2 | Hospital
-Bakugous POV-
"Wake up dickhead. It's ten in the morning" I open my eyes and the first thing I feel, is hunger, it's killing me, but still I can't eat. Not surprising, really.
"Leave me the fuck alone" I snap at Nemuri
I sit up and rub my eyes "Since I know you don't eat much, here an apple and water"
I look up at her and take the cup with water "It's the first time you give me not that much food"
She sits down on my bed "Yeah. It's useless to give you much, just don't tell other nurses, they will kill me. They don't know you like I do" she winks "Okay, so we don't have much to do today so here is the plan for today; check up at one pm, you will get lunch a little late today, at three pm. Mr. Todoroki will come over to look at the hospital room, the doctor will give you your pills around five pm and your mom wants to come over, somewhere around ten pm"
I take a sip of the water and put the cup down "Okay. Can you leave now?" I look up at her and we sit in silence
She looks a little pained "Okay, but try to eat okay?" I can hear she is worried
"Okay, I try" she leaves and I stand up, brush my teeth and everything else you do in the morning.
I scroll through my Instagram and see a lot of 'anorexia help pages' have messaged me. I just ignore it. Sometimes I hate social media.
I take my headphones and put on some random song by a random band. I take my sketchbook book and draw myself. I start to sing along. Drawing and music just distracts me from my problems, anxiety, anorexia, hate, just problems.
I'm glad I don't have depression, that would be too much pressure with what I already have.
My mom is constantly worried. At first she just kept texting me and came everyday to the hospital. Now she just comes ones in a while, she still is worried and she had a mental breakdown, when I almost died last year, but things are a little bit better now.
Most people who knew me didn't believe that I have anxiety. Of course, I tried to hide it at first but later on I just couldn't anymore.
People don't really believe you, unless you show it. And when you do, they just fucking judge you.
Nemuri tried to help me and it helped a little bit. Nemuri was really the only one, in this hospital, who was on my side the whole time. I'm thankful for that and I don't know what I would do without her. She is no therapist, but she is a good friend.
The song ends and I hear hand clapping. I take my headphones out and look at my door, which was open the whole time.
Nemuri and other kids are standing there clapping "You should sing more Bakugou" one kid whose name is Eri said. She is here because of cancer, we are something like friends.
"Yeah it calms the most of us down" another kid said. I think his name is Shinsou, he is also sick of something, all I know is that today he has some kind of operation.
I didn't say a word and just looked at them "Okay kids leave, he has his check up now" Nemuri said.
I put my phone and sketchbook away and walk out of my room, to go to the check up like usual.
I stand up on the weight bridge and Nemuri starts talking "You know Katsuki, when you sing, it calms everyone down"
"Why does it calm them down?" I look at the numbers '25 kg' nothing changed
"Your voice is calming" I go off that thing and put on my clothes "Everyone listens when you sing. You know we are in a hospital, here happens a lot of stuff, people are worried here and I guess your singing calms down" I look at her and she gives me a light smile.
I go back in my room and decide to take a short nap. I got in my bed and fell asleep.
"Bakugou wake up, it's time to take your pills" I hear the doctor say. Stupid man, just thinks he can wake me up, it's annoying really.
I open my eyes and he stands on the left side of the bed with a small plastic cup with pills in it. I sit up take the pills. The doctor looks in my mouth, to make sure I swallowed them.
He checked and before he walks out of my room he says "Mr. Todoroki was here already so you will be alone for a while" that man was here while I was sleeping? That's awkward.
I decided to go live on Instagram.
"Hi extras I'm back" 300 people are already watching "I just woke up and took my pills and now I don't have to do anything. My mom will come over later but till then I don't have anything to do" I was live for an hour and then put my phone away and tried to fall asleep once again. Sleep is just great.
I was already awake when my mom came "I heard you will get a roommate" she says with a smirk on her face
"Yeah it's some fucker with depression. Still don't understand why he comes here"
Depression. Do people come to the hospital when they have depression? Isn't there an extra place for people with mental disorders?
My mom sits on the edge of the bed "He sure has his reasons" I look down and give a 'tch' laud from me.
We talked for a while, she told me about aunties -Inko- birthday and about how many people there were. About Izuku getting a boyfriend, his name is Kirishima or some shit. And that she and dad bought a Pomeranian, an ash blond one, because he reminds them of me. Tsk idiots.
After two hours of talking she left and I was on my own again.
The hospital is a lonely place, especially when people are scared of you. Or just dislike you.
Nemuri came in with a sandwich. She just puts it on the table and then leaves with a goodbye.
I decide to try to eat a little bit of it and eventually really ate a little bit of it. I felt a little bit sick after that but that isn't important. I should be proud of me.
I scroll through my Instagram and got a new notification.
todo.shto started following you.
I didn't bother too much and just ignore it.
I scroll through some art and then at one am I decided to go to sleep.
I changed in my pajamas, brushed my teeth, decided to go shower tomorrow in the morning, and went to bed.
I fell asleep and dreamed about nothing, just black, like always.
Mental illness is no fun and shouldn't be made fun of.
If you struggling with something of the kind, please reach out for help.
Also this story has a lot to do with these topics, so if you can't handle it, please don't read it.
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