin his reputation.
AN: Soooo... HAHA I hope you liked their reunion!
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