How could you.
I get to Smackdown, I didn't have a match, but I came to see Roman and Paige. When I get there I see him and he looks at me.
"Sis what's with the sun glasses, inside?" He asks.
"Bad headache, the lights hurt my eyes." I say.
He looks at me. He could always tell when I was lying. He pulls them off revealing my black eye.
"WHO DID THIS?" He screamed in my face.
"I got into a scramble with a diva before leaving last night, it's fine bro." I say and walk off.
[Roman's PROV.]
I walk over to Layla cause her and Zahra are really close, If anyone knows anything its her.
"Layla let me talk to me sec." I say.
"What's up?"
"Have you seen Zahra last night before Raw ended?"
"No, why what's up?"
"She has a black eye and said she got in a scramble with a diva before she went back to the Hotel."
"I don't know anything about that, but I can ask the girls and find out for you."
"Thanks, Layla."
"Yeah, no problem Roman."
[Zahra's PROV.]
I felt so bad lying to my brother, but I also felt so scared of Dean. I walk around the hall when Stephanie comes over to me.
"Zahra, is everything okay?" She asks.
"Yeah, fine."
"What happened to your eye?"
"Oh just a scramble with a diva yesterday, no big deal."
And then Seth walks over to us.
"Yo Zah, who punched you in the face?" He says.
"Just a fight with a diva."
"Looks more manly then a diva."
I bite my lip and walk away.
I go tosee Karen and Debbie who again ask me the say question.
"Don't worry just cover it up." I say to Debbie.
She fixes my makeup, covering the bruised eye, and Karen does my hair.
When I am told to go see Stephanie. I knock on the door and she tells me to come in and when I do my stomach feels sick as I see Dean sitting in a chair in front of the desk.
"What's she doing here,Steph?" He says.
"You are both here,becuse I want to put you to in a storyline."
"What!?" We both say together.
"When Dean costed you the match the crowd loved it, so we want to embrace this hate and make it a story and have you two show each other off, deal? Good now get out." She says making us leaving.
"I fucking hate you." I say as I bump his shoulder walking off.
"I hate you too, bi....he stops when Roman walks up behind him.
"Yeah, keep talking asshole!" I snare.
At that moment Layla walks over to them.
"Roman, I talked to the divas and they know nothing of Zahra getting in a fight with any of....before sh finshes Dean buts in. "Rom, I'm gonna go catch you later." "No hold on a sec, Dean." He pulls him arm making him stay, as Dean nervously critching his hand. "As you were saying, Layla " "So none of the divas saw her last night or knew she had a black eye." She says. Dean is really nervous now. "Why would she lie to me and how come I didn't see this one." He says upset now. "Maybe she is covering up for someone." Layla implies, looking at Dean. Roman turns his stare to Dean.
"Man, I swear if you hit my sister, I'll fucking hurt you." He says.
"We are brothers, man I'd never hurt her." He says. Roman punches the wall and walks off.
Back the hotel I pack my bags and again here comes Dean. He slams me up against the wall again, and this time he hits me harder than before. leaving bruies on my arms and legs.
"If you tell anyone, you will regret it." He says squeezing my wrist with all his strength.
He goes to sit on the couch right before Roman walks in. "Zahra?" He says. I walk out of the bedroom. "Yes?" I say. "Just making sure you are okay." I take a shower and cry for a while before getting out and head back out to the living room sitting on the couch. He stares at me and then Roman sees the other bruises on my body.
"Zahra, what are those?" He asks looking at the bruises on my arms and legs.
"I...uh...." I look at Dean and say..."I fell."
"Bullshit Zahra, before you got a black ye getting in a fight with a diva now you fell, he did, right?" He yells.
I look at Dean not saying a word and then Romans phone goes off. He walks away talking.
[Roman's PROV.]
"Colby, what's bro?"
"Have you seen yor sister today?"
"You seen her eye?"
"Yeah, now she has bruises on her arms and legs."
"She said she got into a fight with a diva, but they look way more manly of beating to me."
[Zahra's PROV.]
He is so made talking on his phone, I don't what he is saying, DEan is just staring at me, I'm so scared to say anything. Roman looks so mad, he be madder If he knew the man he calls his brother was beating me.
[Roman's PROV.]
"Yeah, I noticed now she claims she fell."
"I'd look at Dean, man I'm telling you, I think he is behind it."
"Yeah, thanks man talk to you soon."
"Yep, see ya Joe."
I hang up and walk back over to them.
"Dean, did you hit my sister?" He says with pure rage in his eyes.
"Man, I'd never do that."
"DON'T FUCK LIE TO ME JON!!!" He yells in his face.
He gets up and pushes Roman. "Yeah I did hit her, she is a stupid fucking bitch and she deserved it." Roman looked hurt and raged. "You was supposed to be my best friend, my man how could you lay your hands on my baby sister?" Dean leaves and Roman sits on the couch with me and cuddles me.
"Bro, I'm sorry I lied to you."
"Zah, how could you let this happen, you are a Samoan we are stronger than that."
"Joe, I was scared of him."
"He won't bother you anymore, you don't even have to look at him or be around him."
"Actually, I do, Stephanie wants us to be in a storyline together, when Dean costed me my match on Raw they liked it so they want us both to do more of fucking with each."
"It's best for business, Joe."
"Just be careful, Zahra, Please."
He hugs me and I got to bed, We get up early in the moring to catch our flight to Albuquerque, New Mexico.
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