21 | Top Surgery
!!What kind of ending do you want??!!
Both die
One of them dies
No one dies
Make two endings (Which one?)
Surprise you (You probably will suffer)
-Todorokis POV-
"How long will it take again?" "Don't worry Shoto, he will be fine, and with will take 1.5 to 4 hours" I sit down and rest my arms in my lap "Yeah, but what if something will go wrong?" Mitsuki sits down beside me "It won't. I know you only know bad, according to how your life went, but he will be fine" she puts her arm around me "Nemuri also said that there is nothing to worry about" I nod several times "You're right, I'm overthinking it". Masaru sits down next to Mituski "Do you want coffee?" he holds three cups of coffee, Mitsuki and I take one cup for each.
This day came faster than I thought, Katsukis top surgery. Mitsuki is right, according to how my life went, I only think about bad stuff and forget about the good things. Not that it's always like that, but most of the time. But Katsuki reminds me of the good things in life and that really helps.
"So I never got the details of your and Katsukis relationship" Masaru facepalms himself "What? I'm curious" I smile "What do you want to know?" she sits up straight "So, how did it all start?" I scratch my neck "Ehm, I guess Nemuri kind of did this. She started to 'ship' us and we came closer and eventually we had crushes on each other and ended up together. Well that is how I remember it" I shrug "i don't blame you, it's been nine years" I nod and we stay silent for a moment. "So what else do you want to know?" she takes a moment to think "Did you already have sex?" "Mitsuki!" she turns around to Masaru "WHat? I wan to know" Masaru literally lives with a demon. She turns back around "No, we didn't" she nods as if it was some kind of important information.
"Mitsuki, you are a weird mom" she crosses her arms "Oh and why's that?" I shrug "You're just weird" she nods "And also the best mom I've ever met" "That's because I'm the only one you've ever met, if we don't count Inko" I nod "I know".
"And how did you meet?" Mitsuki and Masaru exchange looks. "It was the best thing that ever happened ever to me-" Masaru cuts her off "She was driving and hit me with her car. I stayed the night at her house and then we started to hit on each other" to be honest I'm not even surprised "It's almost like in 'back to the future'" they nod "You know that movie?" "I mean yeah, it's a classical, everyone should know that movie" they nod in agreement.
For a moment we stay silent and everyone has their own thoughts. Then Mitsuki decides to break the silence "So you don't want kids? Why? I may gave birth to a demon, but your kids would probably be angels" "I know, and they always say 'kids are the light of your life' or something like that, but Katsuki and I went through so much and we need a break. And don't tell me it will be fine, I know how much kids cry. Yeah, but also just because we don't want them" she nods "I kind of understand. Lucky me that Izuku and his husband will adopt a kid. Then I will at least be a half grandma".
These conversations make me less nervous. Mitsuki and Masaru are really the best. I wish I had such parents, then I probably wouldn't end up cutting myself, but then I wouldn't meet Katsuki and I never would end up with him. So I guess, lucky me that I had an abusive father? No, if I had good and caring parents, I would probably end up in the hospital because of another reason. Then we probably wouldn't end up in that mental health institute and we could spend more time with each other. Well, it doesn't matter, I can't change the past and most importantly I'm with him and always will be.
I finally have a caring family with no problems. Katsuki, Mitsuki and Masaru, Nemuri, Fuyumi and Natsuo, Inko, Midoriya and Kirishima. This is the best I'll ever get and it makes me so happy, I can't describe it. Not the happy I have with Katsuki, another happy, a family happy, I probably make no sense, but it's the only way I can describe it. It's hard to describe feelings.
Another good thing is, I finally have a job. Nothing special, at a cafe, but it's still something. Surprisingly I also get a lot of money of that job, so it's the best I could get right now.
"So, I heard after you picked up Katsuki, from the mental health institute, you immediately went to the police station and displayed them, the institute I mean. So what happened after that?" Mitsuki sighs "I guess they're working on it to close it. You know their institutes are all around Japan, so it will be difficult" I nod "I just hope it will be closed as soon as possible" I nod again.
After about three hours the surgery was over and Katsuki got in another room, we followed them. And after the nurse checked if everything's okay, we were left alone.
"How do you feel?" he smiles "Drunk" I sigh "You never were drunk" he also looks drunk, or high? "Yeah but that's how I imagine it to feel like" I look back at his parents, who are smiling, and look back at him "You are such an idiot" I place my hand on his "And you look gorgeous" "Are you sure you were in surgery and not on a party? Maybe you're really drunk" he giggles and shakes his head a little.
"You know, you act like a grandma, with all this hand holding thing" I lift my head up and look him in the eyes "I am just worried" he nods, in a sarcastic way "I know, but still" I roll my eyes "You would act the same, if I came back from a surgery or something like that" "No, I wouldn't act like a grandma" I smirk "Remember the thing with my brother Dabi? Where I could go home but was then back here because I cut my vein open? We also acted like old people" he stays silent for a while "Why would you bring that day up, it was one of the worst" I shrug "Just wanted to proof you wrong".
"Midoriya just texted, he will come over later-" "Noooo not Deku" we laugh, and with we I mean Mitsuki, Masaru and I. "hey Katsuki, do you remember when I first came to the hospital and Nemuri told you that Midoriya will come over, you also acted like a child, and she said if you sing, she would tell him that he couldn't come over?" he stays silent again "Why the fuck are you bringing up those days?" I roll my eyes "Just memories and I just remembered that you didn't sing for me lately" he looks confused "So, first of Shoto Todoroki, what the fuck has it to do with the stupid nerd? Second of, I just came back from surgery, do you really want me to sing right now?" "Yeah that was actually kind of stupid" I turns around and Mitsuki nods "Mitsuki be on my side, and besides if I wouldn't talk nonsense, we would sit here in awkward silence" "Okay you're right" she says.
We continue having weird conversations, and soon Midoriya came over and we talked again. Nemuri, Inko and Kirishima then also came over for a bit and we all talked, again, about shit. Well I was most of the time quite, because.. well because I am a quite person, I don't need to explain myself.
Soon enough we all left and Katsuki rested, we are annoying people, plus he was tired like I don't know what.
When Mitsuki and I, Masaru needed to go to work, came back the next day, we needed to help Katsuki to get dressed. You won't believe me how embarrassed he was, it was for sure funny.
Now we drive back home. "How do you feel?" "I feel great, well I don't feel great but I feel great" Mitsuki and I exchange looks "Okaaay".
When we arrived I gave him some painkillers and he went to sleep. Mitsuki and I were sitting in the kitchen, talking and drinking tea. I'm surprised we still have things to talk about. We were spending so much time together, but we still have topics we haven't talked about.
The next couple of days weren't all too hard, we basically did nothing, I went to work of course, but besides that I did nothing.
Katsuki couldn't shower properly and he walks like some hunchback? I don't know. I got to wash his hair, what for your information is really soft. He also aid that he is getting tired of this binder and that his back hurts.
When it was time to take the binder off, we went back and some other nurse took it off. Katsuki was smiling the whole time, what you don't see often, and he also was so happy, well obviously.
The treatment and recovery went all in all pretty well, no problems at all, everything went smoothly.
He needs to wear this binder for six or so more weeks, do you really think I focus on that what a nurse says, I barely even listened when Nemuri was talking Katsuki always needed to repeat things for me, and now too.
It's still crazy, Katsuki and I wanted to end it all eight years ago, end it completely. And now we are here, he is almost finished with his recovery, the mental health institute will be gone, my depression and anxiety is also gone, Katsuki isn't anorexic. Everything is only going up. It gets more perfect every day. Sure we make mistakes and such, but it isn't holding us back from being happy, back then it did, now it doesn't.
I'm probably getting all dramatic here, but you can't blame me. I went from 'a boy who completely lost hope' to 'happy'. I don't think I can really say how it is, just happy, luck and love mixed I guess. I could scream, not because I'm angry or something, but because I'm so happy.
On top of that we got new friends. Midoriya and Kirishima introduced us to their old class mates and some of them really got attached to Katsuki. Some dude who looks like Pikachu, another dude with black hair and some kind of weird teeth, Kirishima too he is good friends with them and a girl who, you won't believe me, tattooed her eyeballs black, crazy I know. I really got good friends with a girl named Momo, she is really kind and is a combination of a caring mother, a good sister and a best friend.
All in all their class is weird. There is this short dude his name is I think Mineta and he is a pervert, no one likes him, the only one who respects him, a little bit, is this guy with blue hair and glasses. No, wait, Pikachu is also a little bit friends with him, but I don't believe in that, I think someone payed him to be friends with him. It was probably this guy who looks like a fucking zombie, I think he is his boyfriend. I still don't understand how someone wants to be with that Pikachu, he is loud and annoying.
But I most got thrilled from Tokoyami, he is one of the people I could remember the name. He fucking wears a bird mask! he sometimes takes it off when he eats or something, but he constantly wears a mask. And the others don't even seem to care. I at least stared two hours at him, but can you blame me, you don't see everyday a dude who wears a bird mask.
However they are cool guys. And they really got attached to us, we are now some kind of big family or something? That' what Midoriya said, but it doesn't really matter.
Most importantly that I'm happy, that Katsuki is happy, that we are together.
So if I'm the gay neighbor and my gay neighbor is the gay neighbor..who is the straight neighbor????
Also if things weren't so clear, the vlog I watched i above and here is also the part two, so if you want to watch then watch it and if you don't... then don't watch it?
Also I apologize for the late update.
So I got really short hair now and look like the love child of Eren and Erwin (and a little bit Levi) from attack on titan.
But my life still goes down....
Author-san out
2181 words
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