"It's a girl! Danny, we're having a girl!" Jessica hugged him tightly.
"A little baby Princess! I knew it!"
Jessica giggles.
Danny then places his hands on her small bump and speaks to his baby girl.
"Hello Princess! It's daddy! I love you so so much, cutie pie! I can't wait to meet you!"
"Aw you're so sweet!"
"Jessica you are perfect. You are the most perfect person I have ever met! Thank you for making our little Princess."
"Danny you're gonna make me cry!"
"I just want you to know how much I love and appreciate you."
"You're such an amazing man, Daniel Huston.
I love you so so much."
"I'm the luckiest man ever."
"You sure are! You have two girls who are just crazy about you!" Jessica smiles.
"WOO!" Danny shouts before kissing her lips.
Two days later.
"Ready for another Covid test, babe?"
"Not really, but Sarah's worth it! Let's just get it over with."
Danny then pulls in and waits for someone to walk up to the car.
Jessica places her hands on her stomach and whines. "Ohhhh I'm nervous!"
Danny chuckles and lightly scratches his fingers on her belly.
"Baby girl is a poppin!"
"Yeah she just grew over night, didn't she?"
"She did! So cute. I can't wait until you're huge!"
Jessica laughs. "Imagine how I'll look on my zoom classes. The camera already adds ten pounds!"
"You're going to be the most beautiful pregnant lady ever!"
"Aw thank you, smoosh. Oh look, somebody's coming!"
"Here we go!" Danny lifts his mask and rolls the window down.
Danny was tested first. When it was Jessica's turn she reached over and grabbed Danny's hand.
She squeezed it tighter and tighter as she grew more and more uncomfortable.
Once she was finished she let out a dramatic sighs and laid her head back.
"Oh my goodness!" Danny laughs. "You okay?"
"Barely!" Jessica sniffles.
"So dramatic!"
That evening.
"Honey, how do I look? I'm gonna tell my class I'm pregnant tonight."
"Aw you look cute!"
"You think?" Jessica smiles.
"Yeah! I missed seeing you in those little outfits."
"Well I had to hide the poor baby cause I wasn't ready to tell them about her yet. But I'm ready now and she definitely is!" Jessica looks down and laughs at her belly just poking out.
"She sure is! Do you want me to go in there? Maybe they want to meet the man that helped build that bump."
Jessica laughs. "Nah, I think us girls are okay on our own."
"Well alright then! I guess I'll cook dinner then."
"Now you're talkin' baby!"
Danny chuckles and kisses her lips.
"Alright, can everyone hear me okay?"
All of Jessica's students responded, giving Jessica the okay to make her announcement.
"Good! So you guys, I've been keeping a little secret from you all for a while now.."
"Ooh what is it?"
"There's going to be a new girl in this class soon."
"Who is she?"
"I'm not sure on her name yet, but.."
Jessica then stands up straight and lifts her shirt to reveal her belly.
The entire class screams with excitement.
"Ms. Jessica, you're pregnant?!"
"I am! And it's a GIIIIRRRRLLL!"
The class was so happy for Jessica. It made her feel so happy to hear all of her students' kind words.
"When did you get pregnant? I mean how far along are you?" One girl laughs.
"I'm sixteen weeks!"
"I guess we all know what Ms. Jessica has been doing during quarantine!"
"Oh my gosh, stop it!" She laughs.
Two days later.
"Babe they just called with our Covid results."
"Oh no, what is it?" Jessica grabs her stomach.
"We're negative, honey."
"Oh my gosh thank God!"
"Aw were you scared?"
"I was!" Jessica pouts.
"I'm sorry. But we're fine!" Danny smiles.
"And we can see Sarah when she gets home tomorrow!"
"We can! The gang will all be back together again!"
"But not Evan." Jessica pouts. "He'll probably be working.."
"We'll see."
The next day came and Jessica woke bright and early.
"Baby girl, we're going to see your aunt Sarah today! Oh gosh it's been so long! We've never been apart like this.. but it's okay! Our prayers were answered and she's finally home!
And you know what? She's going to freak out over you, little one!"
After breakfast Danny and Jessica left for Sarah's parents' house.
"I'm nervous. What if she looks sick?"
"Jessica, I won't lie to you, she'll probably look different. She's been through months of hell.
She still has a long road ahead of her."
"Yeah.." Jessica takes a deep breath and gets out of the car.
Sarah's father greeted them at the door and lead them to Sarah.
Jessica took one look at her and immediately started crying. She ran to her and held her tightly. Sarah was so small and even more pale than usual. She had dark circles under her eyes, and it was a difficult for her to speak. But she had happiness in her eyes, and a huge smile on her face.
"Oh Sarah. I've missed you so much, Sarah!"
"I've missed you too.. Jess?"
"Are you pregnant?"
Jessica pulls away and laughs.
"I am! You noticed!" She laughs and holds her belly.
"I knew Danny would knock you up!"
"How did you know we were together?"
"I heard you that time you called. It's so weird you too are fucking. It's kinda gross, but I can't say I'm surprised either."
Danny chuckles and hugs Sarah.
"We've missed your attitude, Sar."
"It must have been so boring without me in the mix.. although it's obvious you two found a good distraction." Sarah rubs Jessica's belly.
Jessica laughs and places her hand on her stomach.
"Sarah I have something to tell you!"
"You're getting married?" Sarah smiles.
"Oh shit, I'm sorry."
Jessica laughs. "It's okay! It's a girl, Sarah!"
"A girl? Aw you guysss. That's so sweet. Congratulations!"
Just then Sarah's father came in with another guest.
"Evan!" Jessica smiles.
Evan wanted to surprise his friends. He had been quarantining alone so he could be there to welcome Sarah home.
Jessica runs over and hugs him. She hasn't been able to actually touch him in forever!
"Look at you, Jess!" Evan chuckles and holds her belly.
"Evan." Sarah's eyes tear up.
Evan walked over to Sarah and kneeled down to her level.
"Sarah!" He smiled.
Sarah immediately grabbed his face and kissed his lips.
"Woah!" Jessica's eyes went wide.
"This is new." Danny says.
Sarah pulls away and places her forehead on Evan's. "I heard everything. Everything.
And I love you too, Evan."
Evan smiles and kisses her once again.
"Aww! We all love each other!" Jessica jumps and claps her hands.
Danny chuckles and brings her in for a hug.
You guys, my Facebook is full of delusional assholes. I will not stoop down to their childish level, and post constantly, but I will say this here!
My uncle passed away from Covid today. My cousin gave birth while having Covid. Her 3 year old daughter had it, and her father had it. My uncle who has cancer has it. This is a real thing, it is not made up!
I cannot understand these people who think it's all fake. It's the exact same people who think the election was stolen!
Sorry, I just needed somewhere to vent. I have had it!!!!
On another note 🙃 I have a new story out lol! It's called "In Secret" and I'd really appreciate it if you would check it out. ❤️
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