6 | Just a kiss?
-Bakugous POV-
We sit there in awkward silence after Nemuri walked out.
How the hell did we even get in this 'almost kissing' position? Okay yeah, we stared at each other, we leaned forward, but I didn't really realize the situation.
After a while Todoroki breaks the silence "Sooo, you look good in the picture" he looks down at his hands
"You too" fuck did I really just say that, fucking shit this is awkward.
Now I get why all the teens, in this cliche love movies, are so nervous around their crushes.
"What now?" He breaks the silence again.
Calm down Katsuki.
"I don't know, you can't really do much at the hospital" we both look down, probably too afraid to face each other
"We can play 21 questions, to get to know each other better" I say, he just nods
"Okay. You can start" he says
"I would start either way, and don't tell me what I can and can't do" I have a reputation, I can't get all soft
"Whatever, just start already"
I roll my eyes "So ehm, why do you hate your dad so much?" I hope I won't ask too personal questions
"Straight forward, are we now" he smirks
I roll my eyes once again "Just answer the damn question"
He nods "Well, like you know I have a depression and anxiety disorder, and my father doesn't give a shit. After I attempted suicide, some journalists asked my father about it and he said 'everything is okay with this boy, he doesn't even have the guts to do that'" he makes a short pause and looks me in the eyes "And like you know I am not in therapy, because apparently the reputation of our family would get ruined. Reputation before health" he laughs, as if it is some kind of sad yet funny joke "He just doesn't care, but he treats my siblings better, even though one ran away, but that doesn't matter anymore, he is like eleven years missing now. But you know I'm used to it" this is something he shouldn't be used to.
"This is way to much information at once. And it is horrible. You are used to it? Like what the fuck, no one should have such a family and you shouldn't be used to that pain" to be honest, this makes me just angry. How can someone get used to such bad treatment?
"Like I said, doesn't matter anymore" he just shrugs and looks back down at his hands, but shortly after makes eye contact again "So my turn. Why did you stop eating?".
I smile a little "You are also straight forward" he nods and returns the smile "People always insulted me because of how I look, so the only solution for me was to 'get a perfect body' and by society's beauty standards, it's really skinny. I overdid it, and now I have an eating disorder"
His smile fades away "If I could, I would punch those people"
I nod "You're late" and then shrug "However, my turn. Do you have a crush?"
His ears flush red "W-what?"
"You heard me, besides it's not a difficult question. Just answer yes or no" I try to look him in the eyes but he tries to avoid it.
"Yeah, but-"
I cut him off "No 'buts', yes or no?"
"I uh, yeah I have"
I roll my eyes and sigh "See, wasn't to hard to answer right" he nods.
We stay, or more he, stays silent for a moment "And you, do you have a crush?"
I answer right away. I'm not going to act like a pussy. Mama ain't raised no pussy ass bitch "Yeah I have. My turn, who is your crush?"
"Wow, now I can't tell you that"
I roll my eyes again "Okay then. How old is he? Can I ask that?" he nods
"Seventeen. My turn, is your crush male or female?"
Hold on a sec
Thank you for your attention
"He's a boy"
"Okay" I answer a little bit quieter.
The half 'n half blushes.
"Hey half 'n half" he looks up "You will be here for long, right?" he nods "Then can I call you, em, can I call you Shoto?" I look down and feel my face heat up
He stays silent for a moment and then says "Yeah, if I can call you Katsuki"
I chuckle "Deal".
When we calmed down we looked each other in the eyes, yeah we still are on his bed, and are still two awkward human beings.
The room was filled with silence, again, but this time it was a comfortable silence, silence you don't want to break.
We move slowly forward, still looking into each others eyes, okay maybe we looked at each others lips at times.
This moving closer thing seemed like it took ten thousand years.
We are only a few inches apart, we closed our eyes and it didn't even took five seconds till our lips meet.
His lips are so soft, softer than they look.
The kiss wasn't long or passionate, it was short and sweet.
When we break the kiss, we look again into each others eyes.
I wanted to say something, but Nemuri ran in "Hey Shoto there is this guy-" we look at her "Did I interrupt something?" we stay silent, of course, and don't know what to say "Aha, whatever, Shoto there is this therapy guy he wants to talk to you, in another room, like right now" she says awkwardly, knowing exactly that she broke a moment.
He stands up and walks out with Nemuri, leaving me alone with my thoughts, gay thoughts.
What was that, did we just really kiss, does that mean I am his crush, no but this is impossible, who would like someone like me.
When I think of that, we are both kinda dying, so where exactly is this going?
I get up from is his bed and go on mine, it would be weird If I stayed on his bed.
I take out my sketchbook and start to draw people.
After a while I notice it is turning into Tod~ I mean Shoto and I, on his bed, almost kissing.
This gay thoughts really won't go away.
I finish the drawing, because I like it and yes it is kinda embarrassing for me but still. I write a quote on the top right corner 'Love me more than I hate myself'.
I close my sketchbook and put it away.
Now I am laying on my bed and think about the kiss. I repeat it in my head over and over again. I want it also to happen over and over again, but not only short and sweet kisses, I want it to become more than just this. But where would it go?
"Katsuki, what is going on?"
I sit up and Nemuri stands in front of my bed "What do you mean?"
She sits down "You just muttered something about you and Shoto kiss and how you want it to become more. Yeah maybe you have this mutter thing from Midoriya. But now Katsuki, spill the tea"
I just glare at her but then just spill "I tell you if you shut your mouth" she smiles nervously "So it might be that Shoto~"
I just look confused at her "What the fuck is wrong with you, old women"
She chuckles "First of all, nothing's wrong with me and second of all I am not old"
"Tsk, whatever you say. Well, where was I, so Shoto and I maybe kissed" I looked again at my best friend floor explosion murder, hope you didn't forgot about him you damn readers.
She just smiles, smiles like a yaoi maniac. "So are you two dating?"
I leave floor explosion murder alone again "No, and besides he has already a crush, so only in you dreams, yaoi maniac"
She nods "Like that nickname and, I don't know, maybe you are his crush. God Katsuki, are you really that dense?" I think I just marry floor explosion murder, we've been friends not for long, but I think we trust each other.
Shoto walks in "What are you talking about?" We will talk later floor explosion murder.
Nemuri speaks before I can "Oh we were talking about your- kAgdhSbajsh"
I shut her mouth "We talked about how I will die with the Unravel opening playing in the background"
He looks confused "Okay then" he sits down on his bed. I want him next to me.
We sit AGAIN in silence and then Nemuri just stands up "God you guys are hopelessly in love" and walks out, leaving us AGAIN in an awkward situation.
Thank you Nemuri but you are no help.
Some of y'all really be starting an floor explosion murder cult. I don't know if it was in this chapter or another, but some of y'all-
Katsuki x Floor explosion murder
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