Chapter 2 meeting the Maitlands.
That night Charlie ordered take out. Which I was fine with me. I mean who would say no to panda express? We all were sitting at the dinner table that came with the place in the dining room. We still didn't have much furniture unpacked so we all sat on fold up chairs from the grabage. We were all pretty tired and no one felt like speaking up. Especially me. I was fine with sitting in silence. I found it comforting. But things can't last forever. Eventually mom broke the silence.
"I cant believe we're eating panda express" mom said with a mildly annoyed tone. Lydia looked up from her food.
"What afraid its gonna kill you" she said with a smirk. My mom's mouth dropped and she turned to Charlie with a look of hurt on her face. Charlie nodded and turned to Lydia
"Lydia be nice to your mother" he said disapprovingly. Lydia looked hurt and I felt really bad.
" delia is not my mom..." Lydia barley mumbled. Wanting to avoid the awkwardness I packed up my food.
" well this has been nice but I'm going to go shower." I say trying to get out of there as fast as I could.
" ok have a good shower n/n" Charlie yelled after me. But he used my nickname which made me cringe. I could barley stand my mom calling me that name. And now I had Charlie calling me that ugh...
"Thanks Charlie" I say and quickly running upstairs.
"Ugh" im so done with these family arguments. Luckily I only had a half a year left then I was out of here. I reached the top of the stairs and stopped. I thought I heard talking from upstairs but I wasn't sure. Oh well it was probably just my imagination. I went to the bathroom and locked the door. I checked a mini closet in the bathroom and luckily there was a couple towels. I grabbed one and put it on the towl rack right next to the shower. I turned on my shower playlist and start the shower. I got undressed and got in. I sang along to the songs and danced a little bit. Basically having a shower concert. Until I saw a shadow on the shower curtain.
" i thought I locked that door" I whispered
" hey who is there" no answer. Hmm. I pulled back the shower curtain and I didn't see anyone. I shrugged it off and went back to singing. Eventually I finished up and turned off the water I tried grabbing for the towl but I didn't feel it. I was about to pull back the curtain but I felt the towel
" Finally"! I dried off my hair and put on the towel. I stepped out of the shower grabbed my phone and headed to my room i got dressed pretty quickly. Put on my favorite oversized teashirt and short shorts. Iooked around my room and sighed. I still had about 6 boxes to get through. Luckily I had found my mattress so I had something to sleep on. But before I unpacked more or went to bed I wanted to talk to Lydia. I walked over to her room and knocked.
"Who is it" Lydia asked
"Hey um its me y/n" my voice shacked a little.
"You can come in" Lydia said almost defeatedly. I opened the door and took a peek inside. She was unpacking to.
"Hey girl are you ok"
"Yes yes I'm fine" Lydia said waving me off.
" you don't seem"fine" are you upset about what our dad said"? She looked at me like she was about to cry
" my dad won't talk about mom with me... Its like she never existed..." she took a pause. I patted her head but she brushed my off.
" hey its ok you are still grieving and so is he give it some time. But if you ever need anyone to talk to im here for you"!
" Yeah thanks thats nice to hear".
"Are you feeling better" I asked tilting my head.
" a little thanks for coming to talk to me". She Slightly smiled
"Anytime girl just remember im in your corner"! I got up smiled at Lydia waved her goodnight and left. I felt good that me and Lydia were getting to talk. I have always wanted a sister's and now that I have one im trying to be the best sister for her. I make it back to my room and look around.
" still so much to do..." there is still boxes everywhere and the stuff that is unpacked is just on the floor.
"Screw it" I plugged my phone in turn off the lights and lay down on my mattress on the floor. I had found my sheets, blankets and pillows luckily so I was basically good. I stared at the ceiling for a bit going over the days events. It was such a stressful day. Moving was exhausting. Then my mind went back to the mover man. There was something about him that was very charming. His way of talking was so alluring... and then it hit me. How did he get all of the boxes in my room? I had about 8 boxes out on the lawn. Yet he managed to get all of them in my room by the time I had gotten water?? How was that even possible? Also how did he even catch me? i didn't hear him come up the stairs its like he just appeared to save me... I could figure it out and i was getting sleepy. I rolled over and went to bed.
I woke up the next day with the sun in my face.
"Ughh" I rolled over and grabbed my phone. I had a couple of notification so I swiped them away. I then checked the time and it was 12:03
" HOLY CRAP"! I sprang up from my mattress. Mom would kill me if she new I slept in this late. I opened the door and stuck my head out. I looked around but didn't see or hear my mom. If I don't hear my mom that means she's asleep or gone. I sighed with relief and went downstairs. I went into the kitchen for some food but I didn't see any.
"Hmm" I was contemplating my options when I heard the front door open. I turned around and saw Lydia.
"Oh hey morning Lydia"! I smiled
" Afternoon actually.. boy you sure slept in." She smiled at me.
" Heh yeah. I didnt mean to sleep in so long but I geuss I was more tired than I thought"
" Next time I will wake you up so delia doesn't throw a fit"
" Thanks girl" I smiled. I then looked down and noticed Lydia was holding a key.
"Hey Lydia whats that"? I asked pointing to her hand
" Hm oh yeah the lady who sold the house gave me a key that can unlock anything in the house apparently". Lydia replied
" Oh really thats cool. Where are you going with it"? I asked.
" Ok listen" Lydia grabbed my hand with a serious look.
"Um ok whats up"?
" I think this place is haunted and the ghost are in the attic..." Lydia said. She had a look of guilt on her face like she thought I would think she was crazy. But I didn't think she was crazy
" alrighty then let's go say hi to our roommates"! I finished with a bit of flourish throwing my arms out.
"Wait. You don't think I'm crazy"? Lydia asked questionionly.
"Nope! infact I will tell you something thats a big secret of mine but promise not to tell anyone!"
" I can actually see ghost ! I've been able to see then every since I can remember" I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.
"Wait really"?
"Cool! Shall we then"? She pointed up stairs.
"Yes we shall"! We went upstairs together not really talking. We were both anxious to see if the house was haunted. Eventually we made it up to the attic. Lydia tried the key but it didn't work. The key shot right out of the keyhole.
" Hmm". I pondered. Maybe the ghost were shy?
"Hey umm we don't want to hurt you we just want to see whose house we moved into". At first there was only silence but then the door unlocked. Me and lydia turned to each other our mouths agape. Lydia pushed open the door at first we didn't see anyone. We stepped on and to the right we saw a man and a woman. They looked like ordinary people it was hard to tell they were ghost! We all just stood there for a minute nobody will to speak up. So I decided I would break the ice.
" Ehem. Hi I'm y/n and this is Lydia and you are" I asked gesturing towards them.
" oh right where are my manners! I'm Brarbra and this is my husband Adam"!
"Hello there"! Adam said waving to us. Lydia stepped forward and examined the pair.
"Hmm... are you sure you guys a ghost? I mean you guys don't evan look gross".
"Lydia"! I gave her arm a light smack.
"WHAT! I mean they don't"! She protested.
"Thats not very nice"! I said look back over at the couple. Barbra just smiled but her husband spoke up.
"If you girls don't mind me asking. How can you see us? Our book says the living ignore the Stange and unusual".
"Book"? I asked. Lydia replied to Adam
" I myself am strange and unusual" she smirked. I went next.
" I've been able to see ghost ever since I was little. I don't now why but I just can" i said. Adam then walked up to us.
" Since you girls can see us can you help us"?
" Depends" Lydia stated. I tap her arm again.
" We would love to help". Barbara look at her husband with a look of defeat. Adam then grabbed her hand to comfort her he then spoke up.
" You see girls its not that we don't want you here but we don't want out house completely destroyed. We worked very hard on it" Lydia replied first
" We have no say in the matter delia is going to complete redecorate this place from top to bottom". They both looks at each of looking distraught. My eyebrows furoed. I felt really bad for them.
" Hey Lydia maybe my mom will listen to me! Maybe we can convince her to leave this place alone"! I said.
" Yeah maybe" Lydia said. But I could tell she thought other wise
" Thank you very much girls you are both welcome up here anytime"! Barbara smiled and pulled is into a hug. I hug back but Lydia seemed taken a back. She eventually huged Barbara back. We then herd the front door open and someone call out for us.
" Crap" I said.
" We will come back later to talk more" I told them already backing up. Lydia nodded her head in Agreement. We both left. Barbara and Adam huged happy there house would be spared. But from the mini model of the town. Someone watched curiously. The figure couldn't help but think back to the h/c girl. They smirked and giggled to themselves.
" Ohh this is going to be fun"!
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