Spinning around, I realized the worst bully in school, Groose, held his fist in midair. He was aiming for my books that I held in my arms. I winced, realizing I couldn't pull my arm from under my books fast enough. Bracing for impact, I closed my eyes, unable to stop what he was going to do.
I waited a few moments before opening my eyes, Groose's fist never landing on my books.
I smiled.
"Lay your hands off of her, okay?"
Link was clutching Groose's wrist, right above his head. Groose looked up at Link in fear, pulling his hand away and running down the hallway.
I sighed. "It's good to be back, huh?"
Link stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Just great."
"At least we didn't miss anything," I added quickly, hoping to cheer up Link's spirits.
Link shrugged his shoulders. "Sure, but no one knows how much you've grown over the course of the few months we were gone. Everyone still treats you like-"
"A terrible, helpless, nerdy brat," I interrupted, smirking.
Link nodded. "Precisely." He looked out ahead of him and down the hallway for a moment, when he gasped, facing me again. "Not that you are!"
I laughed, pulling my books up to my chest. "It's okay, I understood what you meant." We continued walking to our next class, when Midna and Agitha greeted us by our classroom.
"Hiya, Zellie!" Agitha chirped, linking arms with me. I tousled my books in my other arm, trying to balance them. Link laughed, taking them from me. I thanked him with a quick smile, and he responded with a wide grin.
"I thought we could have lunch outside under the trees in the back of the school," Midna offered, shaking her lunch around. "Y'know, just the four of us?"
I nodded my head. "Sounds fun! We just have to get through chemistry first." I rolled my eyes, just as we entered our classroom.
Taking our seats, Link placed my books in front of me. The chemistry tables sat students of four, so naturally we all sat together. Midna sat on the end, then Agitha, me and Link. Other students were standing around, laughing and conversing with one another. I sighed, completely bored before the class even started.
"Alright, class! Take your seats!"
Midna, Agitha and Link all stared at me. I rubbed my eyes, trying to compile my thoughts together.
I turned my head toward Link. "It couldn't be."
The four of us faced the entrance of the classroom, watching as the tall woman strutted her way inside.
"I will be your substitute today, while Mr. G is out at on a vacation," she said in an all-too familiar voice.
One student, Talo, groaned. "Ghirahim is always taking off when school is almost out of session."
The substitute smiled warmly. "Doesn't he prefer you to call him Mr. G?"
A girl named Saria shook her head. "We used to have a student nicknamed G, so we just called him Ghirahim. He was totally fine with it!"
The substitute cocked her head to one side. "Where is this G student you're talking about? He doesn't seem to be here... where is he?"
Everyone seemed to lower their heads.
"He went missing a few weeks ago," a student named Mido spoke everyone's thoughts. "No one knows where he is."
The substitute frowned. "Oh, I'm very sorry to hear that."
I took a closer look at her. The way she moved, the way she spoke; her voice sounded so familiar. She had a strange hair style and color. She looked young, yet her hair was a light grey. It was pulled into a bun on the back of her head, with a few braids leading to the center of the bun. One long strand of hair fell out onto her right side. She folded her hands on the teacher's podium she stood in front of, sighing.
"Well, I think it's about to start class today, hm?" She asked the class, pursing her lips.
"What's your name?" Saria asked, her green hair flipping alongside her head as she searched for a lab we had started in class the other day.
"My name?" The substitute smirked, turning her head to me, fixing her gaze on my eyes.
Don't say it, don't say it! I thought to myself. Please, don't say it!
"Miss Impa."
Link slapped his hand against his face, and Midna's head fell onto the table, a loud bang emitting through the room. Agitha placed her arms on the table, burying her head in them. I simply stared at the woman, closely resembling the Impa we knew back when we found out we were reincarnations of previous heroes.
Impa shrugged. "What's the matter, kids?"
I slowly shook my head. "Nothing at all, miss."
Impa bit her bottom lip. "Hm," she responded, turning to the chalk board behind her. She began to write up today's lesson.
I zoned out for the rest of the class.
Why is Impa here? How did she get here? Is she the Impa from the past? Is she an incarnation of the past Impa? Is she friend or foe?
My mind was drowning in my own thoughts. Midna, Agitha, Link and I all lost our powers after returning home. The emblem of the triforce disappeared from Link's left hand and my right hand. None of us were able to change back into our previous hero clothes. I couldn't even summon the last crystal I owned.
Nayru's crystal, Nayru's Love.
I shuddered. The thought of losing my powers hurt, for I believed I could use them for good. Midna always wanted to use her powers to protect others, but now that they were gone, she couldn't even do just that.
And as quick as it began, class ended.
"Alright, class! You are dismissed for lunch."
Students throughout the classroom sighed in relief, jumping up from their seats with their lunches in hand. Most walked out of the room in groups, already deep in conversation.
"You four," Impa said, "stay after class. We need to talk."
The remaining students covered their mouths. "Ooooo," they joked, "you guys are in trouble!"
"Get out!" Midna threatened, holding up her fist.
The students shut up immediately, bolting out of the door.
I stared at Link, completely horrified. I stood on my toes, reaching up to his ear.
"Everything has to be over, right?" I whispered. My heart pounded in my chest. I felt sick, and I just wanted this war to be over, and for evil to have been defeated. "I can't deal with this all over again, Link!"
Link took my wrist, smiling softly. "Don't worry," he whispered back. "Everything will be just fine."
"But why did she show up here all of a sudden?" I asked, when Impa walked over to our table.
"It'll be okay, just take my hand," Link said quietly, moving his hand from my wrist to my open palm. He intertwined his fingers with mine, looking up at Impa as she walked over. He looked away from me because of the red color suddenly appearing on his face.
I smiled, laughing quietly.
"Now I think you're all aware of who I am, correct?" Impa asked, pulling out a seat from the table in front of us. She turned it around, wrapping her legs out in the front. "So? How have you all been?"
"Why are you here?" Midna asked, scowling. "I thought once we destroyed Ganon all of this would be over. So how come you are paying a visit? Shouldn't you be back in Hyrule looking over your precious princess?"
"I take it you don't like me very much," Impa smirked. "That's alright. Considering what the other Impa made you go through to prove yourself to the princess and hero's incarnations, I would hate me too."
Midna squinted her eyes. "You're... not the Impa from the past?"
Impa lifted a finger to her chin, smiling wide. "Nope! I'm her reincarnation. We share the same soul, like you all share the souls of your past selves."
"Where have you been all of this time, then?" I asked, squeezing Link's hand a bit under the table. He tightened his grip in reassurance.
"Wandering this country, looking for you four," Impa shrugged, her silver-grey hair bouncing on her shoulders. "I was given the task to aid you all, but I never made it in time. I guess the past incarnation of me was able to help you, which I am thankful for."
"So, why are you here?" Agitha lifted her head off of the table, making her voice actually audible. "If we defeated Ganon, and your soul purpose has been achieved, why have you come to us?"
Impa looked up at the ceiling. "Good question." She laughed. "I dunno! Maybe I just wanted to congratulate you all on defeating the worst evil this world has ever seen!"
This time, we all slammed our heads on the table.
I was the first to lift my head off of the table, while everyone laid their heads in shock. "Well? You congratulated us now, didn't you?"
Impa shook her head with a smile on her face. "No, I haven't yet. I may have said I was going to, but I haven't."
Link lifted his head. "Can we please get it over with, then? I just wish this was all over, to be honest..."
Impa nodded. "And I understand. I just..." she paused, tears flowing from her eyes. Her smile grew wider and wider as she looked at each one of us. "Thank you. Thank you! I cannot say it enough times...!"
"It's our duty, right?" I asked, standing up and walking over besides Impa. "We were just doing as we were told."
Impa shook her head. "You don't seem to understand what I mean. You all could have buckled under pressure, fallen into depression, thought that the whole world was weighed down on your shoulders..." Impa paused, laughing a bit. "...which it sorta was, I guess. But that's not my point. You all worked together and did what others could not. You saved the future of this world."
Link gently tightened his grip on my hand, and I looked up at him. His cheeks turned pink and his lip began to quiver.
Then he began to cry.
"No, please don't cry!" I begged, trying to turn Link towards me.
Impa stood up, taking her things and moving to the exit. "I'll leave you all alone now. I'll be working at this school if anything ever happens. I'll be here."
Midna nodded, waving to Impa. "Be sure to come and visit us!"
Impa nodded back, walking out of the door and shutting it behind us.
Link laughed, tears slowly making their way down his reddened face. "I'm fine... really!"
I quickly looked over at Agitha and Midna. My eyes widened, and they both stood up and left.
When they exited the room, I shook my head at Link. "You're not fine! Tell me what's wrong!"
Link smiled wide. "I'm so lucky to have you and the others."
I slowly turned my head to the side. "Wh-where did that come from?"
Link took both of my hands, kissing me on the cheek. He pulled away from me, and his electric blue eyes seemed to be brighter than ever.
"What if I had to defeat Ganon all alone?" Link asked, looking at the ceiling and leaning back in his chair. "Or you? Or Midna, or Agitha?"
"That would... be really awful, wouldn't it?" I smiled sadly.
Link nodded. "It would. But I had you guys with me the whole time." He looked back down at me, smiling even wider than before. "You guys gave me the courage to fight. Not the triforce; you guys."
I wrapped my arms around Link's neck. "We couldn't have done it without you, either."
Link sighed. "I'm just glad that it's all over..."
I nodded as Link wrapped his arms around my back. "Me too."
Suddenly, the door opened.
"C'mon, guys! We are already late for lunch! We need to hurry before someone takes our spot under the big tree!" Agitha called.
I quickly unwrapped my arms around Link, plopping myself back down in my chair.
"Ooooh," I heard Midna from behind Agitha. My face became red instantly.
"What?" I growled. "There's nothing to be "ooooh-ing" about!"
Link turned towards the two. "Y-yeah, what Zelda said."
Midna rolled her eyes, waving her hand. "Whatever. We'll just let you two love birds do as you please!" She smirked, taking Agitha's wrist.
"I-I don't love him!" I stuttered.
"Me either!" Link gagged.
"On second thought, I hate this jerk!" I called out to Midna.
"You think they're in some kind of love-hate relationship?" Agitha whispered to Midna.
Midna shrugged. "Kinda seems like it, huh?"
"Oh yeah, totally!" I said sarcastically, clutching my lunch bag in my right hand. I practically jumped off of my chair, running over to the two.
"And to think, Zel used to hate him!" Agitha whispered again to Midna.
Midna gasped dramatically. "Really? Maybe it is just a love-hate relationship!"
"Not!" I yelled, pulling out an apple from my lunch and throwing it at Midna's head. She ducked right in time, my apple slamming against the door to the classroom across the hallway. My eyes widened in fear, and Midna and Agitha ran off like their lives depended on it. The teacher across the hallway was Mr. Zant, the young but terrifying teacher. I did not want to get caught for throwing an apple and almost breaking the small window on the door.
Link grabbed my hand, pushing me out of the door. "We better hurry!" He laughed, pulling me along.
I smiled, watching in front of me as my three friends ran down the hallway, laughing and cheering with each other.
Link turned his head toward me, his hand still holding on to mine. "Well? You better stick with me, or you'll fall behind!"
I nodded, now running a bit faster than before. "Okay!"
At that moment, I felt as if I was completely whole. These three people had picked up my broken self and put me back together.
Agitha stuck with me most of my lifetime, and she never left. She always gave me a reason to smile, and a reason to look forward to tomorrow.
Midna kept me in line and made sure I was never out of place. She was extremely helpful throughout our journey, and a kind friend to have. She took a chance by leaving negative people behind to start anew, befriending me and Agitha.
Link taught me to stay strong, even when the going got rough. He taught me that love is real. He showed me that giving up should never be an option.
And then, I wondered what would become of us as we all ran down three flights of stairs together. Agitha slid down the railing, while Midna chased after her.
Agitha, a sweet girl who was obsessed with bugs.
Midna, a scary looking girl on the outside, but a caring and strong girl on the inside.
Link, a popular boy who has a bigger heart than anyone else I knew.
And then me.
The me I believed was useless, unwanted, and unworthy of anything.
But I changed.
We all did.
We all became stronger. Smarter. Kinder.
And, at that very moment, running down a few flights of stairs, feeling so free...
That was all I needed.
The freedom to be who I am, and to be with the people I loved most.
A quick flash within my head showed an image. An image of Princess Zelda and the Hero Link holding hands in front of Hyrule Castle.
As soon as we made it outside, my hand slipped out of Link's, and I stared up at our school.
Princess Zelda... Link... I thought to myself, admiring Hyrule High.
Link quickly ran back over to my side, placing his hand in mine once more. "Something the matter, Zel?" Link asked, a bit of worry in his voice.
I closed my eyes, slowly shaking my head. I smiled. "Nothing at all."
Link tugged on my hand. "Well, let's go! I'm starving!"
I laughed. "Okay, okay!" I stared down at the pavement. "Do you mind walking?"
Link smiled. "I don't mind at all."
I laughed as I watched Agitha and Midna fall down in front of a large tree in the front courtyard of our school. They immediately began chowing down on their lunches.
Link and I began walking, hand in hand, right in front of Hyrule High.
And life couldn't have gotten any better.
This fic has officially ended :)
guys okay so i was going to do yet another cheesy a/n but screw it.
Anyway, thank you for reading! This was a bit of a cheesy ending. I actually was writing and had a comPLETELY different ending but I ended up scraping my ideas because it seemed a little too much.
But seriously. Thank you so much.
And here we go with a little bit of an extra!
Total word count: 82,882 (give or take a few hundred words. it's almost three and I'm tired af and probably missed a chapter lmao)
Total Chapters: 35 not including the epilogue.
Character with the most dialogue: Zelda
(Main) Character with the least amount of dialogue: G/ Ganon
(Some of the next ones are cool and some are silly lol. I just think this is cute so I'm going to do it :)
Zelda's first sentence: "Zelda. Why are you helping me?"
Zelda's last sentence: "Okay, okay! Do you mind walking?"
Agitha's first sentence: "She what?!"
Agitha's last sentence: "And to think, Zel used to hate him!"
Link's first sentence: "So, what's your name?"
Link's last sentence: "I don't mind at all."
Midna's first sentence: "Whatever, girl! Just back off of Link!"
Midna's last sentence: "Really? Maybe it is just a love-hate relationship!"
G/Ganon's first sentence: "Ah, Zelda, how nice to see you."
G/Ganon's last sentence: "Y-you... you beat the hatred from within you...!"
And those are the main characters! I was going to do Ilia, but I don't really think she was a main character. I mean, she was a bit towards the beginning, but kinda got a bit forgotten later on.
But there we have it! That's it folks!
oh and ps it's three and i am officially terrified for my life aHA
be sure to stick around!
see you all in my next fanfiction. goodbye for now.
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