Letters to Home
Hey guys, this is AnimeFan299110 coming at you with the latest chapter of Love Heals All Wounds! This chapter was suggested by one of my followers Agent-G, who many of you know as the writer behind such Dragonslayer-featured story such as Stag Night, Girl Talk, and of course, Heart to Heart. If you haven't already, check his page out, his stories are awesome and worth reading.
As usual, I do not own RWBY. It is the property of Rooster Teeth and the late, great Monty Oum. Let's get started!
Yang's eyes opened as she felt a cold, unpleasant aura form around her. She found herself in a dark, ruined version of Vale. There was an eerie silence in the air that was only interrupted by the howling wind. She saw blood that was spluttered and smeared on the rubble and buildings. It was as if she was in hell.
"Help...help!" A child's voice called out to her right. Shaking off the scene around her, Yang ran towards the cries until she reached a house with the roof caved in. She then kicked down the door to find a little with her back facing Yang and crying.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Yang asked in concern.
"My daddy and little sister," the girl said before pointing at a closed door. "They're both dead."
"Wait right here," Yang said, "I'll go check up on them." She reached for the handle and tried to turn it, but the knob wouldn't budge. She then shoved her shoulder against the door in the hopes of opening it. It took a few hits before the door finally burst open to reveal...
"D-Dad? R-Ruby?"
Yang's blood went cold and her eyes widened as she gazed upon the dead bodies of her father and sister. Ruby was lying face down with her throat slit while Tai was facing upwards with what looked like finger marks around his throat.
"They're dead." The little girl's voice said, causing Yang to turn around. The girl lifted her head and Yang's breathing became ragged as she looked at her younger self. "They're dead because of you."
Yang began stepping back in shock and fear as the house suddenly collapsed around her. Soon she found herself alone with the bodies of her sister and father. As she looked down on them, Yang felt as though her soul was ripped apart and she collapsed on her knees. "R-Ruby? D-Dad?" She asked, her voice shaking. "Y-You gotta get up. We gotta stop the Grimm." Her legs soon gave out and her knees hit the floor. "Get up; this isn't funny anymore." She then took a hand from both of them and gripped them tightly just as her tears began to flow. "Please..." She said, her voice breaking, "I can't do this alone...I need you both."
"Well, isn't this a sight to behold." Yang froze in fear, for she knew who that voice belonged to. Her fears were confirmed when she turned around to see Adam Taurus smirking at her. Fear soon turned into anger as she remembered what he had done to her.
"You bastard!" Yang cried out. "You did this; you killed them!" It was then that Adam started laughing, causing Yang's eyes to widen in confusion.
"I killed them?" Adam asked with amusement. "You're mistaken, Yang Xiao Long. I didn't kill them; you did! You're the reason they're all dead."
"All dead?" Yang asked. "What are you talk-" Her breath soon hitched and her pupils shrunk when she saw that more bodies had appeared around her and Adam. Her eyes fleeted back and forth as she saw the bodies of Weiss, Blake, Teams JNPR and CFVY, her teachers, Qrow, and various others, all dead and lifeless.
"That's right, Xiao Long," Adam said as he moved closer, "they're all dead because of you. If you weren't so reckless and actually thought before you acted, maybe some of them would still be alive."
Rage boiled in Yang once more as Adam's words seeped into her. She made to attack him, but the dark pool of blood glued her feet to the ground, making her unable to move forward. She struggled desperately as Adam unsheathed his sword. When he was a foot away from her, Yang tried to punch him, but he easily dodged it and trapped it between his arm and body.
"Now then," he asked as he raised the sword above his head and smirked, "how about we complete the set?" Yang's face paled as she saw the sword swing downward.
"NO!" Yang cried out as she sat upright and reached her hand out for something. As her vision cleared, she realized that she was reaching out for nothing. As she breathed rapidly, she found herself in her room at home. One glance at the clock showed the time to be 1:30 a.m. She then settled back onto her bed and placed an arm over his eyes. 'A dream.' She thought. 'Just another dream.'
She sighed sadly; this was the seventh nightmare this week and it was only Wednesday. Not a day went by when she wouldn't get at least one per night. Some were the same, while others were completely different. She had had this particular dream before, but Adam would never talk that much. Normally he would have simply taunted her or cut off her arm without a moment's hesitation before making for her head. As she sat up in bed, the word "reckless" rang through her mind in whispers.
'But what if he's right?' She thought. 'What if I'm so reckless I could get everyone killed?' Before the fall of Beacon, she was known to jump in headfirst at the first sign of a conflict, not thinking before doing. It was because of these actions that she sometimes lost her fights or caused more harm than good. She then wiped her forehead and felt a bit of nightly grease rub against her arm. 'Maybe a good face wash will help clear my head.' She thought. She got out of bed and slowly opened the door before making her way to the bathroom.
"No, that's not going to work either."
Yang snapped her head back at the voice she had heard downstairs. Worried that someone had broken into her house, she slowly crept across the floor so as to not alert any intruders. It was when she came down the stairs and peered over the railing that she noticed a dim light coming from the kitchen. Another closer look quelled her fears when she saw a familiar blonde knight sitting at the kitchen table facing away from her with an oil lantern burning next to him.
Yang noticed that Jaune was muttering to himself over a pad of paper. After a minute or two, he would rip off a sheet of paper, crumple it, and try to toss it into the trash can. He would then scribble a few words before pausing once again.
"What are you doing?"
"AAH!" Jaune cried out as he leapt a few inches into the air. Yang put a finger to her lips and then pointed at the stairs. Jaune noticed immediately and covered his mouth. After waiting a minute to make sure they didn't wake up Tai or Zwei, Jaune removed his hands. "Yang, you scared me. What are you doing up?"
Yang paused before she said, "Couldn't sleep. Plus I saw the light in the kitchen."
"Oh," Jaune said sheepishly, "sorry."
The two then became silent as they heard Tai snort loudly in his sleep. When it was evident that he wasn't coming downstairs, Yang broke the tension when she asked, "So....what are you doing up so late?"
Jaune glanced down at the notepad and pen and sighed. "I've...I've been trying to write my family a letter to let them know how I'm doing. I mean, I should let them know that I'm okay," Jaune's features then darkened, "but after all that happened at Beacon, I just didn't know what to say. The last time I wrote to them, I told them that I was going to see a friend before the final match of the Vytal Tournament and that I would be in touch. But that was a long time ago."
Yang said nothing as she grabbed a nearby chair and sat down next to him. Her eyes soon gazed upon the balled up pieces of paper that littered the floor. Jaune clearly had trouble knowing what to write. "So," she said after a few minutes of silence, "how are you doing?"
"I've...been better." Jaune said solemnly as he averted her gaze.
Yang rubbed her arm above the missing part. "Yeah, I know that feeling." Once again, silence filled the room as the two blondes directed their attention away from each other. Yang leaned down and picked up one of the crumpled pieces of paper. She unfurled it to read:
Dear Mom and Dad,
I wanted to let you know that I'm okay
"Look," she said, directing her attention back to Jaune after looking at the crossed out 'okay', "why don't we look through these crumpled balls? Maybe we can get something out of them. It might help you get to bed faster."
"Okay, sure." The blonde male said. He began picking up the balled-up paper off the ground. Yang did the same, though it was hard to do with just one arm. She sighed; the loss of an arm was certainly a burden she did not think she would bear. True, she had heard stories about huntsmen and huntresses getting severely injured on the job. But she had never imagined it happening to her, let alone her friends and teammates.
For the next few minutes, the two blondes picked up the scraps of paper in total silence. They soon found themselves back in their respective seats, the table littered with balled-up pieces of paper. "Okay; let's see what we can use." Yang said as she and Jaune began unfurling the paper. The first piece Yang opened read:
Dear Mom and Dad,
I wanted to let you know that I'm okay and that you don't need to worry about me.
'Okay, that could be something.' She thought as she set the paper aside and picked up another piece that read:
Dear Mom and Dad,
I wanted to let you know that I'm fine.
'That could work as well.' She thought, setting said paper alongside the other. She then unfurled the next piece and was shocked at what she read.
The paper was literally covered with words. There was no sentence structure, no "Dear Mom and Dad", and all the words were written in random sizes. However, she noticed that they consisted of the same three words:
"What's that one say?"
Jaune's words snapped Yang back to reality and she glanced over at the knight. Seeing Jaune's quizzical face and knowing what he had been through, she knew she couldn't let him see what he had written on that piece of paper. He had been through so much already without having to be reminded of how he felt about himself. "N-Nothing," she said, crumpling up the paper and tossing it aside, "it only said 'Dear Mom and Dad' on it."
"Oh, okay." Jaune said casually. Soon, several pieces of paper were open and laid out on the table.
"Okay," Yang said, "Let's begin. How about we start with 'Dear Mom and Dad,'." Jaune nodded and wrote the words down. "'I am writing to let you know that I'm...'" Yang stopped as she looked at Jaune. What could she suggest he write? Okay? Fine? Doing well? Knowing Jaune and what he had been through, she knew he was far from any of those. "'...I'm alive.'" Yang said, to which Jaune wrote down. "'I was able to get out of Beacon safely, but I lost a teammate there...'" It was as she said it that she realized her mistake. "I...I mean..." She stuttered as Jaune looked at her. "Jaune, I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean..."
"It's okay." Jaune said, "I...I want to tell them the truth. I don't think I should sugarcoat what happened." He continued to write down Yang's words until he paused and looked at her to continue. Even though he said it was okay that she mentioned Pyrrha, Yang could tell by the hurt in his eyes that Jaune was lying.
Regardless, she cleared her throat and continued, "'The rest of my team was able to escape and we were taken to the island of Patch where one of my friend's dad lives and where I'm currently staying at the moment.'"
For the next hour, Yang and Jaune continued to switch back and forth in that manner. Yang would tell him what to write and he would do so. There were moments when Jaune would continuously write even when Yang didn't say anything. It was like part of him knew what to write next without her help. Then there were moments when he would set his pen down and close his eyes to compose himself. Yang, on her part, decided to let him be and not pry into what was bothering him. She figured that it was Jaune's problem and that she shouldn't intervene.
Finally after a few adjustments and revisions, Jaune put down his name and handed the letter to Yang. She took the paper and read it to herself.
Dear Mom and Dad,
I am writing to let you know that I am alive. The rest of my team and I were able to escape and we were taken to the island of Patch where one of my friend's dad lives and where I'm currently staying at the moment.
Unfortunately, we weren't without casualties. I lost a teammate at Beacon; my partner, Pyrrha Nikos. She was probably the best partner and friend anyone could ask for. She trained me to be better in combat. Whenever I was down, she was there to pick me back up. And when I needed a friend, she was kind and caring enough to be there for you. I'm sure you two would have loved her if you met. Heck, I bet the girls would have loved her too, though only to get the scope on something embarrassing I did at Beacon.
I know you two would want me to come home and stay with you and the others, but I can't. I can't just run away from the world's problems and not do anything. I want to help out in any way I can and at least find a way to stop those who caused Beacon and Vale to fall. I once asked you to accept my desire to attend Beacon, now I'm asking you to respect my wishes and let me do what I think is right.
Please let the girls, including Saphron, know that I'm both okay and safe. I love you both and I miss you so much.
Forever your son,
Jaune Arc
"I think it's good." Yang said after the look-over. She then tri-folded it and stuck it into an empty envelope that was on the counter before licking it shut.
"Excellent," Jaune said as he held up the envelope, "now all that's left is to write out the address and mail it."
"You can do that in the morning." Yang said as she stood up. "But right now, you need to get to bed."
Jaune nodded; writing the letter late at night did take a lot out of him. He rose and walked carefully up the stairs so as to not wake Tai and Zwei. Once he reached his respective door, he turned to Yang and said, "Thanks Yang, I really appreciate the help tonight."
"No problem." Yang shrugged. She waited until Jaune walked into his room and out of sight before she entered hers. As she walked by the mirror, she paused and leaned into it to pull a few strands away from her face. Looking at her reflection, she remembered the words she had seen on that scrap of paper:
A closer look at the mirror caused those words to echo in her head. 'I'm just like him.' She thought. 'I'm all of those words in a bundle.' Deciding not to deny that concept, Yang crawled into bed and did her best to sleep with those three words bouncing around in her head.
And another chapter comes to a close. Sorry if the letter parts are confusing; it's because Wattpad doesn't have the strikethrough option. If you want a better version of the story, you can check out the AO3 version.
Kudos again to Agent-G for suggesting this idea.
Don't forget to favorite, follow, and review.
Hopefully, I'll have the next chapter up before the year ends. So keep your fingers crossed and I will see you all next time.
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