The Third Gold Ticket=Spoiled Salty Veruca Salt
Bold=TV Conversations in case you didn't know already. Enjoy!
The whole family was just eating dinner right before an oompa loompa came running. He looked like he had to tell them something real quick. As if it wad gonna disappear if they don't come quickly enough. Maybe he thought he saw one of Sluggsworth spies. Or maybe something even worse.
"Jsjejenkskjwzknskskskzk," shouted the oompa loompa.
"The 3rd golden ticket was found,"shouted Charlie.
They all quickly went into the television room & turned on the TV. There they saw the same female reporter that they saw everyday talking to a man who who looked to be in his 50's. He looked wealthy financially but didn't care about taking care of his own child correctly. Next to him was a girl with blond hair in a dress. She must have been his child that the father spoiled her rotten,instead of raising her up the right way to deal with life.
"So how do you feel about getting the golden ticket,"asked the reporter with a fake smile.
"She looks like a fake mean girl wannabe who accomplished looking like a crusty old cockroach instead,"pointed out Willy Wonka.
"Dad,"said Charlie while giving him a look of disapproval.
The mother just shook her head before watching the TV. She was interested on how the little girl would react. She hoped that she didn't looked as spoiled as she appeared. Although knowing her look it would be worse. Still,she still wanted to know.
"I knew what I was gonna get it, daddy said whatever I want I will get,"sassed the little girl.
"My little Veruca deserves the best, "boasted her father.
"More like the worse;I'm a way better father than him,right Charlie,"asked the chocolatier proudly with a bit of hope.
"Always,"said Charlie before hugging his father.
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