The Sunday before party, Helena Ashford took it upon herself to pay Nova a visit, later in the afternoon and see if her friend was still planning on showing her face beside Lord Corbin.
Nova had some tea brought in, thankful that Talia had agreed to accept one of the younger maids on a excursion to several shops, collecting some items that were needed for the kitchen. When Milly exited the parlor, Nova took to pouring herself and her friend some tea, passing Helena the cup and saucer. She briefly recalled enjoying tea with Talia that first time.
"You're still going as his escort?" Helena prodded, sipping her tea, her gaze never wavering from Nova's face.
"Naturally," Nova replied. "Milton needs allies to support his position."
"I never realized he was so passionate about joining parliament." Helena turned her head, gazing out the window. It was raining, again. How dreary. She was beginning to long for warmth and possibly, a holiday.
"Neither did I," Nova said, sipping her own tea, her thoughts wandering to Talia. She smiled without realizing it, remembering just how soft Talia's lips felt against hers. Helena turned her gaze back to her friend, noting the softness in her expression.
"You're thinking about him?" Helena asked stiffly. Nova snapped out of her reverie.
"Of course," she lied. "Milton is a kind soul." Helena frowned. She wasn't certain she believed what Nova was saying.
"You'll be attending, as well?" Nova steered the conversation back into safer territory. Helena nodded.
"I'd considered asking Lord Michaels to be my escort," she said. Nova tried to dredge up who exactly Lord Michaels was and was drawing a blank.
"Which one is he?" Nova asked.
"Tall, dashingly handsome, graying brown hair, hazel eyes, has a mustache and walks with a bit of a limp on his left side." Helena described the gentleman. Nova thought hard, conjuring up a vague mental picture of the man.
"Ah yes," she said. "I believe I recall him now."
Helena nodded in satisfaction, finishing her tea and setting the empty cup, aside before she began fidgeting with her gloves.
"I had thought you might consider asking Lord Winston," Nova said and Helena's head snapped up, her face contortions into one of annoyance.
"Oh please." Helena rolled her eyes. "Neither of us can stand the other." Nova chuckled. She couldn't disagree.
"He is rather borish and opinionated," Nova commented. Helena rolled her eyes again.
"That's not even the half of it with that one." Helena leaned in a little closer, dropping her tone. "He's a worse gossip than some ladies I know."
Including yourself, Nova thought wryly.
"He's a noble," Nova said. "We nobles are terrible gossips." Helena chuckled herself.
"We are," she agreed readily. She moved to stand. "I should be going. I need to stop in and speak with Lord Michaels and see if my gown will need any altercations before the party on Tuesday."
"Of course," Nova said. "I do appreciate you stopping by." Helena smiled.
"I shall see you Tuesday evening."
"Yes." Nova watched as Helena exited the parlor, as she leaned back on the sofa, lost in thought. She knew how much her friend cared about Lord Corbin, but couldn't see it going far.
Talia exited the last shop, where she and Rose, one of the upstairs maids, had stopped to buy some meat for Lady Barrington's kitchen. Rose, thankfully hadn't dawdled and kept the shopping trip brisk. As it was so damp and miserable out, Talia was anxious to return to Barrington Hall and have a cup of hot tea.
As they trudged back to the manor, Talia allowed her mind to wander straight to Lady Barrington and that...unexpected yet passionate kiss the two had shared the other night. Talia could feel her face growing hot and quickly put the mental image out of her head before Rose took notice of her flushed cheeks and started teasing Talia about having a crush.
Luckily the meat shop wasn't terribly far from Barrington Hall and within minutes, the two women were stepping inside the front entrance. Talia quickly shed her damp outer garments, moving to hang them up so they could dry properly. Rose took all the parcels, heading straight to the kitchen to deposit them before returning to her chores upstairs.
Talia went into the kitchen, helping herself to some hot tea, closinhwr eyes as the hot liquid filled her body and slowly warmed her from the inside out.
Once more, her thoughts drifted to...Lady Barrington. Instantly, Talia was seized with a longing to see her.
Quickly finishing her tea, Talia crept upstairs through the servants staircase, hoping that Lady Barrington was in her room. Her step was lively at the mere thought of seeing Lady Barrington's lovely face.
Talia paused in front of the door, composing herself before lifting her arm, making a fist and knocking. She waited, holding her breath.
"Come in." Talia's heart skipped a beat as she pushed open the door and...saw Lady Barrington. Immediately, Lady Barrington was beside her, gently resting her hands on Talia's waist, a soft smile playing on her lips.
"You've just returned from the shops?" Lady Barrington inquired. Talia nodded, her own arms hanging loosely at her sides, all the while, aching to have them wrapped around Lady Barrington's waist.
"Cat got your tongue?" Nova teased and Talia chuckled, moving to place her hands on Lady Barrington's slender waist.
"A..A little," Talia stammered. "This is rather new to me." Nova nodded understandingly, taking one of Talia's hands, leading her over to the fire.
"I'm certain it has to be awkward," Nova murmured, looping one of her arms through Talia's, leaning against her. "I've been concealing these desires for many years now, and it still often takes me by surprise."
"Have..have you known for many years?" Talia asked. Nova nodded.
"I have. Since I was a young girl. Naturally I didn't dare express those feelings aloud."
Talia stirred restlessly. Nova turned her head, studying her maid, having a general sense of what the young woman must be struggling with.
"I..I knew, I think," Talia murmured. "Not long after my mother passed. I recalled a beautiful young lady I saw, walking down the street and I discovered how...attracted I was to..her."
Nova nodded, wrapping an arm around Talia's body, drawing her nearer. At first, Talia stiffened, but gradually relaxed against her employer's tender hug.
"This..this is...real, isn't it?" Talia asked softly. Nova kissed her cheek, then smiled.
"It's undeniably real, Talia," Nova said, tenderness in her voice. "This isn't some dream. What we feel, it's true and it's not something I'm interested in tossing away."
"You say that now," Talia began, but Nova immediately lay a finger upon Talia's lips, silencing her.
"I'm not changing my mind," Nova murmured against Talia's face before eagerly kissing her again, the desperation practically engulfing both women whole. Talia chuckled breathlessly.
"If you insist," she whispered, her hand coming up, tangling in Nova's loose locks.
"I do," Nova replied firmly. She reluctantly released her hold on Talia. "As much as I'd love being entwined with your body, however we must discuss this upcoming Tuesday."
Talia's heart thumped anxiously as Nova brought up the party, knowing full well that Nova would have to pretend that she was in..love with Lord Corbin.
"You'll be attending with me," Nova was saying. Talia immediately froze, her face pale, eyes wide with fear.
"I..I beg your..pardon, my lady?" Nova didn't mean to be unkind, but a small chuckle escaped from between her lips.
"You needn't be frightened, Talia," Nova stated. "Lots of us bring our closest servants along."
"But..but..my..my..lady," Talia stammered, trembling slightly. "Suppose..Suppose I..embarrass..you?"
"Nonsense!" Nova said briskly. "You'll be absolutely mesmerizing!"
"Won't Lord Corbin mind?" Talia asked anxiously. Nova shook her head.
"Not in the least." Nova smiled softly, caressing Talia's smooth cheek. "In fact, I'd say he'll be relieved."
Talia's face screwed up into confusion. Why would Lord Corbin be...relieved that she was attending his important party?
"Why?" Talia asked.
"Talia, Lord Corbin is aware of... my sexuality," Nova explained. Talia stared at her employer.
"He figured it out on his own after we...kissed, once," Nova added. "He could sense that me kissing a man was...uncomfortable. He asked me about it. Naturally, I denied it, unsure of whom he might share that information with."
"You told him, eventually?" Nova nodded.
"He's been nothing but kind to me and has known me for years. I thought he would keep my secret and he has."
"He must indeed, be a good friend if he's kept your secret, all these years," Talia murmured. Nova smiled.
"He has." She paused. "Now you see why I must attend as his special guest." Talia nodded.
"Yes, my lady." She, too, smiled. "And thank you for the opportunity of attending my first, real party."
Nova chuckled. "My darling, I cannot wait for you to see everything with your own eyes." Talia smiled.
"I shall be delighted to attend with you, my lady." Nova seized Talia's hands, squeezing gently, her eyes sparkling.
"It shall be my greatest pleasure, my dear Talia."
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